
RemoAge – Remote Support of Aged People


The RemoAge project offers a package of services targeting a broad spectrum support of the individual frail older people in their daily lives, the family, the professionals, and people in the local community. The local test sites are the Patient Centered Health Care Teams (PACT) that will plan and coordinate the follow up care of frail patients.

The Patient Centered Healthcare Teams use iPads and videoconference as a communication tool. The iPads are used for a number of different purposes such as filming patients at home, communicating with health personnel, receiving advice from other team members, ulcer care and virtual supervision. The evaluation focuses on the impact on local communities, the service provider organisations and the people who use services. The economic evaluation will be performed as part of the work on business plans and plans on how services can be put into routine operation in the participating regions.


RemoAge is an EU-project that will find new ways of working with support to allow vulnerable older people to live longer in their homes in sparsely populated areas of northern Europe. To support older people, family carers and healthcare staff, digital solutions and service packages will be tested and evaluated within the project.