Technology is key to maintaining quality and availability of healthcare.
That's why the Norwegian Centre for E-health Research examines different aspects of e-health; like AI, video consultations, apps, the digital divide, and cross-sector collaboration. Our amazing researchers include doctors, nurses, technologists and sociologists.
Our neighbours and their healthcare systems face many of the same challenges. As a WHO Collaborating Centre, we team up with partners within Norway, the EU, and around the world, to look for answers and solutions.
Global challenges need global solutions!
23-08-2024Most people think of the digital divide as absolutes. Researchers at the Norwegian Centre for E-health Research have found that our society creates a spectrum of digital exclusion. Your placement on the spectrum depends on a wide range of factors and will change throughout your life.
30-04-2024Society shut down but Blue Cross Compass had digital services at the ready! They offer conversational therapy to children and young adults who grow up in a home where a parent is suffering from alcoholism or other drug problems. What did the users and therapists think about replacing face to face consultations with video?
You might think a new app is a failure because the nurses did not save any time in their daily work. But information was made available at the patient's bedside and managers could better utilize resources. When looked at from a different perspective, the app most certainly is a success!
No need to recreate the wheel. What about using an existing technology but in a better way?
Smarter use of dialogue messages between GPs and home care services lead to better collaboration about and with the user. This is PLO+.
Nasjonalt senter for e-helseforskning har kunnskapen du trenger!
19-10-2023There are many AI for healthcare projects but few have actually been adopted? How can we increase the success rate?
The Norwegian Centre for E-health research has developed a framework and recommendations about how to adopt AI in healthcare. In this video, you will learn more about which steps to take and who to involve.
13-02-2024Can a chatbot help you lose weight? Researchers are trying to find out.
14-09-2023Denne videoen er en sammensetning av klipp fra webinarer holdt våren 2023 i regi av Nasjonalt senter for e-helseforskning.
23-06-2023Step Up is a research-based framework to make better decisions about the potential impact of an innovation, early in the process.
06-06-2023Prinsipper om videokonsultasjoner