
Marte Broks


Marte Broks is a medical doctor and has been employed at the Norwegian Centre for E-health Research since January 2021 where she is participating in the PACT III-study. She has 8 years experience as a general practitioner in Tromsø, and has received a certificate in general medicine. Marte started as a medical doctor in the PACT team at the University Hospital of North Norway in 2017, where she is employed in the geriatric department and still works part time besides the research project. She has a special interest in frail, multimorbid elderly patients and wants to contribute to improve health services for this vulnerable group of patients.

Marte's projects
Project title Year Theme Project management
Dignity Care: Person-centered care supported by digital tools 2020 - 2026 Citizen services
Gro Berntsen
The Patient Centered Team (PACT) intervention - How does it work and for whom? 2021 - 2023 Patient pathways
Gro Berntsen
Marte's publications in Cristin
Title Year Category
A digital tool to support physicians in understanding the situation of a patient with a complex healthcare history 2024 Poster
Risiko - Ulike perspektiv på risiko I komplekse forløp 2023 Lecture
Dignity Care - hvor er vi nå? Oppdatering av prosjektet og oppstart av pilot 2023 Academic lecture
Multisyke pasienters behov for tverrfaglig oppfølging 2022 Academic lecture
Un-shoveled driveways at patients’ houses reveal gaps in the care system 2022 Interview
Hjemmesykepleien møter ikke alltid en måket innkjørsel når de kjører ut til en beboer 2022 Interview