Skal vi vinne i KI-kappløpet må vi gå motstrøms |
2024 |
Feature article |
Digital psykisk helse |
2024 |
Academic lecture |
Aktuelle forskningsprosjekt om psykisk helse og digitalisering |
2024 |
Academic lecture |
KI i helse: visjoner, dagens status og fremtidsutsikter |
2024 |
Lecture |
What are end-users’ needs and preferences for a comprehensive e-health program for type 2 diabetes? – A qualitative user preference study |
2024 |
Academic lecture |
Using One App Only – Collecting a Comprehensive Set of Health-Related Data for Prevention of Chronic Conditions |
2024 |
Academic lecture |
A Combined Telemedicine and Ambulatory Wound Care Team Intervention for Improving Cross-Sector Outpatient Chronic Wound Management: The TELE-AMBUS Research Project Protocol |
2024 |
Academic article |
From fragments to overview – Challenges of gathering electronic health data to provide integrated care |
2024 |
Academic lecture |
A digital tool to support physicians in understanding the situation of a patient with a complex healthcare history |
2024 |
Poster |
Sociotechnical Cross-Country Analysis of Contextual Factors That Impact Patients’ Access to Electronic Health Records in 4 European Countries: Framework Evaluation Study |
2024 |
Academic article |
PeerTECH Norway: Testing Norway's first digital peer support intervention for adults with serious mental illness |
2024 |
Academic lecture |
Evolution of Information Infrastructures in Healthcare as Convergence of Digital Trajectories |
2024 |
Academic article |
A deep learning pipeline for automatic microfossil analysis and classification |
2024 |
Poster |
Telehealth development in the WHO European region: Results from a quantitative survey and insights from Norway. |
2024 |
Academic article |
Digital Mental health in Norway |
2024 |
Academic lecture |
Federated Electronic Health Records Using a Blockchain |
2024 |
Academic article |
Enabling AI in Radiology: Evaluation of an AI Deployment Process |
2024 |
Academic article |
Patient Input into the Electronic Health Record: Co-Designing Solutions with Patients and Healthcare Professionals |
2024 |
Academic article |
Digital health: from pilotitis to pilotanic |
2024 |
Academic lecture |
Slik forandrer teknologi helsetjenestene: – Skjønner ikke hvordan de gjorde det før |
2024 |
Interview |
Interpretable Data-Driven Approach Based on Feature Selection Methods and GAN-Based Models for Cardiovascular Risk Prediction in Diabetic Patients |
2024 |
Academic article |
The Tromsø Study: Lessons Learnt About Searching for Information About Health and Illness |
2024 |
Academic article |
Security and Privacy in Physical Activity Chatbots on Social Media: A Scoping Review |
2024 |
Academic article |
Using One App Only – Collecting a Comprehensive Set of Health-Related Data for Prevention of Chronic Conditions |
2024 |
Academic article |
Health data is difficult for users to access |
2024 |
Popular scientific article |
How to find motivation to exercise |
2024 |
Popular scientific article |
Effect of dairy products fortified with vitamin d<inf>3</inf> on restless legs syndrome in women with premenstrual syndrome, abdominal obesity and vitamin d deficiency: a pilot study |
2024 |
Academic article |
Velferdsteknologi i hverdagslivet til barn og unge med funksjonsnedsettelser |
2024 |
Academic lecture |
Velferdsteknologi for barn og unge med funksjonsnedsettelser |
2023 |
Academic lecture |
Exploring Pain Reduction through Physical Activity: A Case Study of Seven Fibromyalgia Patients |
2024 |
Academic article |
A Nordic Perspective on Patient Online Record Access and the European Health Data Space |
2024 |
Academic article |
Experiences from patients in mental healthcare accessing their electronic health records: results from a cross-national survey in Estonia, Finland, Norway, and Sweden |
2024 |
Academic article |
What the textbooks don’t teach about the reality of running a digitally enabled health study: an interpretative phenomenological interview study |
2024 |
Academic article |
Easy-ICD - a tool to predict ICD-10 gastro codes from Swedish discharge summaries |
2024 |
Poster |
The 3-billion fossil question: How to automate classification of microfossils |
2024 |
Academic article |
Kunstig intelligens i helsetjenesten – muligheter og utfordringer |
2024 |
Feature article |
Helsedata er vanskelig tilgjengelig for brukerne |
2024 |
Interview |
En digital chatbot kan bidra til at du holder deg sprek |
2024 |
Interview |
Experiences from patients in mental healthcare accessing their electronic health records: a comparison between Estonia, Finland, Norway, and Sweden |
2024 |
Academic lecture |
A Temporal Perspective on Electronic Medicine Management work - presentation of paper |
2024 |
Academic lecture |
Work Related Quality of Life and HIS Usability: An Examination of Human Factors' Impact on Electronic Health Record usability during the Adoption of a New Electronic Health Record System in Norway |
2024 |
Academic article |
A Temporal Perspective on Electronic Medicine Management Work |
2024 |
Academic article |
A deep learning pipeline for automatic microfossil analysis and classification |
2024 |
Poster |
Halvparten av de som hadde fått psykisk helsehjelp, fant feil og mangler i journalen sin |
2024 |
Interview |
Flere store teknologiprosjekter innen helse og omsorg har gått på en smell |
2024 |
Interview |
2024 |
Poster |
2024 |
Academic lecture |
Open notes in psychotherapy: An exploratory mixed methods survey of psychotherapy students in Switzerland |
2024 |
Academic article |
Har forsket på innføring av KI:
– Overrasket over hvor positive klinikerne er |
2024 |
Interview |
Slik forandrer teknologi helsetjenestene: – Skjønner ikke hvordan de gjorde det før |
2024 |
Interview |
KI: – Det er ikke teknologien som er vanskelig – det er å endre arbeidsvaner |
2024 |
Interview Journal |
Correction to: Health professionals’ experience and perceived obstacles with managing patients’ medication information in Norway: cross-sectional survey (BMC Health Services Research, (2024), 24, 1, (68), 10.1186/s12913-023-10485-9) |
2024 |
Errata |
Deidentifying a Norwegian clinical corpus - An effort to create a privacy-preserving Norwegian large clinical language model |
2024 |
Academic article |
The teams that help people with mental health problems struggle with digital issues |
2024 |
Interview |
2024 |
Poster |
Children as next of kin’s experiences, practices, and voice in everyday life: a systematic review of studies with Norwegian data (2010–2022) |
2024 |
Academic literature review |
Social media shaping autism perception and identity |
2024 |
Academic article |
Improving Quality of ICD-10 (International Statistical Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision) Coding Using AI: Protocol for a Crossover Randomized Controlled Trial |
2024 |
Academic article |
A multinational study on artificial intelligence adoption: Clinical implementers' perspectives |
2024 |
Academic article |
Slik kan du finne motivasjon til å trene |
2024 |
Interview |
Bærekraftig KI-implementering på norske sykehus |
2024 |
Feature article |
Kan sosiale medier brukes for å få flere til å ta vaksiner? |
2024 |
Interview |
Erik (65) er for komplisert for helsetjenesten |
2023 |
Interview |
Hadde «flaks» som en del av behandlingen |
2023 |
Interview |
Teamene som skal hjelpe folk med alvorlige psykiske lidelser, sliter selv med digitale problemer |
2024 |
Interview |
Videobasert samtaleterapi for unge som
har foreldre med rusproblemer |
2024 |
Academic lecture |
Presentasjon av NSE for K10 Helsenettverket |
2023 |
Lecture |
Samhandling og digital hjemmeoppfølging - webinar |
2023 |
Academic lecture |
What do adults living with obesity want from a chatbot for physical activity? – a qualitative study |
2024 |
Academic article |
Citizens Access to Health Information in National Portals in the Nordic Countries |
2024 |
Academic article |
Best Practices and Lessons Learned in eHealth in Four Low and Lower Middle-Income Countries in Africa |
2023 |
Academic article |
Several Risk Factors Associated with Cardiovascular Disease Event: Results from The Population-based MASHAD Cohort Study |
2023 |
Academic article |
Determinants of Serum Vitamin D level; A Data Mining Approach |
2023 |
Academic article |
Evaluating The Association Between Serum Hsp27 Antibody and Hypertension in Patients without Underlying Cardiovascular Disease |
2023 |
Academic article |
New digital technologies in the pharmacy setting to advance patient outcomes and the role of the pharmacist. |
2023 |
Lecture |
Human factor's role in medication errors: Diluting intravenous medications at hospital wards – a study based on incident reports. |
2023 |
Poster |
Computational linguistic analysis of EHR notes in Norwegian |
2023 |
Academic lecture |
PROTECT at EHiN 2023 - Panel |
2023 |
Academic lecture |
Proactive health and welfare technology for Nordic users and societies – A policy brief |
2023 |
Article in business/trade/industry journal |
Current Trends and New Approaches in Participatory Health Informatics |
2023 |
Editorial |
How Participatory Health Informatics Catalyzes One Digital Health |
2023 |
Academic article |
Exploring the Evolution of Social Media in Mental Health Interventions: A Mapping Review |
2023 |
Academic literature review |
Collaboration Norway - Spain: Exploring technologies in everyday settings in organizations: Education and health care. |
2023 |
Lecture |
Assessing the Potential Risks of Digital Therapeutics (DTX): The DTX Risk Assessment Canvas |
2023 |
Academic article |
Personalized Digital Solutions for Mental Health |
2023 |
Academic article |
Digitale helsedata hjelper ikke nordmenn med å håndtere helsen sin |
2024 |
Interview |
Digital hjemmeoppfølging og telerehabilitering for pasienter med KOLS |
2024 |
Lecture |
Når kunstig intelligens passer på personvernet, kan den være veien til bedre helsehjelp |
2024 |
Interview |
Feilmedisinering tar liv. Hva kan gjøres? |
2023 |
Feature article |
Syntetiske data: nøkkelen til kunstig intelligens i helsetjenesten? |
2023 |
Feature article |
Barn som pårørendes stemme i forskning – deltakelse, involvering og medvirkning |
2023 |
Academic lecture |
Videobasert samtaleterapi for unge som har foreldre med rusproblemer |
2023 |
Academic lecture |
Planer for RCT |
2023 |
Lecture |
Patients’ experiences with receiving sick leave certificates via remote consultations in Norway during the COVID-19 pandemic: a nationwide online survey |
2024 |
Academic article |
Mapping Patients’ Online Record Access Worldwide: Preliminary Results from an International Survey of Healthcare Experts |
2024 |
Academic article |
Consent Management System on Patient-Generated Health Data |
2024 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Health professionals’ experience and perceived obstacles with managing patients’ medication information in Norway: cross-sectional survey |
2024 |
Academic article |
Adoption, acceptability and sustained use of digital interventions to promote physical activity among inactive adults: a mixed-method study |
2024 |
Academic article |
Human factor's role in medication errors: Diluting intravenous medications at hospital wards -a study based on incident reports |
2023 |
Poster |
Clinical Synthetic Data Generation to Predict and Identify Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Diseases |
2023 |
Academic article |
Drivers and barriers for use of assistive technology
among children with autism and/or intellectual disabilities: Parents perspective |
2023 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Five principles for the development of minimally disruptive digital medicine |
2023 |
Editorial |
Primary care gatekeeping during the Covid-19 pandemic: a survey of 1234 Norwegian regular GPs |
2023 |
Academic article |
Risiko - Ulike perspektiv på risiko I komplekse forløp |
2023 |
Lecture |
Hvordan fremheve fokusområdene våre? |
2023 |
Lecture |
Dignity Care - hvor er vi nå? Oppdatering av prosjektet og oppstart av pilot |
2023 |
Academic lecture |
Sensorer gjør deg i stand til å avlaste fastlegen |
2023 |
Interview |
Secondary Outcomes of Enhanced Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (eCBT) for Children and Adolescents with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder |
2023 |
Academic article |
The DigiTeam tool |
2023 |
Lecture |
Digital support for a Person Centered Care system |
2023 |
Lecture |
A Trial-Based Cost-Utility Analysis of a Medication Optimization Intervention Versus Standard Care in Older Adults |
2023 |
Academic article |
De-identifying Norwegian Clinical Text using Resources from Swedish and Danish |
2023 |
Academic article |
De-identifying Norwegian clinical text using resources from Swedish and Danish |
2023 |
Academic lecture |
Using a large open clinical corpus for improved ICD-10 diagnosis coding |
2023 |
Academic article |
Using a large open clinical corpus for improved ICD-10 diagnosis coding |
2023 |
Academic lecture |
Electronic Health Records User Satisfaction: Experience after implementation of a new system in Northern Norway |
2023 |
Academic lecture |
A Nordic survey to monitor citizens use and experience with eHealth |
2023 |
Report |
Future use of e-consultations within a regular GP scheme |
2023 |
Academic lecture |
Bedre kvalitet i e-konsultasjoner |
2023 |
Digital learning tools |
We must ‘hear’ the patient's voice in health records |
2023 |
Interview |
A secure framework for transferring patient-gathered diabetes data into the Norwegian Diabetes Registry for Adults (NDR-A) |
2023 |
Poster |
House of Carbs - Personalized Carbohydrate Dispenser for People with Diabetes |
2023 |
Academic lecture |
Medication reconciliation as repair work |
2024 |
Academic article |
Work package meeting 2023 - eMM: Digital tools, organization and work. Work package leaders workshop |
2023 |
Lecture |
Academic workshop 2023 - eMM: Work and organization |
2023 |
Lecture |
Benchmarking usability of patient portals in Estonia, Finland, Norway, and Sweden |
2023 |
Academic article |
Privacy Concerns Related to Data Sharing for European Diabetes Devices |
2023 |
Academic article |
How to Represent the Patient Voice in the Electronic Health Record? |
2023 |
Academic lecture |
Suitability of issuing sickness certificates in remote consultations during the COVID-19 pandemic. A mixed method study of GPs' experiences |
2023 |
Academic article |
EHiN 2023. Førstudie Pasientens Legemiddelliste: Spørreundersøkelse til leger og sykepleiere fra spesialist- og primærhelsetjenesten |
2023 |
Academic lecture |
Current state and future directions for Norway |
2023 |
Academic lecture |
Social media as an effective provider of quality assured and accurate information to increase vaccine rates: A systematic review |
2023 |
Academic article |
Helsetjenesteforskningskonferansen. Førstudie Pasientens Legemiddelliste: Spørreundersøkelse til leger og sykepleiere fra spesialist- og primærhelsetjenesten |
2023 |
Academic lecture |
Helsetjenesteforskningskonferansen. Users’ Experiences with Online Access to Electronic Health Records in Mental and Somatic Healthcare: Results from a National survey |
2023 |
Academic lecture |
Use of a Data-Sharing System During Diabetes Consultations |
2023 |
Academic article |
Facilitating Interprofessional Collaboration on Electronic Medicines Management |
2023 |
Academic article |
Exploring Obese Adults' Preferences for a Physical Activity Chatbot: Qualitative Study |
2023 |
Abstract |
eMM- electronic medicines management : Lokale profesjonsfellesskap arena 2. Hvorfor er det ikke flere feil? |
2023 |
Popular scientific lecture |
DIgital terapi hjelper unge som har foreldre med rusproblemer |
2023 |
Academic lecture |
Hvordan holder legemiddelbrukere oversikt over sine faste legemidler? |
2023 |
Poster |
Farmasihistorier - digitale opptak og formidling av nyere norsk farmasihistorie |
2023 |
Poster |
Holdninger hos ansatte og ledere til det å ta i bruk digitale helsetjenester for ungdommer med angst – en pre-implementeringsstudie utført med kombinerte metoder |
2023 |
Report |
Vi må «høre» pasientens stemme i journalen |
2023 |
Interview |
Digitalisering av helsetjenester utfordrer personvern:
- Vi mister kontroll |
2023 |
Interview |
eMM- electronic medicines management : Lokale profesjonsfellesskap arena 1: hva gjør jeg - hva gjør andre? |
2023 |
Popular scientific lecture |
Teknologisk revolusjon for en forebyggende helsetjeneste |
2023 |
Feature article |
Teknologisk revolusjon for en forebyggende helsetjeneste |
2023 |
Feature article |
Personvernfremmende teknologier for bruk av kunstig intelligens i helse- og omsorgstjenesten |
2023 |
Report |
Hvor vanskelig er det å få tak i legemiddelinformasjon |
2023 |
Academic lecture |
Exploration of the Voice of the Patient in Learning Health Systems- A Socio-Technical Perspective |
2024 |
Academic article |
Integration of migrant and refugee data in health information systems in Europe: advancing evidence, policy and practice |
2023 |
Academic article |
Sparse networks in deep learning |
2023 |
Academic lecture |
Sparse Networks in Deep Learning |
2023 |
Academic lecture |
On the path to healing -A qualitative longitudinal study of colorectal cancer patients’ accounts of trajectories to healing in Norway |
2023 |
Doctoral dissertation |
Trans-dimensional Bayesian Deep Learning |
2023 |
Academic lecture |
An efficient pipeline for microfossil analysis |
2023 |
Poster |
Grouping microscopic fossils without labels using self-supervision |
2023 |
Academic lecture |
Presentasjon av foreløpige resultater og phd-prosjekt |
2023 |
Academic lecture |
Webinar "Kunstig intelligens, sikkerhet og personvern" |
2023 |
Lecture |
Rekruttering for å sikre inkludering |
2023 |
Feature article |
Digital health services for respiratory patients in Norway |
2023 |
Academic lecture |
Did granting patients access to the electronic health records change the writing of clinicians? |
2023 |
Poster |
Social inequality and telemedicine |
2023 |
Academic lecture |
Digital health, (in)equality and paradox |
2023 |
Academic lecture |
How can user experience give insights of non-use? Older users’ experience of access to and use of e-consultations with the general practitioner |
2023 |
Academic lecture |
Digital therapy helps young people who have parents with substance abuse problems |
2023 |
Interview |
Evaluating Deep Q-Learning Algorithms for Controlling Blood Glucose in In Silico Type 1 Diabetes |
2023 |
Academic article |
How can patients be in control of their healthcare if they are not in control of their online health information? |
2023 |
Article in business/trade/industry journal |
Preparing for Implementing Commercial Algorithms in Radiology: A Formative Evaluation Study |
2023 |
Academic lecture |
Preparing for Implementing Commercial Algorithms in Radiology: A Formative Evaluation Study |
2023 |
Academic article |
ICT challenges for Norwegian FACT teams: What are they and how can they be solved? |
2023 |
Academic lecture |
Presentasjon av 5-år med forskning (2016-2020) ved NSE på VFT for barn og unge med funksjonsnedsettelser og påfølgende phd-prosjekt |
2023 |
Lecture |
Digital hjemmeoppfølging og telerehabilitering for pasienter med KOLS |
2023 |
Lecture |
Langsiktig telerehabilitering eller egentrening hjemme for pasienter med KOLS |
2023 |
Academic lecture |
Nasjonalt senter for e-helseforskning. Funn fra forskning om pasientes innsyn i journal og e-konsultasjoner med fastlegen på Helsenorge |
2023 |
Academic lecture |
Hvordan påvirker digitalisering sosial ulikhet blant unge, og kan digitalisering bidra til økt likeverdighet? Abstract presentation |
2023 |
Academic lecture |
Norge, Sverige, Danmark og Finland innfører digitalt delte legemiddellister |
2023 |
Interview |
Følgeforskning - debatt med KS |
2023 |
Academic lecture |
Tre år med digital kunnskapsdeling om legemiddelhåndtering |
2023 |
Feature article |
Digital terapi hjelper unge som har foreldre med rusproblemer |
2023 |
Interview |
Funn fra forskning om pasientens innsyn i journal på Helsenorge |
2023 |
Lecture |
The battle for mental well-being in Ukraine: mental health crisis and economic aspects of mental health services in wartime |
2023 |
Academic literature review |
Designing digital systems for rehabilitation practices |
2023 |
Academic article |
Hva mener 9500 av oss om Innsyn i Journal? Finner vi mye feil der, og hvem finner feil? |
2023 |
Lecture |
Municipalities embrace radical innovation to cope with an ageing population |
2023 |
Popular scientific article |
Telehealth - where do we go from here? |
2023 |
Lecture |
The Knowledge of Implementation Strategies: Impact of the Installed Base |
2023 |
Academic article |
Preconditions for Implementing a Nursing App to Improve Digital Maturity |
2023 |
Academic article |
A Review of Requirements for Information Models in Learning Health Systems |
2023 |
Academic literature review |
Innovasjon mot sosial ulikhet og ensomhet - debattdeltakelse |
2023 |
Academic lecture |
Strukturerte helsedata – frustrerende eller nyttig? |
2023 |
Feature article |
Nytt journalsystem skal få Dips til å snakke med fastlege, legevakt og NAV |
2023 |
Interview |
Pasientens Legemiddelliste, førstudie: Presentasjon av spørreundersøkelse til leger og sykepleiere fra spesialist- og primærhelsetjenesten |
2023 |
Lecture |
Digital poliklinikk - følger opp personen, ikke diagnosen |
2022 |
Interview |
Health Professionals’ Experience and Perceived Obstacles with Managing Patients’ Medication Information in Norway: Cross-Sectional Survey (Preprint) |
2023 |
Academic article |
Exploring the Emergence of Open Platforms in Healthcare: Design Considerations and Experiences from an Initial Case in Norwegian Primary Care |
2023 |
Academic article |
Kolspasienten Gro fikk hjemmetrening: – Formen ble bedre, jeg klarte mer, fikk bedre vaner, gikk ned i vekt og følte meg ivaretatt |
2023 |
Interview |
Patients’ Experiences of a National Patient Portal and Its Usability: Cross-Sectional Survey Study |
2023 |
Academic article |
Digital home monitoring in Norway |
2023 |
Lecture |
Information Models Properties in Learning Health Systems: A Literature Review |
2023 |
Academic article |
Patient safety and sense of security when telemonitoring chronic conditions at home: the views of patients and healthcare professionals - a qualitative study |
2023 |
Academic article |
Støtte til fallforebygging hos eldre |
2023 |
Academic article |
NSE og hva vi gjør av forskning som kan være relevant for Mission Cancer |
2023 |
Lecture |
Funn fra forskning om tekstbaserte e-konsultasjoner i Helsenorge |
2023 |
Academic lecture |
A Telemedicine System Intervention for Patients With Type 1 Diabetes: Pilot Feasibility Crossover Intervention Study |
2023 |
Academic article |
Journal Club on "Long-Term Telerehabilitation or Unsupervised Training at Home for Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A Randomised Controlled Trial" |
2023 |
Academic lecture |
Norwegian Centre for E-health Research |
2023 |
Lecture |
Advanding inclusivity in health care through the use of telehealth |
2023 |
Academic lecture |
Quality, Usability, and Effectiveness of mHealth Apps and the Role of Artificial Intelligence: Current Scenario and Challenges |
2023 |
Academic article |
The impact of coding germline variants on contralateral breast cancer risk and survival |
2023 |
Academic article |
User Satisfaction with Recently Deployed Electronic Health Records |
2023 |
Academic article |
Mapping Exposome Derived Phenotypes into SNOMED Codes |
2023 |
Academic article |
Improvement of personality functioning among people treated within personality disorder mental health services. A longitudinal, observational study |
2023 |
Academic article |
How to Represent the Patient Voice in the Electronic Health Record? |
2023 |
Academic article |
Fordeler og ulemper med legetime på video |
2023 |
Interview |
Hva har vi av forskningsprosjekter og forskningsresultater til nytte for tjenesten og pasientene? |
2023 |
Academic lecture |
Deler sykdommen på Tiktok: – Følte meg levende død |
2023 |
Interview |
Med kunstig intelligens kan leger diagnostisere pasienter både enklere og billigere |
2023 |
Interview |
Nationally shared medication lists – describing systems in the Nordic countries |
2023 |
Academic lecture |
Shared meciation lists in the Nordic countries |
2023 |
Academic lecture |
Nationally Shared Medication Lists – Describing Systems in the Nordic Countries |
2023 |
Academic article |
PANEL: Patients Online Record Access in the Context of the European Health Data Space |
2023 |
Academic lecture |
NORDeHEALTH online mental health records across 4 Countries |
2023 |
Academic lecture |
Feasibility of telerehabilitation for heart failure patients inaccessible for outpatient rehabilitation |
2023 |
Academic article |
Low adoption of video consultation in post-Covid-19 general practice in Northern Europe: a viewpoint on barriers to use and potential action points |
2023 |
Academic article |
NORDeHEALTH – Learning from the Nordic Experiences of Patient Online Record Access (Preprint) |
2024 |
Academic article |
Evaluation of Synthetic Categorical Data Generation Techniques for Predicting Cardiovascular Diseases and Post-Hoc Interpretability of the Risk Factors |
2023 |
Academic article |
Adolescents Experiences with Video Consultations in Specialized Mental Health Services in Norway |
2023 |
Academic lecture |
Valkyrie: A Distributed Service-Oriented Architecture for Coordinated Healthcare Services |
2023 |
Academic article |
Electronic Health Records User Satisfaction: Experience after implementation of a new system in Northern Norway |
2023 |
Academic article |
Adolescents Experiences with Video Consultations in Specialized Mental Health Services in Norway |
2023 |
Abstract |
Digitale legemiddellister øker pasientsikkerheten og arbeidsmengden |
2023 |
Interview |
Radikal omstilling skal redde oss fra eldrebølgen |
2023 |
Interview |
Minimetodevurdering - Bruk av videokonferanse til samhandling |
2023 |
Report |
Errors, Omissions and Offences in the Health Record of Mental Healthcare Patients: Results from a Nationwide Survey in Sweden (Preprint) |
2023 |
Academic article |
Patient Experiences and Perceptions with Online Access to Electronic Health Records in Norway: Cross-Sectional Survey Comparing Mental Health and Somatic Patients (Preprint) |
2023 |
Academic article |
Implementering av kunstig intelligens i norsk helsetjeneste: veien til utbredt bruk |
2023 |
Report |
Videobasert samtaleterapi for unge som har en forelder med rusproblemer: Et følgeforskningsprosjekt med Blå Kors Kompasset
2023 |
Academic lecture |
Digital teknologi i helse- og omsorgstjenester til barn og unge |
2023 |
Academic lecture |
eHealth policy framework in Low and Lower Middle-Income Countries; a PRISMA systematic review and analysis |
2023 |
Academic literature review |
The NORDeHEALTH 2022 Patient Survey: A cross-sectional survey of national patient portal users in Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Estonia (Preprint) |
2023 |
Academic article |
Economic Aspects of Mental Health Services in Ukraine: A Scoping Review |
2023 |
Academic lecture |
Mobile nutritional delivery system for people with insulin-treated diabetes |
2023 |
Poster |
Including patient-generated health data in electronic health records – a solution for CGM-data |
2023 |
Academic lecture |
General Practitioners’ Experiences With Potentials and Pitfalls of Video Consultations in Norway During the COVID-19 Lockdown: Qualitative Analysis of Free-Text Survey Answers |
2023 |
Academic article |
Including patient-generated health data in electronic health records – a solution for CGM-data |
2023 |
Abstract |
Mobile nutritional delivery system for people with insulin-treated diabetes |
2023 |
Abstract |
Telemedicine meeting and visit to an emergency hospital in Uzbekistan |
2023 |
Report |
Towards a New Model for Chronic Disease Consultations |
2022 |
Academic lecture |
Pasientenes erfaringer med tekstbaserte e-konsultasjoner |
2023 |
Academic lecture |
Unge som har foreldre med rusproblemer: En brukerundersøkelse om erfaringer med videobasert samtaleterapi |
2023 |
Academic article |
Eldre setter pris på å kunne sende meldinger rett til legen |
2023 |
Interview |
Digital legemiddelliste gir økt sikkerhet for pasientene, men mer arbeid på apoteket |
2023 |
Interview |
Presentasjon for e-helse Vestland |
2022 |
Lecture |
2022 |
Lecture |
Digital hjemmeoppfølging, status på forsknings- og praksisfeltet |
2022 |
Lecture |
Digital hjemmeoppfølging |
2022 |
Lecture |
Hvordan jobbes det med klinisk implementering av kunstig intelligens i primær- og spesialisthelsetjenesten? |
2022 |
Lecture |
Trender innenfor e-helseområdet. Forsknings- og kunnskapsutviklingstrender innen e-helse. |
2022 |
Lecture |
Kirkens Bymisjon som tillitsskapende velferdsaktør |
2022 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Internet Use for Obtaining Medicine Information: Cross-sectional Survey |
2023 |
Academic article |
Experiences and Expectations of Information and Communication Technologies in Flexible Assertive Community Treatment Teams: Qualitative Study |
2023 |
Academic article |
Lost in digitization – A systematic review about the diagnostic test accuracy of digital pathology solutions |
2022 |
Academic article |
Reflections on the nature of measurement in language-based automated assessments of patients' mental state and cognitive function |
2022 |
Academic article |
Digital legemiddelhåndtering – et spørsmål om samhandling? |
2023 |
Lecture |
Mange var skeptiske, men hvordan gikk det egentlig da psykisk syke fikk elektronisk innsyn i egen pasientjournal? |
2023 |
Interview |
– Vi må utdanne folk i hvordan de skal bruke digital teknologi i omsorg |
2023 |
Interview |
Visste du at omtrent 1.000 mennesker mister livet på grunn av medisinfeil hvert år i Norge? |
2023 |
Feature article |
Pasientens legemiddelliste i sykehus |
2022 |
Poster |
Diskriminering en årsak til at helsetjenester ikke fungerer |
2022 |
Interview |
Det generelle i det spesielle – Implementering av teknologier for digital hjemmeoppfølging |
2022 |
Academic lecture |
Rollen av forskning i innovasjon |
2022 |
Lecture |
Behov for validering og testbed |
2022 |
Academic lecture |
Paneldebatt EHiN - Kunstig intelligens i helsetjenesten |
2022 |
Lecture |
E-helseutdanning |
2022 |
Lecture |
Skygger suksess-prosjekt for å revolusjonere pasientjournalen |
2022 |
Interview |
Innføring av VFT i kommunene |
2022 |
Lecture |
Social media for health promotion in diabetes |
2022 |
Academic lecture |
Social media interventions for autism |
2022 |
Academic lecture |
Health-Related Quality of Life Among Acutely Hospitalized Older Adults |
2022 |
Poster |
Healthcare Utilization and Costs Among Acutely Hospitalized Older Adults |
2022 |
Poster |
From social robots to dementia villages: People must be trained in using digital technology in care |
2023 |
Interview |
Children with ill parents or siblings |
2022 |
Academic lecture |
Video Recordings of Interactions |
2022 |
Academic article |
Presentation of report on AI in healthcare |
2022 |
Academic lecture |
Nordic early-career researchers’ reflections on health and welfare technology (opptak) |
2022 |
Lecture |
Helhetlige pasientforløp - presentasjon for Universitetet i Oulu |
2022 |
Lecture |
Patients’ online access to psychiatric records: Providers’ experiences |
2022 |
Abstract |
Guest lecture at Interoperability in Clinical Information Systems |
2022 |
Academic lecture |
Integrating welfare technology: an exploration of the establishment of WFT-coordinators in five Norwegian Municipalities |
2022 |
Academic lecture |
Panel dialogue: Nordic early-career researchers’ reflections on health and welfare technology |
2022 |
Lecture |
The implementation of welfare technology in Norway |
2022 |
Academic lecture |
Introduction of Health and Welfare technology in Norwegian Municipalities |
2022 |
Academic lecture |
Farmasøyter er viktige når multidose blir elektronisk |
2023 |
Popular scientific article |
Sjelden interesse for de sjeldne |
2022 |
Interview |
Trenger flere fastleger og verktøy for koordinering |
2022 |
Interview |
Presenterte prototype av DigiTeam |
2022 |
Interview |
Presentasjon av ny publikasjon: "Integrated Healthcare and Care through distance spanning solutions - for increased service accessibility" |
2022 |
Lecture |
Presentasjon av E-helseforskning |
2022 |
Lecture |
Blir det nå mer kunstig intelligens i norsk helsevesen? |
2023 |
Interview |
Helseforskerne kan ikke bare lytte til de mest ressurssterke |
2023 |
Interview |
Forskningsleder kritiserer Kjerkols journalplan |
2023 |
Interview |
Snuser du? Da er sjansen stor for å mislykkes med å stumpe røyken for godt |
2023 |
Interview |
Older patients' experiences of access to and use of e-consultations with the general practitioner in Norway: an interview study |
2023 |
Academic article |
Telemedicine and e-health projects - Lessons learned from 30 years of telemedicine |
2022 |
Lecture |
About E-health Research |
2022 |
Lecture |
Improving healthcare services through international collaboration and a multidisciplinary approach |
2022 |
Lecture |
Clinical synthetic data generation to predict and identify risk factors for cardiovascular diseases |
2022 |
Academic lecture |
Research Landscape and Research Priorities in
eHealth in four African Countries - A survey |
2022 |
Academic article |
Perceived autonomy support in telerehabilitation by people with chronic respiratory disease: a mixed methods study |
2022 |
Academic article |
Trial lecture: Rational pharmacotherapy and ways to get there |
2022 |
Academic lecture |
Multidose drug dispensing in home care services: Impact of a shared medication list on medication safety |
2022 |
Doctoral dissertation |
Innovating the future healthcare sector (panel) |
2022 |
Academic lecture |
Lightweight and heavyweight – how to combine a open heavyweight platform based EHR with a lightweight IT solution like an app |
2022 |
Academic lecture |
Kunstig intelligens kan tolke din pasientjournal |
2022 |
Interview |
Avoidant and borderline personality disorder patients during the first Covid-19 wave in Norway – a survey-based comparison of therapy changes and patients’ accommodations |
2022 |
Academic article |
Videobasert samtaleterapi for unge som har foreldre med rusproblemer |
2022 |
Academic lecture |
Videobasert samtaleterapi for unge som har foreldre med rusproblemer |
2022 |
Academic lecture |
Integrated Healthcare and Care through distance spanning solutions – for increased service accessibility |
2022 |
Report |
Open Source Digital Health Software for Resilient, Accessible and Equitable Healthcare Systems |
2022 |
Academic literature review |
Long-Term Telerehabilitation or Unsupervised Training at Home for Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A Randomized Controlled Trial |
2022 |
Academic article |
Patient’s experiences with multidose drug dispensing – a qualitative study |
2022 |
Poster |
From paper-based to electronic prescribing of multidose drug dispensing — a longitudional study of prescription changes. |
2022 |
Academic lecture |
Artificial Intelligence Implementation in Healthcare: A Theory-Based Scoping Review of Barriers and Facilitators |
2022 |
Academic literature review |
Social media and physical activity in autism |
2022 |
Academic lecture |
Towards a temporospatial framework for measurements of disorganization in speech using semantic vectors |
2022 |
Academic article |
Factors associated with predictors of smoking cessation from a Norwegian internet-based smoking cessation intervention study |
2022 |
Academic article |
Om pasienter med store og sammensatte behov og Tjenesteinnovasjon |
2022 |
Academic lecture |
Hva sier forskning: Helsepersonellbelastning ved bruk av IKT |
2022 |
Academic lecture |
Har byttet ut «post-it»-lapper med app: – Ga umiddelbar effekt for brukeren |
2022 |
Interview Journal |
Pasientforløp og bedre informasjonsflyt |
2022 |
Academic lecture |
Personsentrerte helsetjenester – hvordan og hvorfor får vi det til? |
2022 |
Lecture |
Fra fragmentert til helhetlige helsetjenestesystem |
2022 |
Lecture |
Dignity Care, en introduksjon |
2022 |
Lecture |
Digitalisering av pasientjournalen |
2022 |
Lecture |
E-konsultasjoner hos fastlegen |
2022 |
Academic lecture |
Videobasert samtaleterapi for unge som har foreldre med rusproblemer |
2022 |
Academic lecture |
Design av digitale systemer for rehabiliteringsfeltet |
2022 |
Academic lecture |
Forskning på pilotering av PLL i Bergen |
2022 |
Academic lecture |
Hvordan setter Direktoratet for e-helse sine mål? |
2022 |
Feature article |
Digital inkludering innen helse (panelsamtale) |
2022 |
Lecture |
Workshop: Rekruttering for å sikre inkludering |
2022 |
Lecture |
Hvor går veien videre for e-helse - nå? |
2022 |
Feature article |
EHelsekompetanse for bruk av pasientportal for ungdom i psykisk
helsevern |
2022 |
Academic lecture |
Self-reported medication information needs among medication users in a general population aged 40 years and above – the Tromsø study |
2022 |
Academic article |
Reaching for the Quadruple Aim–How to design effective whole system health service improvement? |
2022 |
Abstract |
Person-centered care (PCC): the people's perspective |
2022 |
Short communication |
Person-Centred Care Systems: From Theory to Practice (White Paper) |
2022 |
Report |
Person-centred care - from theory to practice |
2022 |
Lecture |
Person-centred care - from theory to practice |
2022 |
Academic lecture |
Person-centred care - from theory to practice |
2022 |
Academic lecture |
Person-centred care - and its principles |
2022 |
Lecture |
How to understand adolescences experiences of treatment in the context of video consultations with therapists – change of practice. |
2022 |
Academic lecture |
How do older patients access and use text-based e-consultations with the general practitioner? |
2022 |
Poster |
Variable Depth Bayesian Neural Networks Using Reversible Jumps |
2022 |
Academic article |
Capacity development to leverage advances in health informatics for all |
2022 |
Academic article |
Video-based therapy for youths who have a parent with alcohol/substance abuse |
2022 |
Academic lecture |
Patient-Centered Communication and Counseling to Ensure Patient Safety Through Correct Use of Medicines: Experiences and Challenges |
2022 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Challenges in Obtaining and Sharing Core Patient Information in Norwegian Nursing Homes and Home Care Services: A Qualitative Study of Nurses’ and Doctors’ Experiences |
2022 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Detecting Medication Errors and Adverse Drug Events: A Review of Current Methodologies |
2022 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Multidose Drug Dispensing in Primary Care: A Review of the Literature |
2022 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Implementation of artificial intelligence in Norwegian healthcare: The road to broad adoption |
2022 |
Report |
Avoidant and borderline personality disorder patients during the first Covid-19 wave in Norway–a survey-based comparison of therapy changes and patients’ accommodations |
2022 |
Academic article |
Assessing strategic Priority factors in eHealth policies in four African countries |
2022 |
Academic article |
Assessing Strategic Priority Factors in eHealth Policies of Four African Countries |
2022 |
Academic lecture |
Diverse Recruitment Strategies Are Needed to Reduce Digital Divide: Results from a Workshop Addressing Digital Divide and Effects of Pandemic Restrictions |
2022 |
Abstract |
A Practice-oriented Approach to Participatory Design |
2022 |
Academic lecture |
Intended and Unintended Consequences of Implementing a Nursing App |
2022 |
Academic lecture |
Implementing and Learning to Use Video Meetings in Mental Health Hospital Departments |
2022 |
Academic lecture |
Use of Electronic Tools in Norwegian FACT Youth Teams: A User Perspective |
2022 |
Academic lecture |
Assessing Methods to Model Patient-Centric Care Pathways across Multiple Healthcare Systems |
2022 |
Academic lecture |
Barn og unges erfaringer med videokonsultasjoner i psykisk helsevern |
2022 |
Academic lecture |
Den «rette» pasienten: En
dokumentanalyse av digitaliseringens
betydning for sosial ulikhet innenfor
helse med fokus på medisinsk
avstandsoppfølging |
2022 |
Academic lecture |
Presentasjon av Nasjonalt senter for e-helseforskning |
2022 |
Lecture |
Elevator pitch - phd-prosjekt |
2022 |
Multimedia product |
Kan vi kreve at alle pasienter skal være sin egen omsorgsperson? |
2022 |
Lecture |
Kan HelseOmsorg21-rådet gjøre en forskjell? |
2022 |
Lecture |
Elektronisk innsyn i journal for pasienter – erfaringer fra innføringen fra 2015 og etterpå. |
2022 |
Academic lecture |
Reimbursed Medication Adherence Enhancing Interventions in European Countries: Results of the EUREcA Study |
2022 |
Academic article |
Using automated syllable counting to detect missing information in speech transcripts from clinical settings |
2022 |
Academic article |
Digital interventions to promote physical activity among inactive adults: A study protocol for a hybrid type I effectiveness-implementation randomized controlled trial |
2022 |
Academic article |
A cross-sector systematic review and synthesis of knowledge on telemedicine interventions in chronic wound management—Implications from a system perspective |
2022 |
Academic literature review |
Paneldeltaker |
2022 |
Lecture |
Front row comments with stakeholders (kommentator) |
2022 |
Lecture |
ASCLEPIOS : Advanced Secure Cloud Encrypted Platform for Internationally Orchestrated Solutions in Healthcare |
2022 |
Academic lecture |
Beyond the Point of No Return: A Discourse Analysis of Healthcare Professionals’ Perceptions of Digitally Supported Person-Centred, Integrated, and Proactive Care |
2022 |
Academic article |
Older high-utilization patients in Norwegian somatic hospitals - a national register-based study |
2022 |
Academic lecture |
From paper-based to electronic prescribing of multidose drug dispensing — effects on pharmacy workload |
2022 |
Academic lecture |
Factors associated with trabecular bone score and bone mineral density; a machine learning approach |
2022 |
Academic article |
Use of e-Health in Norwegian FACT Teams: A User Perspective |
2022 |
Academic lecture |
Use of e-Health in Norwegian FACT Teams: A User Perspective |
2022 |
Academic article |
Translating Natural Language Processing into Mainstream Schizophrenia Assessment |
2022 |
Academic article |
Reimbursed medication adherence enhancing interventions in 12 european countries: Current state of the art and future challenges |
2022 |
Academic literature review |
Digitale tjenester i psykisk helsearbeid for barn og unge |
2022 |
Academic lecture |
Digital kommunikasjon med barn og unge som er pårørende |
2022 |
Academic lecture |
E-multidose gir bedre oversikt, men også økt arbeidsmengde |
2022 |
Lecture |
Kunnskapsgrunnlag for digitalisering av
legemiddelområdet |
2022 |
Report |
Påminnelser på mobilen kan gjøre at færre mødre og barn dør |
2022 |
Interview |
Variasjon i rekruttering er forskerens samfunnsansvar |
2022 |
Feature article |
Studie: Ferske fastleger opplever oftere konfliktfylte konsultasjoner |
2022 |
Interview |
ClinCode - Computer-Assisted Clinical ICD-10 Coding for improving efficiency and quality in healthcare |
2022 |
Academic lecture |
ClinCode - Computer-Assisted Clinical ICD-10 Coding for improving efficiency and quality in healthcare |
2022 |
Poster |
Improving the Applicability of AI for Psychiatric Applications through Human-in-the-loop Methodologies |
2022 |
Academic article |
Smartphone reminders can save mothers and children from dying |
2022 |
Interview |
Who are the “Hard-to-Reach” groups in chronic-health and health technology research? – A scoping review |
2022 |
Academic article |
Designing, implementing, and testing a modern electronic clinical study management system – the HUBRO system |
2022 |
Academic article |
Evaluation of LIME and SHAP in Explaining Automatic ICD-10 Classifications of Swedish Gastrointestinal Discharge Summaries |
2022 |
Academic article |
Does your EHR support a Learning Healthcare System? An exploration of possible indicators |
2022 |
Academic article |
Combining deep learning and fuzzy logic to predict rare ICD-10 codes from clinical notes |
2022 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Clinical Notes De-Identification: Scoping Recent Benchmarks for n2c2 Datasets |
2022 |
Academic article |
User preferences for a physical activity chatbot connected to an activity tracker and integrated into a social media platform |
2022 |
Academic lecture |
IMPACT: Identification of multimorbid patients with impactable risk profiles using machine learning |
2022 |
Academic lecture |
Research infrastructure for privacy-preserving distributed analyses of EHR data in primary care |
2022 |
Academic lecture |
Communities of Practice for Electronic Medicines Management - the establishment |
2022 |
Academic lecture |
Implementing and learning to use video in meetings with internal and external stakeholders. A qualitative study of therapists in mental health hospital departments |
2022 |
Academic article |
The Influence of NegEx on ICD-10 Code Prediction in Swedish: How is the Performance of BERT and SVM Models Affected by Negations? |
2022 |
Academic lecture |
The Establishment of Communities of Practice for Electronic Medicines Management |
2022 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
User preferences for a physical activity chatbot connected to an activity tracker and integrated into a social media platform |
2022 |
Academic article |
Social media, physical activity and autism: better or bitter together? A scoping review |
2022 |
Academic literature review |
Trender innenfor e-helseområdet, forsknings- og kunnskapsutviklingstrender innen e-helse |
2022 |
Lecture |
Et samfunnsvitenskapelig blikk på håndtering av legemidler |
2022 |
Academic lecture |
Procurement of artificial intelligence for radiology practice |
2023 |
Academic article |
Perspectives from Europe |
2022 |
Academic lecture |
Implementation of a mobile app in clinical practice - how to assess and evaluate ICT implementations in complex health organizations |
2022 |
Academic lecture |
Panelpresentasjon/-debatt: Implementation of Artificial Intelligence for imaging diagnostics in Norwegian hospitals - Challenges and Analytical perspectives in assessment research |
2022 |
Academic lecture |
Introducing Lightweight IT – A Way to Build Flexibility for Healthcare Organizations? |
2022 |
Academic article |
Scaling AI Projects for Radiology– Causes
and Consequences |
2022 |
Academic article |
Electronic Health Records user experiences: a nationwide survey from Norwegian hospitals |
2022 |
Academic lecture |
Measuring Perceptions of Openness in Health Information Technology Platforms Results from Pilot Testing Proposed Survey Framework |
2022 |
Academic lecture |
How weak are Romanian clitic pronouns? |
2022 |
Academic article |
The impact of clinical experience on working tasks and job-related stress: a survey among 1032 Norwegian GPs |
2022 |
Academic article |
mHealth interventions to reduce maternal and child mortality in Sub-Saharan Africa and Southern Asia: A systematic literature review |
2022 |
Academic literature review |
Assessing Methods to Model Patient-Centric Care Pathways across Multiple Healthcare Systems |
2022 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
A Practice-oriented Approach to Participatory Design |
2022 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Use of Electronic Tools in Norwegian FACT Youth Teams: A User Perspective |
2022 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Intended and Unintended Consequences of Implementing a Nursing App |
2022 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Implementing and Learning to Use Video Meetings in Mental Health Hospital Departments. Therapists’ Experiences from Internal and External Meetings. A Qualitative Study |
2022 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Measuring Perceptions of Openness in Health Information Technology Platforms
Results from Pilot Testing Proposed Survey Framework |
2022 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Electronic Health Records User Experiences: a Nationwide Survey From Norwegian Hospitals. |
2022 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Video Recordings of Interactions |
2022 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
The Influence of NegEx on ICD-10 Code Prediction in Swedish: How is the Performance of BERT and SVM Models Affected by Negations? |
2022 |
Academic article |
The Norwegian PraksisNett: a nationwide practice-based research network with a novel IT infrastructure |
2022 |
Academic article |
Towards a New Model for Chronic Disease Consultations |
2022 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Ubiquitous digital health-related data: clarification of concepts |
2022 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Designing an e-Health Program for Lifestyle Changes in Diabetes Care A Qualitative Pre-Study in Norway |
2022 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Sorterius - An augmented reality app for encouraging outdoor physical activity for people with intellectual disabilities |
2022 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Discussions of Asperger Syndrome on Social Media: Content and Sentiment Analysis on Twitter |
2022 |
Academic article |
Forskere fra Skandinavia samlet i Tromsø for kunnskapsdeling |
2022 |
Interview |
What is Electronic Medicines Management and why is it a sociological matter? |
2022 |
Lecture |
How to understand adolescences experiences of treatment in the context of video consultations with therapists in the light of different sociological theories |
2022 |
Lecture |
Who are the “Hard-to-Reach” groups in chronic-health and health technology research? A scoping review |
2022 |
Academic article |
F-CBR: An Architecture for Federated Case-Based Reasoning |
2022 |
Academic article |
Dataset of fitness trackers and smartwatches to measuring physical activity in research |
2022 |
Academic article |
Impact on patient-provider relationship and documentation practices when mental health patients access their electronic health records online: a qualitative study among health professionals in an outpatient setting |
2022 |
Academic article |
Phd om digitale konsultasjoner |
2022 |
Academic lecture |
2. STOPPFrail-2. Screeningverktøy for potensielt uhensiktsmessig legemiddelbruk til skrøpelige eldre med begrenset gjenstående levetid |
2022 |
Article in business/trade/industry journal |
Avmedisinering i siste leveår – praktisk beslutningsstøtte |
2022 |
Article in business/trade/industry journal |
Nærhet og omsorg på skjerm |
2022 |
Feature article |
Har teori mer verdi enn empiri? |
2022 |
Reader opinion piece |
Video Recordings of Interactions in collaborative work |
2022 |
Academic lecture |
Video Recordings of Interactions |
2022 |
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings |
Electronic Health Records User Experiences: a Nationwide Survey From Norwegian Hospitals |
2022 |
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings |
A multilevel perspective on digital consultations in general practice |
2022 |
Academic lecture |
Patients' Experiences of Web-Based Access to Electronic Health Records in Finland: Cross-sectional Survey |
2022 |
Academic article |
A scoping review of diabetes telemedicine research in Norway |
2022 |
Academic article |
Electronic Medicines Management (eMM) in Norway - A comparative case study |
2022 |
Poster |
Fitness center use and subsequent achievement of exercise goals. A prospective study on long-term fitness center members |
2022 |
Academic article |
– Ny teknologi blir aldri en ren erstatning for tidligere oppgaver |
2022 |
Interview |
Færre feil: Elektronisk legemiddelliste skal erstatta telefaksen |
2022 |
Interview |
Workshop |
2022 |
Academic lecture |
Kan vi kreve at alle pasienter skal være sin egen omsorgsperson? |
2022 |
Feature article |
– Legges PraksisNett på is blir det ikke oppfølging av pasientene |
2022 |
Interview |
Dermatoscopic and clinical features of congenital or congenital-type nail matrix nevi: A multicenter prospective cohort study by the International Dermoscopy Society |
2022 |
Academic article |
Cardiorenal syndrome and the association with fitness: Data from a telerehabilitation randomized clinical trial |
2022 |
Academic article |
Telemedicine for Diabetes in Norway |
2022 |
Abstract |
How secure are your health data? |
2022 |
Interview |
Implementation of specialised attention mechanisms: ICD-10 classification of Gastrointestinal discharge summaries in English, Spanish and Swedish |
2022 |
Academic article |
Telemedicine for diabetes in Norway |
2022 |
Poster |
Privacy-preserving audit and feedback on the antibiotic prescribing of General Practitioners |
2022 |
Academic article |
Un-shoveled driveways at patients’ houses reveal gaps in the care system |
2022 |
Interview |
Data-Driven Robust Control Using Reinforcement Learning |
2022 |
Academic article |
Henriette (25) skal forske på et alvorlig samfunnsproblem, som fører til en rekke dødsfall |
2022 |
Interview |
Pårørende trenger hjelp i jungelen av mobile hjelpemidler for kronisk syke |
2022 |
Interview |
Elektronisk innsyn i journal hjelper samer i møte med psykisk helsevern |
2022 |
Interview |
Evidence-based biomedical
information systems: The road ahead |
2022 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Health data security and privacy:
Challenges and solutions for the future |
2022 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Dataset of Consumer-Based Activity Trackers as a Tool for Physical Activity Monitoring in Epidemiological Studies During the COVID-19 Pandemic |
2022 |
Academic article |
Hvorfor er legemiddelhåndtering et sosiologisk anliggende? |
2022 |
Feature article |
Målrettede grep for å inkludere flere, sosialt og digitalt |
2022 |
Interview |
Mer samstemte legemiddellister med elektronisk multidose |
2022 |
Interview |
– Det er skummelt å tenke på hvor sårbar helsetjenesten vår er i den pågående cyberkrigen |
2022 |
Interview |
Presentasjon av Phd-prosjekt |
2022 |
Lecture |
Elektronisk legemiddelliste skal erstatta telefaksen |
2022 |
Interview |
Health workers not told they needed tech skills |
2022 |
Interview |
E-resept for medisindoser på rull gir mange fordeler |
2022 |
Interview |
Hjemmesykepleien møter ikke alltid en måket innkjørsel når de kjører ut til en beboer |
2022 |
Interview |
Implementation of E-prescription for Multidose Dispensed Drugs: Qualitative Study of General Practitioners’ Experiences |
2022 |
Academic article |
Correction to: Type 2 Diabetes with Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning: Methods and Evaluation (Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, (2021), 10.1007/s11831-021-09582-x) |
2021 |
Errata |
E-health in Norway, Before and after the Covid-19 pandemic |
2021 |
Academic lecture |
Managing atopic eczema in society and the health care system |
2021 |
Academic lecture |
Telemedisin før og etter korona |
2021 |
Academic lecture |
Gode pasientforløp - en midtveisevaluering |
2021 |
Report |
Helsefellesskap - høring og rasjonalitetskonflikt |
2021 |
Academic lecture |
A Smartphone-Based Information Communication Technology Solution for Primary Modifiable Risk Factors for Noncommunicable Diseases: Pilot and Feasibility Study in Norway |
2022 |
Academic article |
Early Childhood Professionals' Management of Young Children Who Stutter: A Cross-Sectional Study |
2022 |
Academic article |
-Sammen kan vi få til det meste! |
2022 |
Feature article |
Helsearbeidere vil bli tatt på alvor om teknologi |
2022 |
Interview |
BUP Tromsø bruker digitale hjelpemidler i behandlingen. |
2022 |
Interview |
Sammen kan vi få til det meste |
2022 |
Feature article |
Psykologhjelp over nett gjør at ungdommer får raskere hjelp |
2022 |
Interview |
Experiences from using patient accessible electronic health records -a qualitative study within Sámi mental health patients in Norway |
2022 |
Academic article |
Implementation of the Flexible Assertive Community Treatment (FACT) Model in Norway: eHealth Assessment Study |
2022 |
Academic article |
Exploring Real-World mHealth Use for Diabetes Consultations: Pros and Pitfalls of a Pragmatic Mixed-Methods Approach |
2021 |
Academic article |
Citizen Engagement in Digital Health |
2021 |
Academic lecture |
Diversity in Health Informatics: Mentoring and Leadership |
2021 |
Academic article |
Association of dietary patterns with serum vitamin D concentration among Iranian adults with abdominal obesity |
2021 |
Academic article |
Diversity in Health Informatics: Mentoring and Leadership |
2021 |
Short communication |
INNSIKT - nettverkserfaringer og oppsummering |
2021 |
Academic lecture |
Pasientenes egeninnsats ved bruk av egne helsedata |
2021 |
Academic lecture |
Tilrettelagt medisininformasjon - Gravitate-Health prosjektet. |
2021 |
Academic lecture |
Helse-chatbots kan få folk til å bli mer aktive |
2021 |
Briefs |
Hvordan anbefale digitale
diabetesverktøy og –tjenester? |
2021 |
Briefs |
Hvordan velge digitale
diabetesverktøy og –tjenester? |
2021 |
Briefs |
Det vanskelige ekteskapet mellom teknologi
og omsorg |
2021 |
Short communication |
Videokonsultasjoner |
2021 |
Lecture |
E-helse i fremtiden |
2021 |
Academic lecture |
Videobaserte verktøy til samtaler med barn og unge. |
2021 |
Academic lecture |
Digital kommunikasjon med barn og unge som er pårørende |
2021 |
Academic lecture |
Social media chatbots have a great potential for public health |
2021 |
Briefs |
How to recommend diabetes
self-management tools or services |
2021 |
Briefs |
What to look for when choosing
tools to manage diabetes |
2021 |
Briefs |
Designing Depression Screening Chatbots |
2021 |
Academic article |
Implementation of a shared medication list in primary care - a controlled pre-post study of medication discrepancies |
2021 |
Academic article |
Therapists’ experiences with mentalization-based treatment for avoidant personality disorder |
2021 |
Academic article |
In Limbo: Seven Families` Experiences of Encounter with Cancer Care i Norway |
2021 |
Academic article |
Personfokusert behandling hjelper skrøpelige eldre – slik gjør de det i Tromsø |
2021 |
Interview |
FoU-styrets synspunkter og forventninger til SANKS nå og fremover |
2021 |
Academic lecture |
10 år med forskernettverket i BarnsBeste: Å gjøre hverandre gode |
2021 |
Lecture |
Videobasert terapi på nett for unge som har foreldre med rusproblemer. |
2021 |
Academic lecture |
Electronic medicines management - introduksjon |
2021 |
Lecture |
Mamma Mia, en app om å bli mamma. |
2021 |
Lecture |
Emeistring - Psykisk helse på nett tilbyr asynkron behandling for angst og depresjon. |
2021 |
Lecture |
Senterleder Tine Nordgreen presenterer Forhelse, som er et senter for forskningsdrevet innovasjon. |
2021 |
Lecture |
Linn Nathalie Støme forsker på forbedring av helsetjenester hos Forhelse. |
2021 |
Lecture |
Forskningssenter for Digitale Psykiske Helsetjenester |
2021 |
Lecture |
eMM- electronic medicines management : lokale profesjonsfellesskap 1 |
2021 |
Lecture |
Videokonsultasjon for unge innen psykisk helsevern |
2021 |
Academic lecture |
Barcode medication administration technology use in hospital practice: a mixed-methods observational study of policy deviations |
2021 |
Academic article |
WHO Collaborating Centre for Digital Health and Telemedicine |
2021 |
Poster |
Helsedata redder liv |
2021 |
Feature article |
Helse-apper på eget ansvar? |
2021 |
Feature article |
Møt legen på video |
2021 |
Interview |
Forslag til saker på årsmøtet i Norges Fiskarlag |
2021 |
Feature article |
Forslag til saker på årsmøtet i Norges Fiskarlag |
2021 |
Feature article |
Velferdsteknologi for barn og unge med funksjonsnedsettelser: Muligheter og utfordringer. |
2021 |
Academic lecture |
eMM- prosjektpresentasjon |
2021 |
Lecture |
Extending the usefulness of the verbal memory test: The promise of machine learning |
2021 |
Academic article |
Social media chatbot for increasing physical activity: usability study |
2021 |
Academic article |
Medication dose calculation errors and other numeracy mishaps in hospitals: Analysis of the nature and enablers of incident reports |
2021 |
Academic article |
WHO report highlights innovation in Norwegian primary health care |
2021 |
Interview |
Telerehabilitation for chronic respiratory disease: A randomised controlled equivalence trial |
2021 |
Academic article |
E-health, physical activity and intellectual disability – protocol for a pilot study |
2021 |
Abstract |
Healthcare and data privacy requirements for e-health cloud: A qualitative analysis of clinician perspectives |
2021 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
How does users of modern EHR perceive the usability, user resistance and productivity
five years or more after implementation? |
2022 |
Academic article |
How to Retain Participants in User-centered Design? Towards Recommendations for
Minimizing Dropouts |
2021 |
Poster |
Å være terapeut i en unntakstilstand: samtaleterapi på nett under koronapandemien til unge som har foreldre med rusproblemer |
2021 |
Academic article |
Rural Health and Telemedicine : Telemedicine Implementation Handbook |
2020 |
Report |
The Practice Guidelines for Multidose Drug Dispensing Need Revision—An Investigation of Prescription Problems and Interventions |
2021 |
Academic article |
PN30: Experiences from the clinic - The University Hospital of North Norways's reaction to the pandemic: A rapid shift and tempo change of earlier tedious processes |
2021 |
Academic lecture |
Introduction of Welfare Technology in Norwegian Municipalities_PhD-study |
2021 |
Academic lecture |
Participants' experiences from group-based treatment at multidisciplinary pain centres-a qualitative study |
2021 |
Academic article |
Structuring the Electronic Patient Record; an Easy Way to Improve Data Usability? |
2021 |
Academic article |
Interoperability and Governance; Importan Preconditions for Estabishing Large-Scale Healthcare Infrastructures like the Akson program in Norway |
2022 |
Academic article |
Use of Ehealth Tools in Primary Health Care during the Covid-19 Pandemic |
2021 |
Report |
Community Participation by People with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease |
2021 |
Academic article |
Multi-label Diagnosis Classification of Swedish Discharge Summaries – ICD-10 Code Assignment Using KB-BERT |
2021 |
Academic article |
On the Contribution of Per-ICD Attention Mechanisms to Classify Health Records in Languages With Fewer Resources than English |
2021 |
Academic article |
Foreslår digital vergetjeneste for dem som faller utenfor digitalt |
2021 |
Interview |
Videokonsultasjoner med fastlegen under pandemien |
2021 |
Lecture |
Kunstig intelligens i helsetjenesten – en stille revolusjon? |
2021 |
Feature article |
Fremskritt for e-helse gir også digitalt utenforskap |
2021 |
Feature article |
E-konsultasjon og sykmelding: Undersøkelse av erfaringer med unntak fra krav til personlig fremmøte under covid-19-pandemien |
2021 |
Lecture |
Benchmarking PySyft Federated Learning Framework on MIMIC-III Dataset |
2021 |
Academic article |
Validating Biobehavioral Technologies for Use in Clinical Psychiatry |
2021 |
Academic article |
Supporting identity and relationships amongst people with dementia through the use of technology: a qualitative interview study |
2021 |
Academic article |
Under pandemien: Pasienter fornøyde med å få sykmelding uten fysisk oppmøte |
2021 |
Interview |
Association between a genetic variant in scavenger receptor class B type 1 and its role on codon usage bias with increased risk of developing coronary artery disease |
2021 |
Academic article |
Association between serum Vitamin E concentrations and the presence of Metabolic Syndrome: A population-based cohort study |
2021 |
Academic article |
Factors determining the serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D response to vitamin D supplementation: Data mining approach |
2021 |
Short communication |
Lifestyle changes among people with type 2 diabetes are associated with participation in online groups and time since diagnosis |
2021 |
Academic article |
Use of e-Health by Healthcare Professionals vs. non-Healthcare Professionals |
2021 |
Short communication |
Lege advarer etter e-konsultasjon-studie: – Som å sammenligne epler og pærer |
2021 |
Interview |
E-konsultasjon og sykmelding - Undersøkelse av erfaringer med unntak fra krav til personlig fremmøte under covid-19-pandemien |
2021 |
Report |
Rapporterte om digitale verktøy og pandemi til WHO |
2021 |
Interview |
Greta Thunbergs diagnose gjør henne til både et forbilde og en hakkekylling |
2021 |
Interview |
Terapeutene opplevde overgangen fra fysisk- til digital terapi som brå, men bra |
2021 |
Interview |
Pasientsikkerhet: ‒ Ordningen med multidoser mangler retningslinjer |
2021 |
Interview |
Muligheter og utfordringer med velferdsteknologi for barn og unge med funksjonsnedsettelser |
2021 |
Academic lecture |
Velferdsteknologi for barn og unge med funksjonsnedsettelser - Brukererfaringer |
2021 |
Academic lecture |
Velferdsteknologi for barn og unge med funksjonsnedsettelser - 5 års forskning og utredning |
2021 |
Academic lecture |
3P-resultater fra arbeidspakke 6: Forskning på digitale løsninger. |
2020 |
Academic lecture |
Tidlig identifisering av barn som stammer- en spørreundersøkelse av helsesykepleieres vurderinger |
2021 |
Academic article |
Normative serum lipid profiles in the Iranian adult population |
2021 |
Letter to the editor |
Type 2 Diabetes with Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning: Methods and Evaluation |
2021 |
Academic article |
Predicting self-injurious thoughts in daily life using ambulatory assessment of state cognition |
2021 |
Academic article |
Association of healthy eating index and the alternative healthy eating index with the cell blood count indices |
2021 |
Academic article |
Effect of low-fat dairy products fortified with 1500IU nano encapsulated vitamin D3 on cardiometabolic indicators in adults with abdominal obesity: a total blinded randomized controlled trial |
2021 |
Academic article |
Use of video consultation in specialized mental health services: a qualitative study of therapists' experiences of video consultations during the period of Covid-19 restrictions. |
2021 |
Academic article |
Can we stop misinformation about Covid-19? |
2021 |
Interview |
Internet-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Depression: A Systematic Review and Individual Patient Data Network Meta-analysis |
2021 |
Academic literature review |
Dismantling, optimising, and personalising internet cognitive behavioural therapy for depression: a systematic review and component network meta-analysis using individual participant data |
2021 |
Academic literature review |
Impact of COVID-19 on Multiple Sclerosis Topic Discussion on Twitter |
2021 |
Academic article |
How Artificial Intelligence for Healthcare Look Like in the Future? |
2021 |
Academic article |
Criteria for Assessing and Recommending Digital Diabetes Tools: A Delphi Study |
2021 |
Academic article |
Participants’ views and experiences from setting up a shared patient portal for primary and specialist health services- a qualitative study |
2021 |
Academic article |
Innbyggerne må få helsedataene sine |
2021 |
Feature article |
Forberedelse doktorgrad - artikkelskriving |
2021 |
Lecture |
Hvordan stoppe feilinformasjon om covid-19? |
2021 |
Interview |
Norske erfaringer med videokonsultasjoner med fastlegen under pandemien |
2021 |
Academic lecture |
mHealth: Where Is the Potential for Aiding Informal Caregivers? |
2021 |
Academic article |
Engaging Social Media Users with Health Education and Physical Activity Promotion |
2021 |
Academic article |
Evidence-Based Health Informatics as the Foundation for the COVID-19 Response: A Joint Call for Action |
2021 |
Academic article |
Potential value and impact of data mining and machine learning in clinical diagnostics |
2021 |
Academic literature review |
Health Professionals’ and Patients Experience with Patients Accessing their Electronic Health Record in Norway |
2021 |
Academic lecture |
User-centred Design of a Digital Care Plan for Patients and Professionals in Cross-organisational Teams |
2021 |
Academic lecture |
User-centred Design of a Digital Care Plan for Patients and Professionals in Cross-organisational Teams |
2021 |
Academic article |
Online Attitudes and Information-Seeking Behavior on Autism, Asperger Syndrome, and Greta Thunberg. |
2021 |
Academic article |
Nytt verktøy gjør at fastleger kan sammenligne seg med andre – helt anonymt |
2021 |
Interview |
Slik kan du sammenligne praksisen din med fastlegekolleger – uten å bli identifisert |
2021 |
Interview |
Helsepersonell sliter med å få tak i informasjon om hvilke legemidler pasientene deres bruker |
2021 |
Interview |
E-konsultasjon og andre digitale tjenester med fastlegen: erfaringer og effekter for pasienter og helsetjenesten |
2021 |
Academic lecture |
Kunstig intelligens kan hjelpe diabetespasienter å trene trygt |
2021 |
Interview |
Forskjellige journalsystem skaper trøbbel for FACT-team |
2021 |
Interview |
Folk i nord kan bli mer aktive med ONWARDS |
2021 |
Interview |
Videokonsultasjoner på fastlegekontoret under pandemien |
2021 |
Academic lecture |
Status on patient-gathered health data using mHealth in diabetes |
2021 |
Lecture |
Machine Learning in Chronic Pain Research: A Scoping Review |
2021 |
Academic literature review |
In half of the cases, a video meeting with the doctor was as good as meeting in person |
2021 |
Interview |
Role of Participatory Health Informatics in Detecting and Managing Pandemics: Literature Review |
2021 |
Academic article |
Kunnskapsoppsummering om effekter av trygghets- og mestringsteknologi |
2021 |
Report |
Ustrukturerte data fra pasientjournaler kan gi bedre behandlig |
2021 |
Interview |
Elektronisk innsyn i journal for pasienter i psykisk helsevern: Helsepersonells erfaringer |
2021 |
Academic article |
Challenges and opportunities beyond structured data in analysis of electronic health records |
2021 |
Academic literature review |
Covid-19-related misinformation on social media: a systematic review |
2021 |
Academic article |
COVID-19-related misinformation on social media: a systematic review |
2021 |
Academic article |
Preservation of Person-Centered Care Through Videoconferencing for Patient Follow-up During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Case Study of a Multidisciplinary Care Team |
2021 |
Academic article |
Adopt, adapt, or abandon technologysupported person-centred care initiatives: healthcare providers’ beliefs matter |
2021 |
Academic article |
More thorough analyses of health data can boost patient care |
2021 |
Interview |
From Paper to E-Prescribing of Multidose Drug Dispensing: A Qualitative Study of Workflow in a Community Care Setting |
2021 |
Academic article |
Evaluation of the association between the healthy eating index and the level of serum and dietary intake of copper and zinc |
2020 |
Academic article |
Machine learning for ambulatory applications of neuropsychological testing |
2020 |
Academic article |
Denne maskinen gir deg akkurat så mye juice som blodsukkeret ditt trenger |
2021 |
Interview |
Psykisk helse under koronapandemien: Muligheter med digitale tjenester |
2020 |
Lecture |
Verdens smarteste juicedispenser? |
2020 |
Interview |
Defining participatory health informatics – a scoping review |
2021 |
Academic literature review |
Challenges Faced by Health Professionals in Obtaining Correct Medication Information in the Absence of a Shared Digital Medication List |
2021 |
Academic article |
Suitability of Video Consultations During the COVID-19 Pandemic Lockdown: Cross-sectional Survey Among Norwegian General Practitioners |
2021 |
Academic article |
Design of an Android Wear Smartwatch Application as a Wearable Interface to the
Diabetes Diary Application |
2021 |
Academic article |
Telerehabilitation for chronic respiratory disease |
2021 |
Academic literature review |
Inequalities in the patterns of dermoscopy use and training across Europe: conclusions of the Eurodermoscopy pan-European survey |
2020 |
Academic article |
Technology as a Tool to Promote Nontechnical Skills in Surgical Training |
2020 |
Academic article |
What Role Can Process Mining Play in Recurrent Clinical Guidelines Issues? A Position Paper |
2020 |
Academic article |
A Dynamic Method, Analysis, and Model of Short-Term Memory for Serial Order with Clinical Applications |
2020 |
Academic article |
Grundigere analyser av helsedata kan gi pasienter bedre behandling |
2021 |
Interview |
Videomøte med fastlegen var i halvparten av tilfellene like bra som time på legekontoret |
2021 |
Interview |
Bodø vil være landets beste oppvekstkommune. De lytter til barn og unge som trenger velferdsteknologi |
2021 |
Interview |
Samskaping i digitalisering av norsk helse- og omsorgssektor: kollektive handlingsproblemer og motivasjon i en offentlig høring |
2020 |
Academic lecture |
Teknologistøttet personsentrert behandling er kommet for å bli |
2020 |
Academic lecture |
Fra telefaks til elektronisk forskrivning av multidose – hvordan påvirkes denne overgangen av uoverensstemmelser i legemiddellistene? |
2020 |
Lecture |
New tool makes it possible to do research on patient records without seeing sensitive information |
2021 |
Interview |
Digital meetings sped up app development |
2021 |
Interview |
What brings women into ehealth?: Women's career trajectories in digital transformations in health care |
2020 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Reaching for the Quadruple Aim – How to design effective whole system health service improvement? (Workshop) |
2020 |
Academic lecture |
Exploring electronic phenotyping for
clinical practice in Norwegian settings |
2020 |
Report |
Recommendations for enhancing the usability and understandability of process mining in healthcare |
2020 |
Academic article |
Feasibility of a home-based telerehabilitation exercise program for heart failure patients - a prospective randomized controlled trial |
2020 |
Academic lecture |
State of the Nordic Region 2020:
Wellbeing, health and digitalisation edition |
2020 |
Report |
Presentation - Communication between Mentor and Mentee Using Videoconferencing in Surgical Training |
2020 |
Academic lecture |
Panel: Theme: Data Analytics and Health Management - Qualitative Data Analytics of Interactions in Remote Medicine |
2020 |
Academic lecture |
The Nordic E-health Model |
2020 |
Academic lecture |
Mitigating isolation and loneliness with technology through
emotional care by social robots in remote |
2020 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
SENSE-GARDEN: An innovative approach to delivering individualized reminiscence therapy in dementia care |
2020 |
Poster |
Kunnskapsoppsummering om styring
og ledelse i e-helse |
2021 |
Report |
Digitale møter fikk fart på utvikling av helseapp |
2021 |
Interview |
Utforsking av elektronisk fenotyping for
klinisk praksis |
2020 |
Report |
Hvordan balanserer NEHS statlig styring og kommunalt selvstyre? Protokoll for artikkel 2 |
2020 |
Academic lecture |
Samstyring I e-helse: modeller og strategier for å realisere helsepolitiske mål. Presentasjon av PhD-prosjekt |
2020 |
Academic lecture |
Innføring av velferdsteknologi i kommunene - presentasjon av Phd -prosjekt |
2020 |
Academic lecture |
Digitale psykiske helsetjenester under koronapandemien |
2020 |
Interview |
«Sløyfa» – en metode for analyse av risiko i
klinisk arbeid i grenseflaten mellom
spesialisthelsetjenesten og
kommunehelsetjenesten. En egenevaluering av implementeringen i klinisk praksis |
2020 |
Article in business/trade/industry journal |
Digitale psykiske helsetjenester under koronapandemien |
2020 |
Interview |
Dette er diskusjonen om hvordan det nye milliardsystemet for kommunene bør lages |
2020 |
Interview |
Avstandsoppfølging i spesialisthelsetjenesten – Videokonsultasjoner (VK) i psykisk helsevern. |
2020 |
Academic lecture |
People prefer stories about people with diabetes to facts about the disease |
2020 |
Interview |
Do smartphone applications and activity trackers increase physical activity in adults? Systematic review, meta-analysis and metaregression |
2020 |
Academic literature review |
WHO/Europe and Norwegian Centre for E-health Research renew partnership |
2020 |
Interview |
Så kan machine learning och AI förbättra vardagen för profession och patienter |
2020 |
Lecture |
In-Silico Evaluation of Glucose Regulation Using Policy Gradient Reinforcement Learning for Patients with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus |
2020 |
Academic article |
Samisk innsyn i pasientjournal |
2020 |
Academic lecture |
Elektronisk innsyn i pasientjournal - erfaringer fra helsepersonell og pasienter |
2020 |
Lecture |
Hvordan kan helseteknologi hjelpe under pandemier, eldrebølgen og andre helseutfordringer? |
2020 |
Popular scientific lecture |
Lørdagsuniversitetet panelsamtale: Blir alt virkelig bra igjen? |
2020 |
Programme participation |
Digitalt frokostmøte: Hvor god er Norge på persontilpasset medisin? |
2020 |
Lecture |
Helsedata: Gull eller gråstein? |
2020 |
Lecture |
Covid-19 – hvordan håndterer Norge pandemien? |
2020 |
Lecture |
Toppledersamtale |
2020 |
Lecture |
Helsedata – Norges nye plattform |
2020 |
Lecture |
Innføring av Pasientens legemiddelliste i kommunehelsetjenesten. - Status, erfaringer og utfordringer |
2020 |
Lecture |
How mHealth can facilitate collaboration in diabetes care: qualitative analysis of codesign workshops |
2020 |
Academic article |
Can chatbots motivate people to be more active?
Chatbots used in social media with a public health purpose has great potential, new research shows. |
2020 |
Interview |
User-centred Design with a Remote Approach: Experiences from the Chronic Pain Project |
2020 |
Academic lecture |
Leveraging Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing for Monitoring E-health Publications |
2020 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Towards a National Clinical Decision Support Framework for Norway: Expert
Assessment and Proposed Architecture |
2020 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Socio-technical Requirements for Expert Users to Design Structured User-Interfaces
for OpenEHR-based Electronic Health Records |
2020 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
The use of technology in creating individualized, meaningful activities for people living with dementia: A systematic review |
2020 |
Academic literature review |
Risk-Averse Food Recommendation Using Bayesian Feedforward Neural Networks for Patients with Type 1 Diabetes Doing Physical Activities |
2020 |
Academic article |
50 bp deletion in promoter superoxide dismutase 1 gene and increasing risk of cardiovascular disease in Mashhad stroke and heart atherosclerotic disorder cohort study |
2020 |
Academic article |
Comprehensive laboratory reference intervals for routine biochemical markers and pro-oxidant-antioxidant balance (PAB) in male adults |
2020 |
Academic article |
Dietary Inflammatory Index is associated with Healthy Eating Index, Alternative Healthing Eating Index, and dietary patterns among Iranian adults |
2020 |
Academic article |
Association of a genetic variant in the AKT gene locus and cardiovascular risk factors |
2020 |
Academic article |
Risk-Averse Food Recommendation Using Bayesian Feedforward Neural Networks for Patients with Type 1 Diabetes Doing Physical Activities |
2020 |
Academic article |
Elaborating Models of eHealth Governance: Qualitative Systematic Review |
2020 |
Academic literature review |
Can Increased Patient Involvement Reduce the Number of Surgery Cancellations? Lessons learned from a research and development project in Norway |
2020 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Folk vil heller ha historier om personer med diabetes enn fakta om sykdommen |
2020 |
Interview |
Kan chatbots på sosiale medier få folk til å bevege seg mer? |
2020 |
Interview |
Koronatiden kan tvinge kommunene til å bruke mer velferdsteknologi |
2020 |
Interview |
Teledermatology in Norway using a mobile
phone app |
2020 |
Academic article |
A change of focus towards patients and their technologies is needed |
2020 |
Academic lecture |
Challenges and Best Practices in Ethical Review
of Human and Organizational Factors Studies
in Health Technology: a Synthesis of Testimonies
A Joint Contribution from the International Medical
Informatics Association’s Human Factors Engineering and |
2020 |
Academic article |
Mortality decreased among sick elderly patients after better coordination of health services |
2020 |
Interview |
How do we know that a diabetes app works? |
2020 |
Interview |
Podcast: Mobil helse endrer helsevesenet og helseforskningen: - Vår forskning skal bedre folks helse |
2020 |
Interview |
Teknologi i psykisk helse og rusfeltet |
2020 |
Other product |
Pasientenes erfaringer med digital fastlegekommunikasjon |
2020 |
Interview |
Pasienter opplever bedre behandling med digital legetime |
2020 |
Interview |
What do immigrant youth and mentors need in mentoring and what are the implications for e-mentoring platforms? (POSTER PRESENTATIONS CANCELLED DUE TO COVID-19) |
2020 |
Poster |
Long term use of the telemonitoring system Diani in the therapy of a patient with type 1 diabetes |
2020 |
Academic article |
The Diabetes Digital Guidelines Project: Patient-needs study |
2020 |
Academic lecture |
Health workers got the hang of video during corona situation |
2020 |
Interview |
Factors Engaging Users of Diabetes Social Media Channels on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram: Observational Study |
2020 |
Academic article |
50 bp deletion in promoter superoxide dismutase 1 gene and increasing risk of cardiovascular disease in Mashhad stroke and heart atherosclerotic disorder cohort study |
2020 |
Academic article |
Digital Medication Management - submit your paper |
2020 |
Other product |
Forskere fra flere fagmiljøer sier de ikke blir hørt i Akson-prosjektet |
2020 |
Interview |
Hvordan vet vi at en diabetesapp virker? |
2020 |
Interview |
Piller i porsjonsposar løyser ikkje alle problem med feilmedisinering |
2020 |
Interview |
Forskere: -Ble ikke bedt om råd |
2020 |
Interview |
Nå kan forskere analysere pasientjournaler uten å se sensitiv informasjon |
2020 |
Interview |
Laget diabetes-robot |
2020 |
Interview |
Helsepersonell ønsker å fortsette med digital pasientbehandling |
2020 |
Interview |
Forskningsleder advarer Høie mot Akson |
2020 |
Interview |
Akson er feil svar på riktig spørsmål |
2020 |
Reader opinion piece |
Forskningssenter advarer mot Akson: -Langt på vei avskiltet |
2020 |
Interview |
5 års forskning: Velferdsteknologi for barn og unge med funksjonsnedsettelser |
2020 |
Lecture |
Denne maskinen vet hvor mye sukker du trenger |
2020 |
Interview |
Raspberry pi, skyen og nyutviklete algoritmer kan hjelpe diabetikere |
2020 |
Interview |
Vi søker etter helseinformasjon på nettet, men går vi til legen etterpå? |
2020 |
Interview |
Denne maskinen vet hvor mye sukker du trenger |
2020 |
Interview |
Legene bruker fortsatt faks. Nå må de over på e-resept for alle medisiner |
2020 |
Interview |
Medical pluralism in the aftermath of cancer: health seeking actions and cancer patients’ shaping of trajectories to healing |
2020 |
Academic article |
User-centred Design with a Remote Approach: Experiences from the Chronic Pain Project |
2020 |
Academic article |
How to enhance digital support for cross-organisational health
care teams? A user-based explorative study |
2020 |
Academic article |
We search for health information online, but do we see the doctor afterwards? |
2020 |
Interview |
Succeeding with prolonged usage ofconsumer-based activity trackers in clinicalstudies: a mixed methods approach |
2020 |
Academic article |
The House of Carbs |
2020 |
Interview |
The House of Carbs |
2020 |
Interview |
Potentially inappropriate prescribing to older patients receiving multidose drug dispensing |
2020 |
Academic article |
House of Carbs - Personalized Carbohydrate Dispenser for People with Diabetes |
2020 |
Other product |
Combining online and offline peer support groups in community mental health care settings: A qualitative study of service users' experiences |
2020 |
Academic article |
Effekt av korona: Fastlegen går digitalt |
2020 |
Interview |
Methods and Evaluation Criteria for Apps and Digital Interventions for Diabetes Self-Management: Systematic Review |
2020 |
Academic literature review |
Research advances of indoor navigation for blind people: A brief review of technological instrumentation |
2020 |
Academic literature review |
Privacy-preserving architecture for providing feedback to clinicians on their clinical performance |
2020 |
Academic article |
Corona gives rapid digitalisation in mental health services |
2020 |
Interview |
Rapport fra ekspertgruppen for datadeling i næringslivet |
2020 |
Report |
An Evaluation of Telemedicine Systems in Patient-centred Care Teams |
2020 |
Academic article |
Qualitative Evaluations of mHealth Interventions: Current Gaps and Future Directions |
2020 |
Academic article |
A Comparison of the User Experiences of Primary Care Electronic Health Record Systems |
2020 |
Academic lecture |
User-centred Design of a Mobile Application for Chronic Pain Management |
2020 |
Academic lecture |
Analysing Sentiment and Topics Related to Multiple Sclerosis on Twitter |
2020 |
Academic article |
What Do We Know About the Use of Chatbots for Public Health? |
2020 |
Academic literature review |
Healthcare workers should use social media more to share health information |
2020 |
Interview |
Patients’ use and experiences with e-consultation and other digital health services with their general practitioner in Norway: results from an online survey |
2020 |
Academic article |
User Expectations and Willingness to Share Self-collected Health Data |
2020 |
Academic article |
The House of Carbs: Personalized Carbohydrate Dispenser for People with Diabetes |
2020 |
Academic article |
Healthcare Personnel's Expectations of a System for Sharing and Using Patient‐Gathered Data |
2020 |
Poster |
How People with Type 1 Diabetes can Assist in Disease Outbreak Detection |
2020 |
Poster |
Transforming a Furby Toy into a Multi‐Modal Companion for Children with Type 1 Diabetes |
2020 |
Poster |
Discovering Blood Glucose Regulation Processes with Process Mining |
2020 |
Poster |
Cluster Detection Mechanisms for Syndromic Surveillance Systems: Systematic Review and Framework Development |
2020 |
Academic article |
Coronavirus made the GP go digital |
2020 |
Interview |
Blir vi hypokondere av å søke om helse på nett? |
2020 |
Interview |
E-helseforskerne finner mye feil, forblir likevel teknooptimister |
2020 |
Interview |
«Hele døgnet, hele uka, hele livsløpet»
Velferdsteknologi som del av et helhetlig tilbud for barn
og unge med funksjonsnedsettelser - En kvalitativ studie
i Bodø kommune |
2020 |
Report |
Muligheter og utfordringer med velferdsteknologi for barn og unge med funksjonsnedsettelser |
2020 |
Academic lecture |
Podcast - Fastlegen går digitalt! |
2020 |
Interview |
De som jobber med psykisk helse fikk digitalt sjokk |
2020 |
Interview |
Podcast - De som jobber med psykisk helse fikk digitalt sjokk |
2020 |
Interview |
The COVID-19 Pandemic Revealed
the Importance and Shortcomings of
Technologies for Diabetes Support |
2020 |
Short communication |
Do you use apps or social media when you are sick? |
2020 |
Interview |
A Comparison of the User Experiences of Primary Care Electronic Health Record Systems |
2020 |
Academic article |
User-centred Design of a Mobile Application for Chronic Pain Management |
2020 |
Academic article |
The Sociological Observation of Society as a Whole |
2020 |
Academic article |
Methods and Measures Used to Evaluate Patient-Operated Mobile
Health Interventions: Scoping Literature Review |
2020 |
Academic literature review |
Smartphone-based computer vision travelling aids for blind and visually impaired individuals: A systematic review |
2020 |
Academic literature review |
eHealth approach for motivating physical activities of people with intellectual disabilities |
2020 |
Academic article |
Diabetesopprøret |
2020 |
Interview |
Helsepersonell bør bli mer aktive på sosiale medier |
2020 |
Interview |
Bruker du app eller sosiale medier når du er syk? |
2020 |
Interview |
Norge trenger en kunnskapsbasert e-helselov |
2020 |
Feature article |
Slik kan apper gjøre livet bedre. |
2020 |
Article in business/trade/industry journal |
Koronakrisen skaper solidaritet -kan sosiologien forklare hvordan? |
2020 |
Reader opinion piece |
Folk får bedre kontroll på helsa når de ser journalen sin |
2020 |
Interview |
Digitalisering av helsetjenester |
2020 |
Interview |
Reading your electronic health record can put you in control |
2020 |
Interview |
Ethical Considerations for Participatory Health through Social Media: Healthcare Workforce and Policy Maker Perspectives. |
2020 |
Academic article |
Patient Use and Experience With Online Access to Electronic Health Records in Norway: Results From an Online Survey |
2020 |
Academic article |
Special issue on e-health services |
2020 |
Academic article |
Social media for adults |
2020 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Communication between Mentor and Mentee Using Videoconferencing in Surgical Training |
2020 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Factors Influencing Motivation and Engagement in Mobile Health Among Patients With Sickle Cell Disease in Low-Prevalence, High-Income Countries: Qualitative Exploration of Patient Requirements |
2020 |
Academic article |
Digitally Enhanced Mentoring for Immigrant Youth Social Capital: Protocol for a Mixed Methods Pilot Study and a Randomized Controlled Trial |
2020 |
Academic article |
Internasjonal litteraturstudie om
velferdsteknologi for barn og
unge med funksjonsnedsettelser |
2020 |
Report |
Tiltak for barn og ungdom med psykisk syke foreldre. Nye muligheter for hjelp og støtte |
2015 |
Lecture |
Morild - et internettbasert hjelpetilbud for barn og unge med foreldre med psykiske problemer |
2015 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Evalueringsrapport DeVaVi: Desentralistert vaktsamarbeid ved bruk av videokonferanse. Evaluering av endringer i akuttjenesten for opptaksområdet til avdeling Sør, Psykisk helse og rusklinikken, UNN HF |
2015 |
Report |
Evaluering av DeVaVi: Desentralisert vaktsamarbeid ved bruk av videokonferanse. Presentasjon av kvalitative funn. |
2015 |
Lecture |
Legers erfaringer med kjernejournal |
2017 |
Lecture |
Implementering (og utbredelse) av visjonen om personsentrert behandling; Foreløpig analyse basert på Normalization Process Theory |
2017 |
Lecture |
Norge kan bli en stormakt innen helseteknologi |
2017 |
Feature article |
Bruk av app til diabetes og mat – eksempel: Diabetesdagboka |
2017 |
Popular scientific lecture |
Diabetes og behov som teknologi kan understøtte |
2017 |
Lecture |
Selvhjelpapplikasjoner - hvor står vi i dag og hva bringer morgendagen? |
2017 |
Lecture |
Velferdsteknologi for barn og unge med funksjonsnedsettelser |
2017 |
Report |
IKT-støtte for kodeverk og terminologi |
2017 |
Report |
Hvordan best behandle de med flere alvorlige sykdommer? |
2017 |
Interview |
Sosial, digital kontakt: Opplæring av eldre - erfaringer fra 2016 |
2017 |
Report |
VIDEOCARE:Desentralisert akuttpsykiatri ved bruk av videokonferanse |
2017 |
Academic lecture |
Kunnskapsoppsummering: Sosial, digital kontakt for å motvirke ensomhet blant eldre |
2017 |
Report |
Utfordrer systemer og letter hverdagen |
2016 |
Interview |
Multidose i e-resept Erfaringer fra bruk av e-multidose i pilotkommuner |
2016 |
Report |
Konsept for nasjonal
e-helsemonitor |
2016 |
Report |
Innføring av kjernejournal i
de fire helseregionene - Faktorer som fremmer og hemmer innføring av kjernejournal i spesialisthelsetjenesten
fra et prosjektlederperspektiv |
2016 |
Report |
Forskningsprotokoll -VerDig
Verdiskapende Digitale Samhandlingsløsninger for Pasientens helsetjeneste |
2016 |
Report |
Oversikt over tallmateriale og kartlegginger på e-helse i Norge |
2016 |
Report |
Internasjonale referansecase for bruk av helsedata |
2016 |
Report |
Barn som pårørende - fremdeles «de glemte barna»? |
2016 |
Feature article |
Helhetlige pasientforløp – gjennomføring i primærhelsetjenesten |
2016 |
Academic article |
Nettbaserte helsetjenester for alle. Hvordan utvikle og implementere allment tilgjengelige e-helsetjenester i Norge |
2016 |
Report |
en samarbeidsmodell mellom kommune og helseforetak |
2016 |
Popular scientific article |
Å leve med psykisk sykdom: Digitale medier som mestringsverktøy |
2019 |
Academic lecture |
Hvordan personlige mål til innbyggere med kroniske sykdommer defineres og overvåkes ved hjelp av IKT. Resulter fra en scoping review. |
2019 |
Academic lecture |
Hvordan personlige mål hos personer med kroniske sykdommer kan formuleres og følges ved hjelp av informasjons- og kommunikasjonsteknologi? |
2018 |
Academic lecture |
8 år med forskernettverket "Barn som pårørende" |
2018 |
Academic lecture |
Hva vet vi om barn som er pårørende? Fra forskning til handling |
2018 |
Academic lecture |
Velferdsteknologi for barn og unge med funksjonsnedsettelser |
2018 |
Academic lecture |
En kvalitativ studie: Muligheter med velferdsteknologi for barn og unge med funksjonsnedsettelser |
2018 |
Academic article |
17 år med forskning ved bruk av e-helse |
2018 |
Popular scientific chapter/article |
Barn og unge som er pårørende: Hva vet vi og hva kan vi gjøre? |
2018 |
Academic lecture |
Velferdsteknologi for barn og unge med funksjonsnedsettelser |
2018 |
Academic lecture |
Velferdsteknologi for barn og unge med funksjonsnedsettelser |
2018 |
Academic lecture |
Siste nytt og satsningsområder innen e-helse og diabetesforskning |
2018 |
Popular scientific lecture |
Involvering av pasienter i design og forskning |
2018 |
Popular scientific lecture |
Hvilken type kliniske data er viktig å samle og dele i forhold til oppfølging av personlig mål? |
2017 |
Academic lecture |
Hva er viktig i pasientens liv? |
2017 |
Academic lecture |
Hvordan personlig mål er innarbeidet i pasientens personlige plan? |
2017 |
Academic lecture |
Utilizing social media for research and development of diabetes self-management tools |
2016 |
Poster |
A Norwegian E-Health program: predictors for successful smoking cessation among more than 4,000 men and women |
2016 |
Abstract |
Making sense of changing health landscapes- new demands for research and evaluations |
2016 |
Editorial |
A Norwegian E-health Program: predictors for successful smoking cessation among more than 4,000 men and women |
2016 |
Academic lecture |
Text messaging as an addition to an internet based smoking cessation intervention: a randomized controlled trial |
2016 |
Academic lecture |
The case of E-health as a s strategic investment in the front-line in less urban areas |
2016 |
Lecture |
Patients’ online access to their health record’s log: Improving patient privacy |
2016 |
Academic lecture |
Do-It-Yourself Movement and Advanced Functions Provided by
Wearable Devices in Diabetes Self-Management |
2016 |
Academic article |
Web-based consultations and counseling for parents of children with atopic dermatitis |
2016 |
Academic lecture |
On Data-Independent Properties for Density-Based Dissimilarity Measures in Hybrid Clustering |
2016 |
Academic article |
Telecare innovation, family configuration and citizenship |
2016 |
Academic lecture |
Using the CFIR framework to identify barriers and facilitators for the implementation of secure email in five settings |
2016 |
Abstract |
Facilitators and barriers affecting the implementation of eHealth patient–provider communication tools into routine clinical practice |
2016 |
Academic lecture |
Are physical activity and benefits maintained after long-term telerehabilitation in COPD? |
2016 |
Academic article |
Implementation of secure email to clinical practice – facilitators and barriers |
2016 |
Poster |
Text messaging as an addition to an internet based smoking cessation intervention: a randomized controlled trial. |
2016 |
Abstract |
The act of balancing expectations towards use of an interactive e-health intervention for collaboration and recovery in mental health |
2016 |
Academic lecture |
mHealth Assessment: conceptualization of a global framework |
2016 |
Abstract |
The potential use of patient-gathered data from mHealth tools: suggestions based on an RCT-study |
2016 |
Abstract |
The opportunity to evaluate the impact of our changing health care system through archetypes and reinforced use of medical coding |
2016 |
Abstract |
An Internet-based collaboration tool for personal recovery: How did service users and providers address and align expectations about collaborating through the tool? |
2016 |
Academic lecture |
Software-based motivational mechanisms – improved motivation with gamification |
2016 |
Academic lecture |
25 years history of the development of telemedicine in northern Norway |
2016 |
Academic lecture |
Mobile Communication in Hospitals: Is It Still a Problem? |
2016 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Motivation in mHealth, eHealth and telemedicine |
2016 |
Academic lecture |
Literatures Review of Telemedicine Services in Maritime and Extreme Weather |
2016 |
Poster |
Literatures Review of Telemedicine Services in Maritime and Extreme Weather |
2016 |
Abstract |
Integrating data from apps, wearables and personal Electronic Health Record (pEHR) systems with clinicians’ Electronic Health Records (EHR) systems |
2016 |
Abstract |
mHealth data-sharing system to improve communication during consultations: Type 1 diabetes patients’ perspective during the FI-STAR study |
2016 |
Abstract |
Better glucose regulation through enabling group-based motivational mechanisms in cloud-based solutions like Nightscout |
2016 |
Abstract |
Warning: the Do-It-Yourself (DIY) wave will drastically change diabetes care! |
2016 |
Abstract |
Unintended Consequences of Tele Health and their Possible Solutions |
2016 |
Academic article |
Innovative Physiotherapy and Continuity of Care in People with Multiple Sclerosis: A Randomized Controlled Trial and a Qualitative Study |
2016 |
Academic article |
Maintenance of physical activity and health outcomes after long-term telerehabilitation in COPD |
2016 |
Academic lecture |
Patient-Centred Healthcare Team
Work Practice, Experiences, and Estimated Benefits |
2016 |
Academic article |
Human Factors for Nursing: From In-Situ Testing to Mobile Usability Engineering. |
2016 |
Academic article |
Developing and implementing patients' full-scale electronic access to their health record |
2016 |
Academic article |
Telemonitoring in Cystic Fibrosis: A 4-year Assessment and Simulation for the Next 6 Years. |
2016 |
Academic article |
Which indicators for measuring the daily physical activity? An overview on the challenges and technology limits for Telehealth applications |
2016 |
Academic literature review |
Secure and scalable statistical computation of questionnaire data in R |
2016 |
Academic article |
The balancing act. A study of coordination work in hospitals |
2016 |
Poster |
System for enabling clinicians to relate to a mobile health app: Preliminary results of the Norwegian trial in the EU FI-STAR project |
2016 |
Abstract |
The Use of eHealth and Provider-Based Health Services by Patients with Diabetes Mellitus: Protocol for a Cross-Sectional Study |
2016 |
Academic article |
Managing everyday life: Exploring an online self-help group for adolescents with a mentally ill parent. |
2016 |
Academic lecture |
Randomised controlled trial of telemonitoring with addition of daily forced oscillation in older people with COPD and co-morbidity |
2016 |
Academic lecture |
Telerehabilitation |
2016 |
Lecture |
Telerehabilitering |
2016 |
Academic lecture |
Strengthening EU policies in support of ICT for development: Results from a survey of
ICT experts |
2016 |
Academic article |
Support vector feature selection for early detection of anastomosis leakage from bag-of-words in electronic health records |
2016 |
Academic article |
An examination of the language construct in NIMH's research domain criteria: Time for reconceptualization! |
2016 |
Academic literature review |
Designing mHealth tools empowering people with sickle cell disease |
2016 |
Poster |
The Learning Healthcare System: Where are we now? A systematic review |
2016 |
Academic literature review |
Designing mHealth tools empowering people with sickle cell disease |
2016 |
Abstract |
Towards Process Support in Information Technologies for the Healthcare Sector: The Context-Aware Methodology |
2016 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
The Value of Clinical Information Models and Terminology for Sharing Clinical Information |
2016 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Designing User Interfaces for Personal Health Assessment Questionaires: A Report From a Pilot Study |
2016 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Proceedings from the Eighth International Conference on Information, Process, and Knowledge Management |
2016 |
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings |
Learning and Knowledge-Based Adaptive Human-Machine Interaction |
2016 |
Lecture |
Adoption of routine telemedicine in Norwegian hospitals: progress over 5 years |
2016 |
Academic article |
Long-term integrated telerehabilitation of COPD Patients: A multicentre randomised controlled trial (iTrain) |
2016 |
Academic article |
Information and communications technologies in low and middle-income countries: Survey results on economic development and health |
2016 |
Academic article |
What are diabetes patients discussing on social media? |
2016 |
Abstract |
Establishing ICT governance for regional information infrastructures in healthcare |
2016 |
Academic article |
Weekly pattern for online information seeking on HIV - A multi-language study |
2016 |
Academic article |
"My cancer is not my deepest concern": life course disruption influencing patient pathways and health care needs among persons living with colorectal cancer |
2016 |
Academic article |
Publication, discovery and interoperability of clinical decision support systems: a linked data approach |
2016 |
Academic article |
Use of social media for sexual health promotion: a scoping review |
2016 |
Academic literature review |
Consensus on Norwegian archetypes |
2016 |
Short communication |
Continuous leg dyskinesia assessment in Parkinson's disease -clinical validity and ecological effect |
2016 |
Academic article |
User-centric ehealth tool to address the psychosocial effects of sickle cell disease |
2016 |
Academic article |
Effectiveness of an Internet Community for Severely Obese Women |
2016 |
Academic lecture |
Digital Users in Pre-Digital Hospital Organisations? An Analysis on the Readiness for Electronic Communication Between a Hospital and Surgical Patients |
2016 |
Academic article |
Effectiveness of an Internet Community for Severely Obese Women |
2016 |
Academic article |
Play and Learn: Developing a Social Game for Children with Diabetes |
2016 |
Academic article |
Serious Game Co-Design for Children with Type 1 Diabetes |
2016 |
Academic lecture |
Serious game co-design for children with type 1 diabetes |
2016 |
Academic article |
Telemedicine tools for automated generation of diabetes diary |
2016 |
Poster |
2016 |
Poster |
2016 |
Abstract |
2016 |
Abstract |
Serious Gaming in Diabetes: Combining Apps and Gaming Principles in a Holistic Diabetes Environment |
2016 |
Poster |
Wearable Computing in Diabetes – Advanced Functions Enabled by Smartwatches |
2016 |
Poster |
Designing motivational and educational diabetes video games involving children as a creative resource |
2016 |
Poster |
Utilizing technology and alternative approaches for displaying vital information and creating engagement for children and adolescents with diabetes |
2016 |
Poster |
Using Online Forums to Better Understand Motivations Behind Technology Uptake Among Type 2 Diabetes Patients, Using CGM as the Use-Case |
2016 |
Poster |
Barriers to the Success of Health ICT Implementations – A Report from Norway |
2016 |
Poster |
Evaluation of a Context-Specific Communication System Based on Smartphones. A field study of use and nurses’ expectations |
2016 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Barriers to the Success of Health ICT Implementations – A Report from Norway |
2016 |
Academic article |
Evaluation of an educational programme with workshops for families of children with food allergies |
2016 |
Academic article |
Promoting Patient Voices on the
Internet. Ethical considerations about web-based dissemination of research on patient narratives. |
2016 |
Academic article |
Promoting Patient Voices on the
Internet. Ethical considerations about web-based dissemination of research on patient narratives. |
2016 |
Academic lecture |
Concept Testing
Toward a Patient-Validated Information Architecture. Prototype Development of Healthtalk |
2016 |
Academic article |
Concept Testing
Toward a Patient-Validated Information Architecture. Prototype Development of Healthtalk |
2016 |
Academic lecture |
Predicting colorectal surgical complications using heterogeneous clinical data and kernel methods |
2016 |
Academic article |
Utilizing social media for research and developement of diabetes self-management tools. |
2016 |
Abstract |
eTELEMED 2016, The Eighth International Conference on eHealth, Telemedicine and Social Medicine |
2016 |
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings |
Collecting evidence about ehealth implementation in the Nordic Countries |
2016 |
Academic article |
Electronic Disease Surveillance System Based on Inputs from People with Diabetes: An Early Outbreak Detection Mechanism |
2016 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Proceedings from The 14th Scandinavian Health Informatics Conference 2016 |
2016 |
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings |
Evaluation of a Context Specific Communcation System Based on Smartphone. Nurses Use and Experiences |
2016 |
Academic article |
Motivation: Lessons learned from 15 years with self-management systems for people with diabetes |
2016 |
Academic lecture |
Motivation, health care, technology, and design |
2016 |
Academic lecture |
Some examples of motivation mechanisms from the diabetes group at UNN and a tiny bit of theory |
2016 |
Academic lecture |
Wearable Computing in Diabetes: Advanced Functions Enabled by Smartwatches |
2016 |
Abstract |
Designing motivational and educational diabetes video games involving children as a creative resource |
2016 |
Abstract |
Utilizing technology and alternative approaches for displaying vital information and creating engagement for children and adolescents with diabetes |
2016 |
Abstract |
Using Online Forums to Better Understand Motivations Behind Technology Uptake Among Type 2 Diabetes Patients, Using CGM as the Use-Case |
2016 |
Abstract |
Serious Gaming in Diabetes: Combining Apps and Gaming Principles in a Holistic Diabetes Environment |
2016 |
Abstract |
A systematic review of the characteristics and validity of monitoring technologies to assess Parkinson's disease |
2016 |
Academic article |
Adherence and factors affecting satisfaction in long-term telerehabilitation for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a mixed methods study |
2016 |
Academic article |
Assessment of mast in european patient-centered telemedicine pilots |
2016 |
Academic article |
Concepts of ‘self’ in delusion resolution |
2016 |
Academic article |
On the Development of a Hospital-Patient Web-Based Communication Tool: A Case Study From Norway |
2015 |
Academic article |
Web-based video conferencing: is healthcare ready for an update? |
2015 |
Academic lecture |
Interoperable archetypes with a three folded terminology governance |
2015 |
Short communication |
Integrating visual dietary documentation in mobile-phone-based self-management application for adolescents with type 1 diabetes |
2015 |
Academic article |
Semantic interoperability in clinical decision support systems: a systematic review |
2015 |
Short communication |
Online Telemonitoring System of Diabetes – Supervision and Management of Patient Treatment for Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus |
2015 |
Academic article |
Experience with Design of a Smartwatch Diabetes Diary
Application |
2015 |
Academic article |
Follow-up in Cystic Fibrosis Patients by Telemedicine assistance. |
2015 |
Academic article |
Telerehabilitation and self-management. Experiences from a long-term maintenance exercise program for COPD patients |
2015 |
Lecture |
Lung function assessed by home Forced Oscillation and self reported symptoms during COPD exacerbations |
2015 |
Poster |
Internettbasert Spørsmål- og Svartjeneste i klinisk praksis - Evaluering av implementeringen |
2015 |
Academic lecture |
Implementing an internet-based patient-provider communication service (secure email) into clinical practice - critical factors |
2015 |
Academic lecture |
Comprehensive pulmonary rehabilitation in home-based online groups: A mixed method pilot study in COPD |
2015 |
Academic article |
How do we deal with multiple goals for care within an individual patient trajectory? A document content analysis of health service research papers on goals for care |
2015 |
Academic literature review |
Archetype-based data warehouse environment to enable the reuse of electronic health record data |
2015 |
Academic article |
The Contextualization of Archetypes: Clinical Template Governance |
2015 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Interoperable Archetypes With a Three-Folded Terminology Governance |
2015 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Using the consolidated framework for implementation research to identify barriers and facilitators for the implementation of an internet-based patient-provider communication service in five settings: A qualitative study |
2015 |
Academic article |
Computer-aided decision support for melanoma detection applied on melanocytic and non-melanocytic skin lesions: a comparison of two systems based on automatic analysis of dermoscopic images |
2015 |
Academic article |
Mobile Health: Empowering patients and driving change |
2015 |
Academic article |
Is there a weekly pattern for health information searching and is the pattern unique to health topics? |
2015 |
Academic article |
Clinical parameters and tools for home-based assessment of Parkinson's disease: Results from a delphi study |
2015 |
Academic article |
Implementing and up-scaling evidence-based eMental health in Europe: The study protocol for the MasterMind project |
2015 |
Academic article |
Mobile applications for people with diabetes published between 2010 and 2015 |
2015 |
Academic article |
Long-term exercise maintenance in COPD via telerehabilitation: effects from a 2-year pilot study |
2015 |
Lecture |
Secretaries’ role in EHR Documentation and the Implications of Establishing a
Structured EHR System |
2015 |
Academic article |
The role of medical transcriptionists in producing high-quality documentation |
2015 |
Academic article |
On the Development of a Hospital-Patient Web-Based Communication Tool: A Case Study From Norway |
2015 |
Academic lecture |
Camera Movement during Telementoring and Laparoscopic Surgery: Challenges and Innovative Solutions |
2015 |
Academic lecture |
Adherence and factors affecting satisfaction in long-term telerehabilitation for COPD patients |
2015 |
Poster |
ePoint.telemed: An Open Web-based Platform for Home Monitoring of Patients with Chronic Heart Failure |
2015 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
ePoint.telemed: An Open Web-based Platform for Home Monitoring of Patients with Chronic Heart Failure |
2015 |
Academic lecture |
Video-recorded Observations of Surgical Telementoring
Approaching collaboration among laparoscopic surgeons using videoconference |
2015 |
Academic article |
Day to day management and ICT implementation |
2015 |
Lecture |
Polish-Norwegian Cooperation for Integrated Care and Telemedicine. NST – History and Main Achievements |
2015 |
Report |
Lessons learned from 25 years with telemedicine in Northern Norway |
2015 |
Academic monograph |
Middle Managers' Experiences and Role in Implementing an Interactive Tailored Patient Assessment eHealth Intervention in Clinical Practice |
2015 |
Academic article |
Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of the PAtient-Centred Team (PACT) model: protocol of a prospective matched control before and after study |
2015 |
Academic article |
How to Measure Costs and Benefits of E-health Interventions; an
Overview of Methods and Frameworks |
2015 |
Academic article |
An Economic Model of Remote Specialist Consultations using Videoconferencing |
2015 |
Academic article |
From unstructured EHR text to data-driven clinical decision support |
2015 |
Abstract |
The video-gaze in psychiatric emergency care. |
2015 |
Academic lecture |
Patient - physican - nurse roles in videoconferenced psychiatric emergency care |
2015 |
Academic lecture |
On the Need for Interdisciplinary Teams in Health IT Design |
2015 |
Academic lecture |
eKNOW 2015, The Seventh International Conference on Information, Process, and Knowledge Management |
2015 |
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings |
Multidisciplinary Modelling of Symptoms and Signs with Archetypes and SNOMED-CT for Clinical Decision Support |
2015 |
Academic article |
Privacy-preserving Statistical Query and Processing on Distributed OpenEHR Data |
2015 |
Academic article |
Data-driven Temporal Prediction of Surgical Site Infection |
2015 |
Academic article |
What can be learned by analyzing patient-gathered data from a self-management diabetes app |
2019 |
Abstract |
Self-recruited T2D patients' engagement in a self-management tool: Feedback and suggestions |
2019 |
Poster |
Self-recruited T2D patients'engagement in a self-management tool: Feedback and suggestions |
2019 |
Abstract |
System for automatic estimation and delivery of quickly-absorbable carbohydrates |
2019 |
Poster |
System for automatic estimation and delivery of quickly-absorbable carbohydrates |
2019 |
Abstract |
Establishing Baseline in the Status of E-health Research in Norway |
2019 |
Academic lecture |
Health promotion priorities for diabetes: Results of a Delphi study |
2019 |
Abstract |
2019 |
Poster |
Group-Based Individualized Comprehensive Core Stability Intervention Improves Balance in Persons With Multiple Sclerosis: A Randomized Controlled Trial |
2019 |
Academic article |
Twitter revealed a more positive attitude towards type 1 diabetes |
2019 |
Interview |
Ambulatory vocal acoustics, temporal dynamics, and serious mental illness |
2019 |
Academic article |
Employing a User-Centered Cognitive Walkthrough to Evaluate a mHealth Diabetes Self-Management Application: A Case Study and Beginning Method Validation |
2019 |
Academic article |
What are diabetes patients versus health care personnel discussing on social media? |
2019 |
Academic article |
Cost-Effectiveness of Telemedicine in Remote Orthopedic Consultations: Randomized Controlled Trial |
2019 |
Academic article |
Health Analytics,current data situation and use in Norway |
2018 |
Lecture |
Artificial Intelligence based on real world data |
2018 |
Academic lecture |
Socio-technical Challenges of Large-Scale EPR Standardization in Healthcare. |
2018 |
Doctoral dissertation |
Children of parent with illness |
2018 |
Academic lecture |
Seven years of telemedicine in Medecins Sans Frontieres demonstrate that offering direct specialist expertise in the frontline brings clinical and educational value |
2018 |
Academic article |
Using Adaptive Immersive Environments to Stimulate Emotional Expression and
Connection in Dementia Care - Insights from User Perspectives towards SENSE-GARDEN |
2018 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Hyperspectral image analysis for skin cancer |
2018 |
Lecture |
Nevus doctor – Clinical decision support for primary care physicians |
2018 |
Poster |
eCAP: E-health Services for Child- and Adolescent Psychiatry |
2018 |
Academic lecture |
Quality of prescribing for Norwegian elderly patients using automated multidose dispensed drugs |
2018 |
Academic lecture |
The Service User Technology Acceptability Questionnaire: Psychometric Evaluation of the Norwegian Version |
2018 |
Academic article |
Assessing Values In National And Regional Governance Of E-health |
2018 |
Abstract |
“What matters to you?” A longitudinal qualitative study of Norwegian patients’ perspectives on their pathways with colorectal cancer |
2018 |
Academic article |
Space for reminiscence therapy and multisensory stimulation in Sensegarden |
2018 |
Poster |
Modern technology and reminiscence therapy for people with dementia |
2018 |
Academic lecture |
Relations between the use of electronic health and the use of general practitioner and somatic specialist visits in patients with type 1 diabetes: Cross-sectional study |
2018 |
Academic article |
Modeling self-reported and observed affect from speech |
2018 |
Academic article |
The Norwegian Primary Care Research Network - Implementation and research; challenges and results so far |
2018 |
Academic lecture |
Doctors are not using summary care records as intended |
2018 |
Interview |
Negation detection in Norwegian medical text: Porting a Swedish NegEx to Norwegian. Work in progress |
2018 |
Poster |
Diabetes patients want more information about research |
2018 |
Interview |
Clinical videoconferencing as ehealth: A critical-realist review and qualitative meta-synthesis |
2018 |
Academic literature review |
The Impact of telementoring |
2018 |
Academic lecture |
The Impact of Telementoring |
2018 |
Academic article |
Preferences and interests of diabetes social media users regarding a health-promotion intervention |
2018 |
Academic article |
VIDEOCARE: Decentralised psychiatric emergency care through videoconferencing |
2018 |
Academic lecture |
The Role of a Disruptive Digital Technology for Home- based Healthcare of the Elderly: Telepresence Robot |
2018 |
Academic literature review |
Diabetes on Twitter: A sentiment analysis |
2018 |
Academic article |
Correction: The association between commonly investigated user factors and various types of ehealth use for self-care of type 2 diabetes: Case of first-generation immigrants from Pakistan in the oslo area, Norway (Journal of Medical Internet Research |
2018 |
Errata |
Digitized patient–provider interaction: How does it matter? A qualitative meta-synthesis |
2018 |
Academic article |
A systematic review of trials evaluating success factors of interventions with computerised clinical decision support |
2018 |
Academic literature review |
Exploring the Use of Context-Awareness in Scheduling Methods to Approach the Patient Planning Problem |
2018 |
Academic article |
A Method for Reporting of Variance in Informal Care Pathways |
2018 |
Academic article |
A systematic review of cluster detection mechanisms in syndromic surveillance: Towards developing a framework of cluster detection mechanisms for EDMON system |
2018 |
Academic literature review |
The evolution of clinicians’ preparedness for mHealth use (2013-2017) and current barriers |
2018 |
Academic article |
Making computer games that can teach children with Type 1 diabetes in rural areas how to manage their condition |
2018 |
Academic article |
Analysing mHealth usage logs in RCTs:
Explaining participants’ interactions with type
2 diabetes self-management tools |
2018 |
Academic article |
A Systematic Review of Cluster Detection Mechanisms in Syndromic Surveillance: Towards Developing a Framework of Cluster Detection Mechanism for EDMON System |
2018 |
Academic lecture |
The Evolution of Clinicians’ Preparedness for mHealth Use (2013-2017) and Current Barriers |
2018 |
Academic lecture |
Making Computer Games that Can Teach Children with Type 1 Diabetes in Rural Areas How to Manage Their Condition |
2018 |
Academic lecture |
Engaging and empowering citizens with long-term conditions: How to define personal goals and how to support the goal achievement with technology? |
2018 |
Academic lecture |
Establishing an Evidence Based Knowledge Platform for Norwegian Healthcare |
2018 |
Poster |
Establishing an Evidence Based Knowledge
Platform for Norwegian Healthcare |
2018 |
Academic lecture |
Growing an information infrastructure for
healthcare based on the development of largescale
Electronic Patient Records |
2018 |
Doctoral dissertation |
Value-based Governance of E-Health in National and Regional Contexts |
2018 |
Poster |
Governance and Leadership in Electronic Health Record Implementation: A Knowledge Summary |
2018 |
Poster |
Nature-Inspired Radar Charts as an Innovative Big Data Analysis Tool |
2018 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Improving clinical decision support |
2018 |
Website (informational material) |
Design and development of a context-aware knowledge-based module for identifying relevant information and information gaps in patients with type 1 diabetes self-collected health data |
2018 |
Academic article |
Policies Make Coherent Care Pathways a Personal Responsibility for Clinicians: A Discourse Analysis of Policy Documents about Coordinators in Hospitals |
2018 |
Academic article |
Workshop on privacy-preserving statistical computation with Statistics Norway |
2018 |
Report |
Health Analytics |
2018 |
Report |
Telerehabilitation for chronic respiratory disease |
2018 |
Academic article |
A person-centered integrated care quality framework, based on a qualitative study of patients' evaluation of care in light of chronic care ideals |
2018 |
Academic article |
Reconnecting with Past and Present: Personalizing Sensory Stimulated Reminiscence Through Immersive Technologies
– Developing a Multidisciplinary Perspective on the SENSE-GARDEN Room |
2018 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Acceptability of an mHealth app intervention for persons with type 2 diabetes and its associations with initial self-management: Randomized controlled trial |
2018 |
Academic article |
Corrigendum to "Patient Access to Electronic Health Records: Differences Across Ten Countries" [Health Policy and Technology, 7 (2018), 44-56] |
2018 |
Errata |
Social media use in interventions for diabetes: Rapid evidence-based review |
2018 |
Academic literature review |
Methods to Evaluate the Effects of Internet-Based Digital Health Interventions for Citizens: Systematic Review of Reviews |
2018 |
Academic literature review |
Participatory Health and Social Media in the age of fake news |
2018 |
Academic lecture |
Big data in medical research and e-health |
2018 |
Lecture |
Building Learning Healthcare Systems from big data: Challenges and promises |
2018 |
Lecture |
Factors Determining the Success and Failure of eHealth Interventions: Systematic Review of the Literature |
2018 |
Academic literature review |
Monitoring and Benchmarking eHealth in the Nordic Countries |
2018 |
Academic article |
The role of pathology in diagnostic work |
2018 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
The Summary Care Record, a symbol of shared patient information A qualitative analysis of doctors' perceptions of shared information systems |
2018 |
Academic lecture |
Telerehabilitation versus traditional centre- based pulmonary rehabilitation for people with chronic respiratory disease: protocol for a randomised controlled trial |
2018 |
Academic article |
Exploring In-Game Reward Mechanisms in Diaquarium – A Serious Game for Children with Type 1 Diabetes |
2018 |
Academic lecture |
Exploring In-Game Reward Mechanisms in Diaquarium – A Serious Game for Children with Type 1 Diabetes |
2018 |
Academic article |
Social media as enabler of health research |
2018 |
Academic lecture |
The use of gamification in empowerment |
2018 |
Academic lecture |
Social media for health promotion in diabetes: Study protocol for a participatory public health intervention design |
2018 |
Academic article |
Diabetes social media users’ preferences for a health promotion intervention |
2018 |
Poster |
Telemonitoring in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (chromed) a randomized clinical trial |
2018 |
Academic article |
Disease-specific clinical pathways - are they feasible in primary care? : a mixed-methods study |
2018 |
Academic article |
The Norwegian National Summary Care Record: a qualitative analysis of doctors’use of and trust in shared patient information |
2018 |
Academic article |
Keeping one step ahead: A qualitative study among Norwegian health-care providers in hospitals involved in care coordination for patients with complex needs |
2018 |
Academic article |
Design better together: Co-design workshop protocol to develop an m-diabetes data sharing system between patients and clinicians |
2018 |
Poster |
Improving education of medical studens by involving a telemedical system for diabetes into lectures |
2018 |
Poster |
Improving education of medical students by involving a telemedical system for diabetes into lectures |
2018 |
Abstract |
Stepwise treatment concept proposed for an m-health enabled diabetes intervention |
2018 |
Poster |
Stepwise treatment concept proposed for an m-health enabled diabetes intervention |
2018 |
Abstract |
The necessity of using mixed methods for assessment of mHealth interventions: Application in the "Full Flow of Datasharing" project. |
2018 |
Abstract |
The necessity of using mixed methods for assessment of mHealth interventions: Application in the "Full Flow of Datasharing" Project |
2018 |
Poster |
Utilizing the New Generation of Wearable Devices in a Combined Diabetes Diary Application |
2018 |
Poster |
Extended Glucose Monitoring through the use of Group-based Internet of Things Mini Displays |
2018 |
Poster |
Extended Glucose Monitoring through the use of Group-based Internet of Things Mini Displays |
2018 |
Abstract |
A FHIR-based data flow enabling patients to share self-collected data with the Norwegian national healthcare systems and electronic health record systems |
2018 |
Poster |
A FHIR-based data flow enabling patients to share self-collected data with the Norwegian national healthcare systems and electronic health record systems |
2018 |
Abstract |
2018 |
Poster |
2018 |
Abstract |
Using Fitness Trackers and Smartwatches to Measure Physical Activity in Research: Analysis of Consumer Wrist-Worn Wearables |
2018 |
Academic article |
Round table: Drivers and Barriers for a Paradigm Shift in Health. |
2018 |
Academic lecture |
Research and industry collaboration potential in H2020 |
2018 |
Lecture |
Patient access to electronic health records: Differences across ten countries |
2018 |
Academic article |
The symbolic affordances of a video-mediated gaze in emergency psychiatry |
2018 |
Academic article |
An online source of information for diabetes mellitus patients—a neglected opportunity for a developing region like Sub-Saharan Africa |
2018 |
Letter to the editor |
A Significant Increase in The Risk for Exposure Of Health Information In The United States.
Result from Analysing the US Data Breach Registry |
2017 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
The use of an acceptance test for accessing an electronic information system |
2017 |
Poster |
The impact of dermoscopy on melanoma detection in the practice of dermatologists in Europe: results of a pan-European survey. |
2017 |
Academic article |
Transforming Care Towars a Culture of Person-Centeredness:Practical approaches |
2017 |
Lecture |
Implementation of telemedicine in Norway and potential for successful integration in Helseplattformen |
2017 |
Lecture |
Prom and prem data in Norwegian primary care |
2017 |
Lecture |
Beyond Clinical Decision Support: Enabling Process Management in Healthcare |
2017 |
Lecture |
Self-documentation and Patient Engagement with Helseplattformen in Mental Healthcare |
2017 |
Lecture |
Closed loop medication |
2017 |
Poster |
Complex integrations in health care |
2017 |
Academic article |
Medication, integrations and practice |
2017 |
Academic article |
Generification in change: the complexity of modelling the healthcare domain |
2017 |
Academic article |
Using mobile sensors to expand recording of physical activity and increase motivation for prolonged data sharing in a population-based study |
2017 |
Academic article |
OPTimized eHealth for Individuals with Multi-morbidity And Long-Term needs - OPTIMAL |
2017 |
Poster |
Person-centered care (PCC) - what is it really? |
2017 |
Poster |
Implementation of e-health in Norway and Evaluation of digital health services for citizens and health professionals |
2017 |
Lecture |
Experiences from Norway |
2017 |
Academic lecture |
Impact of Patient Accessible EHRs – An Interactive Workshop to Share Experiences and Explore Evaluation Approaches |
2017 |
Lecture |
E-health Services for Patient Centred Healthcare Teams |
2017 |
Lecture |
eCAP - eHealth Services for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Using Multi Professional Collaboration |
2017 |
Lecture |
Implementation of OpenEHR in Combination with Clinical Terminologies:Experiences from Norway |
2017 |
Academic article |
Nasjonal kjernejournal: en selvstendig løsning, eller et første steg på veien til noe annet? |
2017 |
Academic lecture |
Health data analytics |
2017 |
Lecture |
Big data is here – from ICT-driven to data driven health care |
2017 |
Lecture |
PoDMan: Policy deviation management |
2017 |
Academic article |
Infrastructure for the Learning Healthcare System: Centralized or Distributed? |
2017 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Systems integrating self-collected health data by patients into EHRs and medical systems: a State-of-the-art review |
2017 |
Academic literature review |
Challenges in Archetypes Terminology Binding Using SNOMED-CT Compositional Grammar: the Norwegian Patient Summary Case |
2017 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Bridging the Gap Between the Social and the Technical: The Enrolment of Socio-Technical
Information Architects to Cope with the TwoLevel
Model of EPR Systems |
2017 |
Academic article |
Proceedings from The 15th Scandinavian Conference on Health Informatics 2017 Kristiansand, Norway, August 29–30, 2017 |
2017 |
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings |
The Politics of Establishing ICT Governance for Large-Scale Healthcare Information Infrastructures |
2017 |
Academic article |
Exploring factors associated with the uneven utilization of telemedicine in Norway: a mixed methods study |
2017 |
Academic article |
Empowering patients with longterm conditions by supporting development of e-personal goals |
2017 |
Short communication |
Comparison of computer systems and ranking criteria for automatic melanoma detection in dermoscopic images |
2017 |
Academic article |
Diabetes self-management research: How to motivate patients to stay healthy using mHealth and eHealth technology |
2017 |
Lecture |
Resiliency at work (R@W): Digital innovations by and for at-risk youth to enhance social inclusion, health and employment |
2017 |
Poster |
Identifying Personal Goals of Patients With Long Term Conditions: A Service Design Thinking Approach |
2017 |
Poster |
Can an e-recovery portal play a role in shifting practices towards recovery? |
2017 |
Academic lecture |
Mobile Phone Apps for Quality of Life and Well-Being Assessment in Breast and Prostate Cancer Patients: Systematic Review |
2017 |
Academic literature review |
Exploring Working Relationships in Mental Health Care via an E-Recovery Portal: Qualitative Study on the Experiences of Service Users and Health Providers |
2017 |
Academic article |
EDMON - A Wireless Communication Platform for a Real-Time Infectious Disease Outbreak Detection System Using Self-Recorded Data from People with Type 1 Diabetes |
2017 |
Academic lecture |
Blockchain and Digital Health |
2017 |
Report |
Ontology-based Terminology for Healthcare – Impact assessment and transitional consequences for implementation |
2017 |
Report |
Rebooting kirkpatrick: integrating information system theory into the evaluation of web-based continuing professional development interventions for interprofessional education |
2017 |
Academic literature review |
Person-centered, cross organizational and multiprofessional team halves mortality risk. The PAtient Centered Care Team (PACT) Study – Preliminary results from a comparative effectiveness study |
2017 |
Abstract |
The Epital Care Model: A New Person-Centered Model of Technology-Enabled Integrated Care for People With Long Term Conditions |
2017 |
Academic article |
Does proximity of women to facilities with better choice of contraceptives affect their contraceptive utilization in rural Ethiopia? |
2017 |
Academic article |
An Early Infectious Disease Outbreak Detection Mechanism Based on Self-Recorded Data from People with Diabetes |
2017 |
Academic lecture |
Using cloud-based physical activity data from Google Fit and Apple HealthKit to expand recording of physical activity data in a population study |
2017 |
Academic lecture |
An Early Infectious Disease Outbreak Detection Mechanism Based on Self-Recorded Data from People with Diabetes |
2017 |
Academic article |
EDMON - A Wireless Communication Platform for a Real-Time Infectious Disease Outbreak Detection System Using Self-Recorded Data from People with Type 1 Diabetes |
2017 |
Academic article |
mDiabetes |
2017 |
Popular scientific lecture |
Motivational Mechanisms for People with Diabetes |
2017 |
Academic lecture |
mDiabetes |
2017 |
Lecture |
Changing Health Technology Assessment Paradigms – Rethinking Basic Assumptions for e-HTA? |
2017 |
Academic lecture |
User-driven standardization of common clinical information models: Organizational implications. |
2017 |
Lecture |
mHealth and Diabetes |
2017 |
Lecture |
The ‘Holy Grail’ of Interoperability of Health Information Systems: Challenges and Implications |
2017 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
DIY, social media, cloud-based solutions, mHealth and diabetes – how patients take control of their diabetes |
2017 |
Academic lecture |
Using cloud-based physical activity data from Google Fit and Apple HealthKit to expand recording of physical activity data in a population study |
2017 |
Academic article |
Electronic health record data reuse infrastructure requirements |
2017 |
Report |
The characteristic flux of the e-health definition |
2017 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
The digital health revolution is happening now |
2017 |
Lecture |
Alarm Fatigue vs User Expectations Regarding Context-Aware Alarm Handling in Hospital Environments Using CallMeSmart |
2017 |
Academic lecture |
Alarm Fatigue vs User Expectations Regarding Context-Aware Alarm Handling in Hospital Environments Using CallMeSmart |
2017 |
Academic article |
Combining multivariate statistics and the think-aloud protocol to assess Human-Computer Interaction barriers in symptom checkers |
2017 |
Academic article |
Identifying patients' needs |
2017 |
Academic lecture |
Basic assumptions in RCTs contrasting empirical development of ICT? Alternative approaches for e-HTA |
2017 |
Abstract |
A qualitative study of the implementation and use of a national information system |
2017 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Using anchors from free text in electronic health records to diagnose postoperative delirium |
2017 |
Academic article |
A web- based acceptance test for accessing the use of an electronic information system |
2017 |
Poster |
A qualitative study of the implementation and use of a national information system |
2017 |
Academic lecture |
Developing HTA designs for e-health: a systematic review of reviews |
2017 |
Poster |
Systems integrating self-collected health data by patients into EHRs and medical systems: a State-of-the-art review |
2017 |
Lecture |
mHealth Assessment: Conceptualization of a Global Framework |
2017 |
Academic article |
Health and technology in a Norwegian context |
2017 |
Academic lecture |
How to involve the users in the large scale work with openEHR archetypes in Norway? |
2017 |
Academic article |
The Association Between Commonly Investigated User Factors and Various Types of eHealth Use for Self-Care of Type 2 Diabetes:Case of First-Generation Immigrants From Pakistan in
the Oslo Area, Norway |
2017 |
Academic article |
Assessing an Electronic Health Record (EHR): How Do Basic Assumptions in Traditional Health Technology Assessment (HTA), and Empirical Features Fit? |
2017 |
Academic article |
Transitions from biomedical to recovery-oriented practices in mental health: A scoping review to explore the role of Internet-based interventions |
2017 |
Academic article |
Proms and prems in Norwegian primary care |
2017 |
Academic lecture |
LocLess: Do you really care where your cloud files are? |
2017 |
Academic article |
Telemedicine Services for the Arctic: A systematic review |
2017 |
Academic literature review |
Thoughts About Disordered Thinking: Measuring and Quantifying the Laws of Order and Disorder |
2017 |
Short communication |
Healthcare representatives tweeting about #diabetes: Follow the leaders! |
2017 |
Poster |
2017 |
Poster |
2017 |
Poster |
2017 |
Poster |
2017 |
Poster |
2017 |
Poster |
2017 |
Poster |
2017 |
Abstract |
2017 |
Abstract |
2017 |
Abstract |
2017 |
Abstract |
2017 |
Abstract |
2017 |
Abstract |
Can RDoC help find order in thought disorder? |
2017 |
Short communication |
Infrastructuring in healthcare through the OpenEHR architecture |
2017 |
Academic article |
Clinical Data Reuse or Secondary Use: Current Status and Potential Future Progress |
2017 |
Academic article |
Evaluating patient empowerment in welfare technology and m-health tools as part of introducing new health care systems |
2017 |
Academic lecture |
Shifting Practices Toward Recovery-Oriented Care Through an E-Recovery Portal in Community Mental Health Care: A Mixed-Methods Exploratory Study |
2017 |
Academic article |
Analysis of free text in electronic health records for identification of cancer patient trajectories |
2017 |
Academic article |
Usefullness of videoconferencing in psychiatric emergencies - a qualitative study |
2017 |
Academic article |
Expanding Functionality of a Diabetes Smartwatch Application |
2017 |
Abstract |
Expanding Functionality of a Diabetes Smartwatch Application |
2017 |
Academic lecture |
An early infectious disease outbreak detection system based on self-recorded data from people with diabetes |
2017 |
Poster |
An early infectious disease outbreak detection system based on self-recorded data from people with diabetes |
2017 |
Abstract |
Data Driven Blood Glucose Prediction: Interval vs. Point Blood Glucose Prediction? |
2017 |
Poster |
Data Driven Blood Glucose Prediction: Interval vs. Point Blood Glucose Prediction? |
2017 |
Abstract |
Impact of Facebook ads for sexual health promotion via an educational web app: A case study |
2017 |
Academic article |
Secure and scalable deduplication of horizontally partitioned health data for privacy-preserving distributed statistical computation |
2017 |
Academic article |
Long-term exercise maintenance in COPD via telerehabilitation: a two-year pilot study |
2017 |
Academic article |
2016 |
Masters thesis |
Factors driving the use of dermoscopy in Europe:a pan-European Survey |
2016 |
Academic article |
Motivation in mHealth and eHealth |
2016 |
Lecture |
Opening |
2016 |
Lecture |
Context sensitive system for secure communication between pre-surgical patients and health care personnel |
2016 |
Masters thesis |
Warning: the Do-It-Yourself (DIY) wave will drastically change diabetes care |
2016 |
Poster |
mHealth Assessment: Conceptualization of a Global Framework |
2016 |
Poster |
Rich semantic networks applied to schizophrenia: A new framework |
2016 |
Letter to the editor |
Designing, developing, and evaluating the future internet of personal health |
2016 |
Brochure |
eHealth Use Among First-Generation Immigrants From Pakistan in the Oslo Area, Norway, With Focus on Diabetes: Survey Protocol |
2016 |
Article in business/trade/industry journal |
An Introduction to Participatory Health Through Social Media |
2016 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Participatory Health through Social Media |
2016 |
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings |
Web-based consultations and counseling for parents of children with atopic dermatitis |
2016 |
Abstract |
MOMENTUM:Role play around a hypothetical use case |
2016 |
Lecture |
Testing the Blueprint - U4H South Norway |
2016 |
Lecture |
Lessons learnt from a MOOC about social media for digital health literacy |
2016 |
Academic article |
How to Measure Costs and Benefits of E-health Interventions? |
2016 |
Academic lecture |
From NST to NSE:Patients Online Access to their EPR |
2016 |
Lecture |
Alerts, notifications, reminders: Telemedicine solution not to burden but to support patients with diabetes |
2016 |
Poster |
Better glucose regulation through enabling group-based motivational mechanisms in cloud-based solutions like Nightscout |
2016 |
Poster |
Assessing Electronic Health Records: Are Basic Assumptions in “Health Technology Assessment” Useful? |
2016 |
Academic article |
Warning: the Do-It-Yourself (DIY) wave will drastically change diabetes care! |
2016 |
Academic lecture |
Integrating data from apps, wearables and personal Electronic Health Record (pEHR) systems with clinicians’ Electronic Health Records (EHR) systems |
2016 |
Academic lecture |
What are diabetes patients discussing on social media? |
2016 |
Academic lecture |
The opportunity to evaluate the impact of our changing health care system through archetypes and reinforced use of medical coding |
2016 |
Poster |
The potential use of patient-gathered data from mHealth tools: suggestions based on an RCT-study |
2016 |
Poster |
mHealth data-sharing system to improve communication during consultations: Type 1 diabetes patients’ perspective during the FI-STAR study |
2016 |
Academic lecture |
System for enabling clinicians to relate to a mobile health app: Preliminary results of the Norwegian trial in the EU FI-STAR project. |
2016 |
Academic lecture |
The Research Project 3P: Results from the Evaluation of Digital Solutions for Patient-centred Care Teams (WP6) |
2020 |
Academic lecture |
2020 |
Abstract |
2020 |
Abstract |
2020 |
Abstract |
2020 |
Abstract |
2020 |
Abstract |
2020 |
Abstract |
2020 |
Abstract |
2020 |
Abstract |
2020 |
Abstract |
Experiences and Needs of Multicultural Youth and Their Mentors, and Implications for Digital Mentoring Platforms: Qualitative Exploratory Study |
2020 |
Academic article |
“Don’t Replace People With an App!” E-Mentoring as a Complement to Traditional Mentoring Programs |
2020 |
Popular scientific lecture |
Indoor Navigation Systems for Visually Impaired Persons: Mapping the Features of Existing Technologies to User Needs |
2020 |
Academic literature review |
A shared national patient medication list will soon be tested in Norway |
2020 |
Interview |
The Association Between Health Information Seeking on the Internet and Physician Visits (The Seventh Tromsø Study - Part 4): Population-Based Questionnaire Study |
2020 |
Academic article |
Measuring the effects of sharing mHealth data during diabetes consultations: a mixed-method study protocol |
2020 |
Academic article |
Chapter 28 - Tracking Language in Real Time in Psychosis |
2020 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Electronic Health Use in a Representative Sample of 18,497 Respondents in Norway (The Seventh Tromsø Study - Part 1): Population-Based Questionnaire Study |
2020 |
Academic article |
Impact of Illness on Electronic Health Use (The Seventh Tromsø Study - Part 2): Population-Based Questionnaire Study |
2020 |
Academic article |
Impact of the Use of Electronic Health Tools on the Psychological and Emotional Well-Being of Electronic Health Service Users (The Seventh Tromsø Study - Part 3): Population-Based Questionnaire Study |
2020 |
Academic article |
Computer Vision-based System for Impaired Human Vision Compensation |
2019 |
Academic article |
International perspective, experience from Be He@lthy, Be Mobile. |
2019 |
Academic lecture |
The patient's perspective. Status and future trends |
2019 |
Academic lecture |
Workshop on Patient Generated Data – Opportunities and challenges |
2019 |
Academic lecture |
Comprehensive methods for measuring the impacts of sharing patient-gathered mHealth data during consultations |
2019 |
Poster |
E-health in Norway (Europe) and issues in (global) governance of digitalization |
2019 |
Academic lecture |
Mobile Communication in Hospitals: Problems, Possibilities, and Solutions |
2019 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Digital solutions for a shared medication list
A narrative literature review |
2019 |
Academic lecture |
Children with ill parents or siblings |
2019 |
Academic lecture |
Patients Reported Reasons for Surgery Cancellation did not correspond with the hospitals' representation of the same problem |
2019 |
Academic lecture |
Practice based Research Networks: A giant leap for primary care Research (workshop) |
2019 |
Academic lecture |
Family needs at one and two years after severe traumatic brain injury: a prospective study of changes and predictors |
2019 |
Academic article |
Web Vulnerability Measures for SMEs |
2019 |
Academic article |
Citizens and Health Data – a call for Digital health literacy too |
2019 |
Academic lecture |
The importance of loneliness in psychotic-like symptoms: Data from three studies |
2019 |
Academic article |
Clinical Guidelines: A Crossroad of Many Research Areas. Challenges and Opportunities in Process Mining for Healthcare |
2019 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Towards Perceptual Spaces for Empowering Ergonomy in Workplaces by Using Interactive Process Mining |
2019 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Safety Aspects in Developing New Technologies for Reminiscence Therapy: Insights from the SENSE-GARDEN Project |
2019 |
Academic article |
Development of an ICT solution to obtain annual, national, Representative Health Indicator Data for Non-Communicable Diseases – A Pilot Study, |
2019 |
Article in business/trade/industry journal |
Development of an ICT solution to obtain annual, national, representative Health indicator data for non-communicable diseases – a pilot study |
2019 |
Poster |
DIY diabetes tech gains popularity with patients and parents fed up with clunky mainstream medical devices |
2019 |
Interview |
Online contact with the doctor’s office shortens the patient queue |
2019 |
Interview |
The Relationship between Anxiety/Depression, Electronic Health, and Doctor Visiting Decisions among People with Diabetes |
2019 |
Poster |
From free-text to structure in Electronic Patient Records |
2019 |
Academic lecture |
Do Positivist Assumptions Hold True In Complex Interventions? |
2019 |
Academic lecture |
Altered serum Zinc and Copper in Iranian Adults who were of normal weight but metabolically obese |
2019 |
Academic article |
Preconditions for Enabling Advanced Patient Centered Decision Support on a National Knowledge Information Infrastructure. |
2019 |
Academic lecture |
Structuring Electronic Patient Record Data,a Smart Way to Extract Registry Information? |
2019 |
Academic lecture |
Norwegian Centre for E-health Research, Health Analytics Department |
2019 |
Lecture |
Machine learning, health analytics and AI: Lessons from Norway |
2019 |
Academic lecture |
How well is the electronic health record supporting the clinical tasks of hospital physicians? A survey of physicians at three Norwegian hospitals |
2019 |
Academic article |
Dataset of wearable sensors with possibilities for data exchange |
2019 |
Article in business/trade/industry journal |
Building a De-identification System for Real Swedish Clinical Text Using Pseudonymised Clinical Text |
2019 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Social capital survey for R@W |
2019 |
Academic lecture |
R@W and preliminary findings for stakeholder needs |
2019 |
Academic lecture |
Mentoring as a social capital intervention |
2019 |
Popular scientific lecture |
Acceptance barriers of using patients’ self-collected health data during medical consultation |
2019 |
Academic lecture |
EDMON - A System Architecture for Real-Time Infection Monitoring and Outbreak Detection Based on Self-Recorded Data from People with Type 1 Diabetes: System Design and Prototype Implementation |
2019 |
Academic lecture |
Mobile health (mHealth) |
2019 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Prescribing errors on multidose drug dispensing prescriptions |
2019 |
Poster |
Healthcare personnels’ experience with patients’ online access to electronic health records: Differences between professions, regions, and somatic and psychiatric healthcare. |
2019 |
Academic article |
How discrepancies in medication records affect the creation and trust in a shared electronic medication list in Norway |
2019 |
Academic article |
Factors easing the transition from paper to electronic prescribing of multidose dispensed drugs (MDD) |
2019 |
Academic article |
EDMON - a system architecture for real-time infection monitoring and outbreak detection based on self-recorded data from people with type 1 diabetes: system design and prototype implementation |
2019 |
Academic article |
Do diabetes mHealth and online interventions evaluate what is important for users? |
2019 |
Academic article |
Acceptance barriers of using patients’ self-collected health data during medical consultation |
2019 |
Academic article |
Digital solutions for a shared medication list. A narrative literature review |
2019 |
Academic article |
Open or Closed: Investigating two different EHR platform approaches |
2019 |
Academic lecture |
The role of clinical leadership in the implementation of large-scale Electronic Health Records in hospitals |
2019 |
Academic article |
Efforts on using standards for defining the structuring of electronic health record data: A scoping review |
2019 |
Academic literature review |
Ambivalently awaiting: Norwegian general practitioners' expectations towards a cross-Institutional Electronic health record |
2019 |
Academic article |
Do diabetes mHealth and online interventions evaluate what is important for users? |
2019 |
Academic lecture |
Proceedings of the 17th Scandinavian Conference on Health Informatics 2019 |
2019 |
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings |
Despite the fact that almost all doctors use e-prescriptions, patients are still harmed by medication errors, and at least a thousand die each year. Senior researcher Kari Dyb at the Norwegian Centre for E-health Research studies the consequences of new |
2019 |
Interview |
Time Required to Create a Referral in Various Store-and-Forward Telemedicine Networks |
2019 |
Academic article |
Possible usages of smart contracts (blockchain) in healthcare and why no one is using them |
2019 |
Academic article |
Wearable Sensors with Possibilities for Data Exchange: Analyzing Statusand Needs of Different Actors in Mobile Health Monitoring Systems |
2019 |
Academic literature review |
Person-centred, integrated and pro-active care for multi-morbid elderly with advanced care needs: A propensity score-matched controlled trial |
2019 |
Academic article |
Food recommendation using machine learning for physical activities in patients with type 1 diabetes |
2019 |
Academic article |
Psychiatric Risk Assessment from the Clinician?s Perspective: Lessons for the Future |
2019 |
Academic article |
Preconditions for enabling advanced patient-centered decision support on a national knowledge information infrastructure |
2019 |
Short communication |
Telemedicine in Resource-Limited Settings to Optimize Care for Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis |
2019 |
Academic article |
Lessons learned on how to plan an openEHR implementation |
2019 |
Academic lecture |
Comparing the Efficacy of an Identical, Tailored Smoking Cessation Intervention Delivered by Mobile Text Messaging Versus Email: Randomized Controlled Trial |
2019 |
Academic article |
Experience of supporting telemedicine networks with the collegium system: First 6 years |
2019 |
Academic article |
Beyond the cultural myth of medical meritocracy |
2019 |
Academic article |
From Free-Text to Structure in Electronic
Patient Records |
2019 |
Academic article |
From free-text to structure in Electronic Patient Records |
2019 |
Academic lecture |
Preconditions for Enabling Advanced Patient Centered Decision Support on a National Knowledge Information Infrastructure |
2019 |
Poster |
Assessing HTA on Large-scale E-health Processes –Introducing the Need for Action Research |
2019 |
Poster |
Health Professionals' Experience with Patients Accessing their Electronic Health Records: results from an online survey |
2019 |
Academic lecture |
Incidence and Risk Factors of Common Viral Infections among Renal Transplant Recipients during the First Year Post-Transplant in North-eastern Iran |
2019 |
Academic article |
Determinants of the magnitude of response to vitamin D supplementation in adolescent girls identified using a decision tree algorithm |
2019 |
Academic article |
Erfaring med multidose |
2019 |
Lecture |
Pharmacist interventions on multidose drug dispensing prescriptions |
2019 |
Academic lecture |
Comprehensive methods for measuring the impacts of sharing patient-gathered mHealth data during consultations |
2019 |
Academic lecture |
The Use of Virtual and Immersive Technology in Creating Personalized Multisensory Spaces for People Living With Dementia (SENSE-GARDEN): Protocol for a Multisite Before-After Trial |
2019 |
Academic article |
Users’ acceptability of a mobile application for persons with type 2 diabetes: a qualitative study |
2019 |
Academic article |
Long-term exercise maintenance via telerehabilitation for people with COPD.
Feasibility, effectiveness, benefits and challenges |
2019 |
Doctoral dissertation |
Health Professionals' Experience with Patients Accessing Their Electronic Health Records: Results from an Online Survey |
2019 |
Academic article |
The role of clinical leadership in the implementation of large-scale Electronic Health Records in hospitals |
2019 |
Academic lecture |
Structuring EHR Data, using Medical Quality Registry Information? |
2019 |
Academic lecture |
Open or Closed: A project proposal for investigating two different EHR platform approaches |
2019 |
Article in business/trade/industry journal |
Panel: Artificial Intelligence in participatory health and social media: Current perspectives and opportunities |
2019 |
Academic lecture |
Data-driven modeling and prediction of blood glucose dynamics: Machine learning applications in type 1 diabetes |
2019 |
Academic literature review |
Possible Usages of Smart Contracts (Blockchain) in Healthcare and Why No One Is Using Them |
2019 |
Academic lecture |
Meeting the Medicines Challenge with Digital Technologies |
2019 |
Academic lecture |
Implementing eHealth Technologies |
2019 |
Academic lecture |
Learning by Using Videoconferencing in Surgical Education |
2019 |
Academic lecture |
eHealth initiatives; the relationship between project work and institutional practice |
2019 |
Academic article |
The Role of Adaptive Immersive Technology in Creating Personalised Environments for Emotional Connection and Preservation of Identity in Dementia Care: Insights from User Perspectives towards SENSE-GARDEN |
2019 |
Academic article |
Creating Learning Opportunities by Using Videoconferencing in Surgical Education |
2019 |
Academic article |
Implementing eHealth technologies: The need for changed work practices to reduce medication errors |
2019 |
Academic article |
Patient Reported Reasons for Surgery Cancellations Do Not Necessarily Correspond with Hospitals’ Representation of the Same Problem |
2019 |
Academic article |
Design and prestudy assessment of a dashboard for presenting self-collected health data of patients with diabetes to clinicians: Iterative approach and qualitative case study |
2019 |
Academic article |
Family Talk Intervention in adult mental health care: The experiences of children with mentally ill hospitalized parents |
2019 |
Academic lecture |
Patient pathways as social drama: A qualitative study of cancer trajectories from the patient’s perspective |
2019 |
Academic article |
Do Positivist Assumptions Hold True In Complex Interventions? |
2019 |
Poster |
Use of Electronic Health and Its Impact on Doctor-Visiting Decisions Among People With Diabetes: Cross-Sectional Study |
2019 |
Academic article |
Inequalities in the Use of eHealth Between Socioeconomic Groups Among Patients With Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes: Cross-Sectional Study |
2019 |
Academic article |
Assembling iPads and Mobility in Two Classroom Settings |
2019 |
Academic article |
The Evidence Base for an Ideal Care Pathway for Frail Multimorbid Elderly: Combined Scoping and Systematic Intervention Review |
2019 |
Academic literature review |
Maximizing Interpretability and Cost-Effectiveness of Surgical Site Infection (SSI) Predictive Models Using Feature-Specific Regularized Logistic Regression on Preoperative Temporal Data |
2019 |
Academic article |
Seasonal variations in objectively assessed physical activity among people with COPD in two Nordic countries and Australia: a cross-sectional study |
2019 |
Academic article |
Structuring Electronic Patient Record Data,a Smart Way to Extract Registry Information? |
2019 |
Academic article |
Blame it on the weather? The association between pain in fibromyalgia, relative humidity, temperature and barometric pressure |
2019 |
Academic article |
Establishing Baseline in the Status of E-health Research in Norway |
2019 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Electronic Patient Communication in Norwegian Municipal Health Institutions |
2019 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
The Patient Summary Case: Challenges in Archetypes Terminology Binding Using SNOMED-CT Compositional
Grammar |
2019 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
General practitioners’ perceptions towards the use of digital health services for citizens in primary care: a qualitative interview study |
2019 |
Academic article |
Data-driven blood glucose pattern classification and anomalies detection: Machine-learning applications in Type 1 diabetes |
2019 |
Academic literature review |
Artificial intelligence for participatory health: applications, impact, and future implications |
2019 |
Academic literature review |
Data work: A condition for integrations in health care |
2019 |
Academic article |
The Delphi study. Creating a health promotion intervention on diabetes |
2019 |
Academic lecture |
Associations Between the Use of eHealth and Out-of-Hours Services in People With Type 1 Diabetes: Cross-Sectional Study |
2019 |
Academic article |
Goal-setting and patterns of app use: Selected results from the "Tailoring type 2 diabetes self-management" RCT. |
2019 |
Poster |
Frameworks for evaluating mhealth technologies lack patient focus |
2019 |
Poster |
Frameworks for evaluating mhealth technologies lack patient focus |
2019 |
Abstract |
What can be learned by analyzing patient-gathered data from self-management diabetes app |
2019 |
Poster |
Du endrer hvordan vi forsker på mobil helse |
2020 |
Feature article |
Store IT-prosjekter må ha med forskning fra A til Å |
2020 |
Feature article |
Flere pasienter lever bedre med nytt tilbud |
2020 |
Interview |
Dette sier forskning om offentlige IT-prosjekter |
2020 |
Interview |
Nasjonalt senter for e-helseforskning: Innføring i senterets virksomhet og forsknings- og utredningsaktiviteten i avdeling for personlig e-helse |
2020 |
Lecture |
Velferdsteknologi for barn og unge med funksjonsnedsettelser, prosjektportefølje 2016-2020 |
2020 |
Lecture |
Jeg vil bli datadonor! |
2019 |
Lecture |
Evaluering av virkemidlene i Nasjonalt velferdsteknologiprogram. Spredning og implementering 2016-2019 |
2019 |
Lecture |
Familiemedlemmers omsorgsbelastning og livstilfredshet over tid |
2019 |
Academic lecture |
Velferdsteknologi for barn og unge (del 3): Videre forskning |
2019 |
Lecture |
VIDEOCARE: Desentralisert akuttpsykiatri ved bruk av videokonferanse |
2019 |
Academic lecture |
Velferdsteknologi for barn og unge med funksjonsnedsettelser |
2019 |
Academic lecture |
Velferdsteknologi for barn og unge med funksjonsnedsettelser |
2019 |
Academic lecture |
Velferdsteknologi for barn og unge med funksjonsnedsettelser |
2019 |
Academic lecture |
Velferdsteknologi for barn og unge med funksjonsnedsettelser |
2019 |
Academic lecture |
Ny forskning viser; Kunnskapsoppsummering – Velferdsteknologi i Norden |
2019 |
Academic lecture |
Kunnskapsgrunnlag knyttet til medisinsk avstandsoppfølging |
2019 |
Academic lecture |
Fra oppstart av krisesenteret i Tromsø - et reflekterende tilbakeblikk |
2019 |
Popular scientific lecture |
Diabetespasienter gjør opprør mot tungvinte hjelpemidler - bygger egne blodsukkermålere og hacker insulinpumper |
2019 |
Interview |
Diabetespasienter gjør opprør mot tungvinte hjelpemidler - bygger egne blodtrykksmålere og hacker insulinpumper. |
2019 |
Interview |
Pasientens legemiddelliste skal prøves ut fra 2020 |
2019 |
Interview |
Triage i fastlegeordningen - en hurtig forskningsoppsummering |
2019 |
Report |
Evaluering av virkemidlene i Nasjonalt velferdsteknologiprogram |
2019 |
Report |
Resiliency at work (R@W) |
2019 |
Academic lecture |
E-resept og kjernejournal: Forskjell mellom innføring og praksis |
2019 |
Interview |
Tar første steg mot strukturert journal |
2019 |
Interview |
Digitale helsedata kan gi større ulikheter |
2019 |
Editorial |
Multidose i et apotekperspektiv. Utfordringer, muligheter og nasjonale råd |
2019 |
Lecture |
SMS og e-post like effektivt for å få folk til å slutte å røyke |
2019 |
Interview |
E-resepter hindrer ikke feilmedisinering |
2019 |
Interview |
Snart kan du få en SMS med spørsmål om din helsetilstand |
2019 |
Interview |
Nå er det Møre og Romsdal som står for tur |
2019 |
Interview |
Velferdsteknologi for barn og unge med funksjonsnedsettelser – Brukererfaringer etter 2,5 års utprøving i Drammen og Horten kommuner |
2019 |
Report |
Triage i fastlegeordningen - Kunnskapsbasert empiri - foreløpige resultater |
2019 |
Lecture |
Overgang til eMultidose |
2019 |
Lecture |
Risiko og helse |
2019 |
Academic lecture |
Velferdsteknologi for barn og unge med funksjonsnedsettelser |
2019 |
Academic lecture |
Barn som pårørende: Fra kunnskap til handling |
2019 |
Academic lecture |
Velferdsteknologi for barn og unge med funksjonsnedsettelser |
2019 |
Academic lecture |
Erfaringer med velferdsteknologi for barn og unge med funksjonsnedsettelser |
2019 |
Academic lecture |
Barn som pårørende: Fra kunnskap til handling |
2019 |
Lecture |
Velferdsteknologi for barn og unge med funksjonsnedsettelser |
2019 |
Academic lecture |
Velferdsteknologi for barn og unge med funksjonsnedsettelser |
2019 |
Academic lecture |
Velferdsteknologi for barn og unge med funksjonsnedsettelser |
2019 |
Academic lecture |
Muligheter med velferdsteknologi for barn og unge med funksjonsnedsettelser |
2019 |
Academic lecture |
Internett er den nye førstelinjen |
2019 |
Feature article |
Kunstig intelligens i helsetjenesten
-Flere fag må samarbeide om behandlingen |
2019 |
Interview |
Sosial digital kontakt – et år etter.
Mobilisering mot ensomhet blant eldre. Faktaark. |
2019 |
Briefs |
Nettkontakt med legekontoret korter ned pasientkøen |
2019 |
Interview |
Styring og e-helse |
2019 |
Lecture |
Evaluering av "Snakketøyet" |
2019 |
Report |
Sosial digital kontakt - et år etter. Mobilisering mot ensomhet blant eldre |
2019 |
Report |
EPJ-bruk hos klinikere: erfaringer
fra nasjonal spørreundersøkelse |
2019 |
Report |
Ny teknologi og trender innen egenmonitorering av diabetes |
2019 |
Abstract |
Ny teknologi og trender innen egenmonitorering av diabetes |
2019 |
Lecture |
"Det er om natta man går konkurs" |
2019 |
Feature article |
Pasienter som bruker helseapper er ofte på legevakta |
2019 |
Interview |
IKT-arbeid i helse- og omsorgssektoren |
2019 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Det er ikke alltid video fungerer mellom pasient og helsepersonell |
2019 |
Interview |
Responstjenester for trygghetsskapende teknologier |
2019 |
Report |
Forskning på teknologi og diabetes - en lang historie |
2019 |
Article in business/trade/industry journal |
Vanskelig å forske på effekten av helseapper |
2019 |
Interview |
Mellom deltakelse og beskyttelse:
Aksjonsforskningens mulighetsrom for
barn og unge |
2019 |
Academic article |
Twitter avslørte en mer positiv holdning til diabetes type 1 enn type 2 |
2019 |
Interview |
Ja til sekundærbruk av helsedata |
2019 |
Feature article |
Velferdsteknologi for barn og unge med funksjonsnedsettelser |
2018 |
Academic lecture |
Status velferdsteknologi Norge
- hovedfunn i rapporten Kunnskapsoppsummering Velferdsteknologi |
2018 |
Lecture |
Slik kan kommuner innføre smart teknologi til barn med funksjonsnedsettelser |
2018 |
Interview |
Hjemme hos-kurs kan få eldre på sosiale medier |
2018 |
Interview |
"Ett skritt frem og to tilbake; helsepersonells erfaringer med personsentrert behandling" |
2018 |
Lecture |
E-helse: Dette var oppturene og nedturene |
2018 |
Interview |
Leger bruker ikke kjernejournalen slik myndighetene hadde tenkt |
2018 |
Interview |
Atopisk eksem |
2018 |
Academic article |
Samhandling og informasjonsutveksling - Beskrivelse av tidsbruk og arbeidsoppgaver blant fastleger |
2018 |
Report |
Samtale om utfordringene eldre kan ha med teknologi sammen med pensjonist Bitten Barman-Jenssen |
2018 |
Interview |
Eldre og teknologi: Å få hjelp fra familien er ofte ikke den beste løsningen |
2018 |
Interview |
Slik kan kommuner innføre smart teknologi til barn med funksjonsnedsettelser |
2018 |
Interview |
Hvordan oppnå bedre tjenester i helse- og omsorgssektoren ved hjelp av ny teknologi? |
2018 |
Lecture |
Hjemmeovervåkning for KOLS-pasienter kan gi færre innleggelser |
2018 |
Interview |
Fra papir til elektronisk ordinering av multidose |
2018 |
Briefs |
Kontakt legekontoret—fastlegens erfaringer |
2018 |
Briefs |
E-konsultasjon—fastlegens erfaringer |
2018 |
Briefs |
Forny resept—fastlegens erfaringer |
2018 |
Briefs |
Elektronisk timebestilling—fastlegens erfaringer |
2018 |
Briefs |
Bruk av e-konsultasjon mellom pasient og fastlege |
2018 |
Briefs |
Digital dialog—pasientenes erfaringer |
2018 |
Briefs |
Digital dialog—fastlegekontorenes erfaringer |
2018 |
Briefs |
E-helsetjenester for barne- og ungdomspsykiatrien |
2018 |
Lecture |
Flere kommuner bruker velferdsteknologi |
2018 |
Interview |
Psykisk helse: Bruk av digitale medier (Video) |
2018 |
Interview |
PraksisNett - et nettverk av fastlegepraksiser. En storsatsing på forskning i allmennpraksis. |
2018 |
Feature article |
Health analytics
Kunstig intelligens – nye muligheter for helsetjenesten |
2018 |
Report |
Hvordan påvirker den teknologiske endringen lederskapet? |
2018 |
Lecture |
Presentasjon av Nasjonalt senter for e-helseforskning |
2018 |
Lecture |
Er dette en farlig føflekk? |
2018 |
Interview |
Gir akutt psykiatrisk hjelp via video |
2018 |
Interview |
8 år med nasjonalt forskernettverk om "Barn som pårørende" |
2018 |
Lecture |
Forskning i SANKS: Samisk nasjonal kompetansetjeneste - psykisk helse og rus |
2018 |
Lecture |
Fra forskning til gode og helhetlige tjenester for barn som pårørende |
2018 |
Academic lecture |
Hva forteller ungdommene? En kvalitativ studie av en nettbasert selvhjelpsgruppe for ungdom med psykisk syke foreldre. |
2018 |
Academic lecture |
Sosial digital kontakt - Mobilisering mot ensomhet blant eldre |
2018 |
Report |
Riktigere legemiddellister med multidose i e-resept |
2018 |
Academic article |
E-multidose er bedre for
pasientsikkerheten enn dosett og faks |
2018 |
Academic article |
Studerer digital diabetes-selvhjelp |
2018 |
Interview |
Undervisning høyskole Sør-Øst Norge |
2018 |
Lecture |
Sosial digital kontakt - mobilisering mot ensomhet blant eldre |
2018 |
Lecture |
Nye muligheter for helsesektoren |
2018 |
Lecture |
Vår oppskrift på et vellykket samarbeid med helsesektoren på e-helseområdet |
2018 |
Lecture |
Velferdsteknologi for barn og unge med funksjonsnedsettelser |
2018 |
Lecture |
Velferdsteknologi for barn og unge med funksjonsnedsettelser |
2018 |
Lecture |
Innføring av velferdsteknologi for barn og unge med funksjonsnedsettelser |
2018 |
Report |
Multidose i e-resept |
2018 |
Report |
Sikker bruk av helseopplysninger |
2017 |
Interview |
Multidose i e-resept
En sammenligning av avvik i legemiddellistene (LIB) mellom fastleger og apotek før og etter innføring
av multidose i e-resept |
2017 |
Report |
Presentasjon av Fremtidens journal |
2017 |
Lecture |
Enifiseringsforsøk i helsetjenesten: bruk av delte dokumenter |
2017 |
Lecture |
Lukket legemiddelsløyfe i hele pasientforløpet. |
2017 |
Lecture |
VerDig II – Verdiskapende Digitale samhandlingsløsninger i Pasientens helsetjeneste. Den planlagte og proaktive helsetjenesten. |
2017 |
Lecture |
VerDig I – Verdiskapende Digital samhandling i pasientens helsetjeneste. Aksjonsforskning for helhetlige pasientforløp |
2017 |
Poster |
Ontologibasert terminologi og standardisert informasjonsmodell for semantisk interoperabilitet og beslutningsstøtte |
2017 |
Poster |
Diabetes |
2017 |
Lecture |
Multidose i e-resept |
2017 |
Academic lecture |
Presentasjon sluttrapport: Velferdsteknologi for barn og unge med funksjonsnedsettelser |
2017 |
Lecture |
Prosjektrapport: Velferdsteknologi for barn og unge med funksjonsnedsettelser |
2017 |
Lecture |
Velferdsteknologi for barn og unge med funksjonsnedsettelser |
2017 |
Lecture |
Bruk av kjernejournal: Faktorer som hemmer og fremmer bruk av e-helse |
2017 |
Lecture |
Mulighetsvindu for bruk av ontologibaserte terminologier i EIEJ og Helseplattformen |
2017 |
Poster |
Effektmål for implementeringen av Helseplattformen, en pre-post studie |
2017 |
Poster |
Styring av nasjonale e-helseprosjekt - betingelser, beslutninger og prioriteringer av tiltak |
2017 |
Poster |
Etablering av teknologisk plattform for benchmarking av effektmål |
2017 |
Poster |
Hvordan kan kliniske beslutningsstøttesystem støtte helhetlige pasientforløp? |
2017 |
Poster |
Vårt felles ansvar - UiTs akademiske dugnad for integrering av migranter og flyktninger. |
2017 |
Report |
MOOC-en "Nursing Traditions and History in Europe" blir til |
2017 |
Chapter |
Bruk av videokonferanse og nettbasert terapi - MasterMind Norge |
2017 |
Report |
Presentasjon av Nasjonalt senter for e-helseforskning |
2017 |
Lecture |
E-helse i nye bygg |
2017 |
Lecture |
Presentasjon av Nasjonalt senter for e-helseforskning |
2017 |
Lecture |
Digitalisering, hva vet vi om den verden som ligger foran og hvordan forberede organisasjonen? |
2017 |
Lecture |
Presentasjon av Nasjonalt senter for e-helseforskning |
2017 |
Lecture |
Teknologi var til stor hjelp for barn med funksjonsnedsettelser |
2017 |
Interview |
Kunnskapsoppsummering: Velferdsteknologi |
2017 |
Report |
Internasjonale eksempler på bruk av helseanalyse |
2017 |
Report |
Samfunnsnvitenskapelig følgeforskning på e-helsefeltet |
2017 |
Lecture |
Klinisk beslutningsstøtte - Vurdering av standard og arkitektur |
2017 |
Report |
Hva enhver robot bør vite om helsesektoren |
2017 |
Academic lecture |
Om E-helse |
2017 |
Lecture |
Kan e-helse skape nordisk næringsutvikling? |
2017 |
Lecture |
Teknologiens betydning for fremtidens pasientbehandling |
2017 |
Lecture |
CallMeSmart for klinisk kommunikasjon |
2017 |
Briefs |
Sterk økning i risiko for eksponering av helsedata i USA |
2017 |
Briefs |
Telerehabilitering |
2017 |
Briefs |
Drivere og trender i e-helsefeltet - Analyse og kunnskapsformidling |
2017 |
Report |
E-resept og kjernejournal som første steg på vei mot Helseplattformen |
2017 |
Poster |
Effekter av digitale innbyggertjenester |
2017 |
Report |
Bruk av videokommunikasjon i hverdagsrehabilitering – utprøving og erfaring |
2017 |
Academic article |
Om teknologien som ikke fikk være teknologi - diskurser om velferdsteknologi |
2017 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Barn som pårørende - fra forskning til praksis |
2017 |
Academic lecture |
UiT-forskning i Narvik trenger din hjelp |
2017 |
Interview |
Diabetesdagboka - forskningsapp med funksjoner for medisin, blodsukker, fysisk aktivitet, m.m. |
2017 |
Popular scientific article |
Først og fremst barn og unge – også når foreldre er psykisk syke |
2017 |
Chapter |
Søknad på professorat og dosentur |
2017 |
Lecture |
Karriereplan for ansatte i vitenskapelige stillinger |
2017 |
Lecture |
Hvordan bygge sterke forskningsgrupper? |
2017 |
Lecture |
Får tilgang til pasientjournaler uten å eksponere sensitiv informasjon |
2017 |
Interview |
Vanskelig å få leger til å bruke kjernejournal |
2017 |
Interview |
Fjernveiledning i operasjonsstuen |
2016 |
Interview |
Hudkreftdiagnose gjennom bilder |
2016 |
Briefs |
Vil pasienter bruke e-helseverktøy når de er syke? |
2016 |
Briefs |
Seriøse spill i helsevesenet |
2016 |
Briefs |
Deling av pasientgenererte data fra m-helseverktøy |
2016 |
Briefs |
M-helse og diabetesbehandling |
2016 |
Briefs |
M-helse og pasienters egenmestring av kronisk sykdom |
2016 |
Briefs |
Kan sosiale medier styrke «gjør det selv»- bevegelsen og pasienters egenmestring? |
2016 |
Briefs |
Et verdibasert, digitalt støttet, personsentrert omsorgssystem - Nasjonale og internasjonale trender |
2016 |
Briefs |
Universell utforming og tilgjengelighet |
2016 |
Briefs |
Bærbar teknologi og sensorer |
2016 |
Briefs |
Tall og fakta om helseapper |
2016 |
Briefs |
Digitale tjenester for min psykiske helse |
2016 |
Briefs |
Muligheter og utfordringer ved bruk av videokonsultasjoner i primærhelsetjenesten |
2016 |
Briefs |
Sykdomsekspertene sitter hjemme |
2016 |
Interview |
Slik blir unge med funksjonsnedsettelser mer selvstendige |
2016 |
Interview |
App med funksjoner for fysisk aktivitet, mat, medisin, blodsukker, vekt og personlige mål – Diabetesdagboka |
2016 |
Article in business/trade/industry journal |
Kvalitetssikring av mobil selvhjelpsteknologi – ta pasienten med på laget |
2016 |
Lecture |
"Så mye som mulig, så raskt som mulig, til så mange som mulig": Erfaringer med Min pasientjournal i Helse Nord |
2016 |
Lecture |
Min pasientjournal; er det trygt? Innsynsprosjektet i Helse Nord |
2016 |
Lecture |
Elektronisk tilgang til pasientjournal: Enklere tilgang for pasienten,mer jobb for legen? |
2016 |
Article in business/trade/industry journal |
Kunnskapsoppsummering: Eksisterende velferdsteknologiutprøvinger i Norden for barn og unge med funksjonsnedsettelser |
2016 |
Report |
Den elektroniske pasientjournalen er i praksis papir på strøm |
2016 |
Interview |
Folk bruker Facebook til å lære om sykdommen sin |
2016 |
Interview |
Ny pasientjournal skal gjøre det lettere å være lege |
2016 |
Interview |
Kunnskapsoppsummering - Erfaring med multidose med fokus på de skandinaviske landene |
2016 |
Report |
Selvhjelpssystemer for behandling av diabetes i utviklingsland |
2015 |
Lecture |
Re: Telemedisin bringer spesialisthelsetjenesten hjem til pasienten |
2015 |
Reader opinion piece |
Ny teknologi gir ny pasientrolle |
2015 |
Editorial |
Spørsmål- og Svartjeneste (SoS) - Sikker e-post for pasienter og helsepersonell |
2015 |
Academic lecture |
FAMILIER I MOTBAKKE. På vei mot bedre støtte barn til barn som pårørende |
2015 |
Lecture |
PS-portalen: Forebygging av psykisk helse blant studenter ved hjelp av et lavterskeltilbud på Internett |
2007 |
Popular scientific article |
Har kjønn betydning for implementering og bruk av EPJ? |
2007 |
Academic lecture |
Lotherington AT 2006 (red) Telemedisin I pleie- og omsorgssektoren: Et nødvendig redskap for utvikling av primærhelsetjenesten? Sluttrapport for prosjektet Ses@m: Nilsen L.L : ”Opplæringen”, s. 49-60. Norut Samfunn, rapport nr 13 |
2006 |
Report |
Space, power, and communication: The dynamic of ICT in Health care |
2006 |
Academic lecture |
Lotherington AT 2005 (red) Telemedisin i pleie- og omsorgssektoren: Om å takle det uforutsette. Midtveisrapport for prosjektet Ses@m: Nilsen L.L: ”Opplæringen” s. 34- 49. Norut Samfunn, rapport nr SF 11 2005 |
2005 |
Report |
”Ortopol@r- desentralisert, universitetsledet spesialistutdanning i kjeveortopedi ved kompetansesenteret i Tromsø. Evaluering av organisering og gjennomføring av prosjektet OrtoPol@r, fase 2”. 23 mai 2005. Den offentlige tannhelsetjenesten i Troms |
2005 |
Report |
Nettbasert høreapparatjustering. Evaluering og kartlegging av sosiale og organisatoriske betingelser for tilfredsstillende bruk av tjenesten i Sluttrapport HØYKOM, prosjekt nummer 1297/240:4 |
2004 |
Report |
Nettbasert høreapparatjustering |
2004 |
Report |
Øyenett - Et elektronisk samhandlingsnettverk for landets Oftalmologer |
2004 |
Report |
Erfaringer med lege-pasient-kontakt over Internett |
2004 |
Academic article |
Implementering av telemedisinske tjenester: hemmende og fremmende faktorer |
2003 |
Report |
Til alles tilfredshet? |
2002 |
Academic article |
Brukerperspektivet: Mulighet og myte |
2002 |
Academic article |
OrtoPol@r- desentralisert universitetsledet spesialistutdanning i kjeveortopedi ved kompetansesenteret i Tromsø. Evaluering av gjennomføring og organisering av prosjektet, fase 1, 30. mars 2004. Den offentlige tannhelsetjenesten i Troms |
2004 |
Report |
Brukertilfredshet. Brukernes oppfatning av dagens tjenestetilbud i en behandlingskjede, s: 81- 87, i Telemedisin som virkemiddel for økt samhandling. Et samarbeidsprosjekt mellom UNN HF, Helse Finnmark HF og kommunehelsetjenesten i Vadsø, Alta, Båtsfjord |
2003 |
Report |
Unøyaktig om telepatologi fra Radiumhospitalet. (Korrespondanse) |
2000 |
Feature article |
Vill bruk av stillbildehenvisninger være kostnadsbesparende? |
2000 |
Academic article |
Det spesialpedagogiske møtet |
2000 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Scenario 2002 |
1999 |
Academic lecture |
Fremtidens rehabiliteringstjeneste, hvordan kan IKT bidra? |
2014 |
Lecture |
Mail meg, doktor! |
2014 |
Feature article |
Telemedisin: et maktperspektiv |
2014 |
Academic article |
Vår digitale pasientjournal |
2014 |
Feature article |
Fremtidens legesjekk er en regneoperasjon |
2013 |
Interview |
Har vi e-helse nå? |
2013 |
Feature article |
Mest om et uvanlig eksempel kalt Rex |
2013 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Innledning Klientens stemme - hjelperens blikk |
2013 |
Introduction |
Klientens stemme - hjelperens blikk |
2013 |
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings |
Økende bruk av selvhjelpsverktøy og apper gir muligheter - betydning for framtidas diabetesbehandling |
2013 |
Popular scientific article |
Medisinsk kunnskap gjennom medierte samtaler |
2013 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Mobil egenmestring |
2013 |
Popular scientific lecture |
Virtuell kriseledelse – ikke felles nødnummer |
2013 |
Editorial |
Videobasert akuttmedisinsk konferanse |
2013 |
Editorial |
Føflekk eller malignt melanom? |
2012 |
Feature article |
Diabetesdagbok på mobiltelefon, Mobile selvhjelpsverktøy utviklet av og for mennesker med diabetes |
2012 |
Popular scientific lecture |
Risikofokus på barn med psykisk syke foreldre |
2012 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Smittemeteorologene vet hvor influensaen sprer seg |
2012 |
Interview |
IKT-forbindelser i helsesektoren, Sammenvevinger av IKT, steder, yrker, kjønn og politikk |
2011 |
Doctoral dissertation |
Blir smartere med snakking |
2011 |
Interview |
Regelmessig bruk av videokonferanse mellom allmennleger og spesialister bidrar til å oppfylle ambisjonene om bedre samhandling |
2011 |
Interview |
Læring og utvikling av kunnskap i medisinske samtaler. Bruk av videokonferanse mellom allmennleger og spesialister |
2011 |
Doctoral dissertation |
Hva er effekten av bruk av videokonferanse i pasientbehandling? |
2009 |
Poster |
Pasient på e-post |
2008 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
An economic analysis of screening for diabetic retinopathy |
2002 |
Academic article |
A cost-minimization analysis of a realtime teledermatology service in northern Norway |
2000 |
Academic article |
A framework for web-based professional networks for health care providers |
2000 |
Poster |
Psychotherapy supervision face-to-face and byvideoconferencing: A comparative study |
1999 |
Academic article |
Psychotherapy supervision conductedvia videoconferencing. A qualitative study of user experiences |
1998 |
Academic article |
Still image consultations via e-mail in surgical pathology. A study of diagnostic accuracy |
1998 |
Academic article |
An economic analysis of teleconsultation in otorhinolaryngology |
1997 |
Academic article |
Research that may advance users' participation |
1997 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
User Participation in the workings of Education |
1997 |
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings |
ROC-study of a teleradiology workstation versus film readings |
1997 |
Academic article |
Videoconferencing in psychiatry. A survey of use in northern Norway |
1996 |
Academic article |
An economic analysis of teleradiology versus a visiting radiologist service |
1996 |
Academic article |
User interface and patient involvement. Presentation |
2013 |
Academic lecture |
Videoconferencing in Acute and Non-acute Medical Work. Presentation Andreassen, H.K |
2013 |
Academic lecture |
User interface and patient involvement |
2013 |
Academic article |
Videoconferencing in Acute and Non-acute Medical Work |
2013 |
Academic article |
Implementing transnational telemedicine solutions: A connected health project in rural and remote areas of six Northern Periphery countries |
2013 |
Academic article |
Characterizing Development Patterns of Healthcare Social Networks |
2013 |
Academic article |
Utilization of self-gathered patient data in a mobile-phone-based feedback system for patients with type 1 diabetes |
2013 |
Abstract |
Cost-Utility Analysis of the EVOLVO Study on Remote Monitoring for Heart Failure Patients With Implantable Defibrillators: Randomized Controlled Trial |
2013 |
Academic article |
Model-driven diabetes care: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial |
2013 |
Academic article |
Multimedia Communication in Emergency Medical Dispatch Centers: Current Status and Future Research |
2013 |
Academic article |
The increased risk of colon cancer due to cigarette smoking may be greater in women than men |
2013 |
Academic article |
Smoking duration before first childbirth: an emerging risk factor for breast cancer? Results from 302,865 Norwegian women |
2013 |
Academic article |
Inferring community structure in healthcare forums. An empirical study |
2013 |
Academic article |
Design of an advanced mobile diabetes diary based on a prospective 6-month study involving people with type 1 diabetes |
2013 |
Abstract |
A review of serious games for diabetic patients |
2013 |
Abstract |
Telehealth at UC Davis—A 20-Year Experience |
2013 |
Academic article |
VIDEOCARE: Decentralised psychiatric emergency care through videoconferencing |
2013 |
Academic lecture |
Long-Term Engagement With a Mobile Self-Management System for People With Type 2 Diabetes |
2013 |
Academic article |
Functionalities and input methods for recording food intake: A systematic review |
2013 |
Academic article |
Is a high level of general practitioner consultations associated with low outpatients specialist clinic use? A cross-sectional study |
2013 |
Academic article |
Cost-effectiveness and quality of life in surgeon versus general practitioner-organised colon cancer surveillance: a randomised controlled trial |
2013 |
Academic article |
Integration of Healthcare Information Systems: Improving Data Quality in a Diagnostic Imaging Department |
2013 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Physicians Interrupted by Mobile Devices in Hospitals: Understanding the Interaction Between Devices, Roles, and Duties |
2013 |
Academic article |
Identifying Measures Used for Assessing Quality of YouTube Videos with Patient Health Information: A Review of Current Literature |
2013 |
Academic article |
Telestration in Mobile Telementoring |
2013 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
CallMeSmart: A VoIP Softphone on Android Based Mobile Devices Using SIP |
2013 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Electronic Messaging in Primary Care – Reporting from an Implementation and Evaluation Project in Northern Norway |
2013 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
The Work Practice of Videoconferencing in Acute Stroke Treatment |
2013 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
The work practice of Videoconferencing in Acute Stroke Treatment |
2013 |
Academic lecture |
Mobile Communication in Hospitals: What is the problem? |
2013 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Effectiveness of SMS as an adjunct to an Internet based smoking cessation intervention: A randomised controlled trial |
2012 |
Academic lecture |
2012 |
Poster |
Assessing physical activity in the daily life of cystic fibrosis patients |
2012 |
Academic article |
Remote monitoring in heart failure patients with implantable defibrillator: reduces healthcare utilization and improves quality of care |
2012 |
Abstract |
Impact of interactive web-based education with mobile and email-based support of general practitioners on treatment and referral patterns of patients with atopic dermatitis: randomized controlled trial |
2012 |
Academic article |
VIDEOCARE: Decentralised psychiatric emergency care through videoconferencing |
2012 |
Academic article |
Miniaturised Activity Sensor |
2012 |
Poster |
What answers can pattern recognition give in patient pathways research? |
2012 |
Popular scientific lecture |
Non-inferiority studies: How, and why? |
2012 |
Academic lecture |
Mathematics and Statistics in TTL |
2012 |
Popular scientific lecture |
Computer aided diagnosis of malignant melanoma using dermatoscopic images |
2012 |
Popular scientific lecture |
Modeling the spread of infectious diseases by Gaussian Markov Random Fields as a tool for medical decision making |
2012 |
Academic lecture |
Causality in Scale Space as an Approach to Change Detection |
2012 |
Academic article |
Self-Management, Few Touch Application (FTA), Mobile Diabetes Solutions |
2012 |
Popular scientific lecture |
The Norwegian Type 2 Diabetes study in RENEWING HEALTH: Development, implementation and evaluation of an intervention with a mobile diabetes diary - the Few Touch Application - with and without health counseling |
2012 |
Academic lecture |
Temporal Community Structure Patterns in Diabetes Social Networks |
2012 |
Academic lecture |
Scale-Space Methods for Live Processing of Sensor Data |
2012 |
Academic lecture |
Exploring the community structure of a diabetes forum |
2012 |
Academic lecture |
Exploring the community structure of a diabetes forum |
2012 |
Academic article |
Towards Requirements for Telementoring Software |
2012 |
Academic article |
Clinical and Educational Benefits of Surgical Telementoring |
2012 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Diabetes Self-Management, User-Involved Design of Mobile Self-Help Tools for People with Diabetes |
2012 |
Academic lecture |
Designing a Mobile Diabetes Diary, Blood Glucose on SMS and using Pictures in Improving Diabetes Care for Young People |
2012 |
Popular scientific lecture |
Avatars using computer/smartphone mediated communication and social networking in prevention of sexually transmitted diseases |
2012 |
Academic article |
Electronic Symptom Reporting Between Patient and Provider for Improved Health Care Service Quality: A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials. Part 1: State of the Art |
2012 |
Academic literature review |
Model driven mobile care for patients with type 1 diabetes |
2012 |
Academic article |
Electronic Symptom Reporting Between Patient and Provider for Improved Health Care Service Quality: A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials. Part 2: Methodological Quality and Effects |
2012 |
Academic literature review |
Scale-Space Methods for Live Processing of Sensor Data |
2012 |
Academic article |
Mobile Phone-Based Pattern Recognition and Data Analysis for Patients with Type 1 Diabetes |
2012 |
Academic article |
Remote Monitoring Reduces Healthcare Utilization and Improves Quality of Care in Heart Failure Patients with Implantable Defibrillators: The EVOLVO (Evolution of Management Strategies of Heart Failure Patients with Implantable Defibrillators) Study |
2012 |
Academic article |
Interaction through a web-based patient record in ulcer treatment: A qualitative study of patients’ experiences |
2012 |
Academic lecture |
Using Noninferiority Tests to Evaluate Telemedicine and E-Health Services: Systematic Review |
2012 |
Academic literature review |
Towards an "empowered" user role in the design of large-scale electronic patient records |
2012 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Mobile Health Applications to Assist Patients with Diabetes: Lessons Learned and Design Implications |
2012 |
Academic article |
ICT and patient roles; contradictions in e-health policy |
2012 |
Academic article |
Collaborative medical work: The acute treatment of patients with stroke |
2012 |
Poster |
The obstacles to knowledge sharing between professionals in acute situations |
2012 |
Academic lecture |
Users as designers of information infrastructures |
2012 |
Academic article |
Long-running telemedicine networks delivering humanitarian services: experience, performance and scientific output |
2012 |
Academic article |
Comparative performance of seven long-running telemedicine networks delivering humanitarian services |
2012 |
Academic article |
Traditional Practice vs. New Tools and Routines in Stroke Treatment |
2012 |
Academic article |
Improving Diabetes Care for Young People With Type 1 Diabetes Through Visual Learning on Mobile Phones: Mixed-Methods Study |
2012 |
Academic article |
Approaches to economic evaluation in telemedicine |
2012 |
Academic article |
Implementing an online patient-provider communication service into routine clinical practice: unexpected consequences |
2012 |
Abstract |
Barriers related to the implementation of an informatics intervention into regular clinical practice: a leadership perspective |
2012 |
Abstract |
E-Rehabilitation an Internet and mobile phone based tailored intervention to enhance selfmanagement of Cardiovascular Disease: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial |
2012 |
Academic article |
Social media in health - what are the safety concerns for health consumers? |
2012 |
Academic article |
Spatio-temporal modeling of communicable diseases: A case study of North Norway |
2012 |
Poster |
Could mobile diabetes management systems revolutionize patient care? |
2012 |
Academic article |
Effects and Feedback from 30 Individuals with Type 1 Diabetes, Using a Mobile Diabetes Diary: The Few Touch Application |
2012 |
Academic lecture |
Social Media and Games as Self-Management Tools for Children and Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus |
2012 |
Poster |
Social Media and Games as Self-Management Tools for Children and Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus |
2012 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Cigarette smoking and risk of histological subtypes of epithelial ovarian cancer in the EPIC cohort study |
2012 |
Academic article |
2012 |
Academic article |
Maintaining awareness using policies; Enabling agents to identify relevance of information |
2012 |
Academic article |
Collaboration between Professionals: The Use of Videoconferencing for Delivering E-Health |
2012 |
Academic article |
Healthcare Continuity From Hospital to Territory in Lombardy: TELEMACO Project |
2012 |
Academic article |
Living With a Mentally Ill Parent: Exploring Adolescents' Experiences and Perspectives |
2012 |
Academic article |
Improved treatment for cerebral stroke patients in small hospitals?Reporting from a telestroke service in North Norway |
2012 |
Academic lecture |
Methodologies for assessing telemedicine - a systematic review of reviews |
2012 |
Academic literature review |
Adoption of telemedicine: from pilot stage to routine delivery |
2012 |
Academic article |
Bayesian multiscale analysis of images modeled as Gaussian Markov random fields |
2012 |
Academic article |
Standards for reporting randomized controlled trials in medical informatics: a systematic review of CONSORT adherence in RCTs on clinical decision support |
2012 |
Academic literature review |
Interdisciplinary Principles of Field-Like Coordination in the Case of Self-Organized Social Systems |
2012 |
Academic lecture |
The EVOLVO Study: Remote Monitoring in Heart Failure Patients with Implantable Defibrillator |
2012 |
Lecture |
Evaluation of telemonitoring for heart failure patients with implantable defibrillators: The EVOLVO (Evolution of Management Strategies of Heart Failure Patients with Implantable Defibrillators) Study |
2012 |
Lecture |
Improved Treatment of Cerebral Stroke Patients in Small Hospitals? Reporting from a Telestroke Service in North Norway |
2012 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Temporal Community Structure Patterns in Diabetes Social Networks |
2012 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Ehealth systems and information needs of physicians |
2012 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
CV4 Evaluation of Telemonitoring for Heart Failure Patients With Implantable Defibrillators: The Evolvo (Evolution of Management Strategies of Heart Failure Patients With Implantable Defibrillators) Study |
2012 |
Academic article |
What capital is telemedicine? |
2012 |
Academic lecture |
The Few Touch Digital Diabetes Diary for type 2 Diabetes |
2011 |
Documentary |
The Few Touch Application (FTA) in Social Media |
2011 |
Academic lecture |
The Diabetes Motivation Projects, User-Involved Design of Mobile Self-Help Tools for People with Diabetes |
2011 |
Popular scientific lecture |
Diabetes care on Mobile Phones |
2011 |
Popular scientific lecture |
Going for a PhD: Problems and Pitfalls |
2011 |
Popular scientific lecture |
Redesigning user interfaces of wireless IP-DECT phones to support context-sensitive communication in hospitals |
2011 |
Academic lecture |
The telemedicine and eHealth equation - proposal for an updated view on the Teorem of Medical Informatics |
2011 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Global telemedicine services – what can be learned from telemedicine in Norway? |
2011 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
The Norwegian study in Renewing Health: Stimulating self-management in patients with Type 2 diabetes mellitus through telecare with the Few Touch application (FTA) and health counselling - a randomized controlled trial |
2011 |
Academic lecture |
Spatial Tasks on a Large, High-Resolution, Tiled Display: A Male Inferiority in Performance with a Mental Rotation Task |
2011 |
Academic article |
Telemedicine: measuring effects and patient preferences |
2011 |
Doctoral dissertation |
A prototype system for Context Sensitive Communication in hospitals based on an Ascom/trixbox experimental platform |
2011 |
Masters thesis |
SMART CARB - A mobile nutrition self-management application for people with diabetes |
2011 |
Masters thesis |
Electronic Symptom Reporting by Patients: A Literature Review |
2011 |
Academic literature review |
Innovation in Practice: Development of Mobile Phone Applications, Involving Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes. A Pilot Study |
2011 |
Poster |
Making a web based ulcer record work by aligning architecture, legislation and users - a formative evaluation study |
2011 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Exploring the use of Educational Video Games as Self-Management Tools for Children and Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus |
2011 |
Academic lecture |
Review of Mobile Terminal-Based Tools for Diabetes Diet Management |
2011 |
Academic lecture |
Extracting Gait Parameters from Raw Electronic Walkway Data |
2011 |
Academic lecture |
Mobile Peer Support in Diabetes |
2011 |
Academic lecture |
Towards a mobile solution for predicting illness in Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus: Development of a prediction model for detecting risk of illness in Type 1 Diabetes prior to symptom onset |
2011 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Towards a mobile solution for predicting illness in Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus: Development of a prediction model for detecting risk of illness in Type 1 Diabetes prior to symptom onset |
2011 |
Academic lecture |
Context-sensitive Communication in Hospitals: A User Interface Evaluation and Redesign of Ascom Wireless IP-DECT Phones |
2011 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Review of iPhone Applications for Diabetes Self-Management |
2011 |
Academic lecture |
Exploring the use of Educational Video Games as Self-Management Tools for Children and Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus |
2011 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Personalized Mobile Phone-based Tools for Type 1 Diabetes |
2011 |
Poster |
Distributed knowledge in collaborative medical diagnosis |
2011 |
Poster |
Workplace Learning Among General Practitioners and Specialists: the Use of Videoconferencing as a Tool |
2011 |
Academic article |
Supporting lay bystanders during out-of-hospital cardiac arrest -- Comparison of video calls and audio calls for instructions and supervision |
2011 |
Doctoral dissertation |
Real-time local epidemiological data through the internet as a management tool for infections in the community |
2011 |
Poster |
Patient oriented ICT: Policy and Practice |
2011 |
Doctoral dissertation |
2011 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Use of telephone and SMS reminders to improve attendance at hospital appointments: a systematic review |
2011 |
Academic literature review |
Features of Mobile Diabetes Applications: Review of the Literature and Analysis of Current Applications Compared Against Evidence-Based Guidelines |
2011 |
Academic literature review |
Doctors and nurses benefit from interprofessional online education in dermatology |
2011 |
Academic article |
Effect of Tailoring in an Internet-Based Intervention for Smoking Cessation: Randomized Controlled Trial |
2011 |
Academic article |
An Exploratory Study of Patient Attitudes towards Symptom Reporting in a Primary Care Setting Benefits for Medical Consultation and Syndromic Surveillance? |
2011 |
Academic article |
Video calls for dispatcher-assisted cardiopulmonary resuscitation can improve the confidence of lay rescuers - surveys after simulated cardiac arrest |
2011 |
Academic article |
Policy-based Awareness Management (PAM): Case study of a wireless communication system at a hospital |
2011 |
Academic article |
Flexibility in interaction: Sociotechnical design of an operating room scheduler |
2011 |
Academic article |
Disrupted rhythms and mobile ICT in a surgical department |
2011 |
Academic article |
Spatial Tasks on a Large, High-Resolution, Tiled Display: A Male Inferiority in Performance with a Mental Rotation Task |
2011 |
Academic lecture |
Does long-term care use within primary health care reduce hospital use among older people in Norway? A national five-year population-based observational study |
2011 |
Academic article |
Video calls from lay bystanders to dispatch centers - risk assessment of information security |
2011 |
Academic article |
Mobile Peer Support in Diabetes |
2011 |
Academic article |
Review of Mobile Terminal-Based Tools for Diabetes Diet Management |
2011 |
Academic article |
Institutionalizing Telemedicine Applications: The Challenge of Legitimizing Decision-Making |
2011 |
Academic article |
Extracting Gait Parameters from Raw Electronic Walkway Data |
2011 |
Academic article |
Automatic Segmentation of Dermoscopic Images by Iterative Classification |
2011 |
Academic article |
Spatio-temporal modeling and outbreak detection of infectious diseases in northern Norway |
2011 |
Academic lecture |
Spatio-temporal Modelling and Outbreak Detection of Infectious Diseases in Northern Norway |
2011 |
Poster |
Collaboration and learning in medical teams by using video conference |
2011 |
Academic article |
Collaborative Work by Using Videoconferencing: Opportunities for Learning in Daily Medical Practice |
2011 |
Academic article |
Scale Space Methods for Analysis of Type 2 Diabetes Patients' Blood Glucose Values |
2011 |
Academic article |
What does an e-mail address add? - Doing health and technology at home |
2011 |
Academic article |
Mobile Diabetes Self-Management Tools –What’s the Role of Clinicians? |
2011 |
Poster |
Exploring illness prediction in Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus pre-symptom onset |
2011 |
Academic article |
Wireless and Mobile Technologies Improving Diabetes Self-Management |
2011 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Telemaco Project: Telemedicine for the Small Town Halls in Lombardy Region |
2011 |
Lecture |
Extracting Gait Parameters from Raw Electronic Walkway Data |
2011 |
Academic article |
Being there for them – a telepresence device to support remote social and clinical care to elderly persons |
2011 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Norwegian University Develops Self Help System To Monitor Diabetes Patients |
2010 |
Interview |
Telemedicine for Diabetes Patients |
2010 |
Interview |
Research on mobile self-help tools for patients with Type 2 diabetes |
2010 |
Popular scientific lecture |
Diabetes research at NST |
2010 |
Popular scientific lecture |
M-Health: Mobile self-help tools for patients with diabetes |
2010 |
Popular scientific lecture |
Use of Various Methods in User-Involved Design of Mobile Self-Help Tools for People with Diabetes |
2010 |
Academic lecture |
User-Involved Design of Mobile Self-Help Tools for People with Diabetes |
2010 |
Academic lecture |
Mobile self-help system to monitor diabetics health conditions |
2010 |
Documentary |
Automatic learning of spatial patterns for diagnosis of skin lesions |
2010 |
Academic article |
Economic evaluation in telemedicine - still room for improvement |
2010 |
Academic article |
Collaborative work and medical talk. Opportunities for learning through knowledge sharing |
2010 |
Academic article |
A computer aided diagnostic system for malignant melanomas |
2010 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Digital Monitoring of Changes in Skin Lesions |
2010 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Digital Monitoring of Changes in Skin Lesions |
2010 |
Academic lecture |
Un/doing gender with ICT? |
2010 |
Academic article |
The role of statistics in shape analysis |
2010 |
Academic lecture |
The empowered patient and the sociologist |
2010 |
Academic article |
Designing Mobile Diabetes Applications – Challenges and Opportunities |
2010 |
Academic lecture |
My research and NST |
2010 |
Academic lecture |
Patient-user involvement for designing a self-help tool for Type 2 diabetes |
2010 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Symptoms from patients as the primary information source for real-time surveillance |
2010 |
Academic lecture |
Patient-user involvement for designing a self-help tool for Type 2 diabetes |
2010 |
Academic lecture |
Exploring illness prediction in Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus pre-symptom onset |
2010 |
Academic lecture |
Secondary Use of EHR: Data Quality Issues and Informatics Opportunities |
2010 |
Academic article |
Status for the Norwegian study |
2010 |
Academic lecture |
Project administration Norway. Status for the Norwegian Study |
2010 |
Academic lecture |
The Norwegian study in Renewing Health |
2010 |
Academic lecture |
Stimulating self-management in patients with type 2 diabetes |
2010 |
Academic lecture |
Effectiveness of telemedicine: A systematic review of reviews |
2010 |
Academic literature review |
Unsupervised segmentation for digital dermoscopic images |
2010 |
Academic article |
Standardized nursing work: works in practice but not in theory? |
2010 |
Academic article |
Bone loss and the risk of non-vertebral fractures in women and men: the Tromsø study |
2010 |
Academic article |
Symptoms from patients as the primary information source for real-time surveillance |
2010 |
Academic article |
Differences and innequalities in health. Empirical reflections on telemediciene and politics |
2010 |
Academic article |
Evaluation of an Ascom/trixbox system for context sensitive communication in hospitals |
2010 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Mobile-Phone-based Self-Management Tools for Type 2 Diabetes – The Few Touch Application |
2010 |
Academic article |
Leaving twentieth-century understanding of documents - From book to eBook to digital ecosystem |
2010 |
Academic article |
Exploring new directions in disease surveillance for people with diabetes: Lessons learned and future plans |
2010 |
Academic article |
Physicians interrupted by mobile devices in hospitals – understanding the interaction between devices, roles and duties |
2010 |
Academic article |
Getting the whole picture? New information and communication technologies in healthcare work and organisation |
2010 |
Academic article |
Sixteen years of ICPC use in Norwegian primary care: looking through the facts |
2010 |
Academic article |
Online Communication Between Doctors and Patients in Europe: Status and Perspectives |
2010 |
Academic article |
Exploring new directions in disease surveillance for people with diabetes: Lessons learned and future plans |
2010 |
Academic lecture |
User-Involved Design of Mobile Self-Help Tools for People with Diabetes |
2010 |
Academic lecture |
Leaving twentieth-century understanding of documents - From book to eBook to digital ecosystem |
2010 |
Academic lecture |
Secondary Use of EHR: Data Quality Issues and Informatics Opportunities |
2010 |
Academic lecture |
Evaluation of an Ascom/trixbox system for context sensitive communication in hospitals |
2010 |
Academic lecture |
Physicians interrupted by mobile devices in hospitals – understanding the interaction between devices, roles and duties |
2010 |
Poster |
I-care: stimulating self-management in patients with type 2 diabetes. A pilot study |
2010 |
Poster |
User-Involved Design of Mobile Self-Help tools for People with Diabetes – The Few Touch Application |
2010 |
Poster |
User-Involved Design of Mobile Self-Help Tools for People with Diabetes |
2010 |
Poster |
The workload of web-based consultations with atopic eczema patients at home |
2010 |
Academic article |
Statistical modeling of aggregated lifestyle and blood glucose data in type 1 diabetes patients |
2010 |
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings |
Better assistance from 113 with video-calls during medical emergencies? A qualitative study |
2009 |
Poster |
Web-based consultations for parents of children with atopic dermatitis: results of a randomized controlled trial |
2009 |
Academic article |
Point-of-care devices for healthy consumers - a feasibility study |
2009 |
Editorial |
A Review of Mobile Terminal-Based Applications for Self-Management of Patients with Diabetes |
2009 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
New Directions in Electronic Disease Surveillance: Detection of Infectious Diseases during the Incubation Period |
2009 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Exploring morally relevant issues facing families in their decisions to monitor the health-related behaviours of loved ones |
2009 |
Academic article |
Measuring Physical Activity with Sensors: A Qualitative Study |
2009 |
Academic article |
Bridging the Gap between Patients’ Expectations and General Practitioners’ Knowledge through Disease Surveillance |
2009 |
Academic article |
Threats to Information Security of Real-Time Disease Surveillance Systems |
2009 |
Academic article |
Authentication and Encryption in the Snow Disease Surveillance Network |
2009 |
Academic article |
Can video mobile phones improve CPR quality when used for dispatcher assistance during simulated cardiac arrest? |
2009 |
Academic article |
Video conferencing versus telephone calls for team work across hospitals: a qualitative study on simulated emergencies |
2009 |
Academic article |
Placing Globalizing Technologies: Telemedicine and the Making of Difference |
2009 |
Academic article |
Use of the internet for health purposes: trends in Norway 2000-2010 |
2009 |
Academic article |
Reusing Patient Data to Enhance Patient Empowerment and Electronic Disease Surveillance |
2009 |
Academic article |
"The dual role of the action researcher" |
2009 |
Academic article |
The Few Touch Digital Diabetes Diary, User-Involved Design of Mobile Self-Help Tools for People with Diabetes |
2009 |
Doctoral dissertation |
Experiences from using a diabetes diary based on a mobile phone - the few touch application |
2009 |
Academic lecture |
Authentication and encryption in the Snow Disease Surveillance Network |
2009 |
Academic lecture |
Threats to Information Security of Real-Time Disease Surveillance Systems |
2009 |
Academic lecture |
Measuring Physical activity with Sensors: A Qualitative Study |
2009 |
Academic lecture |
Bridging the Gap between Patients' Expectations and General Practitioners' Knowledge through Disease Surveillance |
2009 |
Academic lecture |
Self-help tools: advantages and limitations of PC-based versus mobile approaches |
2009 |
Academic lecture |
New Directions in Electronic Disease Surveillance: Detection of Infectious Diseases during the Incubation Period |
2009 |
Academic lecture |
A Review of Mobile Terminal-Based Applications for Self-Management of Patients with Diabetes |
2009 |
Academic lecture |
Designing mobile patient-centric self-help terminals for people with diabetes |
2009 |
Poster |
Diabetes diary based on a mobile phone – Users´experiences and iterative design process |
2009 |
Poster |
Experiences from using a diabetes diary based on a mobile phone - the few touch application |
2009 |
Poster |
Introduction of a telemonitoring service for patients affected by Chronic Heart Failure |
2009 |
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings |
Assessment and analysis of territorial experiences in digital tele-echocardiography |
2009 |
Academic article |
Systematic Review of Telemedicine Services for Patients Affected by COPD |
2009 |
Academic article |
Assessment of a telemedicine innovation in cardiology |
2009 |
Academic article |
Teleconsultation service to improve healthcare in rural areas: acceptance, organizational impact and appropriateness |
2009 |
Academic article |
Can economic evaluation in telemedicine be trusted? A systematic review of the literature |
2009 |
Academic article |
Two-way video communication during out-of-hospital cardiac arrest can improve rescuers' confidence |
2009 |
Abstract |
Presentation of the Few Touch Application based on the Windows Mobile platform |
2008 |
Popular scientific lecture |
Self-help through a mobile ICT tool - Type 2 diabetes |
2008 |
Popular scientific lecture |
Disease Surveillance –The Patient’s Point of View, Self-Help Tools |
2008 |
Academic lecture |
Mobile Self-Help Tool for People with Type 2 Diabetes |
2008 |
Academic lecture |
Bluetooth Technology @ Work - The Future of Telemetry |
2008 |
Interview |
"Garbage in, garbage out": extracting disease surveillance data from epr systems in primary care |
2008 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Relations between Internet use, socio-economic status (SES), social support and subjective health |
2008 |
Academic article |
Adherence in Internet-based interventions |
2008 |
Academic article |
An overview and analysis of theories employed in telemedicine studies - A field in search of an identity |
2008 |
Academic literature review |
Electronic health surveillance: from John Snow to a network health information system |
2008 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Current status and future perspectives in telecare for elderly people suffering from chronic diseases |
2008 |
Academic article |
Designing mobile dietary management support technologies for people with diabetes |
2008 |
Academic article |
The potential of digital monochrome images versus colour slides in telescreening for diabetic retinopathy |
2008 |
Academic article |
User-Centered Methods for Designing Patient-Centric Self-Help Tools |
2008 |
Academic article |
To see or not to see -- Better dispatcher-assisted CPR with video-calls? A qualitative study based on simulated trials |
2008 |
Academic article |
A System for Monitoring Physical Activity Data Among People with Type 2 Diabetes |
2008 |
Academic article |
A Large, High Resolution Tiled Display for Medical Use: Experiences from Prototyping of a Radiology Scenario |
2008 |
Academic article |
Eight Challenges for Developing Telemedicine Applications |
2008 |
Academic article |
An exploratory study of disease surveillance systems in Norway |
2008 |
Academic article |
Home telecare technologies for the elderly |
2008 |
Academic article |
Telehomecare Technologies for the Elderly: Milestones and challenges |
2008 |
Report |
A Context-Sensitive Framework for Mobile Terminals for Assisting Type 2 Diabetes Patients |
2008 |
Report |
An Exploratory Study of Disease Surveillance System in Norway |
2008 |
Report |
Designing Mobile Dietary Management Support Tecnologies for People with Diabetes |
2008 |
Report |
A Context-Sensitive Framework for Mobile Terminals for Assisting Type 2 Diabetes Patients |
2008 |
Masters thesis |
Meta-perspectives on telemedicine: theory, method and a case |
2008 |
Doctoral dissertation |
Eight Challenges for Developing Telemedicine Applications |
2008 |
Academic lecture |
Teleconsultation; collaborative work and opportunities for learning across organizational boundaries |
2008 |
Academic lecture |
An Exploratory Study of Disease Surveillance Systems in Norway |
2008 |
Academic lecture |
Telehomecare Technologies for the Elderly: Milestones and challenges |
2008 |
Academic lecture |
“Garbage In, Garbage Out”- Extracting Disease Surveillance Data from EPR Systems in Primary Care |
2008 |
Academic lecture |
Context-Sensitive Framework for Mobile Terminals for Assisting Type 2 Diabetes Patients |
2008 |
Academic lecture |
A System for Monitoring Physical Activity Data Among People with Type 2 Diabetes |
2008 |
Academic lecture |
Teleconsultation- collaborative work and opportunities for learning across organizational boundaries |
2008 |
Academic lecture |
A Large, High Resolution Tiled Display for Medical Use: Experiences from Prototyping of a Radiology Scenario |
2008 |
Academic lecture |
A Qualitative Study of Current and Future Systems for Disease Surveillance |
2008 |
Poster |
Assessment models for telemedicine services in National Health Systems |
2008 |
Lecture |
A cognitive map to design a performance-oriented RIS-PACS |
2008 |
Academic article |
Assessment models for telemedicine services in National Health Systems |
2008 |
Academic article |
Assessment of a remote monitoring system for implantable cardioverter defibrillators |
2008 |
Academic article |
Communicating textual health information to the mobile phones of visually-impaired users |
2008 |
Academic article |
Self-help through a mobile ICT tool |
2007 |
Popular scientific lecture |
Lessons learned from interacting with users 40-70 years old in designing an eHealth self-help tool |
2007 |
Academic lecture |
Self-help through a mobile ICT tool - type 2 diabetes |
2007 |
Academic lecture |
Self-help through a mobile ICT tool |
2007 |
Academic lecture |
Risk analysis of information security in a mobile instant messaging and presence system for healthcare |
2007 |
Academic article |
Challenges in Telemedicine and eHealth: Lessons Learned from 20 Years with Telemedicine in Tromsø |
2007 |
Academic article |
Automatic Infection Detection System |
2007 |
Academic article |
A Framework for Mobile Services Supporting Mobile Non-office Workers |
2007 |
Academic article |
Patients' willingness to pay for electronic communication with their general practitioner |
2007 |
Academic article |
Use of videoconferencing in Norwegian psychiatry |
2007 |
Academic article |
Documents in medicine: from paper documents to quality-healthcare? |
2007 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Challenges in Telemedicine and eHealth: Lessons Learned from 20 Years with Telemedicine in Tromsø |
2007 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Automatic Infection Detection System |
2007 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Context-aware systems for mobile communication in healthcare - A user oriented approach |
2007 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
The Mobile solution for blood donor, registration and identification for the National Blood Transfusion Service, Tanzania |
2007 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Usability of a Mobile Self-Help Tool for People with Diabetes: the Easy Health Diary |
2007 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
No-touch wireless transfer of blood glucose data from patient-operatedblood glucose monitors |
2007 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Properties of a fedarated epidemiology query system |
2007 |
Academic article |
Propagation of program control: A tool for distributed disease surveillance |
2007 |
Academic article |
European citizens' use of E-Health services: A study of seven countries |
2007 |
Academic article |
A systematic review of research methodology in Telemedicine: Standards gone astray? |
2007 |
Academic article |
In the eyes of the beholder. Exploring psychologists’ attitudes towards and use of eTherapy in Norway |
2007 |
Academic article |
Use of videoconferencing within Norwegian psychiatry |
2007 |
Academic article |
The Snow Agent System: A peer-to-peer system for disease surveillance and diagnostic assistance |
2007 |
Report |
What do GPs want in return from a Syndromic Surveillance system? |
2007 |
Report |
Mobile blood donor registration system Dodoma Regional Blood Transfusion Centre National Blood Transfusion Service Dodoma/Dar es Salaam, Tanzania |
2007 |
Masters thesis |
The Snow Agent System: A peer-to-peer system for disease surveillance and diagnostic assistance |
2007 |
Academic lecture |
Usability of a Mobile Self-Help Tool for People with Diabetes: the Easy Health Diary |
2007 |
Academic lecture |
No-touch wireless transfer of blood glucose data from patient-operatedblood glucose monitors |
2007 |
Academic lecture |
The Mobile solution for blood donor, registration and identification fot the National Blood Transfusion Service, Tanzania |
2007 |
Academic lecture |
Context-aware systems for mobile communication in healthcare - A user oriented approach |
2007 |
Academic lecture |
Automatic Infection Detection System |
2007 |
Academic lecture |
Challenges in Telemedicine and eHealth: Lessons Learned from 20 Years with Telemedicine in Tromsø |
2007 |
Academic lecture |
What do GPs want in return from a Syndromic Surveillance system? |
2007 |
Poster |
Construction of a Self-help System for Automatic Capture of Physical Activity Data Among People With Type 2 Diabetes |
2007 |
Poster |
Usability of a Mobile Self-Help Tool for People with Diabetes |
2007 |
Poster |
Entrepreneurial opportunities in telemedicine |
2007 |
Lecture |
Assessment of a telemedicine innovation in cardiology |
2007 |
Lecture |
A tele-obstetric broadband service including ultrasound, videoconferencing and cardiotocogram. A high cost and a low volume of patients |
2007 |
Academic article |
Patient-centric health diary; research and innovation within Sensor Based Systems |
2006 |
Academic lecture |
Reprogrammable hardware used in future patient-centric eHealth tools |
2006 |
Academic lecture |
Exploring different electronic media to support diabetes self-management |
2006 |
Academic lecture |
The Bluetooth SIG exhibited the NST's blood glucose sensor system as a Business Case Study on their web page: Business Case Studies - Norwegian Centre for Telemedicine, 2006 |
2006 |
Documentary |
Benefits from telemedicine in Norway – An examination of available documentation |
2006 |
Report |
Benefits From Telemedicine In Norway; Lessons To Learn? |
2006 |
Academic lecture |
Open Source Software - The future of medical imaging? |
2006 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Challenges in Telemedicine and eHealth: Lessons learned from 20 years with Telemedicine in Tromsø |
2006 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
New Trends in Electronic Health Records |
2006 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Patients who use e-mediated communication with their doctor -new constructions of trust in the patient - doctor relationship |
2006 |
Academic article |
A Decentralised Model for EHR Data Integration |
2006 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Considerations on a Documentation Approach to Analysis of Health Care Information Needs within a Computer Supported Cooperative Work Framework |
2006 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
E-averting the medical gaze for health’s sake |
2006 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Diabetes education via mobile text messaging |
2006 |
Academic article |
Doing action-research on online self-help groups – advantages and challenges |
2006 |
Academic lecture |
Capturing and presenting patient-data through a smartphone: Designing a self-help tool |
2006 |
Academic lecture |
Insight and Experience Gained from Clinical Telemedicine Applications |
2006 |
Academic lecture |
Re/orderings of medical and nursing work; new technologies and the disruption of professional, organizational and spatial relations |
2006 |
Academic lecture |
Re/Orderings of Medical and Nursing Work: new technologies and the disruption of professional, organisational and spatial relations |
2006 |
Academic lecture |
A cognitive map to design a performance-oriented RIS-PACS |
2006 |
Lecture |
Capturing and presenting patient-data through a smartphone: Designing a self-help tool |
2006 |
Poster |
BLOOD GLUCOSE BY SMS Do parents find it reassuring to receive automatic updates about their child’s blood-glucose level - and is the child safer? |
2005 |
Brochure |
eHealth tools to Empower Diabetes Self-Management |
2005 |
Popular scientific lecture |
A wearable eHealth system for people with Type 2 diabetes |
2005 |
Academic lecture |
Wireless Transfer of Sensor Data into Electronic Health Records |
2005 |
Academic article |
A mobile messaging and monitoring system to aid in diabetes self management |
2005 |
Academic lecture |
EDDG systembeskrivelse - Using blood glucose data as an indicator for epidemic disease outbreaks |
2005 |
Academic lecture |
NST's blood glucose sensor system as a reference eHealth application for Bluetooth SIG |
2005 |
Documentary |
A Wearable eHealth System for People With Type 2 Diabetes |
2005 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Telemedicine in radiotherapy: A study exploring remote treatment planning, supervision and economics |
2005 |
Academic article |
Electronic patient-provider communication: Will it offset office visits and telephone consultations in primary care? |
2005 |
Academic article |
Parent-child interaction using a mobile and wireless system for blood glucose monitoring |
2005 |
Academic article |
Success and failure in web-based medical collaboration |
2005 |
Academic article |
Success and failure in web-based medical collaboration |
2005 |
Academic lecture |
A Wearable eHealth System for People With Type 2 Diabetes |
2005 |
Academic lecture |
Using blood glucose data as an indicator for epidemic disease outbreaks |
2005 |
Academic lecture |
The Grid as an Enabler for Home Based Healthcare Services |
2005 |
Academic lecture |
Empowering patients by introducing mobile data terminals in home care services at north calote |
2005 |
Academic lecture |
Difficulities in moving routine medical checks from the specialist level to the general practitioner level |
2005 |
Academic article |
Automatic transfer of blood glucose values |
2004 |
Academic lecture |
Automatic transfer of blood glucose values |
2004 |
Popular scientific lecture |
Blood glucose data into Electronic Health Care Records for diabetes management |
2004 |
Academic article |
Reference Application, Bluetooth supervision of children with diabetes |
2004 |
Documentary |
Mobile work - mobile ICT supporting secondary work [paper] |
2004 |
Academic lecture |
Diagnostic Accuracy of second-opinion dianoses based on still images |
2004 |
Academic article |
A feasability study: E-Burns support: E-Mail Connection between the Patient's Family and the Specialist Burns-Team |
2004 |
Academic article |
Case: Automatic transfer of blood glucose data from children with type 1 diabetes |
2003 |
Popular scientific lecture |
Transfer of sensordata into electronic health records |
2003 |
Academic lecture |
Designing a project portfolio for future management of diabetes and other chronic diseases |
2003 |
Academic lecture |
The Internet, Social Isolation and Mental Health - Future Perspectives |
2003 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Implementing telemedicine services in Northern Norway: barriers and facilitators |
2003 |
Academic article |
Health-care professionals’ participation in an online discussion forum: The impact on structure, content and interaction |
2003 |
Academic article |
Implementing telemedicine services in Northern Norway: Barriers and facilitators |
2003 |
Academic article |
Implementing telemedicine services in Northern Norway: Barriers and facilitators |
2003 |
Academic lecture |
A web-based collaboration system for geographically distributed medical professionals |
2003 |
Academic lecture |
Automatic Monitoring and Control of Medication |
2003 |
Poster |
A web- based collaboration system for geographically distributed medical professionals |
2003 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
A web-based infrastructure for medical professionals |
2003 |
Academic lecture |
My home is my hospital: Patient adopted telehomecare
and telemedicine in homes |
2003 |
Report |
Telemedicine screening of diabetic retinopathy - staff and patient satisfaction |
2003 |
Academic article |
Automatic delivery of blood glucose data |
2002 |
Popular scientific lecture |
The Patient in the Health Care Data Net |
2002 |
Report |
Automatic delivery of blood glucose data |
2002 |
Academic lecture |
Smart home technology in Norwegian homebased health and social services |
2002 |
Academic lecture |
The patient in the health care data net - A disease management system in diabetes treatment |
2002 |
Academic lecture |
PaSent - the Patient's Personal Health Advisor |
2002 |
Academic article |
Online group interaction and mental health: An analysis of three online discussion forums |
2002 |
Academic article |
Social support in a wired world: Use of mental health discussion forums in Norway |
2002 |
Academic article |
Information and communication technology (ICT) in oncology. Patients and relatives experiences and suggestions |
2002 |
Academic article |
Using the data we have - what could possibly go wrong? |
2015 |
Lecture |
Improved Skin Lesion Diagnostics for General Practice by Computer-Aided Diagnostics |
2015 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Internet-based remote consultations-general practitioner experience and attitudes in Norway and Germany |
2015 |
Academic article |
Review of Serious Games for People with Diabetes |
2015 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Assessing the Potential Use of Eye-Tracking Triangulation for Evaluating the Usability of an Online Diabetes Exercise System |
2015 |
Academic lecture |
CallMeSmart Becoming Ubiquitous and Self-learning |
2015 |
Academic lecture |
Online Patients in an Offline Health Care Sector: Are Hospitals Ready for Electronic Communication With Patients? |
2015 |
Academic lecture |
Three new coordinator roles in Norwegian specialized health care – a policy-document analysis |
2015 |
Academic lecture |
Mining Symptoms of Severe Mood Disorders in Large Internet Communities |
2015 |
Academic lecture |
Mining Symptoms of Severe Mood Disorders in Large Internet Communities |
2015 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Telemedicine Services in Arctic Environments – Challenges for Successful Implementation |
2015 |
Academic lecture |
Diabetes Group Education versus Individual Counselling: Review of Conflicting Evidence |
2015 |
Academic lecture |
The Role of Research Institutions in Health IT: Health IT Research Institutions vs. Health IT Companies |
2015 |
Academic lecture |
CallMeSmart: Location tracking using BLE beacons |
2015 |
Academic lecture |
Meeting Sickle Cell patients’ unmet needs with eHealth tools: a preliminary study |
2015 |
Academic lecture |
Do mobile medical apps need to follow European and US regulations or not:
decisions exemplified by diabetes management app |
2015 |
Academic lecture |
Diabetes Automata: Software Engine for Blood Glucose Level Simulation |
2015 |
Academic lecture |
Development and trial of ePoint. telemed-An open web-based platform for home monitoring of chronic heart failure patients |
2015 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Communication Pattern Regarding Alarms and Patient Signals Between Nurses, Other Health Care Actors, Patients and Devices |
2015 |
Academic article |
Assessing the potential use of eye-tracking triangulation for evaluating the usability of an online diabetes exercise system |
2015 |
Academic article |
Video Conferencing Services in Healthcare: One Communication Platform to Support All |
2015 |
Academic article |
On the Development of a Hospital-Patient Web-Based Communication Tool: A Case Study From Norway |
2015 |
Academic article |
Camera Movement during Telementoring and Laparoscopic Surgery: Challenges and Innovative Solutions |
2015 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Type 1 diabetes in Twitter: who all listen to? |
2015 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Type 1 diabetes in Twitter: who all listen to? |
2015 |
Poster |
Using the Internet to Support Exercise and Diet: A Stratified Norwegian Survey |
2015 |
Academic article |
Telemedicine Services in Arctic Environments – Challenges for Successful Implementation |
2015 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Diabetes Group Education versus Individual Counselling: Review of Conflicting Evidence |
2015 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
The Role of Research Institutions in Health IT: Health IT Research Institutions vs. Health IT Companies |
2015 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
CallMeSmart: Location tracking using BLE beacons |
2015 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Meeting Sickle Cell patients’ unmet needs with eHealth tools: a preliminary study |
2015 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Do mobile medical apps need to follow European and US regulations or not:
decisions exemplified by diabetes management app |
2015 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Diabetes Automata: Software Engine for Blood Glucose Level Simulation |
2015 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Data-driven approach for assessing utility of medical tests using electronic medical records |
2015 |
Academic article |
Data-driven personalized feedback to patients with Type 1 Diabetes: A randomized trial |
2015 |
Academic article |
SHI 2015 - Proceedings of the 13th Scandinavian Conference on Health Informatics, June 15-17, Tromsø, Norway |
2015 |
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings |
The Chronic Care Model and technological research and innovation: A scoping review at the crossroad |
2015 |
Academic article |
The Online Big Blue Test for Promoting Exercise: Health, Self-Efficacy, and Social Support |
2015 |
Academic article |
Study Protocol: Health Talk Norway |
2015 |
Academic lecture |
Study Protocol: Health Talk Norway |
2015 |
Academic article |
Person-centered coordination in hospitals: A review at the crossroads of research and policy |
2015 |
Academic lecture |
What device should be used for telementoring? Randomized controlled trial |
2015 |
Academic article |
Assessing the impact of telestration on surgical telementoring: A Randomized Controlled Trial |
2015 |
Academic article |
Nordic eHealth Benchmarking: Status 2014 |
2015 |
Report |
Quantitative home-based assessment of Parkinson's symptoms: The SENSE-PARK feasibility and usability study |
2015 |
Academic article |
How to organize for a large-scale openEHR-based Electronic Patient Record |
2015 |
Academic article |
Semantic Interoperable Electronic Patient Records: The Unfolding of Consensus based Archetypes |
2015 |
Academic article |
Visions of the Future - Knowledge and Education 10 Years from Now |
2015 |
Lecture |
Unintended Consequences of Telemedicine Implementation |
2015 |
Academic article |
How to use qualitative interviews in e-health research |
2015 |
Academic article |
Citizen opinion of electronic health services - an overview of Norway |
2015 |
Academic lecture |
Document-Driven Care Pathways Using HL7 CDA |
2015 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
On the Need for Interdisciplinary Teams in Health IT Design |
2015 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
CallMeSmart becoming ubiquious and self-learning |
2015 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Online Patients in Offline Health Care Systems: Are hospitals ready for electronic communication with patients? |
2015 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Ambient light as an information mediator for parents to children with diabetes |
2015 |
Abstract |
Performance of the first Combined Smartwatch to Smartphone Diabetes Diary Application Study |
2015 |
Academic article |
FUNNKe – A Norwegian Large Scale Implementation Project: Experiences From the Implementing
Process in the Light of the Normalization Process Theory |
2015 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Assembling Agency for Viability: Videoconference in Orthopaedic Consultations |
2015 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
The UN Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities in practice |
2015 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Use of a low-cost telementoring solution for the introduction of a new surgical procedure: Prelimary results. |
2015 |
Academic lecture |
Survival of the project: A case study of ICT innovation in health care |
2015 |
Academic article |
Randomized trial of a novel game-based appointment system for a university hospital venereology unit: Study protocol |
2015 |
Academic article |
eTELEMED 2015, The Seventh International Conference on eHealth, Telemedicine, and Social Medicine |
2015 |
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings |
Collaboration in Surgical Training: A Qualitative Study of Mentoring Laparoscopic Surgeons by Using Videoconference in Northern Norway |
2015 |
Academic article |
Collaboration in Surgical Training: A Qualitative Study of Mentoring Laparoscopic Surgeons by Using Videoconference in Northern Norway |
2015 |
Academic lecture |
Synchronous and Asynchrounous Medical Problem Solving |
2015 |
Academic article |
Synchronous and Asynchrounous Medical Problem Solving |
2015 |
Academic lecture |
Development and trial of ePoint.telemed – An open web-based platform for home monitoring of chronic heart faillure patients |
2015 |
Academic lecture |
The Significance of Emotions and Professional Relations for Accommodating a Web-Based Ulcer Record and Improving Home-Based Care |
2015 |
Academic article |
Participatory design in Parkinson's research with focus on the symptomatic domains to be measured |
2015 |
Academic article |
The SNOW Project. A Distributed Infectious Disease Surveillance System |
2014 |
Academic lecture |
The Role of a Smartwatch in Mobile Chronic Disease
Self-Management |
2014 |
Academic article |
Clinical trials for elderly patients with multiple diseases (CHROMED): a pilot study |
2014 |
Poster |
Patients Judgment of Their Trajectories |
2014 |
Abstract |
Adoption of Routine Telemedicine in Norway. An overview of activities from 2009 to 2011. |
2014 |
Report |
Are Mobile Devices Ready for Telementoring? A Protocol Design for Randomized Controlled Trials |
2014 |
Academic lecture |
Utilizing Physical Activity Trackers in Mobile Diabetes Self-management |
2014 |
Academic lecture |
Prototyping a Diet Self-management System for People with Diabetes with Cultural Adaptable User Interface Design |
2014 |
Academic lecture |
Methodology for Care Processes Modelling: Bringing the Health Care Complexity into Health IT Development |
2014 |
Academic lecture |
Interruption Management for Hospital Communications Systems: A user requirements study |
2014 |
Academic lecture |
Quantifying the Utility of Medical Tests using Longitudinal EHR data |
2014 |
Academic article |
Lessons Learned and Future Vision in Health Information Technology |
2014 |
Lecture |
Patient similarity using network structure properties in online communities |
2014 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Social network analysis to delineate interaction patterns that predict weight loss performance |
2014 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Online Patients - The policy and practice of patient oriented ICT |
2014 |
Academic monograph |
Between Project Enthusiasm and Routine Demands: Conflicting Logics and Unintended Consequences of e-Health Innovation and Diffusion |
2014 |
Academic lecture |
A qualitative description of telemedicine for acute stroke care in Norway: technology is not the issue |
2014 |
Academic article |
Text Classification to Automatically Identify Online Patients Vulnerable to Depression |
2014 |
Academic article |
Systematic review of behavioral obesity interventions and their persuasive qualities |
2014 |
Academic literature review |
Utilizing data gathered through mobile apps for self-management of type 1 diabetes |
2014 |
Poster |
RENEWING HEALTH Final Pilot Evaluation Norway. Version 1.2 Deliverable D11.7 |
2014 |
Report |
Managing Everyday Life: A Qualitative Study of Patients’ Experiences of a Web-Based Ulcer Record for Home-Based Treatment |
2014 |
Academic article |
A Mobile Health Intervention for Self-Management and Lifestyle Change for Persons With Type 2 Diabetes, Part 2: One-Year Results From the Norwegian Randomized Controlled Trial RENEWING HEALTH |
2014 |
Academic article |
Helping patients in performing online video search: evaluating the importance of medical terminology extracted from MeSH and ICD-10 in health video title and description |
2014 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Home-Based Health Monitoring for Pre-surgical Patients |
2014 |
Masters thesis |
A Low-Intensity Mobile Health Intervention With and Without Health Counseling for Persons With Type 2 Diabetes, Part 1: Baseline and Short-Term Results From a Randomized Controlled Trial in the Norwegian Part of RENEWING HEALTH |
2014 |
Academic article |
“Diabetes Care”: Providing Advanced Representation of Mobile Diabetes Diary Data to General Practitioner |
2014 |
Masters thesis |
Synchronous online learning in the Arctic through Google Hangout and Twitter |
2014 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Prototyping a Diet Self-management System for People with Diabetes with Cultural Adaptable User Interface Design |
2014 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Utilizing Physical Activity Trackers in Mobile Diabetes Self-management |
2014 |
Abstract |
Data-driven medical test utility and visualization |
2014 |
Lecture |
Meta-architecture for the interoperability and knowledge management of archetype-based clinical decision support systems |
2014 |
Academic lecture |
Meta-architecture for the interoperability and knowledge management of archetype-based clinical decision support systems |
2014 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
A communicable disease prediction benchmarking platform |
2014 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Evaluation of Secure Multi-Party Computation for Reuse of Distributed Electronic Health Data |
2014 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
How are Norwegians Using the Internet to Support Exercise or Diet? |
2014 |
Poster |
Smoking increases rectal cancer risk to the same extent in women as in men: Results from a Norwegian cohort study |
2014 |
Academic article |
Use of patient- recorded data in smartphone- based game for children with diabetes |
2014 |
Abstract |
The biography of participation |
2014 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Feature selection using Kernel Component Analysis For Early Detection Of Anastomosis Leakage |
2014 |
Academic lecture |
Data-driven analytics for decision support |
2014 |
Lecture |
Quantifying the Utility of Medical Tests using Longitudinal EHR data |
2014 |
Academic lecture |
Detecting Novel Associations for Surgical Hospital Readmissions in Large Datasets by Interactive Visual Analytics |
2014 |
Academic lecture |
Video-confidence: a qualitative exploration of videoconferencing for psychiatric emergencies |
2014 |
Academic article |
Bootstrap resampling feature selection and Support Vector Machine for early detection of Anastomosis Leakage |
2014 |
Lecture |
The Snow System - a Decentralized Medical Data Processing System |
2014 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Meta-architecture for the interoperability and knowledge management of archetype-based clinical decision support systems |
2014 |
Report |
The Evolution of Personal Health Records and their Role for Self-Management: A Literature Review |
2014 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Ebola, Twitter, and Misinformation: A dangerous combination? |
2014 |
Letter to the editor |
An optimization based on simulation approach to the patient admission scheduling problem using a linear programing algorithm |
2014 |
Academic article |
Methodology for Care Processes Modelling: Bringing the Health Care Complexity into Health IT Development |
2014 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Using QALYs in telehealth evaluations: a systematic review of methodology and transparency |
2014 |
Academic article |
Implementation of an electronic surgical referral service. Collaboration, consensus and cost of the surgeon – general practitioner Delphi approach |
2014 |
Academic article |
Tweet content related to sexually transmitted diseases: No joking matter |
2014 |
Academic article |
Managing everyday life: Exploring an online self-help group for adolescents with a mentally ill parent |
2014 |
Academic lecture |
Communal normalization in an online self-help group for adolescents with a mentally ill parent |
2014 |
Academic article |
The Association between Lifetime Smoking Exposure and Breast Cancer Mortality – Results from a Norwegian Cohort |
2014 |
Academic article |
Consistency and Standardization of Color in Medical Imaging: a Consensus Report |
2014 |
Academic article |
Reduced Elective Surgery Cancellations Through Patient Involvement In Pre-Operative Planning In Norway |
2014 |
Lecture |
Moving telementoring to the web |
2014 |
Academic article |
Mobile videoconferencing for enhanced emergency medical communication - a shot in the dark or a walk in the park? ‐‐ A simulation study |
2014 |
Academic article |
Patients initiated timeline marking of events in Parkinson's disease: Visualization of time correlation between patients marked events and acquired data from sensors |
2014 |
Academic article |
e-Rehabilitation. Design and effectiveness of a tailored Internet- and mobile-based intervention to support maintenance of physical activity after cardiac rehabilitation |
2014 |
Doctoral dissertation |
Complex Network Structure Patterns in Open Internet Communities for People with Diabetes |
2014 |
Doctoral dissertation |
Effectiveness and Cost-Effectiveness of eHealth Interventions in Somatic Diseases: A Systematic Review of Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses |
2014 |
Academic literature review |
Providing reassurance and psychological support from a distance |
2014 |
Academic lecture |
A methodology to develop awareness in computer supported collaborative work using policies |
2014 |
Academic article |
Associations between primary healthcare and unplanned medical admissions in Norway: A multilevel analysis of the entire elderly population |
2014 |
Academic article |
Cigarette smoking and colorectal cancer mortality among 602,242 Norwegian males and females |
2014 |
Academic article |
Can a game-style web app prevent sexually transmitted diseases? |
2014 |
Poster |
Play as a prevention strategy: Using a web app to teach youth about STDs |
2014 |
Poster |
A randomized online health experiment for a safer youth sexual behaviour |
2014 |
Poster |
Are Mobile Devices Ready for Telementoring? A Protocol Design for Randomized Controlled Trials |
2014 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Interruption Management for Hospital Communications Systems |
2014 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Economic Impact of Remote Specialist Consultations Using Videoconferencing: an Economic Model Based on Data From Randomised Controlled Trials |
2014 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Organising Videoconferencing for Collaborative Medical Diagnosis: Pre-Planned and Acute Practice |
2014 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Reduced Elective Surgery Cancellations Through Patient Involvement In Pre-Operative Planning In Norway |
2014 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Assembling Goal Attainment and Collaboration - Videoconference in Clinical Practice |
2014 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Active and passive cigarette smoking and breast cancer risk: Results from the EPIC cohort |
2014 |
Academic article |
An internet- and mobile-based tailored intervention to enhance maintenance of physical activity after cardiac rehabilitation: Short-term results of a randomized controlled trial |
2014 |
Academic article |
A semiautomatic tool for prostate segmentation in radiotherapy treatment planning |
2014 |
Academic article |
Service users’ perspectives in the design of an online tool for assisted self-help in mental health: a case study of implications |
2014 |
Academic article |
Adoption of routine telemedicine in Norway: The current picture |
2014 |
Academic article |
Combining Users’ Needs With Health Behavior Models in Designing an Internet- and Mobile-Based Intervention for Physical Activity in Cardiac Rehabilitation |
2014 |
Academic article |
Performance of a dermoscopy-based computer vision system for the diagnosis of pigmented skin lesions compared with visual evaluation by experienced dermatologists |
2014 |
Academic article |
Power law approximations of movement network data for modeling infectious disease spread |
2014 |
Academic article |
Surgical Telementoring in Knowledge Translation--Clinical Outcomes and Educational Benefits: A Comprehensive Review |
2013 |
Academic literature review |
An Evaluation Framework for Defining the Contributions of Telestration in Surgical Telementoring |
2013 |
Academic lecture |
Electronically available symptom data: Usefulness and feasibility of syndromic surveillance and health care service improvements |
2013 |
Doctoral dissertation |
Patients’ reported reasons for non-use of an
Internet-based Patient–Provider Communication service (IPPC) |
2013 |
Poster |
Long-term telerehabilitation of COPD patients in their homes: interim results from a pilot study in Northern Norway |
2013 |
Lecture |
CallMeSmart: A system for context controlled mobile communication in hospitals |
2013 |
Academic lecture |
CallMeSmart: An Ascom/trixbox based prototype for context controlled mobile communication in hospitals |
2013 |
Academic lecture |
CallMeSmart: A VoIP Softphone on Android Based Mobile Devices using SIP |
2013 |
Academic lecture |
Ten lessons you should know when implementing telemedicine services in rural areas |
2013 |
Academic lecture |
Designing a diabetes mobile application with social network support |
2013 |
Academic lecture | A game-style Web app for preventing sexually transmitted diseases |
2013 |
Academic article | |
2013 |
Poster |
The Snow Communicable Disease Outbreak Detection Approach |
2013 |
Academic lecture |
Towards Privacy Preserving Comparative Effectiveness Research |
2013 |
Academic lecture |
The Snow Infectious Disease Forecast Service |
2013 |
Academic lecture |
Educational Social Games Embedded in a Telemonitoring Tool for Children with Type 1 Diabetes: A Preliminary Paper |
2013 |
Abstract |
A review of serious games for diabetic patients |
2013 |
Poster |
Mobile Patient Applications within Diabetes - from Few and Easy to Advanced Functionalities |
2013 |
Poster |
User requirements for interruption management in mobile communications in hospitals |
2013 |
Poster |
Developing methods to capture the patient pathways experienc |
2013 |
Poster |
Giving patients a voice - Patient evaluation of PAtients TrAjectories – The PasTAs protocol |
2013 |
Poster |
Analysing the Use of a Telestroke Service |
2013 |
Academic article |
Patients’ Reported Reasons for Non-Use of an Internet-Based Patient-Provider Communication Service: Qualitative Interview Study |
2013 |
Academic article |
The hazards of death by smoking in middle-aged women |
2013 |
Academic article |
Towards privacy preserving comparative effectiveness research |
2013 |
Academic lecture |
The Snow |