
Collaboration in the EU

The Norwegian Center for E-health Research's vision is knowledge for better health services. We believe that through interdisciplinary research and knowledge development, we can contribute to better health services for our citizens.

This means that we also look beyond our national borders and contribute as partners and participants in various EU projects. We believe that by sharing our knowledge and gaining new knowledge from other countries, we can provide decision-making authorities with a broad and professional knowledge in the field of e-health.

Our researchers participate in several international networks within different areas of health. Since 1997, the center has been an official collaboration center for the World Health Organization (WHO) in digital health and telemedicine. This means that the center provides advice to the WHO and its member countries on ICT in health services (link to the who page on our website).

The Norwegian Centre for E-health Research is a member of many different international and national organizations and networks that provide expanded opportunities for collaboration. Collaboration in networks provides value, access to new knowledge and the opportunity to find new partners.

Collaboration in the EU

Together we fight the late effects of cancer among adolescents!

Cancer among young people is heartbreaking, and with the late effects of treatment, the disease is not over, even if the cancer is gone.


EU: How will we know which eHealth solutions are good?

Technological development is moving at an incredible pace. New solutions are constantly coming onto the market. What was good yesterday is outdated today. How should we navigate this jungle? Those who choose and buy healthcare solutions need something to lean on.


How to find motivation to exercise

Researchers have investigated how digital tools can contribute to good and lasting exercise habits and lifestyle changes.


Cross-border health data sharing - are we ready for it?

How ready are Northern Norway, Northern Sweden and Northern Finland for the introduction of the EU's health data sharing policy, the upcoming European Health Data Space (EHDS) regulation?


Essential health information travels across borders

Norwegian healthcare professionals will soon be able to access critical health information about people from the EU/EEA who need healthcare in Norway. What does this mean for you as a healthcare professional?


Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Finland introduce digitally shared medication lists

Patients can expect less medication errors.


Digitalisation of European healthcare systems

When we look at healthcare in Europe, patient information appears as fragmented and siloed as ever. A digital health service seems like a distant dream. Or does it?


E-helse i Europa: studiebesøk til Frankrike baner vei for samarbeid 

Frankrike har gjort et imponerende arbeid i e-helsefeltet de siste årene og tar sikte på å lede an i arbeidet med European Health Data Space. Sammen med Direktoratet for e-helse, har Nasjonalt senter for e-helseforskning vært på studiebesøk til Frankrike og Agence du Numérique en Santé (ANS).


Researchers want your answers to optimize a health app that will prevent disease

Together with six European countries, the Norwegian Centre for E-health Research is developing a health app for smartphones that will reduce and prevent the risk of disease. The researchers now want answers from you in a survey to optimize the app.


Gravitate-Health - safer use of medication

Professor Anne Moen at the University of Oslo, who also has a part-time post at our centre, is coordinating the international project Gravitate-Health. The goal is to improve access to information about own health and medicines.


SENSE-GARDEN - reconnecting through sensing

Life is full of surprises. But one thing is for sure: many of us will live longer than our ancestors. And because of old age, more of us will develop dementia. But SENSE-GARDEN may connect people through music, video, photos and smells.

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