
Luis Marco Ruiz


Luis Marco-Ruiz, PhD, er ekspert på implementering av informasjonsstandarder og terminologi for lagring av kliniske data.

Dr. Marco-Ruiz har aktivt arbeidet på området biomedisinsk informatikk i mer enn 10 år. Han er medlem av IMIAs Working Group for Open-Source Health Informatics og medlem av openEHRs utdanningsstyre, der han utforsker ny innsikt i hvordan man bedre kan bruke kliniske data for å forbedre helsetjenester. Dr. Marco-Ruiz ble med i Nasjonalt senter for e-helseforskning (NSE) i 2013, der han har jobbet med prosjekter som Learning Healthcare System Toolbox, som har lagt grunnlaget for den nasjonale infrastrukturen for bruk av data i primærhelsetjenesten (PraksisNett). Han har også deltatt i flere EU-prosjekter og støtte for pasientsentrert klinisk beslutning i USA. I tillegg til forskningsprosjekter gir Dr. Marco-Ruiz Helsedepartementet råd om bruken av kliniske informasjonsstandarder og biomedisinske ontologier som SNOMED-CT. Hans metoder utviklet ved NSE har skapt interesse i andre europeiske land, og han ble leid inn av HiGHmed Consortium ved Den medisinske høyskolen i Hannover som spesialist innen semantisk interoperabilitet for å designe infrastruktur for databruk med blant andre Den medisinske høyskolen i Hannover, Heidelberg universitetssykehus og Tysk senter for kreftforskning.

Utbruddet av SARS-CoV-2-pandemien gjorde at fokuset i arbeidet hans ble flyttet over på utvikling av nye metoder for å aktivere rask databruk for å skaffe kunnskap om SARS-CoV-2. I 2020 var han løsningsarkitekt for utviklingen av den tyske nasjonale dataplattformen for forskning på Covid-19 (CODEX). Dette initiativet involverte: a) utvikling av komponenter for standardisering av SARS-CoV-2-relaterte datasett i HL7 FHIR og openEHR; b) valg av nasjonal terminologiserver for Tyskland (HL7 FHIR-terminologiserver); og c) design av verktøy for datatilgangskontroll og etisk godkjenning i tverrinstitusjonelle forskningsplattformer for Covid-19.

Luiss prosjekter
Prosjekttittel År Tema Prosjektledelse
Verktøykasse for Learning Health Care System (LHS-verktøykasse) 2016 - 2018 Tjenester for helsepersonell
Johan Gustav Bellika
PACT I og II 2015 - 2021 Pasientforløp
Gro Berntsen
Shaman: Arketype-basert modellering av symptom-baserte beslutningsstøttesystemer 2014 - 2017 Health data
Johan Gustav Bellika
Emnet - statistiske beregninger på distribuerte helseopplysninger som bevarer privatlivet 2014 - 2018 Helsedata
Johan Gustav Bellika
Utredning av arkitekturmessig praksis og mulighetsrom for klinisk beslutningsstøtte 2016 - 2017 Pasientforløp
Kristian Malm-Nicolaisen
Overgang til ontologibaserte terminologier 2016 - 2017 Pasientforløp
Kristian Malm-Nicolaisen
Strukturert journal 2017 - 2018 Pasientforløp
Kristian Malm-Nicolaisen
Persontilpasset beslutningsstøtte for pasienter med kroniske smerter 2019 - 2023 Helsedata
Johan Gustav Bellika
Kunnskapsoppsummering for implementering av KI i helsetjenesten 2021 - 2022 Helsedata
Maryam Tayefi Nasrabadi
Valkyrie - Distribuert tjenesteorientert arkitektur for koordinerte helsetjenester 2021 - 2027 Pasientforløp
Tjenester for helsepersonell
Terje Solvoll
Identification of multimorbid patients with impactable risk profiles using artificial intelligence, the IM-PACT method 2021 - 2023 Pasientforløp
Gro Berntsen Maryam Tayefi Nasrabadi
Development of digital health solutions - workshop in Moldova 2023 - 2023 Citizen services
Services for health professionals
Lene Lundberg
Luiss publikasjoner i Cristin
Tittel År Kategori
Work Related Quality of Life and HIS Usability: An Examination of Human Factors' Impact on Electronic Health Record usability during the Adoption of a New Electronic Health Record System in Norway 2024 Academic article
Har forsket på innføring av KI: – Overrasket over hvor positive klinikerne er 2024 Interview
A multinational study on artificial intelligence adoption: Clinical implementers' perspectives 2024 Academic article
A Review of Requirements for Information Models in Learning Health Systems 2023 Academic literature review
Information Models Properties in Learning Health Systems: A Literature Review 2023 Academic article
User Satisfaction with Recently Deployed Electronic Health Records 2023 Academic article
Mapping Exposome Derived Phenotypes into SNOMED Codes 2023 Academic article
Implementering av kunstig intelligens i norsk helsetjeneste: veien til utbredt bruk 2023 Report
Open Source Digital Health Software for Resilient, Accessible and Equitable Healthcare Systems 2022 Academic literature review
Artificial Intelligence Implementation in Healthcare: A Theory-Based Scoping Review of Barriers and Facilitators 2022 Academic literature review
Implementation of artificial intelligence in Norwegian healthcare: The road to broad adoption 2022 Report
Does your EHR support a Learning Healthcare System? An exploration of possible indicators 2022 Academic article
Electronic Health Records user experiences: a nationwide survey from Norwegian hospitals 2022 Academic lecture
Electronic Health Records User Experiences: a Nationwide Survey From Norwegian Hospitals. 2022 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Evidence-based biomedical information systems: The road ahead 2022 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Health data security and privacy: Challenges and solutions for the future 2022 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Use of e-Health by Healthcare Professionals vs. non-Healthcare Professionals 2021 Short communication
What Role Can Process Mining Play in Recurrent Clinical Guidelines Issues? A Position Paper 2020 Academic article
Recommendations for enhancing the usability and understandability of process mining in healthcare 2020 Academic article
Towards a National Clinical Decision Support Framework for Norway: Expert Assessment and Proposed Architecture 2020 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Privacy-preserving architecture for providing feedback to clinicians on their clinical performance 2020 Academic article
Do you use apps or social media when you are sick? 2020 Interview
Bruker du app eller sosiale medier når du er syk? 2020 Interview
The association between health information seeking on the internet and physician visits (The Seventh Tromsø Study - Part 4): Population-based questionnaire study 2020 Academic article
Electronic Health Use in a Representative Sample of 18,497 Respondents in Norway (The Seventh Tromsø Study - Part 1): Population-Based Questionnaire Study 2020 Academic article
Impact of Illness on Electronic Health Use (The Seventh Tromsø Study - Part 2): Population-Based Questionnaire Study 2020 Academic article
Impact of the use of electronic health tools on the psychological and emotional well-being of electronic health service users (The Seventh Tromsø Study - Part 3): Population-based questionnaire study 2020 Academic article
Barriers, Facilitators, and Potential Solutions to Advancing Interoperable Clinical Decision Support: Multi-Stakeholder Consensus Recommendations for the Opioid Use Case 2019 Academic article
Clinical Guidelines: A Crossroad of Many Research Areas. Challenges and Opportunities in Process Mining for Healthcare 2019 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Towards Perceptual Spaces for Empowering Ergonomy in Workplaces by Using Interactive Process Mining 2019 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Efforts on using standards for defining the structuring of electronic health record data: A scoping review 2019 Academic literature review
The Patient Summary Case: Challenges in Archetypes Terminology Binding Using SNOMED-CT Compositional Grammar 2019 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
A systematic review of trials evaluating success factors of interventions with computerised clinical decision support 2018 Academic literature review
Beyond Clinical Decision Support: Enabling Process Management in Healthcare 2017 Lecture
Ontologibasert terminologi og standardisert informasjonsmodell for semantisk interoperabilitet og beslutningsstøtte 2017 Poster
Mulighetsvindu for bruk av ontologibaserte terminologier i EIEJ og Helseplattformen 2017 Poster
Implementation of OpenEHR in Combination with Clinical Terminologies:Experiences from Norway 2017 Academic article
Challenges in Archetypes Terminology Binding Using SNOMED-CT Compositional Grammar: the Norwegian Patient Summary Case 2017 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ontology-based Terminology for Healthcare – Impact assessment and transitional consequences for implementation 2017 Report
Electronic health record data reuse infrastructure requirements 2017 Report
Klinisk beslutningsstøtte - Vurdering av standard og arkitektur 2017 Report
Combining multivariate statistics and the think-aloud protocol to assess Human-Computer Interaction barriers in symptom checkers 2017 Academic article
The Value of Clinical Information Models and Terminology for Sharing Clinical Information 2016 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Interoperability Mechanisms of Clinical Decision Support Systems: A Systematic Review 2016 Lecture
Publication, discovery and interoperability of clinical decision support systems: a linked data approach 2016 Academic article
Semantic interoperability in clinical decision support systems: a systematic review 2015 Short communication
Enabling Clinical Data Reuse with openEHR Data Warehouse Environments 2015 Lecture
Semantic Interoperability in Clinical Decision Support Systems: A Systematic Review. 2015 Lecture
Archetype-based data warehouse environment to enable the reuse of electronic health record data 2015 Academic article
Multidisciplinary Modelling of Symptoms and Signs with Archetypes and SNOMED-CT for Clinical Decision Support 2015 Academic article
Privacy-preserving Statistical Query and Processing on Distributed OpenEHR Data 2015 Academic article
Type 1 diabetes in Twitter: who all listen to? 2015 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Meta-architecture for the interoperability and knowledge management of archetype-based clinical decision support systems 2014 Academic lecture
Meta-architecture for the interoperability and knowledge management of archetype-based clinical decision support systems 2014 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Luiss prosjektrapporter
Rapportnr. Tittel Forfatter(e)
2023 01 Implementering av kunstig intelligens i norsk helsetjeneste: veien til utbredt bruk Alexandra Makhlysheva, Luis Marco Ruiz, Therese Svenning, Phuong Dinh Ngo, Miguel Angel Tejedor Hernandez, Anne Torill Nordsletta, Maryam Tayefi Nasrabadi
2022 01 Implementation of artificial intelligence in Norwegian healthcare: The road to broad adoption Alexandra Makhlysheva, Luis Marco Ruiz, Therese Svenning, Phuong Dinh Ngo, Miguel Angel Tejedor Hernandez, Anne Torill Nordsletta, Maryam Tayefi Nasrabadi
2017 08 Ontology-based terminologies for healthcare Luis Marco Ruiz, Kristian Malm-Nicolaisen, Rune Pedersen, Alexandra Makhlysheva, Per Atle Bakkevoll
2017 07 Klinisk beslutningsstøtte - Vurdering av standard og arkitektur Alexandra Makhlysheva, Kristian Malm-Nicolaisen, Luis Marco Ruiz, Per Atle Bakkevoll, Rune Pedersen
2017 10 Requirements to the data reuse application programming interface for electronic health record systems Johan Gustav Bellika, Torje Dahle Henriksen, Joseph Stephen Hurley, Andrius Budrionis, Luis Marco Ruiz, Kassaye Yitbarek Yigzaw, Meskerem Asfaw
Luiss faktaark
Faktaark nr Tittel Kontaktperson(er)
2021 02 Kan analysere pasientjournaler uten å se sensitiv informasjon Kassaye Yitbarek Yigzaw Andrius Budrionis Luis Marco Ruiz Torje Dahle Henriksen Johan Gustav Bellika
Luiss postere
Posternr. Tittel Forfatter(e) Størrelse
2017 19 2nd Arctic Conference on OpenEHR and Archetype-based clinical Information Systems Luis Marco Ruiz A4
2017 14 Challenges in archetypes terminology binding using SNOMED-CT compositional grammar: the Norwegian patient summary case Luis Marco Ruiz, Rune Pedersen A0
2017 10 Mulighetsvindu for bruk av ontologibaserte terminologier i EIEJ og Helseplattformen Kristian Malm-Nicolaisen, Rune Pedersen, Johan Gustav Bellika, Luis Marco Ruiz, Per Atle Bakkevoll A0
Luiss presentasjoner
Dato Tittel Arrangement Forfatter(e)
2017.05.11 Beyond Clinical Decision Support: Enabling Process Management in Healthcare Søkekonferansen Rune Pedersen, Luis Marco Ruiz, Johan Gustav Bellika, Kristian Malm-Nicolaisen, et al.