Ask the users! They know best what kind of health service they need
It's important to ask users what they think when developing new healthcare services and checking the qualtiy of existing services. User involvement makes the services as relevant and useful as possible. How can we achieve user involvement in municipalities, hospitals and research?

Remember to involve users in all phases of the project! Document the feedback systematically. Take the feedback seriously by thoroughly assessing whether it should be included or not.
How can we get more of our users to participate?
In this webinar, we went through different methods to capture the perspectives and experiences of users. The webinar was about systematizing user involvement so that we can bring about change.
The speakers are from Forhelse SFI at Helse Bergen.
- Sunniva Brurok Myklebost, researcher
- Emilie Sektnan Nordby, researcher
- Guri Holgersen, Ph.D. student
The webinar is relevant for both research institutions, primary and specialist healthcare. It draws examples from different patient groups and deal with both mental and somatic health services.
Forhelse SFI is part of the Research Center for Digital Mental Health Services under Helse Bergen. In Forhelse SFI, researchers, health services, business and end users (patients, clinicians) will collaborate to increase the use of sustainable, accessible, and effective digital psychological interventions.
You can download the podcast to your mobile on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or Podbean. Search for "Norwegian Centre for E-health Research".