
Artificial intelligence and machine learning in healthcare

Machine learning is an artificial intelligence (AI) technique that can be used to solve various tasks. Machine learning algorithms can analyze large amounts of different data with accurate results.

Increased use of information systems in the health service and the digitization of patient information generates large amounts of data. As a result, the healthcare sector has a lot of data that can be difficult to interpret. Machine learning can be an opportunity to systematize and present the large amount of information and data in an intuitive way.

Machine learning systems differ from traditional software systems. Machine learning uses self-learning algorithms that continuously improve. Each algorithm has its strengths and weaknesses, so it's important to try several algorithms to find out which ones work best.

In healthcare, machine learning can be used in three areas:

  • Interpretation of medical images (eye diseases, radiology, pathology)
  • Prognostics (dementia, metastatic cancer, stroke)
  • Diagnostics (oncology, pathology, rare diseases)

Healthcare is becoming more proactive with the help of artificial intelligence and machine learning, but there is still a need for more research and development before the potential can be fully realized. Developments in the interpretation of medical images have come the furthest, and much will happen here in the coming years. It will take around five years before the prognostics area is ready to use machine learning. Diagnostics is the most complicated area of healthcare, and it will take around ten years before machine learning solutions can be used.

Artificial intelligence and machine learning in healthcare

How do we prepare ourselves for AI in health?

How do we protect users and patients without stopping the development of artificial intelligence in healthcare? International and national politicians are trying to find a happy medium.


Artificial intelligence in the north!

The Norwegian Centre for E-health Research will research the introduction of artificial intelligence in Helse Nord!


When artificial intelligence protects privacy, it can be the path to better healthcare

Insight into health data can change the rules of the game for research and patient care, but the road ahead is not without obstacles. The desire to leverage health data to provide better treatment and use of resources often clashes with strict rules on the use of health data. Fortunately, privacy-enhancing technologies open the door to secure and efficient analysis of health data.


Technological revolution for a preventive healthcare system

Artificial intelligence (AI) now characterises many aspects of our modern existence. But what about healthcare? Can the technology help prevent or detect disease early and be a helping hand for healthcare workers?


Kunstig intelligens diagnostiserer deg

Radiologer og leger i Vestre Viken er blant de første i Norge som får hjelp av kunstig intelligens til å tolke røntgenbilder. Dette skal bidra til enda bedre bildediagnostikk for pasienter. Nasjonalt senter for e-helseforskning skal drive følgeforskning på prosjektet.


How AI can benefit healthcare

At the Open Day on 29 March, researchers talked about how artificial intelligence can be used to improve patient care and make the health services more efficient.


Will there be more use of artificial intelligence in the Norwegian healthcare system?

Researchers at the Norwegian Centre for E-health Research have investigated what is needed to introduce artificial intelligence in the Norwegian healthcare system. They recommend that there be more of it.


Artificial intelligence interprets your medical record

The system will automatically propose condition codes for patients' discharge summaries.


Kunstig intelligens i helsetjenesten anbefales!

Hva må være på plass for at vi skal kunne implementere og drifte AI? Hva skal prioriteres? Hvem skal være ansvarlig? Hvilke mulige gevinster og dilemmaer ser vi for oss?


E-helse inn i fremtiden og forbi

Helse- og omsorgstjenesten står overfor store utfordringer i årene fremover med sykepleiermangel, økte krav til effektivitet og kvalitet, og ikke minst økt pasient- og brukerinvolvering. Mer forskning innen sykepleie og e-helse er avgjørende for kvaliteten i helsehjelpen til pasientene, helsetjenesten og for faglig kompetanse.


Vil få fart på arbeidet med å ta i bruk kunstig intelligens i helsetjenesten

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