
Hasse Berntsen


Hasse Berntsen works as a communications adviser and startet at the Norwegian Centre for E-Health Research in February 2021. His professional background is in journalism and communications, and he got his education from what previously is known as Norsk Journalisthøgskole in Oslo. He has also studied legal law, phonetics and linguistics at UiT The Arctic University of Norway.

Hasse has worked with journalism and communications throughout his career. He started as a news reporter on TV, first on the news in TV Norge, then at Nyhetskanalen and as a News Editor at TV2. He has international experience as Chief Press Information Officer with the international observer force TIPH in Hebron on the West Bank (Palestine). He also worked for 16 years as a communications adviser at the headquarters of the UN Association of Norway in Oslo disseminating information about the UN Labor Organization ILO.

After moving back to Tromsø from Oslo in 2017, he was employed for two years at the county administration at NAV Troms and Finnmark (Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration), and most recently as a communications and research adviser at the University Library - UiT The Arctic University of Norway.

Hasse's publications in Cristin
Title Year Category
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WHO report highlights innovation in Norwegian primary health care 2021 Interview
Greta Thunbergs diagnose gjør henne til både et forbilde og en hakkekylling 2021 Interview
Terapeutene opplevde overgangen fra fysisk- til digital terapi som brå, men bra 2021 Interview
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