
Artificial intelligence and machine learning in healthcare: Videos

Adopting AI in healthcare services

Researchers say that artificial intelligence (AI) can provide major improvements in patient care - even revolutionising diagnosis, prevention and treatment. New solutions are being developed for e.g. segmentation of CT images, robot assisted care, sensor technology, and decision support. These novel innovations require a multi-agency coordination. In the video, Project Leader Siv Fjellkårstad, from The Norwegian Directorate of Health, talks about the initiative “National coordination for adoption of AI in the healthcare service”.


Arendalsuka 2019 - Morten Goodwin

- Både leger og algoritmer kommer fortsatt til å gjøre feil. Den perfekte algoritmen finnes ikke, sier Morten Goodwin fra Centre for Artificial Intelligence Research, Universitetet i Agder. Intervjuet ble gjort under Arendalsuka 2019.


Artificial Intelligence in Health Care - Bjørn Guldvog

Kunstig intelligens kommer til å prege helsetjenesten i veldig stor grad fremover.

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