
Fact sheets

Numbered list of fact sheets
Fact sheet no Title Contact
2021 08 How do we know that a diabetes app works? Dillys Larbi Eirik Årsand
2021 07 Health workers want to continue with digital patient treatment Gro-Hilde Severinsen Line Silsand
2021 06 Improved coordination of health services Gro Berntsen
2021 05 Video consultations in mental health care Monika Knudsen Gullslett
2021 04 Social media chatbots have a great potential for public health Dillys Larbi Elia Gabarron
2021 02 Analyses patient records without accessing sensitive information Kassaye Yitbarek Yigzaw Andrius Budrionis Luis Marco Ruiz Torje Dahle Henriksen Johan Gustav Bellika
2021 01 Patients experience better treatment with digital consultations Paolo Zanaboni Asbjørn Johansen Fagerlund
2019 04 Ny helseteknologi kan gi mer jobb for familien Kari Dyb
2020 01 Exploring electronic phenotyping for clinical practice Alexandra Makhlysheva Anne Torill Nordsletta Maryam Tayefi Nasrabadi Taridzo Chomutare
2019 03 Videokonferanse i sykehus: fire trender
2019 01 VIDEOCARE: Akuttpsykiatrisk hjelp via videokonferanse Marianne Trondsen
2019 02 Sosial digital kontakt – et år etter Asbjørn Johansen Fagerlund
2018 10 Innføring og bruk av kjernejournal Kari Dyb Line Lundvoll Warth
2018 09 Artificial intelligence and machine learning in healthcare Alexandra Makhlysheva Per Atle Bakkevoll Anne Torill Nordsletta Line Helen Linstad
2018 08 Fra papir til elektronisk ordinering av multidose Trine Strand Bergmo
2018 07 Kontakt legekontoret—fastlegens erfaringer, resultater av intervju Asbjørn Johansen Fagerlund Paolo Zanaboni
2018 06 E-konsultasjon—fastlegens erfaringer, resultater av intervju Asbjørn Johansen Fagerlund Paolo Zanaboni
2018 05 Forny resept—fastlegens erfaringer, resultater av intervju Asbjørn Johansen Fagerlund Paolo Zanaboni
2018 04 Elektronisk timebestilling—fastlegens erfaringer, resultater av intervju Asbjørn Johansen Fagerlund Paolo Zanaboni
2018 03 Bruk av e-konsultasjon mellom pasient og fastlege Paolo Zanaboni Alexandra Makhlysheva
2018 02 Digital dialog—pasientenes erfaringer, resultater av spørreundersøkelse Paolo Zanaboni Asbjørn Johansen Fagerlund
2018 01 Digital dialog—fastlegekontorenes erfaringer Paolo Zanaboni Alexandra Makhlysheva
2017 03 CallMeSmart Clinical Communication Terje Solvoll
2017 02 A significant increase in the risk of exposure of health information in the United States Johan Gustav Bellika Alexandra Makhlysheva Per Atle Bakkevoll
2017 01 Telerehabilitation Paolo Zanaboni
2016 13 Skin Cancer Diagnosis through Images Thomas Roger Schopf
2016 12 Do Patients Want to Use E-health Tools when Ill? Johan Gustav Bellika
2016 11 Serious Games in Healthcare Eirik Årsand
2016 10 Sharing Patient-gathered Data from M-health Tools Meghan Bradway Eirik Årsand
2016 09 M-health for Diabetes Management Eirik Årsand
2016 08 M-health and Chronic Disease Treatment Adherence Eirik Årsand
2016 07 Social Media as Enabler of Self-care and the Do-it-yourself Movement? Eirik Årsand
2016 06 A Value-based, Digitally Supported, Person-centred Care System - National and International Trends Gro Berntsen
2016 05 Universal Design and Accessibility
2016 04 Wearable technologies and Sensors Eirik Årsand
2016 03 M-health Apps by Numbers Eirik Årsand
2016 02 Digital Services for my Mental Health
2016 01 Opportunities and Challenges for the use of Video Consultations in Primary Health Services Paolo Zanaboni Asbjørn Johansen Fagerlund