

Liste over publikasjoner fra Cristin
Tittel År Kategori
En digital chatbot kan bidra til at du holder deg sprek 2024 Interview
Experiences from patients in mental healthcare accessing their electronic health records: a comparison between Estonia, Finland, Norway, and Sweden 2024 Academic lecture
A Temporal Perspective on Electronic Medicine Management work - presentation of paper 2024 Academic lecture
Work Related Quality of Life and HIS Usability: An Examination of Human Factors' Impact on Electronic Health Record usability during the Adoption of a New Electronic Health Record System in Norway 2024 Academic article
A Temporal Perspective on Electronic Medicine Management Work 2024 Academic article
A deep learning pipeline for automatic microfossil analysis and classification 2024 Poster
Halvparten av de som hadde fått psykisk helsehjelp, fant feil og mangler i journalen sin 2024 Interview
Flere store teknologiprosjekter innen helse og omsorg har gått på en smell 2024 Interview
Open notes in psychotherapy: An exploratory mixed methods survey of psychotherapy students in Switzerland 2024 Academic article
Har forsket på innføring av KI: – Overrasket over hvor positive klinikerne er 2024 Interview
Slik forandrer teknologi helsetjenestene: – Skjønner ikke hvordan de gjorde det før 2024 Interview
KI: – Det er ikke teknologien som er vanskelig – det er å endre arbeidsvaner 2024 Interview Journal
Correction to: Health professionals’ experience and perceived obstacles with managing patients’ medication information in Norway: cross-sectional survey (BMC Health Services Research, (2024), 24, 1, (68), 10.1186/s12913-023-10485-9) 2024 Errata
Deidentifying a Norwegian clinical corpus - An effort to create a privacy-preserving Norwegian large clinical language model 2024 Academic article
The teams that help people with mental health problems struggle with digital issues 2024 Interview
Children as next of kin’s experiences, practices, and voice in everyday life: a systematic review of studies with Norwegian data (2010–2022) 2024 Academic literature review
Social media shaping autism perception and identity 2024 Academic article
Improving Quality of ICD-10 (International Statistical Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision) Coding Using AI: Protocol for a Crossover Randomized Controlled Trial 2024 Academic article
A multinational study on artificial intelligence adoption: Clinical implementers' perspectives 2024 Academic article
Slik kan du finne motivasjon til å trene 2024 Interview
Bærekraftig KI-implementering på norske sykehus 2024 Feature article
Kan sosiale medier brukes for å få flere til å ta vaksiner? 2024 Interview
Erik (65) er for komplisert for helsetjenesten 2023 Interview
Hadde «flaks» som en del av behandlingen 2023 Interview
Teamene som skal hjelpe folk med alvorlige psykiske lidelser, sliter selv med digitale problemer 2024 Interview
Videobasert samtaleterapi for unge som har foreldre med rusproblemer 2024 Academic lecture
Presentasjon av NSE for K10 Helsenettverket 2023 Lecture
Samhandling og digital hjemmeoppfølging - webinar 2023 Academic lecture
What do adults living with obesity want from a chatbot for physical activity? – a qualitative study 2024 Academic article
Citizens Access to Health Information in National Portals in the Nordic Countries 2024 Academic article
Best Practices and Lessons Learned in eHealth in Four Low and Lower Middle-Income Countries in Africa 2023 Academic article
Several Risk Factors Associated with Cardiovascular Disease Event: Results from The Population-based MASHAD Cohort Study 2023 Academic article
Determinants of Serum Vitamin D level; A Data Mining Approach 2023 Academic article
Evaluating The Association Between Serum Hsp27 Antibody and Hypertension in Patients without Underlying Cardiovascular Disease 2023 Academic article
New digital technologies in the pharmacy setting to advance patient outcomes and the role of the pharmacist. 2023 Lecture
Human factor's role in medication errors: Diluting intravenous medications at hospital wards – a study based on incident reports. 2023 Poster
Computational linguistic analysis of EHR notes in Norwegian 2023 Academic lecture
PROTECT at EHiN 2023 - Panel 2023 Academic lecture
Proactive health and welfare technology for Nordic users and societies – A policy brief 2023 Article in business/trade/industry journal
Current Trends and New Approaches in Participatory Health Informatics 2023 Editorial
How Participatory Health Informatics Catalyzes One Digital Health 2023 Academic article
Exploring the Evolution of Social Media in Mental Health Interventions: A Mapping Review 2023 Academic literature review
Collaboration Norway - Spain: Exploring technologies in everyday settings in organizations: Education and health care. 2023 Lecture
Assessing the Potential Risks of Digital Therapeutics (DTX): The DTX Risk Assessment Canvas 2023 Academic article
Personalized Digital Solutions for Mental Health 2023 Academic article
Digitale helsedata hjelper ikke nord­menn med å håndtere helsen sin 2024 Interview
Digital hjemmeoppfølging og telerehabilitering for pasienter med KOLS 2024 Lecture
Når kunstig intelligens passer på person­vernet, kan den være veien til bedre helsehjelp 2024 Interview
Feilmedisinering tar liv. Hva kan gjøres? 2023 Feature article
Syntetiske data: nøkkelen til kunstig intelligens i helsetjenesten? 2023 Feature article
Barn som pårørendes stemme i forskning – deltakelse, involvering og medvirkning 2023 Academic lecture
Videobasert samtaleterapi for unge som har foreldre med rusproblemer 2023 Academic lecture
Planer for RCT 2023 Lecture
Patients' experiences with receiving sick leave certificates via remote consultations in Norway during the COVID-19 pandemic: a nationwide online survey 2024 Academic article
Mapping Patients' Online Record Access Worldwide: Preliminary Results from an International Survey of Healthcare Experts 2024 Academic article
Consent Management System on Patient-Generated Health Data 2024 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Health professionals’ experience and perceived obstacles with managing patients’ medication information in Norway: cross-sectional survey 2024 Academic article
Adoption, acceptability and sustained use of digital interventions to promote physical activity among inactive adults: a mixed-method study 2024 Academic article
Human factor's role in medication errors: Diluting intravenous medications at hospital wards -a study based on incident reports 2023 Poster
Clinical Synthetic Data Generation to Predict and Identify Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Diseases 2023 Academic article
Drivers and barriers for use of assistive technology among children with autism and/or intellectual disabilities: Parents perspective 2023 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Five principles for the development of minimally disruptive digital medicine 2023 Editorial
Primary care gatekeeping during the Covid-19 pandemic: a survey of 1234 Norwegian regular GPs 2023 Academic article
Risiko - Ulike perspektiv på risiko I komplekse forløp 2023 Lecture
Hvordan fremheve fokusområdene våre? 2023 Lecture
Dignity Care - hvor er vi nå? Oppdatering av prosjektet og oppstart av pilot 2023 Academic lecture
Sensorer gjør deg i stand til å avlaste fastlegen 2023 Interview
Secondary outcomes of enhanced cognitive behavioral therapy (eCBT) for children and adolescents with obsessive-compulsive disorder 2023 Academic article
The DigiTeam tool 2023 Lecture
Digital support for a Person Centered Care system 2023 Lecture
A Trial-Based Cost-Utility Analysis of a Medication Optimization Intervention Versus Standard Care in Older Adults 2023 Academic article
De-identifying Norwegian Clinical Text using Resources from Swedish and Danish 2023 Academic article
De-identifying Norwegian clinical text using resources from Swedish and Danish 2023 Academic lecture
Using a large open clinical corpus for improved ICD-10 diagnosis coding 2023 Academic article
Using a large open clinical corpus for improved ICD-10 diagnosis coding 2023 Academic lecture
Electronic Health Records User Satisfaction: Experience after implementation of a new system in Northern Norway 2023 Academic lecture
A Nordic survey to monitor citizens use and experience with eHealth 2023 Report
Future use of e-consultations within a regular GP scheme 2023 Academic lecture
Bedre kvalitet i e-konsultasjoner 2023 Digital learning tools
We must ‘hear’ the patient's voice in health records 2023 Interview
A secure framework for transferring patient-gathered diabetes data into the Norwegian Diabetes Registry for Adults (NDR-A) 2023 Poster
House of Carbs - Personalized Carbohydrate Dispenser for People with Diabetes 2023 Academic lecture
Medication Reconciliation as Repair Work 2024 Academic article
Work package meeting 2023 - eMM: Digital tools, organization and work. Work package leaders workshop 2023 Lecture
Academic workshop 2023 - eMM: Work and organization 2023 Lecture
Benchmarking usability of patient portals in Estonia, Finland, Norway, and Sweden 2023 Academic article
Privacy Concerns Related to Data Sharing for European Diabetes Devices 2023 Academic article
How to Represent the Patient Voice in the Electronic Health Record? 2023 Academic lecture
Suitability of issuing sickness certifications in remote consultations during the COVID-19 pandemic. A mixed method study of GPs’ experiences 2023 Academic article
EHiN 2023. Førstudie Pasientens Legemiddelliste: Spørreundersøkelse til leger og sykepleiere fra spesialist- og primærhelsetjenesten 2023 Academic lecture
Current state and future directions for Norway 2023 Academic lecture
Social Media as an Effective Provider of Quality-Assured and Accurate Information to Increase Vaccine Rates: Systematic Review 2023 Academic article
Helsetjenesteforskningskonferansen. Førstudie Pasientens Legemiddelliste: Spørreundersøkelse til leger og sykepleiere fra spesialist- og primærhelsetjenesten 2023 Academic lecture
Helsetjenesteforskningskonferansen. Users’ Experiences with Online Access to Electronic Health Records in Mental and Somatic Healthcare: Results from a National survey 2023 Academic lecture
Use of a Data-Sharing System During Diabetes Consultations 2023 Academic article
Facilitating Interprofessional Collaboration on Electronic Medicines Management 2023 Academic article
Exploring Obese Adults' Preferences for a Physical Activity Chatbot: Qualitative Study 2023 Abstract
eMM- electronic medicines management : Lokale profesjonsfellesskap arena 2. Hvorfor er det ikke flere feil? 2023 Popular scientific lecture
DIgital terapi hjelper unge som har foreldre med rusproblemer 2023 Academic lecture
Hvordan holder legemiddelbrukere oversikt over sine faste legemidler? 2023 Poster
Farmasihistorier - digitale opptak og formidling av nyere norsk farmasihistorie 2023 Poster
Holdninger hos ansatte og ledere til det å ta i bruk digitale helsetjenester for ungdommer med angst – en pre-implementeringsstudie utført med kombinerte metoder 2023 Report
Vi må «høre» pasientens stemme i journalen 2023 Interview
Digitalisering av helsetjenester utfordrer personvern: - Vi mister kontroll 2023 Interview
eMM- electronic medicines management : Lokale profesjonsfellesskap arena 1: hva gjør jeg - hva gjør andre? 2023 Popular scientific lecture
Teknologisk revolusjon for en forebyggende helsetjeneste 2023 Feature article
Teknologisk revolusjon for en forebyggende helsetjeneste 2023 Feature article
Personvernfremmende teknologier for bruk av kunstig intelligens i helse- og omsorgstjenesten 2023 Report
Hvor vanskelig er det å få tak i legemiddelinformasjon 2023 Academic lecture
Exploration of the Voice of the Patient in Learning Health Systems: A Socio-Technical Perspective 2024 Academic article
Integration of migrant and refugee data in health information systems in Europe: advancing evidence, policy and practice 2023 Academic article
Sparse networks in deep learning 2023 Academic lecture
Sparse Networks in Deep Learning 2023 Academic lecture
On the path to healing -A qualitative longitudinal study of colorectal cancer patients’ accounts of trajectories to healing in Norway 2023 Doctoral dissertation
Trans-dimensional Bayesian Deep Learning 2023 Academic lecture
An efficient pipeline for microfossil analysis 2023 Poster
Grouping microscopic fossils without labels using self-supervision 2023 Academic lecture
Presentasjon av foreløpige resultater og phd-prosjekt 2023 Academic lecture
Webinar "Kunstig intelligens, sikkerhet og personvern" 2023 Lecture
Rekruttering for å sikre inkludering 2023 Feature article
Digital health services for respiratory patients in Norway 2023 Academic lecture
Did granting patients access to the electronic health records change the writing of clinicians? 2023 Poster
Social inequality and telemedicine 2023 Academic lecture
Digital health, (in)equality and paradox 2023 Academic lecture
How can user experience give insights of non-use? Older users’ experience of access to and use of e-consultations with the general practitioner 2023 Academic lecture
Digital therapy helps young people who have parents with substance abuse problems 2023 Interview
Evaluating Deep Q-Learning Algorithms for Controlling Blood Glucose in In Silico Type 1 Diabetes 2023 Academic article
How can patients be in control of their healthcare if they are not in control of their online health information? 2023 Article in business/trade/industry journal
Preparing for Implementing Commercial Algorithms in Radiology: A Formative Evaluation Study 2023 Academic lecture
Preparing for Implementing Commercial Algorithms in Radiology: A Formative Evaluation Study 2023 Academic article
ICT challenges for Norwegian FACT teams: What are they and how can they be solved? 2023 Academic lecture
Presentasjon av 5-år med forskning (2016-2020) ved NSE på VFT for barn og unge med funksjonsnedsettelser og påfølgende phd-prosjekt 2023 Lecture
Digital hjemmeoppfølging og telerehabilitering for pasienter med KOLS 2023 Lecture
Langsiktig telerehabilitering eller egentrening hjemme for pasienter med KOLS 2023 Academic lecture
Nasjonalt senter for e-helseforskning. Funn fra forskning om pasientes innsyn i journal og e-konsultasjoner med fastlegen på Helsenorge 2023 Academic lecture
Hvordan påvirker digitalisering sosial ulikhet blant unge, og kan digitalisering bidra til økt likeverdighet? Abstract presentation 2023 Academic lecture
Norge, Sverige, Danmark og Finland innfører digitalt delte legemiddellister 2023 Interview
Følgeforskning - debatt med KS 2023 Academic lecture
Tre år med digital kunnskapsdeling om legemiddelhåndtering 2023 Feature article
Digital terapi hjelper unge som har foreldre med rusproblemer 2023 Interview
Møte i produktstyret for Helsenorge: Funn fra forskning om pasientens innsyn i journal på Helsenorge 2023 Lecture
The battle for mental well-being in Ukraine: mental health crisis and economic aspects of mental health services in wartime 2023 Academic literature review
Designing digital systems for rehabilitation practices 2023 Academic article
Hva mener 9500 av oss om Innsyn i Journal? Finner vi mye feil der, og hvem finner feil? 2023 Lecture
Municipalities embrace radical innovation to cope with an ageing population 2023 Popular scientific article
Telehealth - where do we go from here? 2023 Lecture
The Knowledge of Implementation Strategies: Impact of the Installed Base 2023 Academic article
Preconditions for Implementing a Nursing App to Improve Digital Maturity 2023 Academic article
A Review of Requirements for Information Models in Learning Health Systems 2023 Academic literature review
Innovasjon mot sosial ulikhet og ensomhet - debattdeltakelse 2023 Academic lecture
Strukturerte helsedata – frustrerende eller nyttig? 2023 Feature article
Nytt journalsystem skal få Dips til å snakke med fastlege, legevakt og NAV 2023 Interview
Pasientens Legemiddelliste, førstudie: Presentasjon av spørreundersøkelse til leger og sykepleiere fra spesialist- og primærhelsetjenesten 2023 Lecture
Digital poliklinikk - følger opp personen, ikke diagnosen 2022 Interview
Health Professionals’ Experience and Perceived Obstacles with Managing Patients’ Medication Information in Norway: Cross-Sectional Survey (Preprint) 2023 Academic article
Exploring the Emergence of Open Platforms in Healthcare: Design Considerations and Experiences from an Initial Case in Norwegian Primary Care 2023 Academic article
Kolspasienten Gro fikk hjemmetrening: – Formen ble bedre, jeg klarte mer, fikk bedre vaner, gikk ned i vekt og følte meg ivaretatt 2023 Interview
Patients’ Experiences of a National Patient Portal and Its Usability: Cross-Sectional Survey Study 2023 Academic article
Digital home monitoring in Norway 2023 Lecture
Information Models Properties in Learning Health Systems: A Literature Review 2023 Academic article
Patient safety and sense of security when telemonitoring chronic conditions at home: the views of patients and healthcare professionals - a qualitative study 2023 Academic article
Støtte til fallforebygging hos eldre 2023 Academic article
NSE og hva vi gjør av forskning som kan være relevant for Mission Cancer 2023 Lecture
Funn fra forskning om tekstbaserte e-konsultasjoner i Helsenorge 2023 Academic lecture
A Telemedicine System Intervention for Patients With Type 1 Diabetes: Pilot Feasibility Crossover Intervention Study 2023 Academic article
Journal Club on "Long-Term Telerehabilitation or Unsupervised Training at Home for Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A Randomised Controlled Trial" 2023 Academic lecture
Norwegian Centre for E-health Research 2023 Lecture
Advancing inclusivity in health care through the use of telehealth 2023 Academic lecture
Quality, Usability, and Effectiveness of mHealth Apps and the Role of Artificial Intelligence: Current Scenario and Challenges 2023 Academic article
The impact of coding germline variants on contralateral breast cancer risk and survival 2023 Academic article
User Satisfaction with Recently Deployed Electronic Health Records 2023 Academic article
Mapping Exposome Derived Phenotypes into SNOMED Codes 2023 Academic article
Improvement of personality functioning among people treated within personality disorder mental health services. A longitudinal, observational study 2023 Academic article
How to Represent the Patient Voice in the Electronic Health Record? 2023 Academic article
Fordeler og ulemper med legetime på video 2023 Interview
Hva har vi av forskningsprosjekter og forskningsresultater til nytte for tjenesten og pasientene? 2023 Academic lecture
Deler sykdommen på Tiktok: – Følte meg levende død 2023 Interview
Med kunstig intelligens kan leger diagnostisere pasienter både enklere og billigere 2023 Interview
Nationally shared medication lists – describing systems in the Nordic countries 2023 Academic lecture
Shared meciation lists in the Nordic countries 2023 Academic lecture
Nationally Shared Medication Lists - Describing Systems in the Nordic Countries 2023 Academic article
PANEL: Patients Online Record Access in the Context of the European Health Data Space 2023 Academic lecture
NORDeHEALTH online mental health records across 4 Countries 2023 Academic lecture
Feasibility of telerehabilitation for heart failure patients inaccessible for outpatient rehabilitation 2023 Academic article
Low Adoption of Video Consultations in Post-COVID-19 General Practice in Northern Europe: Barriers to Use and Potential Action Points 2023 Academic article
NORDeHEALTH – Learning from the Nordic Experiences of Patient Online Record Access 2024 Academic article
Evaluation of Synthetic Categorical Data Generation Techniques for Predicting Cardiovascular Diseases and Post-Hoc Interpretability of the Risk Factors 2023 Academic article
Adolescents Experiences with Video Consultations in Specialized Mental Health Services in Norway 2023 Academic lecture
Valkyrie: A Distributed Service-Oriented Architecture for Coordinated Healthcare Services 2023 Academic article
Electronic Health Records User Satisfaction: Experience after implementation of a new system in Northern Norway 2023 Academic article
Adolescents Experiences with Video Consultations in Specialized Mental Health Services in Norway 2023 Abstract
Digitale legemiddellister øker pasientsikkerheten og arbeidsmengden 2023 Interview
Radikal omstilling skal redde oss fra eldrebølgen 2023 Interview
Minimetodevurdering - Bruk av videokonferanse til samhandling 2023 Report
Errors, Omissions and Offences in the Health Record of Mental Healthcare Patients: Results from a Nationwide Survey in Sweden 2023 Academic article
Users’ Experiences with Online Access to Electronic Health Records in Mental and Somatic Healthcare: A Cross-Sectional Study in Norway 2023 Academic article
Implementering av kunstig intelligens i norsk helsetjeneste: veien til utbredt bruk 2023 Report
Videobasert samtaleterapi for unge som har en forelder med rusproblemer: Et følgeforskningsprosjekt med Blå Kors Kompasset​ ​ 2023 Academic lecture
Digital teknologi i helse- og omsorgstjenester til barn og unge 2023 Academic lecture
eHealth policy framework in Low and Lower Middle-Income Countries; a PRISMA systematic review and analysis 2023 Academic literature review
The NORDeHEALTH 2022 Patient Survey: A cross-sectional survey of national patient portal users in Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Estonia (Preprint) 2023 Academic article
Economic Aspects of Mental Health Services in Ukraine: A Scoping Review 2023 Academic lecture
Mobile nutritional delivery system for people with insulin-treated diabetes 2023 Poster
Including patient-generated health data in electronic health records – a solution for CGM-data 2023 Academic lecture
General Practitioners’ Experiences With Potentials and Pitfalls of Video Consultations in Norway During the COVID-19 Lockdown: Qualitative Analysis of Free-Text Survey Answers 2023 Academic article
Including patient-generated health data in electronic health records – a solution for CGM-data 2023 Abstract
Mobile nutritional delivery system for people with insulin-treated diabetes 2023 Abstract
Telemedicine meeting and visit to an emergency hospital in Uzbekistan 2023 Report
Towards a New Model for Chronic Disease Consultations 2022 Academic lecture
Pasientenes erfaringer med tekstbaserte e-konsultasjoner 2023 Academic lecture
Unge som har foreldre med rusproblemer: En brukerundersøkelse om erfaringer med videobasert samtaleterapi 2023 Academic article
Eldre setter pris på å kunne sende meldinger rett til legen 2023 Interview
Digital legemiddelliste gir økt sikkerhet for pasientene, men mer arbeid på apoteket 2023 Interview
Presentasjon for e-helse Vestland 2022 Lecture
Digital hjemmeoppfølging, status på forsknings- og praksisfeltet 2022 Lecture
Digital hjemmeoppfølging 2022 Lecture
Hvordan jobbes det med klinisk implementering av kunstig intelligens i primær- og spesialisthelsetjenesten? 2022 Lecture
Trender innenfor e-helseområdet. Forsknings- og kunnskapsutviklingstrender innen e-helse. 2022 Lecture
Kirkens Bymisjon som tillitsskapende velferdsaktør 2022 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Internet Use for Obtaining Medicine Information: Cross-sectional Survey 2023 Academic article
Experiences and Expectations of Information and Communication Technologies in Flexible Assertive Community Treatment Teams: Qualitative Study 2023 Academic article
Lost in digitization – A systematic review about the diagnostic test accuracy of digital pathology solutions 2022 Academic article
Reflections on the nature of measurement in language-based automated assessments of patients' mental state and cognitive function 2022 Academic article
Digital legemiddelhåndtering – et spørsmål om samhandling? 2023 Lecture
Mange var skeptiske, men hvordan gikk det egentlig da psykisk syke fikk elektronisk innsyn i egen pasientjournal? 2023 Interview
– Vi må utdanne folk i hvordan de skal bruke digital teknologi i omsorg 2023 Interview
Visste du at omtrent 1.000 mennesker mister livet på grunn av medisinfeil hvert år i Norge? 2023 Feature article
Pasientens legemiddelliste i sykehus 2022 Poster
Diskriminering en årsak til at helsetjenester ikke fungerer 2022 Interview
Det generelle i det spesielle – Implementering av teknologier for digital hjemmeoppfølging 2022 Academic lecture
Rollen av forskning i innovasjon 2022 Lecture
Behov for validering og testbed 2022 Academic lecture
Paneldebatt EHiN - Kunstig intelligens i helsetjenesten 2022 Lecture
E-helseutdanning 2022 Lecture
Skygger suksess-prosjekt for å revolusjonere pasientjournalen 2022 Interview
Innføring av VFT i kommunene 2022 Lecture
Social media for health promotion in diabetes 2022 Academic lecture
Social media interventions for autism 2022 Academic lecture
Health-Related Quality of Life Among Acutely Hospitalized Older Adults 2022 Poster
Healthcare Utilization and Costs Among Acutely Hospitalized Older Adults 2022 Poster
From social robots to dementia villages: People must be trained in using digital technology in care 2023 Interview
Children with ill parents or siblings 2022 Academic lecture
Video Recordings of Interactions 2022 Academic article
Presentation of report on AI in healthcare 2022 Academic lecture
Nordic early-career researchers’ reflections on health and welfare technology (opptak) 2022 Lecture
Helhetlige pasientforløp - presentasjon for Universitetet i Oulu 2022 Lecture
Patients’ online access to psychiatric records: Providers’ experiences 2022 Abstract
Guest lecture at Interoperability in Clinical Information Systems 2022 Academic lecture
Integrating welfare technology: an exploration of the establishment of WFT-coordinators in five Norwegian Municipalities 2022 Academic lecture
Panel dialogue: Nordic early-career researchers’ reflections on health and welfare technology 2022 Lecture
The implementation of welfare technology in Norway 2022 Academic lecture
Introduction of Health and Welfare technology in Norwegian Municipalities 2022 Academic lecture
Farmasøyter er viktige når multidose blir elektronisk 2023 Popular scientific article
Sjelden interesse for de sjeldne 2022 Interview
Trenger flere fastleger og verktøy for koordinering 2022 Interview
Presenterte prototype av DigiTeam 2022 Interview
Presentasjon av ny publikasjon: "Integrated Healthcare and Care through distance spanning solutions - for increased service accessibility" 2022 Lecture
Presentasjon av E-helseforskning 2022 Lecture
Blir det nå mer kunstig intelligens i norsk helsevesen? 2023 Interview
Helseforskerne kan ikke bare lytte til de mest ressurssterke 2023 Interview
Forskningsleder kritiserer Kjerkols journalplan 2023 Interview
Snuser du? Da er sjansen stor for å mislykkes med å stumpe røyken for godt 2023 Interview
Older patients' experiences of access to and use of e-consultations with the general practitioner in Norway: an interview study 2023 Academic article
Telemedicine and e-health projects - Lessons learned from 30 years of telemedicine 2022 Lecture
About E-health Research 2022 Lecture
Improving healthcare services through international collaboration and a multidisciplinary approach 2022 Lecture
Clinical synthetic data generation to predict and identify risk factors for cardiovascular diseases 2022 Academic lecture
Research Landscape and Research Priorities in eHealth in four African Countries - A survey 2022 Academic article
Perceived autonomy support in telerehabilitation by people with chronic respiratory disease: a mixed methods study 2022 Academic article
Trial lecture: Rational pharmacotherapy and ways to get there 2022 Academic lecture
Multidose drug dispensing in home care services: Impact of a shared medication list on medication safety 2022 Doctoral dissertation
Innovating the future healthcare sector (panel) 2022 Academic lecture
Lightweight and heavyweight – how to combine a open heavyweight platform based EHR with a lightweight IT solution like an app 2022 Academic lecture
Kunstig intelligens kan tolke din pasientjournal 2022 Interview
Avoidant and borderline personality disorder patients during the first Covid-19 wave in Norway – a survey-based comparison of therapy changes and patients’ accommodations 2022 Academic article
Videobasert samtaleterapi for unge som har foreldre med rusproblemer 2022 Academic lecture
Videobasert samtaleterapi for unge som har foreldre med rusproblemer 2022 Academic lecture
Integrated Healthcare and Care through distance spanning solutions – for increased service accessibility 2022 Report
Open Source Digital Health Software for Resilient, Accessible and Equitable Healthcare Systems 2022 Academic literature review
Long-Term Telerehabilitation or Unsupervised Training at Home for Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A Randomized Controlled Trial 2022 Academic article
Patient’s experiences with multidose drug dispensing – a qualitative study 2022 Poster
From paper-based to electronic prescribing of multidose drug dispensing — a longitudional study of prescription changes. 2022 Academic lecture
Artificial Intelligence Implementation in Healthcare: A Theory-Based Scoping Review of Barriers and Facilitators 2022 Academic literature review
Social media and physical activity in autism 2022 Academic lecture
Towards a temporospatial framework for measurements of disorganization in speech using semantic vectors 2022 Academic article
Factors associated with predictors of smoking cessation from a Norwegian internet-based smoking cessation intervention study 2022 Academic article
Om pasienter med store og sammensatte behov og Tjenesteinnovasjon 2022 Academic lecture
Hva sier forskning: Helsepersonellbelastning ved bruk av IKT 2022 Academic lecture
Har byttet ut «post-it»-lapper med app: – Ga umiddelbar effekt for brukeren 2022 Interview Journal
Pasientforløp og bedre informasjonsflyt 2022 Academic lecture
Personsentrerte helsetjenester – hvordan og hvorfor får vi det til? 2022 Lecture
Fra fragmentert til helhetlige helsetjenestesystem 2022 Lecture
Dignity Care, en introduksjon 2022 Lecture
Digitalisering av pasientjournalen 2022 Lecture
E-konsultasjoner hos fastlegen 2022 Academic lecture
Videobasert samtaleterapi for unge som har foreldre med rusproblemer 2022 Academic lecture
Design av digitale systemer for rehabiliteringsfeltet 2022 Academic lecture
Forskning på pilotering av PLL i Bergen 2022 Academic lecture
Hvordan setter Direktoratet for e-helse sine mål? 2022 Feature article
Digital inkludering innen helse (panelsamtale) 2022 Lecture
Workshop: Rekruttering for å sikre inkludering 2022 Lecture
Hvor går veien videre for e-helse - nå? 2022 Feature article
EHelsekompetanse for bruk av pasientportal for ungdom i psykisk helsevern 2022 Academic lecture
Self-reported medication information needs among medication users in a general population aged 40 years and above – the Tromsø study 2022 Academic article
Reaching for the Quadruple Aim–How to design effective whole system health service improvement? 2022 Abstract
Person-centered care (PCC): the people's perspective 2022 Short communication
Person-Centred Care Systems: From Theory to Practice (White Paper) 2022 Report
Person-centred care - from theory to practice 2022 Lecture
Person-centred care - from theory to practice 2022 Academic lecture
Person-centred care - from theory to practice 2022 Academic lecture
Person-centred care - and its principles 2022 Lecture
How to understand adolescences experiences of treatment in the context of video consultations with therapists – change of practice. 2022 Academic lecture
How do older patients access and use text-based e-consultations with the general practitioner? 2022 Poster
Variable Depth Bayesian Neural Networks Using Reversible Jumps 2022 Academic article
Capacity development to leverage advances in health informatics for all 2022 Academic article
Video-based therapy for youths who have a parent with alcohol/substance abuse 2022 Academic lecture
Patient-Centered Communication and Counseling to Ensure Patient Safety Through Correct Use of Medicines: Experiences and Challenges 2022 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Challenges in Obtaining and Sharing Core Patient Information in Norwegian Nursing Homes and Home Care Services: A Qualitative Study of Nurses’ and Doctors’ Experiences 2022 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Detecting Medication Errors and Adverse Drug Events: A Review of Current Methodologies 2022 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Multidose Drug Dispensing in Primary Care: A Review of the Literature 2022 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Implementation of artificial intelligence in Norwegian healthcare: The road to broad adoption 2022 Report
Avoidant and borderline personality disorder patients during the first Covid-19 wave in Norway–a survey-based comparison of therapy changes and patients’ accommodations 2022 Academic article
Assessing Strategic Priority Factors in eHealth Policies of Four African Countries 2022 Academic article
Assessing Strategic Priority Factors in eHealth Policies of Four African Countries 2022 Academic lecture
Diverse Recruitment Strategies Are Needed to Reduce Digital Divide: Results from a Workshop Addressing Digital Divide and Effects of Pandemic Restrictions 2022 Abstract
A Practice-oriented Approach to Participatory Design 2022 Academic lecture
Intended and Unintended Consequences of Implementing a Nursing App 2022 Academic lecture
Implementing and Learning to Use Video Meetings in Mental Health Hospital Departments 2022 Academic lecture
Use of Electronic Tools in Norwegian FACT Youth Teams: A User Perspective 2022 Academic lecture
Assessing Methods to Model Patient-Centric Care Pathways across Multiple Healthcare Systems 2022 Academic lecture
Barn og unges erfaringer med videokonsultasjoner i psykisk helsevern 2022 Academic lecture
Den «rette» pasienten: En dokumentanalyse av digitaliseringens betydning for sosial ulikhet innenfor helse med fokus på medisinsk avstandsoppfølging 2022 Academic lecture
Presentasjon av Nasjonalt senter for e-helseforskning 2022 Lecture
Elevator pitch - phd-prosjekt 2022 Multimedia product
Kan vi kreve at alle pasienter skal være sin egen omsorgsperson? 2022 Lecture
Kan HelseOmsorg21-rådet gjøre en forskjell? 2022 Lecture
Elektronisk innsyn i journal for pasienter – erfaringer fra innføringen fra 2015 og etterpå. 2022 Academic lecture
Reimbursed Medication Adherence Enhancing Interventions in European Countries: Results of the EUREcA Study 2022 Academic article
Using automated syllable counting to detect missing information in speech transcripts from clinical settings 2022 Academic article
A cross-sector systematic review and synthesis of knowledge on telemedicine interventions in chronic wound management—Implications from a system perspective 2022 Academic literature review
Digital interventions to promote physical activity among inactive adults: A study protocol for a hybrid type I effectiveness-implementation randomized controlled trial 2022 Academic article
Paneldeltaker 2022 Lecture
Front row comments with stakeholders (kommentator) 2022 Lecture
ASCLEPIOS : Advanced Secure Cloud Encrypted Platform for Internationally Orchestrated Solutions in Healthcare 2022 Academic lecture
Beyond the Point of No Return: A Discourse Analysis of Healthcare Professionals’ Perceptions of Digitally Supported Person-Centred, Integrated, and Proactive Care 2022 Academic article
Older high-utilization patients in Norwegian somatic hospitals - a national register-based study 2022 Academic lecture
From paper-based to electronic prescribing of multidose drug dispensing — effects on pharmacy workload 2022 Academic lecture
Factors associated with trabecular bone score and bone mineral density; a machine learning approach 2022 Academic article
Use of e-Health in Norwegian FACT Teams: A User Perspective 2022 Academic lecture
Use of e-Health in Norwegian FACT Teams: A User Perspective 2022 Academic article
Translating Natural Language Processing into Mainstream Schizophrenia Assessment 2022 Academic article
Reimbursed medication adherence enhancing interventions in 12 european countries: Current state of the art and future challenges 2022 Academic literature review
Digitale tjenester i psykisk helsearbeid for barn og unge 2022 Academic lecture
Digital kommunikasjon med barn og unge som er pårørende 2022 Academic lecture
E-multidose gir bedre oversikt, men også økt arbeidsmengde 2022 Lecture
Kunnskapsnotat til Direktoratet for e-helses områdeplan for digitalisering av legemiddelområdet 2022 Report
Påminnelser på mobilen kan gjøre at færre mødre og barn dør 2022 Interview
Variasjon i rekruttering er forskerens samfunnsansvar 2022 Feature article
Studie: Ferske fastleger opplever oftere konfliktfylte konsultasjoner 2022 Interview
ClinCode - Computer-Assisted Clinical ICD-10 Coding for improving efficiency and quality in healthcare 2022 Academic lecture
ClinCode - Computer-Assisted Clinical ICD-10 Coding for improving efficiency and quality in healthcare 2022 Poster
Improving the Applicability of AI for Psychiatric Applications through Human-in-the-loop Methodologies 2022 Academic article
Smartphone reminders can save mothers and children from dying 2022 Interview
Who are the “Hard-to-Reach” groups in chronic-health and health technology research? – A scoping review 2022 Academic article
Designing, implementing, and testing a modern electronic clinical study management system – the HUBRO system 2022 Academic article
Evaluation of LIME and SHAP in Explaining Automatic ICD-10 Classifications of Swedish Gastrointestinal Discharge Summaries 2022 Academic article
Does your EHR support a Learning Healthcare System? An exploration of possible indicators 2022 Academic article
Combining deep learning and fuzzy logic to predict rare ICD-10 codes from clinical notes 2022 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Clinical Notes De-Identification: Scoping Recent Benchmarks for n2c2 Datasets 2022 Academic article
User preferences for a physical activity chatbot connected to an activity tracker and integrated into a social media platform​ 2022 Academic lecture
IMPACT: Identification of multimorbid patients with impactable risk profiles using machine learning 2022 Academic lecture
Research infrastructure for privacy-preserving distributed analyses of EHR data in primary care 2022 Academic lecture
Communities of Practice for Electronic Medicines Management - the establishment 2022 Academic lecture
Implementing and learning to use video in meetings with internal and external stakeholders. A qualitative study of therapists in mental health hospital departments 2022 Academic article
The Influence of NegEx on ICD-10 Code Prediction in Swedish: How is the Performance of BERT and SVM Models Affected by Negations? 2022 Academic lecture
The Establishment of Communities of Practice for Electronic Medicines Management 2022 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
User preferences for a physical activity chatbot connected to an activity tracker and integrated into a social media platform 2022 Academic article
Social media, physical activity and autism: better or bitter together? A scoping review 2022 Academic literature review
Trender innenfor e-helseområdet, forsknings- og kunnskapsutviklingstrender innen e-helse 2022 Lecture
Et samfunnsvitenskapelig blikk på håndtering av legemidler 2022 Academic lecture
Procurement of artificial intelligence for radiology practice 2023 Academic article
Perspectives from Europe 2022 Academic lecture
Implementation of a mobile app in clinical practice - how to assess and evaluate ICT implementations in complex health organizations 2022 Academic lecture
Panelpresentasjon/-debatt: Implementation of Artificial Intelligence for imaging diagnostics in Norwegian hospitals - Challenges and Analytical perspectives in assessment research 2022 Academic lecture
Introducing Lightweight IT – A Way to Build Flexibility for Healthcare Organizations? 2022 Academic article
Scaling AI Projects for Radiology– Causes and Consequences 2022 Academic article
Electronic Health Records user experiences: a nationwide survey from Norwegian hospitals 2022 Academic lecture
Measuring Perceptions of Openness in Health Information Technology Platforms Results from Pilot Testing Proposed Survey Framework 2022 Academic lecture
How weak are Romanian clitic pronouns? 2022 Academic article
The impact of clinical experience on working tasks and job-related stress: a survey among 1032 Norwegian GPs 2022 Academic article
mHealth interventions to reduce maternal and child mortality in Sub-Saharan Africa and Southern Asia: A systematic literature review 2022 Academic literature review
Assessing Methods to Model Patient-Centric Care Pathways across Multiple Healthcare Systems 2022 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
A Practice-oriented Approach to Participatory Design 2022 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Use of Electronic Tools in Norwegian FACT Youth Teams: A User Perspective 2022 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Intended and Unintended Consequences of Implementing a Nursing App 2022 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Implementing and Learning to Use Video Meetings in Mental Health Hospital Departments. Therapists’ Experiences from Internal and External Meetings. A Qualitative Study 2022 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Measuring Perceptions of Openness in Health Information Technology Platforms Results from Pilot Testing Proposed Survey Framework 2022 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Electronic Health Records User Experiences: a Nationwide Survey From Norwegian Hospitals. 2022 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Video Recordings of Interactions 2022 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
The Influence of NegEx on ICD-10 Code Prediction in Swedish: How is the Performance of BERT and SVM Models Affected by Negations? 2022 Academic article
The Norwegian PraksisNett: a nationwide practice-based research network with a novel IT infrastructure 2022 Academic article
Towards a New Model for Chronic Disease Consultations 2022 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ubiquitous digital health-related data: clarification of concepts 2022 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Designing an e-Health Program for Lifestyle Changes in Diabetes Care A Qualitative Pre-Study in Norway 2022 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sorterius - An augmented reality app for encouraging outdoor physical activity for people with intellectual disabilities 2022 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Discussions of Asperger Syndrome on Social Media: Content and Sentiment Analysis on Twitter 2022 Academic article
Forskere fra Skandinavia samlet i Tromsø for kunnskapsdeling 2022 Interview
What is Electronic Medicines Management and why is it a sociological matter? 2022 Lecture
How to understand adolescences experiences of treatment in the context of video consultations with therapists in the light of different sociological theories 2022 Lecture
Who are the “Hard-to-Reach” groups in chronic-health and health technology research? A scoping review 2022 Academic article
F-CBR: An Architecture for Federated Case-Based Reasoning 2022 Academic article
Dataset of fitness trackers and smartwatches to measuring physical activity in research 2022 Academic article
Impact on patient-provider relationship and documentation practices when mental health patients access their electronic health records online: a qualitative study among health professionals in an outpatient setting 2022 Academic article
Phd om digitale konsultasjoner 2022 Academic lecture
2. STOPPFrail-2. Screeningverktøy for potensielt uhensiktsmessig legemiddelbruk til skrøpelige eldre med begrenset gjenstående levetid 2022 Article in business/trade/industry journal
Avmedisinering i siste leveår – praktisk beslutningsstøtte 2022 Article in business/trade/industry journal
Nærhet og omsorg på skjerm 2022 Feature article
Har teori mer verdi enn empiri? 2022 Reader opinion piece
Video Recordings of Interactions in collaborative work 2022 Academic lecture
Video Recordings of Interactions 2022 Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Electronic Health Records User Experiences: a Nationwide Survey From Norwegian Hospitals 2022 Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
A multilevel perspective on digital consultations in general practice 2022 Academic lecture
Patients' Experiences of Web-Based Access to Electronic Health Records in Finland: Cross-sectional Survey 2022 Academic article
A scoping review of diabetes telemedicine research in Norway 2022 Academic article
Electronic Medicines Management (eMM) in Norway - A comparative case study 2022 Poster
Fitness center use and subsequent achievement of exercise goals. A prospective study on long-term fitness center members 2022 Academic article
– Ny teknologi blir aldri en ren erstatning for tidligere oppgaver 2022 Interview
Færre feil: Elektronisk legemiddelliste skal erstatta telefaksen 2022 Interview
Workshop 2022 Academic lecture
Kan vi kreve at alle pasienter skal være sin egen omsorgsperson? 2022 Feature article
– Legges PraksisNett på is blir det ikke oppfølging av pasientene 2022 Interview
Dermatoscopic and clinical features of congenital or congenital-type nail matrix nevi: A multicenter prospective cohort study by the International Dermoscopy Society 2022 Academic article
Cardiorenal syndrome and the association with fitness: Data from a telerehabilitation randomized clinical trial 2022 Academic article
Telemedicine for Diabetes in Norway 2022 Abstract
How secure are your health data? 2022 Interview
Implementation of specialised attention mechanisms: ICD-10 classification of Gastrointestinal discharge summaries in English, Spanish and Swedish 2022 Academic article
Telemedicine for diabetes in Norway 2022 Poster
A Privacy-Preserving Audit and Feedback System for the Antibiotic Prescribing of General Practitioners: Survey Study 2022 Academic article
Un-shoveled driveways at patients’ houses reveal gaps in the care system 2022 Interview
Data-Driven Robust Control Using Reinforcement Learning 2022 Academic article
Henriette (25) skal forske på et alvorlig samfunnsproblem, som fører til en rekke dødsfall 2022 Interview
Pårørende trenger hjelp i jungelen av mobile hjelpemidler for kronisk syke 2022 Interview
Elektronisk innsyn i journal hjelper samer i møte med psykisk helsevern 2022 Interview
Evidence-based biomedical information systems: The road ahead 2022 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Health data security and privacy: Challenges and solutions for the future 2022 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Dataset of Consumer-Based Activity Trackers as a Tool for Physical Activity Monitoring in Epidemiological Studies During the COVID-19 Pandemic 2022 Academic article
Hvorfor er legemiddelhåndtering et sosiologisk anliggende? 2022 Feature article
Målrettede grep for å inkludere flere, sosialt og digitalt 2022 Interview
Mer samstemte legemiddellister med elektronisk multidose 2022 Interview
– Det er skummelt å tenke på hvor sårbar helsetjenesten vår er i den pågående cyberkrigen 2022 Interview
Presentasjon av Phd-prosjekt 2022 Lecture
Elektronisk legemiddelliste skal erstatta telefaksen 2022 Interview
Health workers not told they needed tech skills 2022 Interview
E-resept for medisin­doser på rull gir mange fordeler 2022 Interview
Hjemmesykepleien møter ikke alltid en måket innkjørsel når de kjører ut til en beboer 2022 Interview
Implementation of E-prescription for Multidose Dispensed Drugs: Qualitative Study of General Practitioners’ Experiences 2022 Academic article
E-health in Norway, Before and after the Covid-19 pandemic 2021 Academic lecture
Managing atopic eczema in society and the health care system 2021 Academic lecture
Correction to: Type 2 Diabetes with Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning: Methods and Evaluation (Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, (2021), 10.1007/s11831-021-09582-x) 2021 Errata
Telemedisin før og etter korona 2021 Academic lecture
Gode pasientforløp - en midtveisevaluering 2021 Report
Helsefellesskap - høring og rasjonalitetskonflikt​ 2021 Academic lecture
A Smartphone-Based Information Communication Technology Solution for Primary Modifiable Risk Factors for Noncommunicable Diseases: Pilot and Feasibility Study in Norway 2022 Academic article
Early Childhood Professionals' Management of Young Children Who Stutter: A Cross-Sectional Study 2022 Academic article
-Sammen kan vi få til det meste! 2022 Feature article
Helsearbeidere vil bli tatt på alvor om teknologi 2022 Interview
BUP Tromsø bruker digitale hjelpemidler i behandlingen. 2022 Interview
Sammen kan vi få til det meste 2022 Feature article
Psykologhjelp over nett gjør at ungdommer får raskere hjelp 2022 Interview
Experiences from using patient accessible electronic health records -a qualitative study within Sámi mental health patients in Norway 2022 Academic article
Implementation of the Flexible Assertive Community Treatment (FACT) Model in Norway: eHealth Assessment Study 2022 Academic article
Exploring Real-World mHealth Use for Diabetes Consultations: Pros and Pitfalls of a Pragmatic Mixed-Methods Approach 2021 Academic article
Citizen Engagement in Digital Health 2021 Academic lecture
Diversity in Health Informatics: Mentoring and Leadership 2021 Academic article
Association of dietary patterns with serum vitamin D concentration among Iranian adults with abdominal obesity 2021 Academic article
Diversity in Health Informatics: Mentoring and Leadership 2021 Short communication
INNSIKT - nettverkserfaringer og oppsummering 2021 Academic lecture
Pasientenes egeninnsats ved bruk av egne helsedata 2021 Academic lecture
Tilrettelagt medisininformasjon - Gravitate-Health prosjektet. 2021 Academic lecture
Helse-chatbots kan få folk til å bli mer aktive 2021 Briefs
Hvordan anbefale digitale diabetesverktøy og –tjenester? 2021 Briefs
Hvordan velge digitale diabetesverktøy og –tjenester? 2021 Briefs
Det vanskelige ekteskapet mellom teknologi og omsorg 2021 Short communication
Videokonsultasjoner 2021 Lecture
E-helse i fremtiden 2021 Academic lecture
Videobaserte verktøy til samtaler med barn og unge. 2021 Academic lecture
Digital kommunikasjon med barn og unge som er pårørende 2021 Academic lecture
Social media chatbots have a great potential for public health 2021 Briefs
How to recommend diabetes self-management tools or services 2021 Briefs
What to look for when choosing tools to manage diabetes 2021 Briefs
Designing Depression Screening Chatbots 2021 Academic article
Implementation of a shared medication list in primary care - a controlled pre-post study of medication discrepancies 2021 Academic article
Therapists’ experiences with mentalization-based treatment for avoidant personality disorder 2021 Academic article
In Limbo: Seven Families` Experiences of Encounter with Cancer Care i Norway 2021 Academic article
Personfokusert behandling hjelper skrøpelige eldre – slik gjør de det i Tromsø 2021 Interview
FoU-styrets synspunkter og forventninger til SANKS nå og fremover 2021 Academic lecture
10 år med forskernettverket i BarnsBeste: Å gjøre hverandre gode 2021 Lecture
Videobasert terapi på nett for unge som har foreldre med rusproblemer. 2021 Academic lecture
Electronic medicines management - introduksjon 2021 Lecture
Mamma Mia, en app om å bli mamma. 2021 Lecture
Emeistring - Psykisk helse på nett tilbyr asynkron behandling for angst og depresjon. 2021 Lecture
Senterleder Tine Nordgreen presenterer Forhelse, som er et senter for forskningsdrevet innovasjon. 2021 Lecture
Linn Nathalie Støme forsker på forbedring av helsetjenester hos Forhelse.  2021 Lecture
Forskningssenter for Digitale Psykiske Helsetjenester 2021 Lecture
eMM- electronic medicines management : lokale profesjonsfellesskap 1 2021 Lecture
Videokonsultasjon for unge innen psykisk helsevern 2021 Academic lecture
Barcode medication administration technology use in hospital practice: a mixed-methods observational study of policy deviations 2021 Academic article
WHO Collaborating Centre for Digital Health and Telemedicine 2021 Poster
Helsedata redder liv 2021 Feature article
Helse-apper på eget ansvar? 2021 Feature article
Møt legen på video 2021 Interview
Forslag til saker på årsmøtet i Norges Fiskarlag 2021 Feature article
Forslag til saker på årsmøtet i Norges Fiskarlag 2021 Feature article
Velferdsteknologi for barn og unge med funksjonsnedsettelser: Muligheter og utfordringer 2021 Academic lecture
eMM-prosjektpresentasjon 2021 Lecture
Extending the usefulness of the verbal memory test: The promise of machine learning 2021 Academic article
Social media chatbot for increasing physical activity: usability study 2021 Academic article
Medication dose calculation errors and other numeracy mishaps in hospitals: Analysis of the nature and enablers of incident reports 2021 Academic article
WHO report highlights innovation in Norwegian primary health care 2021 Interview
Telerehabilitation for chronic respiratory disease: A randomised controlled equivalence trial 2021 Academic article
E-health, physical activity and intellectual disability – protocol for a pilot study 2021 Abstract
Healthcare and data privacy requirements for e-health cloud: A qualitative analysis of clinician perspectives 2021 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
How does users of modern EHR perceive the usability, user resistance and productivity five years or more after implementation? 2022 Academic article
How to Retain Participants in User-centered Design? Towards Recommendations for Minimizing Dropouts 2021 Poster
Å være terapeut i en unntakstilstand: samtaleterapi på nett under koronapandemien til unge som har foreldre med rusproblemer 2021 Academic article
Rural Health and Telemedicine : Telemedicine Implementation Handbook 2020 Report
The Practice Guidelines for Multidose Drug Dispensing Need Revision—An Investigation of Prescription Problems and Interventions 2021 Academic article
PN30: Experiences from the clinic - The University Hospital of North Norways's reaction to the pandemic: A rapid shift and tempo change of earlier tedious processes 2021 Academic lecture
Introduction of Welfare Technology in Norwegian Municipalities_PhD-study 2021 Academic lecture
Participants' experiences from group-based treatment at multidisciplinary pain centres-a qualitative study 2021 Academic article
Structuring the Electronic Patient Record; an Easy Way to Improve Data Usability? 2021 Academic article
Interoperability and Governance; Important Preconditions for Establishing Large-Scale Healthcare Infrastructures like the Akson Program in Norway 2022 Academic article
Use of Ehealth Tools in Primary Health Care during the Covid-19 Pandemic 2021 Report
Community Participation by People with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 2021 Academic article
Multi-label Diagnosis Classification of Swedish Discharge Summaries – ICD-10 Code Assignment Using KB-BERT 2021 Academic article
On the Contribution of Per-ICD Attention Mechanisms to Classify Health Records in Languages With Fewer Resources than English 2021 Academic article
Foreslår digital vergetjeneste for dem som faller utenfor digitalt 2021 Interview
Videokonsultasjoner med fastlegen under pandemien 2021 Lecture
Kunstig intelligens i helsetjenesten – en stille revolusjon? 2021 Feature article
Fremskritt for e-helse gir også digitalt utenforskap 2021 Feature article
E-konsultasjon og sykmelding: Undersøkelse av erfaringer med unntak fra krav til personlig fremmøte under covid-19-pandemien 2021 Lecture
Benchmarking PySyft Federated Learning Framework on MIMIC-III Dataset 2021 Academic article
Validating Biobehavioral Technologies for Use in Clinical Psychiatry 2021 Academic article
Supporting identity and relationships amongst people with dementia through the use of technology: a qualitative interview study 2021 Academic article
Under pandemien: Pasienter fornøyde med å få sykmelding uten fysisk oppmøte 2021 Interview
Association between a genetic variant in scavenger receptor class B type 1 and its role on codon usage bias with increased risk of developing coronary artery disease 2021 Academic article
Association between serum Vitamin E concentrations and the presence of Metabolic Syndrome: A population-based cohort study 2021 Academic article
Factors determining the serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D response to vitamin D supplementation: Data mining approach 2021 Short communication
Lifestyle changes among people with type 2 diabetes are associated with participation in online groups and time since diagnosis 2021 Academic article
Use of e-Health by Healthcare Professionals vs. non-Healthcare Professionals 2021 Short communication
Lege advarer etter e-konsultasjon-studie: – Som å sammenligne epler og pærer 2021 Interview
E-konsultasjon og sykmelding - Undersøkelse av erfaringer med unntak fra krav til personlig fremmøte under covid-19-pandemien 2021 Report
Rapporterte om digitale verktøy og pandemi til WHO 2021 Interview
Greta Thunbergs diagnose gjør henne til både et forbilde og en hakkekylling 2021 Interview
Terapeutene opplevde overgangen fra fysisk- til digital terapi som brå, men bra 2021 Interview
Pasientsikkerhet: ‒ Ordningen med multidoser mangler retningslinjer 2021 Interview
Muligheter og utfordringer med velferdsteknologi for barn og unge med funksjonsnedsettelser 2021 Academic lecture
Velferdsteknologi for barn og unge med funksjonsnedsettelser - Brukererfaringer 2021 Academic lecture
Velferdsteknologi for barn og unge med funksjonsnedsettelser - 5 års forskning og utredning 2021 Academic lecture
3P-resultater fra arbeidspakke 6: Forskning på digitale løsninger. 2020 Academic lecture
Tidlig identifisering av barn som stammer- en spørreundersøkelse av helsesykepleieres vurderinger 2021 Academic article
Normative serum lipid profiles in the Iranian adult population 2021 Letter to the editor
Effect of low-fat dairy products fortified with 1500IU nano encapsulated vitamin D3 on cardiometabolic indicators in adults with abdominal obesity: a total blinded randomized controlled trial 2021 Academic article
Type 2 Diabetes with Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning: Methods and Evaluation 2021 Academic article
Predicting self-injurious thoughts in daily life using ambulatory assessment of state cognition 2021 Academic article
Association of healthy eating index and the alternative healthy eating index with the cell blood count indices 2021 Academic article
Therapists’ experience of video consultation in specialized mental health services during the COVID-19 pandemic: Qualitative interview study 2021 Academic article
Can we stop misinformation about Covid-19? 2021 Interview
Internet-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Depression: A Systematic Review and Individual Patient Data Network Meta-analysis 2021 Academic literature review
Dismantling, optimising, and personalising internet cognitive behavioural therapy for depression: a systematic review and component network meta-analysis using individual participant data 2021 Academic literature review
Impact of COVID-19 on Multiple Sclerosis Topic Discussion on Twitter 2021 Academic article
How Artificial Intelligence for Healthcare Look Like in the Future? 2021 Academic article
Criteria for Assessing and Recommending Digital Diabetes Tools: A Delphi Study 2021 Academic article
Participants’ views and experiences from setting up a shared patient portal for primary and specialist health services- a qualitative study 2021 Academic article
Innbyggerne må få helsedataene sine 2021 Feature article
Forberedelse doktorgrad - artikkelskriving 2021 Lecture
Hvordan stoppe feilinformasjon om covid-19? 2021 Interview
Norske erfaringer med videokonsultasjoner med fastlegen under pandemien 2021 Academic lecture
mHealth: Where Is the Potential for Aiding Informal Caregivers? 2021 Academic article
Engaging Social Media Users with Health Education and Physical Activity Promotion 2021 Academic article
Evidence-Based Health Informatics as the Foundation for the COVID-19 Response: A Joint Call for Action 2021 Academic article
Potential value and impact of data mining and machine learning in clinical diagnostics 2021 Academic literature review
Health Professionals’ and Patients Experience with Patients Accessing their Electronic Health Record in Norway 2021 Academic lecture
User-centred Design of a Digital Care Plan for Patients and Professionals in Cross-organisational Teams 2021 Academic lecture
User-centred Design of a Digital Care Plan for Patients and Professionals in Cross-organisational Teams 2021 Academic article
Online Attitudes and Information-Seeking Behavior on Autism, Asperger Syndrome, and Greta Thunberg. 2021 Academic article
Nytt verktøy gjør at fastleger kan sammenligne seg med andre – helt anonymt 2021 Interview
Slik kan du sammenligne praksisen din med fastlegekolleger – uten å bli identifisert 2021 Interview
Helsepersonell sliter med å få tak i informasjon om hvilke legemidler pasientene deres bruker 2021 Interview
E-konsultasjon og andre digitale tjenester med fastlegen: erfaringer og effekter for pasienter og helsetjenesten 2021 Academic lecture
Kunstig intelligens kan hjelpe diabetespasienter å trene trygt 2021 Interview
Forskjellige journalsystem skaper trøbbel for FACT-team 2021 Interview
Folk i nord kan bli mer aktive med ONWARDS 2021 Interview
Videokonsultasjoner på fastlegekontoret under pandemien 2021 Academic lecture
Status on patient-gathered health data using mHealth in diabetes 2021 Lecture
Machine Learning in Chronic Pain Research: A Scoping Review 2021 Academic literature review
In half of the cases, a video meeting with the doctor was as good as meeting in person 2021 Interview
Role of Participatory Health Informatics in Detecting and Managing Pandemics: Literature Review 2021 Academic article
Kunnskapsoppsummering om effekter av trygghets- og mestringsteknologi 2021 Report
Ustrukturerte data fra pasientjournaler kan gi bedre behandlig 2021 Interview
Elektronisk innsyn i journal for pasienter i psykisk helsevern: Helsepersonells erfaringer 2021 Academic article
Challenges and opportunities beyond structured data in analysis of electronic health records 2021 Academic literature review
Covid-19-related misinformation on social media: a systematic review 2021 Academic article
COVID-19-related misinformation on social media: a systematic review 2021 Academic article
Preservation of person-centered care through videoconferencing for patient follow-up during the covid-19 pandemic:case study of a multidisciplinary care team 2021 Academic article
Adopt, adapt, or abandon technologysupported person-centred care initiatives: healthcare providers’ beliefs matter 2021 Academic article
More thorough analyses of health data can boost patient care 2021 Interview
From Paper to E-Prescribing of Multidose Drug Dispensing: A Qualitative Study of Workflow in a Community Care Setting 2021 Academic article
Evaluation of the association between the healthy eating index and the level of serum and dietary intake of copper and zinc 2020 Academic article
Machine learning for ambulatory applications of neuropsychological testing 2020 Academic article
Denne maskinen gir deg akkurat så mye juice som blodsukkeret ditt trenger 2021 Interview
Psykisk helse under koronapandemien: Muligheter med digitale tjenester 2020 Lecture
Verdens smarteste juicedispenser? 2020 Interview
Defining participatory health informatics – a scoping review 2021 Academic literature review
Challenges Faced by Health Professionals in Obtaining Correct Medication Information in the Absence of a Shared Digital Medication List 2021 Academic article
Suitability of Video Consultations During the COVID-19 Pandemic Lockdown: Cross-sectional Survey Among Norwegian General Practitioners 2021 Academic article
Design of an Android Wear Smartwatch Application as a Wearable Interface to the Diabetes Diary Application 2021 Academic article
Telerehabilitation for chronic respiratory disease 2021 Academic literature review
Inequalities in the patterns of dermoscopy use and training across Europe: conclusions of the Eurodermoscopy pan-European survey 2020 Academic article
Technology as a Tool to Promote Nontechnical Skills in Surgical Training 2020 Academic article
What Role Can Process Mining Play in Recurrent Clinical Guidelines Issues? A Position Paper 2020 Academic article
A Dynamic Method, Analysis, and Model of Short-Term Memory for Serial Order with Clinical Applications 2020 Academic article
Grundigere analyser av helsedata kan gi pasienter bedre behandling 2021 Interview
Videomøte med fastlegen var i halvparten av tilfellene like bra som time på legekontoret 2021 Interview
Bodø vil være landets beste oppvekstkommune. De lytter til barn og unge som trenger velferdsteknologi 2021 Interview
Samskaping i digitalisering av norsk helse- og omsorgssektor: kollektive handlingsproblemer og motivasjon i en offentlig høring 2020 Academic lecture
Teknologistøttet personsentrert behandling er kommet for å bli 2020 Academic lecture
Fra telefaks til elektronisk forskrivning av multidose – hvordan påvirkes denne overgangen av uoverensstemmelser i legemiddellistene? 2020 Lecture
New tool makes it possible to do research on patient records without seeing sensitive information 2021 Interview
Digital meetings sped up app development 2021 Interview
What brings women into ehealth?: Women's career trajectories in digital transformations in health care 2020 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Reaching for the Quadruple Aim – How to design effective whole system health service improvement? (Workshop) 2020 Academic lecture
Exploring electronic phenotyping for clinical practice in Norwegian settings 2020 Report
Recommendations for enhancing the usability and understandability of process mining in healthcare 2020 Academic article
Feasibility of a home-based telerehabilitation exercise program for heart failure patients - a prospective randomized controlled trial 2020 Academic lecture
State of the Nordic Region 2020: Wellbeing, health and digitalisation edition 2020 Report
Presentation - Communication between Mentor and Mentee Using Videoconferencing in Surgical Training 2020 Academic lecture
Panel: Theme: Data Analytics and Health Management - Qualitative Data Analytics of Interactions in Remote Medicine 2020 Academic lecture
The Nordic E-health Model 2020 Academic lecture
Mitigating isolation and loneliness with technology through emotional care by social robots in remote 2020 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
SENSE-GARDEN: An innovative approach to delivering individualized reminiscence therapy in dementia care 2020 Poster
Kunnskapsoppsummering om styring og ledelse i e-helse 2021 Report
Digitale møter fikk fart på utvikling av helseapp 2021 Interview
Utforsking av elektronisk fenotyping for klinisk praksis 2020 Report
Hvordan balanserer NEHS statlig styring og kommunalt selvstyre? Protokoll for artikkel 2 2020 Academic lecture
Samstyring I e-helse: modeller og strategier for å realisere helsepolitiske mål. Presentasjon av PhD-prosjekt 2020 Academic lecture
Innføring av velferdsteknologi i kommunene - presentasjon av Phd -prosjekt 2020 Academic lecture
Digitale psykiske helsetjenester under koronapandemien 2020 Interview
Digitale psykiske helsetjenester under koronapandemien 2020 Interview
Dette er diskusjonen om hvordan det nye milliardsystemet for kommunene bør lages 2020 Interview
«Sløyfa» – en metode for analyse av risiko i klinisk arbeid i grenseflaten mellom spesialisthelsetjenesten og kommunehelsetjenesten. En egenevaluering av implementeringen i klinisk praksis 2020 Article in business/trade/industry journal
Avstandsoppfølging i spesialisthelsetjenesten – Videokonsultasjoner (VK) i psykisk helsevern. 2020 Academic lecture
People prefer stories about people with diabetes to facts about the disease 2020 Interview
Do smartphone applications and activity trackers increase physical activity in adults? Systematic review, meta-analysis and metaregression 2020 Academic literature review
WHO/Europe and Norwegian Centre for E-health Research renew partnership 2020 Interview
Så kan machine learning och AI förbättra vardagen för profession och patienter 2020 Lecture
In-Silico Evaluation of Glucose Regulation Using Policy Gradient Reinforcement Learning for Patients with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus 2020 Academic article
Samisk innsyn i pasientjournal 2020 Academic lecture
Elektronisk innsyn i pasientjournal - erfaringer fra helsepersonell og pasienter 2020 Lecture
Hvordan kan helseteknologi hjelpe under pandemier, eldrebølgen og andre helseutfordringer? 2020 Popular scientific lecture
Lørdagsuniversitetet panelsamtale: Blir alt virkelig bra igjen? 2020 Programme participation
Digitalt frokostmøte: Hvor god er Norge på persontilpasset medisin? 2020 Lecture
Helsedata: Gull eller gråstein? 2020 Lecture
Covid-19 – hvordan håndterer Norge pandemien? 2020 Lecture
Toppledersamtale 2020 Lecture
Helsedata – Norges nye plattform 2020 Lecture
Innføring av Pasientens legemiddelliste i kommunehelsetjenesten. - Status, erfaringer og utfordringer 2020 Lecture
How mHealth can facilitate collaboration in diabetes care: qualitative analysis of codesign workshops 2020 Academic article
Can chatbots motivate people to be more active? Chatbots used in social media with a public health purpose has great potential, new research shows. 2020 Interview
User-centred Design with a Remote Approach: Experiences from the Chronic Pain Project 2020 Academic lecture
Leveraging Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing for Monitoring E-health Publications 2020 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Towards a National Clinical Decision Support Framework for Norway: Expert Assessment and Proposed Architecture 2020 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Socio-technical Requirements for Expert Users to Design Structured User-Interfaces for OpenEHR-based Electronic Health Records 2020 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
The use of technology in creating individualized, meaningful activities for people living with dementia: A systematic review 2020 Academic literature review
Risk-Averse Food Recommendation Using Bayesian Feedforward Neural Networks for Patients with Type 1 Diabetes Doing Physical Activities 2020 Academic article
50 bp deletion in promoter superoxide dismutase 1 gene and increasing risk of cardiovascular disease in Mashhad stroke and heart atherosclerotic disorder cohort study 2020 Academic article
Comprehensive laboratory reference intervals for routine biochemical markers and pro-oxidant-antioxidant balance (PAB) in male adults 2020 Academic article
Dietary Inflammatory Index is associated with Healthy Eating Index, Alternative Healthing Eating Index, and dietary patterns among Iranian adults 2020 Academic article
Association of a genetic variant in the AKT gene locus and cardiovascular risk factors 2020 Academic article
Risk-Averse Food Recommendation Using Bayesian Feedforward Neural Networks for Patients with Type 1 Diabetes Doing Physical Activities 2020 Academic article
Elaborating Models of eHealth Governance: Qualitative Systematic Review 2020 Academic literature review
Can Increased Patient Involvement Reduce the Number of Surgery Cancellations? Lessons learned from a research and development project in Norway 2020 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Folk vil heller ha historier om personer med diabetes enn fakta om sykdommen 2020 Interview
Kan chatbots på sosiale medier få folk til å bevege seg mer? 2020 Interview
Koronatiden kan tvinge kommunene til å bruke mer velferdsteknologi 2020 Interview
Teledermatology in Norway using a mobile phone app 2020 Academic article
A change of focus towards patients and their technologies is needed 2020 Academic lecture
Challenges and Best Practices in Ethical Review of Human and Organizational Factors Studies in Health Technology: a Synthesis of Testimonies 2020 Academic article
Mortality decreased among sick elderly patients after better coordination of health services 2020 Interview
How do we know that a diabetes app works? 2020 Interview
Podcast: Mobile health (m-health) changes the health care services and health research 2020 Interview
Teknologi i psykisk helse og rusfeltet 2020 Other product
Pasientenes erfaringer med digital fastlegekommunikasjon 2020 Interview
Pasienter opplever bedre behandling med digital legetime 2020 Interview
What do immigrant youth and mentors need in mentoring and what are the implications for e-mentoring platforms? (POSTER PRESENTATIONS CANCELLED DUE TO COVID-19) 2020 Poster
Long term use of the telemonitoring system Diani in the therapy of a patient with type 1 diabetes 2020 Academic article
The Diabetes Digital Guidelines Project: Patient-needs study 2020 Academic lecture
Health workers got the hang of video during corona situation 2020 Interview
Factors Engaging Users of Diabetes Social Media Channels on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram: Observational Study 2020 Academic article
50 bp deletion in promoter superoxide dismutase 1 gene and increasing risk of cardiovascular disease in Mashhad stroke and heart atherosclerotic disorder cohort study 2020 Academic article
Digital Medication Management - submit your paper 2020 Other product
Forskere fra flere fagmiljøer sier de ikke blir hørt i Akson-prosjektet 2020 Interview
Hvordan vet vi at en diabetesapp virker? 2020 Interview
Piller i porsjonsposar løyser ikkje alle problem med feilmedisinering 2020 Interview
Forskere: -Ble ikke bedt om råd 2020 Interview
Nå kan forskere analysere pasientjournaler uten å se sensitiv informasjon 2020 Interview
Laget diabetes-robot 2020 Interview
Helsepersonell ønsker å fortsette med digital pasientbehandling 2020 Interview
Forskningsleder advarer Høie mot Akson 2020 Interview
Akson er feil svar på riktig spørsmål 2020 Reader opinion piece
Forskningssenter advarer mot Akson: -Langt på vei avskiltet 2020 Interview
5 års forskning: Velferdsteknologi for barn og unge med funksjonsnedsettelser 2020 Lecture
Denne maskinen vet hvor mye sukker du trenger 2020 Interview
Raspberry pi, skyen og nyutviklete algoritmer kan hjelpe diabetikere 2020 Interview
Vi søker etter helseinformasjon på nettet, men går vi til legen etterpå? 2020 Interview
Denne maskinen vet hvor mye sukker du trenger 2020 Interview
Legene bruker fortsatt faks. Nå må de over på e-resept for alle medisiner 2020 Interview
Medical pluralism in the aftermath of cancer: health seeking actions and cancer patients’ shaping of trajectories to healing 2020 Academic article
User-Centred Design with a Remote Approach: Experiences from the Chronic Pain Project 2020 Academic article
How to Enhance Digital Support for Cross-Organisational Health Care Teams? A User-Based Explorative Study 2020 Academic article
We search for health information online, but do we see the doctor afterwards? 2020 Interview
Succeeding with prolonged usage ofconsumer-based activity trackers in clinicalstudies: a mixed methods approach 2020 Academic article
The House of Carbs 2020 Interview
The House of Carbs 2020 Interview
Potentially inappropriate prescribing to older patients receiving multidose drug dispensing 2020 Academic article
House of Carbs - Personalized Carbohydrate Dispenser for People with Diabetes 2020 Other product
Combining online and offline peer support groups in community mental health care settings: A qualitative study of service users' experiences 2020 Academic article
Effekt av korona: Fastlegen går digitalt 2020 Interview
Methods and evaluation criteria for apps and digital interventions for diabetes self-management: Systematic review 2020 Academic literature review
Research advances of indoor navigation for blind people: A brief review of technological instrumentation 2020 Academic literature review
Privacy-preserving architecture for providing feedback to clinicians on their clinical performance 2020 Academic article
Corona gives rapid digitalisation in mental health services 2020 Interview
Rapport fra ekspertgruppen for datadeling i næringslivet 2020 Report
An Evaluation of Telemedicine Systems in Patient-centred Care Teams 2020 Academic article
Qualitative Evaluations of mHealth Interventions: Current Gaps and Future Directions 2020 Academic article
A Comparison of the User Experiences of Primary Care Electronic Health Record Systems 2020 Academic lecture
User-centred Design of a Mobile Application for Chronic Pain Management 2020 Academic lecture
Analysing Sentiment and Topics Related to Multiple Sclerosis on Twitter 2020 Academic article
What Do We Know About the Use of Chatbots for Public Health? 2020 Academic literature review
Healthcare workers should use social media more to share health information 2020 Interview
Patients’ use and experiences with e-consultation and other digital health services with their general practitioner in Norway: results from an online survey 2020 Academic article
User Expectations and Willingness to Share Self-collected Health Data 2020 Academic article
The House of Carbs: Personalized Carbohydrate Dispenser for People with Diabetes 2020 Academic article
Healthcare Personnel's Expectations of a System for Sharing and Using Patient‐Gathered Data 2020 Poster
How People with Type 1 Diabetes can Assist in Disease Outbreak Detection 2020 Poster
Transforming a Furby Toy into a Multi‐Modal Companion for Children with Type 1 Diabetes 2020 Poster
Discovering Blood Glucose Regulation Processes with Process Mining 2020 Poster
Cluster Detection Mechanisms for Syndromic Surveillance Systems: Systematic Review and Framework Development 2020 Academic article
Coronavirus made the GP go digital 2020 Interview
Blir vi hypokondere av å søke om helse på nett? 2020 Interview
E-helseforskerne finner mye feil, forblir likevel teknooptimister 2020 Interview
«Hele døgnet, hele uka, hele livsløpet» Velferdsteknologi som del av et helhetlig tilbud for barn og unge med funksjonsnedsettelser - En kvalitativ studie i Bodø kommune 2020 Report
Muligheter og utfordringer med velferdsteknologi for barn og unge med funksjonsnedsettelser 2020 Academic lecture
Podcast - Fastlegen går digitalt! 2020 Interview
De som jobber med psykisk helse fikk digitalt sjokk 2020 Interview
Podcast - De som jobber med psykisk helse fikk digitalt sjokk 2020 Interview
The COVID-19 Pandemic Revealed the Importance and Shortcomings of Technologies for Diabetes Support 2020 Short communication
Do you use apps or social media when you are sick? 2020 Interview
A Comparison of the User Experiences of Primary Care Electronic Health Record Systems 2020 Academic article
User-Centred Design of a Mobile Application for Chronic Pain Management 2020 Academic article
The Sociological Observation of Society as a Whole 2020 Academic article
Methods and measures used to evaluate patient-operated mobile health interventions: Scoping literature review 2020 Academic literature review
Smartphone-based computer vision travelling aids for blind and visually impaired individuals: A systematic review 2020 Academic literature review
eHealth approach for motivating physical activities of people with intellectual disabilities 2020 Academic article
Diabetesopprøret 2020 Interview
Helsepersonell bør bli mer aktive på sosiale medier 2020 Interview
Bruker du app eller sosiale medier når du er syk? 2020 Interview
Norge trenger en kunnskapsbasert e-helselov 2020 Feature article
Slik kan apper gjøre livet bedre. 2020 Article in business/trade/industry journal
Koronakrisen skaper solidaritet -kan sosiologien forklare hvordan? 2020 Reader opinion piece
Folk får bedre kontroll på helsa når de ser journalen sin 2020 Interview
Digitalisering av helsetjenester 2020 Interview
Reading your electronic health record can put you in control 2020 Interview
Ethical Considerations for Participatory Health through Social Media: Healthcare Workforce and Policy Maker Perspectives. 2020 Academic article
Patient use and experience with online access to electronic health records in Norway: Results from an online survey 2020 Academic article
Special issue on e-health services 2020 Academic article
Social media for adults 2020 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Communication between Mentor and Mentee Using Videoconferencing in Surgical Training 2020 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Factors Influencing Motivation and Engagement in Mobile Health Among Patients With Sickle Cell Disease in Low-Prevalence, High-Income Countries: Qualitative Exploration of Patient Requirements 2020 Academic article
Digitally Enhanced Mentoring for Immigrant Youth Social Capital: Protocol for a Mixed Methods Pilot Study and a Randomized Controlled Trial 2020 Academic article
Internasjonal litteraturstudie om velferdsteknologi for barn og unge med funksjonsnedsettelser 2020 Report
Tiltak for barn og ungdom med psykisk syke foreldre. Nye muligheter for hjelp og støtte 2015 Lecture
Morild - et internettbasert hjelpetilbud for barn og unge med foreldre med psykiske problemer 2015 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Evalueringsrapport DeVaVi: Desentralistert vaktsamarbeid ved bruk av videokonferanse. Evaluering av endringer i akuttjenesten for opptaksområdet til avdeling Sør, Psykisk helse og rusklinikken, UNN HF 2015 Report
Evaluering av DeVaVi: Desentralisert vaktsamarbeid ved bruk av videokonferanse. Presentasjon av kvalitative funn. 2015 Lecture
Legers erfaringer med kjernejournal 2017 Lecture
Implementering (og utbredelse) av visjonen om personsentrert behandling; Foreløpig analyse basert på Normalization Process Theory 2017 Lecture
Norge kan bli en stormakt innen helseteknologi 2017 Feature article
Bruk av app til diabetes og mat – eksempel: Diabetesdagboka 2017 Popular scientific lecture
Diabetes og behov som teknologi kan understøtte 2017 Lecture
Selvhjelpapplikasjoner - hvor står vi i dag og hva bringer morgendagen? 2017 Lecture
Velferdsteknologi for barn og unge med funksjonsnedsettelser 2017 Report
IKT-støtte for kodeverk og terminologi 2017 Report
Hvordan best behandle de med flere alvorlige sykdommer? 2017 Interview
Sosial, digital kontakt: Opplæring av eldre - erfaringer fra 2016 2017 Report
VIDEOCARE:Desentralisert akuttpsykiatri ved bruk av videokonferanse 2017 Academic lecture
Kunnskapsoppsummering: Sosial, digital kontakt for å motvirke ensomhet blant eldre 2017 Report
Utfordrer systemer og letter hverdagen 2016 Interview
Multidose i e-resept Erfaringer fra bruk av e-multidose i pilotkommuner 2016 Report
Konsept for nasjonale-helsemonitor 2016 Report
Innføring av kjernejournal ide fire helseregionene - Faktorer som fremmer og hemmer innføring av kjernejournal i spesialisthelsetjenestenfra et prosjektlederperspektiv 2016 Report
Forskningsprotokoll -VerDigVerdiskapende Digitale Samhandlingsløsninger for Pasientens helsetjeneste 2016 Report
Oversikt over tallmateriale og kartlegginger på e-helse i Norge 2016 Report
Internasjonale referansecase for bruk av helsedata 2016 Report
Barn som pårørende - fremdeles «de glemte barna»? 2016 Feature article
Helhetlige pasientforløp – gjennomføring i primærhelsetjenesten 2016 Academic article
Nettbaserte helsetjenester for alle. Hvordan utvikle og implementere allment tilgjengelige e-helsetjenester i Norge 2016 Report
PASIENTSENTRERT HELSETJENESTETEAM – en samarbeidsmodell mellom kommune og helseforetak 2016 Popular scientific article
Å leve med psykisk sykdom: Digitale medier som mestringsverktøy 2019 Academic lecture
Hvordan personlige mål til innbyggere med kroniske sykdommer defineres og overvåkes ved hjelp av IKT. Resulter fra en scoping review. 2019 Academic lecture
Hvordan personlige mål hos personer med kroniske sykdommer kan formuleres og følges ved hjelp av informasjons- og kommunikasjonsteknologi? 2018 Academic lecture
8 år med forskernettverket "Barn som pårørende" 2018 Academic lecture
Hva vet vi om barn som er pårørende? Fra forskning til handling 2018 Academic lecture
Velferdsteknologi for barn og unge med funksjonsnedsettelser 2018 Academic lecture
En kvalitativ studie: Muligheter med velferdsteknologi for barn og unge med funksjonsnedsettelser 2018 Academic article
17 år med forskning ved bruk av e-helse 2018 Popular scientific chapter/article
Barn og unge som er pårørende: Hva vet vi og hva kan vi gjøre? 2018 Academic lecture
Velferdsteknologi for barn og unge med funksjonsnedsettelser 2018 Academic lecture
Velferdsteknologi for barn og unge med funksjonsnedsettelser 2018 Academic lecture
Siste nytt og satsningsområder innen e-helse og diabetesforskning 2018 Popular scientific lecture
Involvering av pasienter i design og forskning 2018 Popular scientific lecture
Hvilken type kliniske data er viktig å samle og dele i forhold til oppfølging av personlig mål? 2017 Academic lecture
Hva er viktig i pasientens liv? 2017 Academic lecture
Hvordan personlig mål er innarbeidet i pasientens personlige plan? 2017 Academic lecture
Utilizing social media for research and development of diabetes self-management tools 2016 Poster
A Norwegian E-Health program: predictors for successful smoking cessation among more than 4,000 men and women 2016 Abstract
Making sense of changing health landscapes- new demands for research and evaluations 2016 Editorial
A Norwegian E-health Program: predictors for successful smoking cessation among more than 4,000 men and women 2016 Academic lecture
Text messaging as an addition to an internet based smoking cessation intervention: a randomized controlled trial 2016 Academic lecture
The case of E-health as a s strategic investment in the front-line in less urban areas 2016 Lecture
Patients’ online access to their health record’s log: Improving patient privacy 2016 Academic lecture
Do-It-Yourself Movement and Advanced Functions Provided by Wearable Devices in Diabetes Self-Management 2016 Academic article
Web-based consultations and counseling for parents of children with atopic dermatitis 2016 Academic lecture
On Data-Independent Properties for Density-Based Dissimilarity Measures in Hybrid Clustering 2016 Academic article
Telecare innovation, family configuration and citizenship 2016 Academic lecture
Using the CFIR framework to identify barriers and facilitators for the implementation of secure email in five settings 2016 Abstract
Facilitators and barriers affecting the implementation of eHealth patient–provider communication tools into routine clinical practice 2016 Academic lecture
Are physical activity and benefits maintained after long-term telerehabilitation in COPD? 2016 Academic article
Implementation of secure email to clinical practice – facilitators and barriers 2016 Poster
Text messaging as an addition to an internet based smoking cessation intervention: a randomized controlled trial. 2016 Abstract
The act of balancing expectations towards use of an interactive e-health intervention for collaboration and recovery in mental health 2016 Academic lecture
mHealth Assessment: conceptualization of a global framework 2016 Abstract
The potential use of patient-gathered data from mHealth tools: suggestions based on an RCT-study 2016 Abstract
The opportunity to evaluate the impact of our changing health care system through archetypes and reinforced use of medical coding 2016 Abstract
An Internet-based collaboration tool for personal recovery: How did service users and providers address and align expectations about collaborating through the tool? 2016 Academic lecture
Software-based motivational mechanisms – improved motivation with gamification 2016 Academic lecture
25 years history of the development of telemedicine in northern Norway 2016 Academic lecture
Mobile Communication in Hospitals: Is It Still a Problem? 2016 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Motivation in mHealth, eHealth and telemedicine 2016 Academic lecture
Literatures Review of Telemedicine Services in Maritime and Extreme Weather 2016 Poster
Literatures Review of Telemedicine Services in Maritime and Extreme Weather 2016 Abstract
Integrating data from apps, wearables and personal Electronic Health Record (pEHR) systems with clinicians’ Electronic Health Records (EHR) systems 2016 Abstract
mHealth data-sharing system to improve communication during consultations: Type 1 diabetes patients’ perspective during the FI-STAR study 2016 Abstract
Better glucose regulation through enabling group-based motivational mechanisms in cloud-based solutions like Nightscout 2016 Abstract
Warning: the Do-It-Yourself (DIY) wave will drastically change diabetes care! 2016 Abstract
Unintended Consequences of Tele Health and their Possible Solutions 2016 Academic article
Innovative Physiotherapy and Continuity of Care in People with Multiple Sclerosis: A Randomized Controlled Trial and a Qualitative Study 2016 Academic article
Maintenance of physical activity and health outcomes after long-term telerehabilitation in COPD 2016 Academic lecture
Patient-Centred Healthcare Team Work Practice, Experiences, and Estimated Benefits 2016 Academic article
Human Factors for Nursing: From In-Situ Testing to Mobile Usability Engineering. 2016 Academic article
Developing and implementing patients' full-scale electronic access to their health record 2016 Academic article
Telemonitoring in Cystic Fibrosis: A 4-year Assessment and Simulation for the Next 6 Years. 2016 Academic article
Which indicators for measuring the daily physical activity? An overview on the challenges and technology limits for Telehealth applications 2016 Academic literature review
Secure and scalable statistical computation of questionnaire data in R 2016 Academic article
The balancing act. A study of coordination work in hospitals 2016 Poster
System for enabling clinicians to relate to a mobile health app: Preliminary results of the Norwegian trial in the EU FI-STAR project 2016 Abstract
The Use of eHealth and Provider-Based Health Services by Patients with Diabetes Mellitus: Protocol for a Cross-Sectional Study 2016 Academic article
Managing everyday life: Exploring an online self-help group for adolescents with a mentally ill parent. 2016 Academic lecture
Randomised controlled trial of telemonitoring with addition of daily forced oscillation in older people with COPD and co-morbidity 2016 Academic lecture
Telerehabilitation 2016 Lecture
Telerehabilitering 2016 Academic lecture
Strengthening EU policies in support of ICT for development: Results from a survey of
ICT experts 2016 Academic article
Support vector feature selection for early detection of anastomosis leakage from bag-of-words in electronic health records 2016 Academic article
An examination of the language construct in NIMH's research domain criteria: Time for reconceptualization! 2016 Academic literature review
Designing mHealth tools empowering people with sickle cell disease 2016 Poster
The Learning Healthcare System: Where are we now? A systematic review 2016 Academic literature review
Designing mHealth tools empowering people with sickle cell disease 2016 Abstract
Towards Process Support in Information Technologies for the Healthcare Sector: The Context-Aware Methodology 2016 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
The Value of Clinical Information Models and Terminology for Sharing Clinical Information 2016 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Designing User Interfaces for Personal Health Assessment Questionaires: A Report From a Pilot Study 2016 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Proceedings from the Eighth International Conference on Information, Process, and Knowledge Management 2016 Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Learning and Knowledge-Based Adaptive Human-Machine Interaction 2016 Lecture
Adoption of routine telemedicine in Norwegian hospitals: progress over 5 years 2016 Academic article
Long-term integrated telerehabilitation of COPD Patients: A multicentre randomised controlled trial (iTrain) 2016 Academic article
Information and communications technologies in low and middle-income countries: Survey results on economic development and health 2016 Academic article
What are diabetes patients discussing on social media? 2016 Abstract
Establishing ICT governance for regional information infrastructures in healthcare 2016 Academic article
Weekly pattern for online information seeking on HIV - A multi-language study 2016 Academic article
"My cancer is not my deepest concern": life course disruption influencing patient pathways  and health care needs among persons living with  colorectal cancer 2016 Academic article
Publication, discovery and interoperability of clinical decision support systems: a linked data approach 2016 Academic article
Use of social media for sexual health promotion: a scoping review 2016 Academic literature review
Consensus on Norwegian archetypes 2016 Short communication
Continuous leg dyskinesia assessment in Parkinson's disease -clinical validity and ecological effect 2016 Academic article
User-centric ehealth tool to address the psychosocial effects of sickle cell disease 2016 Academic article
Effectiveness of an Internet Community for Severely Obese Women 2016 Academic lecture
Digital Users in Pre-Digital Hospital Organisations? An Analysis on the Readiness for Electronic Communication Between a Hospital and Surgical Patients 2016 Academic article
Effectiveness of an Internet Community for Severely Obese Women 2016 Academic article
Play and Learn: Developing a Social Game for Children with Diabetes 2016 Academic article
Serious Game Co-Design for Children with Type 1 Diabetes 2016 Academic lecture
Serious game co-design for children with type 1 diabetes 2016 Academic article
Telemedicine tools for automated generation of diabetes diary 2016 Poster
Serious Gaming in Diabetes: Combining Apps and Gaming Principles in a Holistic Diabetes Environment 2016 Poster
Wearable Computing in Diabetes – Advanced Functions Enabled by Smartwatches 2016 Poster
Designing motivational and educational diabetes video games involving children as a creative resource 2016 Poster
Utilizing technology and alternative approaches for displaying vital information and creating engagement for children and adolescents with diabetes 2016 Poster
Using Online Forums to Better Understand Motivations Behind Technology Uptake Among Type 2 Diabetes Patients, Using CGM as the Use-Case 2016 Poster
Barriers to the Success of Health ICT Implementations – A Report from Norway 2016 Poster
Evaluation of a Context-Specific Communication System Based on Smartphones. A field study of use and nurses’ expectations 2016 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Barriers to the Success of Health ICT Implementations – A Report from Norway 2016 Academic article
Evaluation of an educational programme with workshops for families of children with food allergies 2016 Academic article
Promoting Patient Voices on the Internet. Ethical considerations about web-based dissemination of research on patient narratives. 2016 Academic article
Promoting Patient Voices on the Internet. Ethical considerations about web-based dissemination of research on patient narratives. 2016 Academic lecture
Concept Testing Toward a Patient-Validated Information Architecture. Prototype Development of Healthtalk 2016 Academic article
Concept Testing Toward a Patient-Validated Information Architecture. Prototype Development of Healthtalk 2016 Academic lecture
Predicting colorectal surgical complications using heterogeneous clinical data and kernel methods 2016 Academic article
Utilizing social media for research and developement of diabetes self-management tools. 2016 Abstract
eTELEMED 2016, The Eighth International Conference on eHealth, Telemedicine and Social Medicine 2016 Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Collecting evidence about ehealth implementation in the Nordic Countries 2016 Academic article
Electronic Disease Surveillance System Based on Inputs from People with Diabetes: An Early Outbreak Detection Mechanism 2016 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Proceedings from The 14th Scandinavian Health Informatics Conference 2016 2016 Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Evaluation of a Context Specific Communcation System Based on Smartphone. Nurses Use and Experiences 2016 Academic article
Motivation: Lessons learned from 15 years with self-management systems for people with diabetes 2016 Academic lecture
Motivation, health care, technology, and design 2016 Academic lecture
Some examples of motivation mechanisms from the diabetes group at UNN and a tiny bit of theory 2016 Academic lecture
Wearable Computing in Diabetes: Advanced Functions Enabled by Smartwatches 2016 Abstract
Designing motivational and educational diabetes video games involving children as a creative resource 2016 Abstract
Utilizing technology and alternative approaches for displaying vital information and creating engagement for children and adolescents with diabetes 2016 Abstract
Using Online Forums to Better Understand Motivations Behind Technology Uptake Among Type 2 Diabetes Patients, Using CGM as the Use-Case 2016 Abstract
Serious Gaming in Diabetes: Combining Apps and Gaming Principles in a Holistic Diabetes Environment 2016 Abstract
A systematic review of the characteristics and validity of monitoring technologies to assess Parkinson's disease 2016 Academic article
Adherence and factors affecting satisfaction in long-term telerehabilitation for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a mixed methods study 2016 Academic article
Assessment of mast in european patient-centered telemedicine pilots 2016 Academic article
Concepts of ‘self’ in delusion resolution 2016 Academic article
On the Development of a Hospital-Patient Web-Based Communication Tool: A Case Study From Norway 2015 Academic article
Web-based video conferencing: is healthcare ready for an update? 2015 Academic lecture
Interoperable archetypes with a three folded terminology governance 2015 Short communication
Integrating visual dietary documentation in mobile-phone-based self-management application for adolescents with type 1 diabetes 2015 Academic article
Semantic interoperability in clinical decision support systems: a systematic review 2015 Short communication
Online Telemonitoring System of Diabetes – Supervision and Management of Patient Treatment for Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus 2015 Academic article
Experience with Design of a Smartwatch Diabetes Diary Application 2015 Academic article
Follow-up in Cystic Fibrosis Patients by Telemedicine assistance. 2015 Academic article
Telerehabilitation and self-management. Experiences from a long-term maintenance exercise program for COPD patients 2015 Lecture
Lung function assessed by home Forced Oscillation and self reported symptoms during COPD exacerbations 2015 Poster
Internettbasert Spørsmål- og Svartjeneste i klinisk praksis - Evaluering av implementeringen 2015 Academic lecture
Implementing an internet-based patient-provider communication service (secure email) into clinical practice - critical factors 2015 Academic lecture
Comprehensive pulmonary rehabilitation in home-based online groups: A mixed method pilot study in COPD 2015 Academic article
How do we deal with multiple goals for care within an individual patient trajectory? A document content analysis of health service research papers on goals for care 2015 Academic literature review
Archetype-based data warehouse environment to enable the reuse of electronic health record data 2015 Academic article
The Contextualization of Archetypes: Clinical Template Governance 2015 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Interoperable Archetypes With a Three-Folded Terminology Governance 2015 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Using the consolidated framework for implementation research to identify barriers and facilitators for the implementation of an internet-based patient-provider communication service in five settings: A qualitative study 2015 Academic article
Mobile Health: Empowering patients and driving change 2015 Academic article
Is there a weekly pattern for health information searching and is the pattern unique to health topics? 2015 Academic article
Clinical parameters and tools for home-based assessment of Parkinson's disease: Results from a delphi study 2015 Academic article
Implementing and up-scaling evidence-based eMental health in Europe: The study protocol for the MasterMind project 2015 Academic article
Mobile applications for people with diabetes published between 2010 and 2015 2015 Academic article
Computer-aided decision support for melanoma detection applied on melanocytic and non-melanocytic skin lesions: a comparison of two systems based on automatic analysis of dermoscopic images 2015 Academic article
Long-term exercise maintenance in COPD via telerehabilitation: effects from a 2-year pilot study 2015 Lecture
Secretaries’ role in EHR Documentation and the Implications of Establishing a Structured EHR System 2015 Academic article
The role of medical transcriptionists in producing high-quality documentation 2015 Academic article
On the Development of a Hospital-Patient Web-Based Communication Tool: A Case Study From Norway 2015 Academic lecture
Camera Movement during Telementoring and Laparoscopic Surgery: Challenges and Innovative Solutions 2015 Academic lecture
Adherence and factors affecting satisfaction in long-term telerehabilitation for COPD patients 2015 Poster
ePoint.telemed: An Open Web-based Platform for Home Monitoring of Patients with Chronic Heart Failure 2015 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
ePoint.telemed: An Open Web-based Platform for Home Monitoring of Patients with Chronic Heart Failure 2015 Academic lecture
Video-recorded Observations of Surgical Telementoring Approaching collaboration among laparoscopic surgeons using videoconference 2015 Academic article
Day to day management and ICT implementation 2015 Lecture
Polish-Norwegian Cooperation for Integrated Care and Telemedicine. NST – History and Main Achievements 2015 Report
Lessons learned from 25 years with telemedicine in Northern Norway 2015 Academic monograph
Middle Managers' Experiences and Role in Implementing an Interactive Tailored Patient Assessment eHealth Intervention in Clinical Practice 2015 Academic article
Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of the PAtient-Centred Team (PACT) model: protocol of a prospective matched control before and after study 2015 Academic article
How to Measure Costs and Benefits of E-health Interventions; an Overview of Methods and Frameworks 2015 Academic article
An Economic Model of Remote Specialist Consultations using Videoconferencing 2015 Academic article
From unstructured EHR text to data-driven clinical decision support 2015 Abstract
The video-gaze in psychiatric emergency care. 2015 Academic lecture
Patient - physican - nurse roles in videoconferenced psychiatric emergency care 2015 Academic lecture
On the Need for Interdisciplinary Teams in Health IT Design 2015 Academic lecture
eKNOW 2015, The Seventh International Conference on Information, Process, and Knowledge Management 2015 Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Multidisciplinary Modelling of Symptoms and Signs with Archetypes and SNOMED-CT for Clinical Decision Support 2015 Academic article
Privacy-preserving Statistical Query and Processing on Distributed OpenEHR Data 2015 Academic article
Data-driven Temporal Prediction of Surgical Site Infection 2015 Academic article
What can be learned by analyzing patient-gathered data from a self-management diabetes app 2019 Abstract
Self-recruited T2D patients' engagement in a self-management tool: Feedback and suggestions 2019 Poster
Self-recruited T2D patients'engagement in a self-management tool: Feedback and suggestions 2019 Abstract
System for automatic estimation and delivery of quickly-absorbable carbohydrates 2019 Poster
System for automatic estimation and delivery of quickly-absorbable carbohydrates 2019 Abstract
Establishing Baseline in the Status of E-health Research in Norway 2019 Academic lecture
Health promotion priorities for diabetes: Results of a Delphi study 2019 Abstract
Group-Based Individualized Comprehensive Core Stability Intervention Improves Balance in Persons With Multiple Sclerosis: A Randomized Controlled Trial 2019 Academic article
Twitter revealed a more positive attitude towards type 1 diabetes 2019 Interview
Ambulatory vocal acoustics, temporal dynamics, and serious mental illness 2019 Academic article
Employing a User-Centered Cognitive Walkthrough to Evaluate a mHealth Diabetes Self-Management Application: A Case Study and Beginning Method Validation 2019 Academic article
What are diabetes patients versus health care personnel discussing on social media? 2019 Academic article
Cost-Effectiveness of Telemedicine in Remote Orthopedic Consultations: Randomized Controlled Trial 2019 Academic article
Health Analytics,current data situation and use in Norway 2018 Lecture
Artificial Intelligence based on real world data 2018 Academic lecture
Socio-technical Challenges of Large-Scale EPR Standardization in Healthcare. 2018 Doctoral dissertation
Children of parent with illness 2018 Academic lecture
Seven years of telemedicine in Medecins Sans Frontieres demonstrate that offering direct specialist expertise in the frontline brings clinical and educational value 2018 Academic article
Using Adaptive Immersive Environments to Stimulate Emotional Expression and Connection in Dementia Care - Insights from User Perspectives towards SENSE-GARDEN 2018 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hyperspectral image analysis for skin cancer 2018 Lecture
Nevus doctor – Clinical decision support for primary care physicians 2018 Poster
eCAP: E-health Services for Child- and Adolescent Psychiatry 2018 Academic lecture
Quality of prescribing for Norwegian elderly patients using automated multidose dispensed drugs 2018 Academic lecture
The Service User Technology Acceptability Questionnaire: Psychometric Evaluation of the Norwegian Version 2018 Academic article
Assessing Values In National And Regional Governance Of E-health 2018 Abstract
“What matters to you?” A longitudinal qualitative study of Norwegian patients’ perspectives on their pathways with colorectal cancer 2018 Academic article
Space for reminiscence therapy and multisensory stimulation in Sensegarden 2018 Poster
Modern technology and reminiscence therapy for people with dementia 2018 Academic lecture
Relations between the use of electronic health and the use of general practitioner and somatic specialist visits in patients with type 1 diabetes: Cross-sectional study 2018 Academic article
Modeling self-reported and observed affect from speech 2018 Academic article
The Norwegian Primary Care Research Network - Implementation and research; challenges and results so far 2018 Academic lecture
Doctors are not using summary care records as intended 2018 Interview
Negation detection in Norwegian medical text: Porting a Swedish NegEx to Norwegian. Work in progress 2018 Poster
Diabetes patients want more information about research 2018 Interview
Clinical videoconferencing as ehealth: A critical-realist review and qualitative meta-synthesis 2018 Academic literature review
The Impact of telementoring 2018 Academic lecture
The Impact of Telementoring 2018 Academic article
Preferences and interests of diabetes social media users regarding a health-promotion intervention 2018 Academic article
VIDEOCARE: Decentralised psychiatric emergency care through videoconferencing 2018 Academic lecture
The Role of a Disruptive Digital Technology for Home- based Healthcare of the Elderly: Telepresence Robot 2018 Academic literature review
Diabetes on Twitter: A sentiment analysis 2018 Academic article
Correction: The association between commonly investigated user factors and various types of ehealth use for self-care of type 2 diabetes: Case of first-generation immigrants from Pakistan in the oslo area, Norway (Journal of Medical Internet Research 2018 Errata
Digitized patient–provider interaction: How does it matter? A qualitative meta-synthesis 2018 Academic article
A systematic review of trials evaluating success factors of interventions with computerised clinical decision support 2018 Academic literature review
Exploring the Use of Context-Awareness in Scheduling Methods to Approach the Patient Planning Problem 2018 Academic article
A Method for Reporting of Variance in Informal Care Pathways 2018 Academic article
The evolution of clinicians’ preparedness for mHealth use (2013-2017) and current barriers 2018 Academic article
Making computer games that can teach children with Type 1 diabetes in rural areas how to manage their condition 2018 Academic article
A systematic review of cluster detection mechanisms in syndromic surveillance: Towards developing a framework of cluster detection mechanisms for EDMON system 2018 Academic literature review
Analysing mHealth usage logs in RCTs: Explaining participants’ interactions with type 2 diabetes self-management tools 2018 Academic article
A Systematic Review of Cluster Detection Mechanisms in Syndromic Surveillance: Towards Developing a Framework of Cluster Detection Mechanism for EDMON System 2018 Academic lecture
The Evolution of Clinicians’ Preparedness for mHealth Use (2013-2017) and Current Barriers 2018 Academic lecture
Making Computer Games that Can Teach Children with Type 1 Diabetes in Rural Areas How to Manage Their Condition 2018 Academic lecture
Engaging and empowering citizens with long-term conditions: How to define personal goals and how to support the goal achievement with technology? 2018 Academic lecture
Establishing an Evidence Based Knowledge Platform for Norwegian Healthcare 2018 Poster
Establishing an Evidence Based Knowledge Platform for Norwegian Healthcare 2018 Academic lecture
Growing an information infrastructure forhealthcare based on the development of largescaleElectronic Patient Records 2018 Doctoral dissertation
Value-based Governance of E-Health in National and Regional Contexts 2018 Poster
Governance and Leadership in Electronic Health Record Implementation: A Knowledge Summary 2018 Poster
Nature-Inspired Radar Charts as an Innovative Big Data Analysis Tool 2018 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Improving clinical decision support 2018 Website (informational material)
Design and development of a context-aware knowledge-based module for identifying relevant information and information gaps in patients with type 1 diabetes self-collected health data 2018 Academic article
Policies Make Coherent Care Pathways a Personal Responsibility for Clinicians: A Discourse Analysis of Policy Documents about Coordinators in Hospitals 2018 Academic article
Workshop on privacy-preserving statistical computation with Statistics Norway 2018 Report
Health Analytics 2018 Report
Telerehabilitation for chronic respiratory disease 2018 Academic article
A person-centered integrated care quality framework, based on a qualitative study of patients' evaluation of care in light of chronic care ideals 2018 Academic article
Reconnecting with Past and Present: Personalizing Sensory Stimulated Reminiscence Through Immersive Technologies – Developing a Multidisciplinary Perspective on the SENSE-GARDEN Room 2018 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Acceptability of an mHealth app intervention for persons with type 2 diabetes and its associations with initial self-management: Randomized controlled trial 2018 Academic article
Corrigendum to "Patient Access to Electronic Health Records: Differences Across Ten Countries" [Health Policy and Technology, 7 (2018), 44-56] 2018 Errata
Social media use in interventions for diabetes: Rapid evidence-based review 2018 Academic literature review
Methods to Evaluate the Effects of Internet-Based Digital Health Interventions for Citizens: Systematic Review of Reviews 2018 Academic literature review
Participatory Health and Social Media in the age of fake news 2018 Academic lecture
Big data in medical research and e-health 2018 Lecture
Building Learning Healthcare Systems from big data: Challenges and promises 2018 Lecture
Factors Determining the Success and Failure of eHealth Interventions: Systematic Review of the Literature 2018 Academic literature review
Monitoring and Benchmarking eHealth in the Nordic Countries 2018 Academic article
The role of pathology in diagnostic work 2018 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
The Summary Care Record, a symbol of shared patient information A qualitative analysis of doctors' perceptions of shared information systems 2018 Academic lecture
Telerehabilitation versus traditional centre- based pulmonary rehabilitation for people with chronic respiratory disease: protocol for a randomised controlled trial 2018 Academic article
Exploring In-Game Reward Mechanisms in Diaquarium – A Serious Game for Children with Type 1 Diabetes 2018 Academic lecture
Exploring In-Game Reward Mechanisms in Diaquarium – A Serious Game for Children with Type 1 Diabetes 2018 Academic article
Social media as enabler of health research 2018 Academic lecture
The use of gamification in empowerment 2018 Academic lecture
Social media for health promotion in diabetes: Study protocol for a participatory public health intervention design 2018 Academic article
Diabetes social media users’ preferences for a health promotion intervention 2018 Poster
Telemonitoring in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (chromed) a randomized clinical trial 2018 Academic article
Disease-specific clinical pathways - are they feasible in primary care? : a mixed-methods study 2018 Academic article
The Norwegian National Summary Care Record: a qualitative analysis of doctors’use of and trust in shared patient information 2018 Academic article
Keeping one step ahead: A qualitative study among Norwegian health-care providers in hospitals involved in care coordination for patients with complex needs 2018 Academic article
Design better together: Co-design workshop protocol to develop an m-diabetes data sharing system between patients and clinicians 2018 Poster
Improving education of medical studens by involving a telemedical system for diabetes into lectures 2018 Poster
Improving education of medical students by involving a telemedical system for diabetes into lectures 2018 Abstract
Stepwise treatment concept proposed for an m-health enabled diabetes intervention 2018 Poster
Stepwise treatment concept proposed for an m-health enabled diabetes intervention 2018 Abstract
The necessity of using mixed methods for assessment of mHealth interventions: Application in the "Full Flow of Datasharing" project. 2018 Abstract
The necessity of using mixed methods for assessment of mHealth interventions: Application in the "Full Flow of Datasharing" Project 2018 Poster
Utilizing the New Generation of Wearable Devices in a Combined Diabetes Diary Application 2018 Poster
Extended Glucose Monitoring through the use of Group-based Internet of Things Mini Displays 2018 Poster
Extended Glucose Monitoring through the use of Group-based Internet of Things Mini Displays 2018 Abstract
A FHIR-based data flow enabling patients to share self-collected data with the Norwegian national healthcare systems and electronic health record systems 2018 Poster
A FHIR-based data flow enabling patients to share self-collected data with the Norwegian national healthcare systems and electronic health record systems 2018 Abstract
Using Fitness Trackers and Smartwatches to Measure Physical Activity in Research: Analysis of Consumer Wrist-Worn Wearables 2018 Academic article
Round table: Drivers and Barriers for a Paradigm Shift in Health. 2018 Academic lecture
Research and industry collaboration potential in H2020 2018 Lecture
Patient access to electronic health records: Differences across ten countries 2018 Academic article
The symbolic affordances of a video-mediated gaze in emergency psychiatry 2018 Academic article
An online source of information for diabetes mellitus patients—a neglected opportunity for a developing region like Sub-Saharan Africa 2018 Letter to the editor
A Significant Increase in The Risk for Exposure Of Health Information In The United States. Result from Analysing the US Data Breach Registry 2017 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
The use of an acceptance test for accessing an electronic information system 2017 Poster
The impact of dermoscopy on melanoma detection in the practice of dermatologists in Europe: results of a pan-European survey. 2017 Academic article
Transforming Care Towars a Culture of Person-Centeredness:Practical approaches 2017 Lecture
Implementation of telemedicine in Norway and potential for successful integration in Helseplattformen 2017 Lecture
Prom and prem data in Norwegian primary care 2017 Lecture
Beyond Clinical Decision Support: Enabling Process Management in Healthcare 2017 Lecture
Self-documentation and Patient Engagement with Helseplattformen in Mental Healthcare 2017 Lecture
Closed loop medication 2017 Poster
Complex integrations in health care 2017 Academic article
Medication, integrations and practice 2017 Academic article
Generification in change: the complexity of modelling the healthcare domain 2017 Academic article
Using mobile sensors to expand recording of physical activity and increase motivation for prolonged data sharing in a population-based study 2017 Academic article
OPTimized eHealth for Individuals with Multi-morbidity And Long-Term needs - OPTIMAL 2017 Poster
Person-centered care (PCC) - what is it really? 2017 Poster
Implementation of e-health in Norway and Evaluation of digital health services for citizens and health professionals 2017 Lecture
Experiences from Norway 2017 Academic lecture
Impact of Patient Accessible EHRs – An Interactive Workshop to Share Experiences and Explore Evaluation Approaches 2017 Lecture
E-health Services for Patient Centred Healthcare Teams 2017 Lecture
eCAP - eHealth Services for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Using Multi Professional Collaboration 2017 Lecture
Implementation of OpenEHR in Combination with Clinical Terminologies:Experiences from Norway 2017 Academic article
Nasjonal kjernejournal: en selvstendig løsning, eller et første steg på veien til noe annet? 2017 Academic lecture
Health data analytics 2017 Lecture
Big data is here – from ICT-driven to data driven health care 2017 Lecture
PoDMan: Policy deviation management 2017 Academic article
Infrastructure for the Learning Healthcare System: Centralized or Distributed? 2017 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Systems integrating self-collected health data by patients into EHRs and medical systems: a State-of-the-art review 2017 Academic literature review
Challenges in Archetypes Terminology Binding Using SNOMED-CT Compositional Grammar: the Norwegian Patient Summary Case 2017 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bridging the Gap Between the Social and the Technical: The Enrolment of Socio-Technical Information Architects to Cope with the TwoLevel Model of EPR Systems 2017 Academic article
Proceedings from The 15th Scandinavian Conference on Health Informatics 2017 Kristiansand, Norway, August 29–30, 2017 2017 Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
The Politics of Establishing ICT Governance for Large-Scale Healthcare Information Infrastructures 2017 Academic article
Exploring factors associated with the uneven utilization of telemedicine in Norway: a mixed methods study 2017 Academic article
Empowering patients with longterm conditions by supporting development of e-personal goals 2017 Short communication
Comparison of computer systems and ranking criteria for automatic melanoma detection in dermoscopic images 2017 Academic article
Diabetes self-management research: How to motivate patients to stay healthy using mHealth and eHealth technology 2017 Lecture
Resiliency at work (R@W): Digital innovations by and for at-risk youth to enhance social inclusion, health and employment 2017 Poster
Identifying Personal Goals of Patients With Long Term Conditions: A Service Design Thinking Approach 2017 Poster
Can an e-recovery portal play a role in shifting practices towards recovery? 2017 Academic lecture
Mobile Phone Apps for Quality of Life and Well-Being Assessment in Breast and Prostate Cancer Patients: Systematic Review 2017 Academic literature review
Exploring Working Relationships in Mental Health Care via an E-Recovery Portal: Qualitative Study on the Experiences of Service Users and Health Providers 2017 Academic article
EDMON - A Wireless Communication Platform for a Real-Time Infectious Disease Outbreak Detection System Using Self-Recorded Data from People with Type 1 Diabetes 2017 Academic lecture
Blockchain and Digital Health 2017 Report
Ontology-based Terminology for Healthcare – Impact assessment and transitional consequences for implementation 2017 Report
Rebooting kirkpatrick: integrating information system theory into the evaluation of web-based continuing professional development interventions for interprofessional education 2017 Academic literature review
The Epital Care Model: A New Person-Centered Model of Technology-Enabled Integrated Care for People With Long Term Conditions 2017 Academic article
Does proximity of women to facilities with better choice of contraceptives affect their contraceptive utilization in rural Ethiopia? 2017 Academic article
An Early Infectious Disease Outbreak Detection Mechanism Based on Self-Recorded Data from People with Diabetes 2017 Academic lecture
Person-centered, cross organizational and multiprofessional team halves mortality risk. The PAtient Centered Care Team (PACT) Study – Preliminary results from a comparative effectiveness study 2017 Abstract
Using cloud-based physical activity data from Google Fit and Apple HealthKit to expand recording of physical activity data in a population study 2017 Academic lecture
An Early Infectious Disease Outbreak Detection Mechanism Based on Self-Recorded Data from People with Diabetes 2017 Academic article
EDMON - A Wireless Communication Platform for a Real-Time Infectious Disease Outbreak Detection System Using Self-Recorded Data from People with Type 1 Diabetes 2017 Academic article
mDiabetes 2017 Popular scientific lecture
Motivational Mechanisms for People with Diabetes 2017 Academic lecture
mDiabetes 2017 Lecture
Changing Health Technology Assessment Paradigms – Rethinking Basic Assumptions for e-HTA? 2017 Academic lecture
User-driven standardization of common clinical information models: Organizational implications. 2017 Lecture
mHealth and Diabetes 2017 Lecture
The ‘Holy Grail’ of Interoperability of Health Information Systems: Challenges and Implications 2017 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
DIY, social media, cloud-based solutions, mHealth and diabetes – how patients take control of their diabetes 2017 Academic lecture
Using cloud-based physical activity data from Google Fit and Apple HealthKit to expand recording of physical activity data in a population study 2017 Academic article
Electronic health record data reuse infrastructure requirements 2017 Report
The characteristic flux of the e-health definition 2017 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
The digital health revolution is happening now 2017 Lecture
Alarm Fatigue vs User Expectations Regarding Context-Aware Alarm Handling in Hospital Environments Using CallMeSmart 2017 Academic lecture
Alarm Fatigue vs User Expectations Regarding Context-Aware Alarm Handling in Hospital Environments Using CallMeSmart 2017 Academic article
Combining multivariate statistics and the think-aloud protocol to assess Human-Computer Interaction barriers in symptom checkers 2017 Academic article
Identifying patients' needs 2017 Academic lecture
Basic assumptions in RCTs contrasting empirical development of ICT? Alternative approaches for e-HTA 2017 Abstract
A qualitative study of the implementation and use of a national information system 2017 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Using anchors from free text in electronic health records to diagnose postoperative delirium 2017 Academic article
A web- based acceptance test for accessing the use of an electronic information system 2017 Poster
A qualitative study of the implementation and use of a national information system 2017 Academic lecture
Developing HTA designs for e-health: a systematic review of reviews 2017 Poster
Systems integrating self-collected health data by patients into EHRs and medical systems: a State-of-the-art review 2017 Lecture
mHealth Assessment: Conceptualization of a Global Framework 2017 Academic article
The Association Between Commonly Investigated User Factors and Various Types of eHealth Use for Self-Care of Type 2 Diabetes:Case of First-Generation Immigrants From Pakistan in the Oslo Area, Norway 2017 Academic article
Health and technology in a Norwegian context 2017 Academic lecture
How to involve the users in the large scale work with openEHR archetypes in Norway? 2017 Academic article
Assessing an Electronic Health Record (EHR): How Do Basic Assumptions in Traditional Health Technology Assessment (HTA), and Empirical Features Fit? 2017 Academic article
Transitions from biomedical to recovery-oriented practices in mental health: A scoping review to explore the role of Internet-based interventions 2017 Academic article
Proms and prems in Norwegian primary care 2017 Academic lecture
LocLess: Do you really care where your cloud files are? 2017 Academic article
Telemedicine Services for the Arctic: A systematic review 2017 Academic literature review
Thoughts About Disordered Thinking: Measuring and Quantifying the Laws of Order and Disorder 2017 Short communication
Healthcare representatives tweeting about #diabetes: Follow the leaders! 2017 Poster
Can RDoC help find order in thought disorder? 2017 Short communication
Infrastructuring in healthcare through the OpenEHR architecture 2017 Academic article
Clinical Data Reuse or Secondary Use: Current Status and Potential Future Progress 2017 Academic article
Evaluating patient empowerment in welfare technology and m-health tools as part of introducing new health care systems 2017 Academic lecture
Shifting Practices Toward Recovery-Oriented Care Through an E-Recovery Portal in Community Mental Health Care: A Mixed-Methods Exploratory Study 2017 Academic article
Analysis of free text in electronic health records for identification of cancer patient trajectories 2017 Academic article
Usefullness of videoconferencing in psychiatric emergencies - a qualitative study 2017 Academic article
Expanding Functionality of a Diabetes Smartwatch Application 2017 Abstract
Expanding Functionality of a Diabetes Smartwatch Application 2017 Academic lecture
An early infectious disease outbreak detection system based on self-recorded data from people with diabetes 2017 Poster
An early infectious disease outbreak detection system based on self-recorded data from people with diabetes 2017 Abstract
Data Driven Blood Glucose Prediction: Interval vs. Point Blood Glucose Prediction? 2017 Poster
Data Driven Blood Glucose Prediction: Interval vs. Point Blood Glucose Prediction? 2017 Abstract
Impact of Facebook ads for sexual health promotion via an educational web app: A case study 2017 Academic article
Secure and scalable deduplication of horizontally partitioned health data for privacy-preserving distributed statistical computation 2017 Academic article
Long-term exercise maintenance in COPD via telerehabilitation: a two-year pilot study 2017 Academic article
Factors driving the use of dermoscopy in Europe:a pan-European Survey 2016 Academic article
Motivation in mHealth and eHealth 2016 Lecture
Opening 2016 Lecture
Context sensitive system for secure communication between pre-surgical patients and health care personnel 2016 Masters thesis
Warning: the Do-It-Yourself (DIY) wave will drastically change diabetes care 2016 Poster
mHealth Assessment: Conceptualization of a Global Framework 2016 Poster
Rich semantic networks applied to schizophrenia: A new framework 2016 Letter to the editor
Designing, developing, and evaluating the future internet of personal health 2016 Brochure
eHealth Use Among First-Generation Immigrants From Pakistan in the Oslo Area, Norway, With Focus on Diabetes: Survey Protocol 2016 Article in business/trade/industry journal
An Introduction to Participatory Health Through Social Media 2016 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Participatory Health through Social Media 2016 Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Web-based consultations and counseling for parents of children with atopic dermatitis 2016 Abstract
MOMENTUM:Role play around a hypothetical use case 2016 Lecture
Testing the Blueprint - U4H South Norway 2016 Lecture
Lessons learnt from a MOOC about social media for digital health literacy 2016 Academic article
How to Measure Costs and Benefits of E-health Interventions? 2016 Academic lecture
From NST to NSE:Patients Online Access to their EPR 2016 Lecture
Alerts, notifications, reminders: Telemedicine solution not to burden but to support patients with diabetes 2016 Poster
Better glucose regulation through enabling group-based motivational mechanisms in cloud-based solutions like Nightscout 2016 Poster
Assessing Electronic Health Records: Are Basic Assumptions in “Health Technology Assessment” Useful? 2016 Academic article
Warning: the Do-It-Yourself (DIY) wave will drastically change diabetes care! 2016 Academic lecture
Integrating data from apps, wearables and personal Electronic Health Record (pEHR) systems with clinicians’ Electronic Health Records (EHR) systems 2016 Academic lecture
What are diabetes patients discussing on social media? 2016 Academic lecture
The opportunity to evaluate the impact of our changing health care system through archetypes and reinforced use of medical coding 2016 Poster
The potential use of patient-gathered data from mHealth tools: suggestions based on an RCT-study 2016 Poster
mHealth data-sharing system to improve communication during consultations: Type 1 diabetes patients’ perspective during the FI-STAR study 2016 Academic lecture
System for enabling clinicians to relate to a mobile health app: Preliminary results of the Norwegian trial in the EU FI-STAR project. 2016 Academic lecture
The Research Project 3P: Results from the Evaluation of Digital Solutions for Patient-centred Care Teams (WP6) 2020 Academic lecture
Experiences and Needs of Multicultural Youth and Their Mentors, and Implications for Digital Mentoring Platforms: Qualitative Exploratory Study 2020 Academic article
“Don’t Replace People With an App!” E-Mentoring as a Complement to Traditional Mentoring Programs 2020 Popular scientific lecture
Indoor navigation systems for visually impaired persons: Mapping the features of existing technologies to user needs 2020 Academic literature review
A shared national patient medication list will soon be tested in Norway 2020 Interview
The association between health information seeking on the internet and physician visits (The Seventh Tromsø Study - Part 4): Population-based questionnaire study 2020 Academic article
Measuring the effects of sharing mobile health data during diabetes consultations: Protocol for a mixed method study 2020 Academic article
Chapter 28 - Tracking Language in Real Time in Psychosis 2020 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Electronic Health Use in a Representative Sample of 18,497 Respondents in Norway (The Seventh Tromsø Study - Part 1): Population-Based Questionnaire Study 2020 Academic article
Impact of Illness on Electronic Health Use (The Seventh Tromsø Study - Part 2): Population-Based Questionnaire Study 2020 Academic article
Impact of the use of electronic health tools on the psychological and emotional well-being of electronic health service users (The Seventh Tromsø Study - Part 3): Population-based questionnaire study 2020 Academic article
Computer Vision-based System for Impaired Human Vision Compensation 2019 Academic article
International perspective, experience from Be He@lthy, Be Mobile. 2019 Academic lecture
The patient's perspective. Status and future trends 2019 Academic lecture
Workshop on Patient Generated Data – Opportunities and challenges 2019 Academic lecture
Comprehensive methods for measuring the impacts of sharing patient-gathered mHealth data during consultations 2019 Poster
E-health in Norway (Europe) and issues in (global) governance of digitalization 2019 Academic lecture
Mobile Communication in Hospitals: Problems, Possibilities, and Solutions 2019 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Digital solutions for a shared medication list​ A narrative literature review​ 2019 Academic lecture
Children with ill parents or siblings 2019 Academic lecture
Patients Reported Reasons for Surgery Cancellation did not correspond with the hospitals' representation of the same problem 2019 Academic lecture
Practice based Research Networks: A giant leap for primary care Research (workshop) 2019 Academic lecture
Family needs at one and two years after severe traumatic brain injury: a prospective study of changes and predictors 2019 Academic article
Web Vulnerability Measures for SMEs 2019 Academic article
Citizens and Health Data – a call for Digital health literacy too 2019 Academic lecture
The importance of loneliness in psychotic-like symptoms: Data from three studies 2019 Academic article
Clinical Guidelines: A Crossroad of Many Research Areas. Challenges and Opportunities in Process Mining for Healthcare 2019 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Towards Perceptual Spaces for Empowering Ergonomy in Workplaces by Using Interactive Process Mining 2019 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Safety Aspects in Developing New Technologies for Reminiscence Therapy: Insights from the SENSE-GARDEN Project 2019 Academic article
Development of an ICT solution to obtain annual, national, Representative Health Indicator Data for Non-Communicable Diseases – A Pilot Study, 2019 Article in business/trade/industry journal
Development of an ICT solution to obtain annual, national, representative Health indicator data for non-communicable diseases – a pilot study 2019 Poster
DIY diabetes tech gains popularity with patients and parents fed up with clunky mainstream medical devices 2019 Interview
Online contact with the doctor’s office shortens the patient queue 2019 Interview
The Relationship between Anxiety/Depression, Electronic Health, and Doctor Visiting Decisions among People with Diabetes 2019 Poster
From free-text to structure in Electronic Patient Records 2019 Academic lecture
Do Positivist Assumptions Hold True In Complex Interventions? 2019 Academic lecture
Altered serum Zinc and Copper in Iranian Adults who were of normal weight but metabolically obese 2019 Academic article
Preconditions for Enabling Advanced Patient Centered Decision Support on a National Knowledge Information Infrastructure. 2019 Academic lecture
Structuring Electronic Patient Record Data,a Smart Way to Extract Registry Information? 2019 Academic lecture
Norwegian Centre for E-health Research, Health Analytics Department 2019 Lecture
Machine learning, health analytics and AI: Lessons from Norway 2019 Academic lecture
How well is the electronic health record supporting the clinical tasks of hospital physicians? A survey of physicians at three Norwegian hospitals 2019 Academic article
Dataset of wearable sensors with possibilities for data exchange 2019 Article in business/trade/industry journal
Building a De-identification System for Real Swedish Clinical Text Using Pseudonymised Clinical Text 2019 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Social capital survey for R@W 2019 Academic lecture
R@W and preliminary findings for stakeholder needs 2019 Academic lecture
Mentoring as a social capital intervention 2019 Popular scientific lecture
Acceptance barriers of using patients’ self-collected health data during medical consultation 2019 Academic lecture
EDMON - A System Architecture for Real-Time Infection Monitoring and Outbreak Detection Based on Self-Recorded Data from People with Type 1 Diabetes: System Design and Prototype Implementation 2019 Academic lecture
Mobile health (mHealth) 2019 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Prescribing errors on multidose drug dispensing prescriptions 2019 Poster
Healthcare personnels’ experience with patients’ online access to electronic health records: Differences between professions, regions, and somatic and psychiatric healthcare. 2019 Academic article
How discrepancies in medication records affect the creation and trust in a shared electronic medication list in Norway 2019 Academic article
Factors easing the transition from paper to electronic prescribing of multidose dispensed drugs (MDD) 2019 Academic article
EDMON - a system architecture for real-time infection monitoring and outbreak detection based on self-recorded data from people with type 1 diabetes: system design and prototype implementation 2019 Academic article
Do diabetes mHealth and online interventions evaluate what is important for users? 2019 Academic article
Acceptance barriers of using patients’ self-collected health data during medical consultation 2019 Academic article
Digital solutions for a shared medication list. A narrative literature review 2019 Academic article
Open or Closed: Investigating two different EHR platform approaches 2019 Academic lecture
The role of clinical leadership in the implementation of large-scale Electronic Health Records in hospitals 2019 Academic article
Efforts on using standards for defining the structuring of electronic health record data: A scoping review 2019 Academic literature review
Ambivalently awaiting: Norwegian general practitioners' expectations towards a cross-Institutional Electronic health record 2019 Academic article
Do diabetes mHealth and online interventions evaluate what is important for users? 2019 Academic lecture
Proceedings of the 17th Scandinavian Conference on Health Informatics 2019 2019 Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Despite the fact that almost all doctors use e-prescriptions, patients are still harmed by medication errors, and at least a thousand die each year. Senior researcher Kari Dyb at the Norwegian Centre for E-health Research studies the consequences of new 2019 Interview
Time Required to Create a Referral in Various Store-and-Forward Telemedicine Networks 2019 Academic article
Possible usages of smart contracts (blockchain) in healthcare and why no one is using them 2019 Academic article
Wearable Sensors with Possibilities for Data Exchange: Analyzing Statusand Needs of Different Actors in Mobile Health Monitoring Systems 2019 Academic literature review
Person-centred, integrated and pro-active care for multi-morbid elderly with advanced care needs: A propensity score-matched controlled trial 2019 Academic article
Food recommendation using machine learning for physical activities in patients with type 1 diabetes 2019 Academic article
Psychiatric Risk Assessment from the Clinician?s Perspective: Lessons for the Future 2019 Academic article
Preconditions for enabling advanced patient-centered decision support on a national knowledge information infrastructure 2019 Short communication
Telemedicine in Resource-Limited Settings to Optimize Care for Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis 2019 Academic article
Lessons learned on how to plan an openEHR implementation 2019 Academic lecture
Comparing the Efficacy of an Identical, Tailored Smoking Cessation Intervention Delivered by Mobile Text Messaging Versus Email: Randomized Controlled Trial 2019 Academic article
Experience of supporting telemedicine networks with the collegium system: First 6 years 2019 Academic article
Beyond the cultural myth of medical meritocracy 2019 Academic article
From Free-Text to Structure in Electronic Patient Records 2019 Academic article
From free-text to structure in Electronic Patient Records 2019 Academic lecture
Preconditions for Enabling Advanced Patient Centered Decision Support on a National Knowledge Information Infrastructure 2019 Poster
Assessing HTA on Large-scale E-health Processes –Introducing the Need for Action Research 2019 Poster
Health Professionals' Experience with Patients Accessing their Electronic Health Records: results from an online survey 2019 Academic lecture
Incidence and Risk Factors of Common Viral Infections among Renal Transplant Recipients during the First Year Post-Transplant in North-eastern Iran 2019 Academic article
Determinants of the magnitude of response to vitamin D supplementation in adolescent girls identified using a decision tree algorithm 2019 Academic article
Erfaring med multidose 2019 Lecture
Pharmacist interventions on multidose drug dispensing prescriptions 2019 Academic lecture
Comprehensive methods for measuring the impacts of sharing patient-gathered mHealth data during consultations 2019 Academic lecture
The Use of Virtual and Immersive Technology in Creating Personalized Multisensory Spaces for People Living With Dementia (SENSE-GARDEN): Protocol for a Multisite Before-After Trial 2019 Academic article
Users’ acceptability of a mobile application for persons with type 2 diabetes: a qualitative study 2019 Academic article
Long-term exercise maintenance via telerehabilitation for people with COPD. Feasibility, effectiveness, benefits and challenges 2019 Doctoral dissertation
Health Professionals' Experience with Patients Accessing Their Electronic Health Records: Results from an Online Survey 2019 Academic article
The role of clinical leadership in the implementation of large-scale Electronic Health Records in hospitals 2019 Academic lecture
Structuring EHR Data, using Medical Quality Registry Information? 2019 Academic lecture
Open or Closed: A project proposal for investigating two different EHR platform approaches 2019 Article in business/trade/industry journal
Panel: Artificial Intelligence in participatory health and social media: Current perspectives and opportunities 2019 Academic lecture
Data-driven modeling and prediction of blood glucose dynamics: Machine learning applications in type 1 diabetes 2019 Academic literature review
Possible Usages of Smart Contracts (Blockchain) in Healthcare and Why No One Is Using Them 2019 Academic lecture
Meeting the Medicines Challenge with Digital Technologies 2019 Academic lecture
Implementing eHealth Technologies 2019 Academic lecture
Learning by Using Videoconferencing in Surgical Education 2019 Academic lecture
The Role of Adaptive Immersive Technology in Creating Personalised Environments for Emotional Connection and Preservation of Identity in Dementia Care: Insights from User Perspectives towards SENSE-GARDEN 2019 Academic article
eHealth initiatives; the relationship between project work and institutional practice 2019 Academic article
Creating Learning Opportunities by Using Videoconferencing in Surgical Education 2019 Academic article
Implementing eHealth technologies: The need for changed work practices to reduce medication errors 2019 Academic article
Patient Reported Reasons for Surgery Cancellations Do Not Necessarily Correspond with Hospitals’ Representation of the Same Problem 2019 Academic article
Design and prestudy assessment of a dashboard for presenting self-collected health data of patients with diabetes to clinicians: Iterative approach and qualitative case study 2019 Academic article
Family Talk Intervention in adult mental health care: The experiences of children with mentally ill hospitalized parents 2019 Academic lecture
Patient pathways as social drama: A qualitative study of cancer trajectories from the patient’s perspective 2019 Academic article
Do Positivist Assumptions Hold True In Complex Interventions? 2019 Poster
Use of Electronic Health and Its Impact on Doctor-Visiting Decisions Among People With Diabetes: Cross-Sectional Study 2019 Academic article
Maximizing Interpretability and Cost-Effectiveness of Surgical Site Infection (SSI) Predictive Models Using Feature-Specific Regularized Logistic Regression on Preoperative Temporal Data 2019 Academic article
Inequalities in the Use of eHealth Between Socioeconomic Groups Among Patients With Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes: Cross-Sectional Study 2019 Academic article
Assembling iPads and Mobility in Two Classroom Settings 2019 Academic article
The Evidence Base for an Ideal Care Pathway for Frail Multimorbid Elderly: Combined Scoping and Systematic Intervention Review 2019 Academic literature review
Seasonal variations in objectively assessed physical activity among people with COPD in two Nordic countries and Australia: a cross-sectional study 2019 Academic article
Structuring Electronic Patient Record Data,a Smart Way to Extract Registry Information? 2019 Academic article
Blame it on the weather? The association between pain in fibromyalgia, relative humidity, temperature and barometric pressure 2019 Academic article
Establishing Baseline in the Status of E-health Research in Norway 2019 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Electronic Patient Communication in Norwegian Municipal Health Institutions 2019 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
The Patient Summary Case: Challenges in Archetypes Terminology Binding Using SNOMED-CT Compositional Grammar 2019 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
General practitioners’ perceptions towards the use of digital health services for citizens in primary care: a qualitative interview study 2019 Academic article
Data-driven blood glucose pattern classification and anomalies detection: Machine-learning applications in Type 1 diabetes 2019 Academic literature review
Artificial intelligence for participatory health: applications, impact, and future implications 2019 Academic literature review
Data work: A condition for integrations in health care 2019 Academic article
The Delphi study. Creating a health promotion intervention on diabetes 2019 Academic lecture
Associations Between the Use of eHealth and Out-of-Hours Services in People With Type 1 Diabetes: Cross-Sectional Study 2019 Academic article
Goal-setting and patterns of app use: Selected results from the "Tailoring type 2 diabetes self-management" RCT. 2019 Poster
Frameworks for evaluating mhealth technologies lack patient focus 2019 Poster
Frameworks for evaluating mhealth technologies lack patient focus 2019 Abstract
What can be learned by analyzing patient-gathered data from self-management diabetes app 2019 Poster
Du endrer hvordan vi forsker på mobil helse 2020 Feature article
Store IT-prosjekter må ha med forskning fra A til Å 2020 Feature article
Flere pasienter lever bedre med nytt tilbud 2020 Interview
Dette sier forskning om offentlige IT-prosjekter 2020 Interview
Nasjonalt senter for e-helseforskning: Innføring i senterets virksomhet og forsknings- og utredningsaktiviteten i avdeling for personlig e-helse 2020 Lecture
Velferdsteknologi for barn og unge med funksjonsnedsettelser, prosjektportefølje 2016-2020 2020 Lecture
Jeg vil bli datadonor! 2019 Lecture
Evaluering av virkemidlene i Nasjonalt velferdsteknologiprogram. Spredning og implementering 2016-2019 2019 Lecture
Familiemedlemmers omsorgsbelastning og livstilfredshet over tid 2019 Academic lecture
Velferdsteknologi for barn og unge (del 3): Videre forskning 2019 Lecture
VIDEOCARE: Desentralisert akuttpsykiatri ved bruk av videokonferanse 2019 Academic lecture
Velferdsteknologi for barn og unge med funksjonsnedsettelser 2019 Academic lecture
Velferdsteknologi for barn og unge med funksjonsnedsettelser 2019 Academic lecture
Velferdsteknologi for barn og unge med funksjonsnedsettelser 2019 Academic lecture
Velferdsteknologi for barn og unge med funksjonsnedsettelser 2019 Academic lecture
Ny forskning viser; Kunnskapsoppsummering – Velferdsteknologi i Norden 2019 Academic lecture
Kunnskapsgrunnlag knyttet til medisinsk avstandsoppfølging 2019 Academic lecture
Fra oppstart av krisesenteret i Tromsø - et reflekterende tilbakeblikk 2019 Popular scientific lecture
Diabetespasienter gjør opprør mot tungvinte hjelpemidler - bygger egne blodsukkermålere og hacker insulinpumper 2019 Interview
Diabetespasienter gjør opprør mot tungvinte hjelpemidler - bygger egne blodtrykksmålere og hacker insulinpumper. 2019 Interview
Pasientens legemiddelliste skal prøves ut fra 2020 2019 Interview
Triage i fastlegeordningen - en hurtig forskningsoppsummering 2019 Report
Evaluering av virkemidlene i Nasjonalt velferdsteknologiprogram 2019 Report
Resiliency at work (R@W) 2019 Academic lecture
E-resept og kjernejournal: Forskjell mellom innføring og praksis 2019 Interview
Tar første steg mot strukturert journal 2019 Interview
Digitale helsedata kan gi større ulikheter 2019 Editorial
Multidose i et apotekperspektiv. Utfordringer, muligheter og nasjonale råd 2019 Lecture
SMS og e-post like effektivt for å få folk til å slutte å røyke 2019 Interview
E-resepter hindrer ikke feilmedisinering 2019 Interview
Snart kan du få en SMS med spørsmål om din helsetilstand 2019 Interview
Nå er det Møre og Romsdal som står for tur 2019 Interview
Velferdsteknologi for barn og unge med funksjonsnedsettelser – Brukererfaringer etter 2,5 års utprøving i Drammen og Horten kommuner 2019 Report
Triage i fastlegeordningen - Kunnskapsbasert empiri - foreløpige resultater 2019 Lecture
Overgang til eMultidose 2019 Lecture
Risiko og helse 2019 Academic lecture
Velferdsteknologi for barn og unge med funksjonsnedsettelser 2019 Academic lecture
Barn som pårørende: Fra kunnskap til handling 2019 Academic lecture
Velferdsteknologi for barn og unge med funksjonsnedsettelser 2019 Academic lecture
Erfaringer med velferdsteknologi for barn og unge med funksjonsnedsettelser 2019 Academic lecture
Barn som pårørende: Fra kunnskap til handling 2019 Lecture
Velferdsteknologi for barn og unge med funksjonsnedsettelser 2019 Academic lecture
Velferdsteknologi for barn og unge med funksjonsnedsettelser 2019 Academic lecture
Velferdsteknologi for barn og unge med funksjonsnedsettelser 2019 Academic lecture
Muligheter med velferdsteknologi for barn og unge med funksjonsnedsettelser 2019 Academic lecture
Internett er den nye førstelinjen 2019 Feature article
Kunstig intelligens i helsetjenesten -Flere fag må samarbeide om behandlingen 2019 Interview
Sosial digital kontakt – et år etter. Mobilisering mot ensomhet blant eldre. Faktaark. 2019 Briefs
Nettkontakt med legekontoret korter ned pasientkøen 2019 Interview
Styring og e-helse 2019 Lecture
Evaluering av "Snakketøyet" 2019 Report
Sosial digital kontakt - et år etter. Mobilisering mot ensomhet blant eldre 2019 Report
EPJ-bruk hos klinikere: erfaringerfra nasjonal spørreundersøkelse 2019 Report
Ny teknologi og trender innen egenmonitorering av diabetes 2019 Abstract
Ny teknologi og trender innen egenmonitorering av diabetes 2019 Lecture
"Det er om natta man går konkurs" 2019 Feature article
Pasienter som bruker helseapper er ofte på legevakta 2019 Interview
IKT-arbeid i helse- og omsorgssektoren 2019 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Det er ikke alltid video fungerer mellom pasient og helsepersonell 2019 Interview
Responstjenester for trygghetsskapende teknologier 2019 Report
Forskning på teknologi og diabetes - en lang historie 2019 Article in business/trade/industry journal
Vanskelig å forske på effekten av helseapper 2019 Interview
Mellom deltakelse og beskyttelse: Aksjonsforskningens mulighetsrom for barn og unge 2019 Academic article
Twitter avslørte en mer positiv holdning til diabetes type 1 enn type 2 2019 Interview
Ja til sekundærbruk av helsedata 2019 Feature article
Velferdsteknologi for barn og unge med funksjonsnedsettelser 2018 Academic lecture
Status velferdsteknologi Norge - hovedfunn i rapporten Kunnskapsoppsummering Velferdsteknologi 2018 Lecture
Slik kan kommuner innføre smart teknologi til barn med funksjonsnedsettelser 2018 Interview
Hjemme hos-kurs kan få eldre på sosiale medier 2018 Interview
"Ett skritt frem og to tilbake; helsepersonells erfaringer med personsentrert behandling" 2018 Lecture
E-helse: Dette var oppturene og nedturene 2018 Interview
Leger bruker ikke kjernejournalen slik myndighetene hadde tenkt 2018 Interview
Atopisk eksem 2018 Academic article
Samhandling og informasjonsutveksling - Beskrivelse av tidsbruk og arbeidsoppgaver blant fastleger 2018 Report
Samtale om utfordringene eldre kan ha med teknologi sammen med pensjonist Bitten Barman-Jenssen 2018 Interview
Eldre og teknologi: Å få hjelp fra familien er ofte ikke den beste løsningen 2018 Interview
Slik kan kommuner innføre smart teknologi til barn med funksjonsnedsettelser 2018 Interview
Hvordan oppnå bedre tjenester i helse- og omsorgssektoren ved hjelp av ny teknologi? 2018 Lecture
Hjemmeovervåkning for KOLS-pasienter kan gi færre innleggelser 2018 Interview
Fra papir til elektronisk ordinering av multidose 2018 Briefs
Kontakt legekontoret—fastlegens erfaringer 2018 Briefs
E-konsultasjon—fastlegens erfaringer 2018 Briefs
Forny resept—fastlegens erfaringer 2018 Briefs
Elektronisk timebestilling—fastlegens erfaringer 2018 Briefs
Bruk av e-konsultasjon mellom pasient og fastlege 2018 Briefs
Digital dialog—pasientenes erfaringer 2018 Briefs
Digital dialog—fastlegekontorenes erfaringer 2018 Briefs
E-helsetjenester for barne- og ungdomspsykiatrien 2018 Lecture
Flere kommuner bruker velferdsteknologi 2018 Interview
Psykisk helse: Bruk av digitale medier (Video) 2018 Interview
PraksisNett - et nettverk av fastlegepraksiser. En storsatsing på forskning i allmennpraksis. 2018 Feature article
Health analyticsKunstig intelligens – nye muligheter for helsetjenesten 2018 Report
Hvordan påvirker den teknologiske endringen lederskapet? 2018 Lecture
Presentasjon av Nasjonalt senter for e-helseforskning 2018 Lecture
Er dette en farlig føflekk? 2018 Interview
Gir akutt psykiatrisk hjelp via video 2018 Interview
8 år med nasjonalt forskernettverk om "Barn som pårørende" 2018 Lecture
Forskning i SANKS: Samisk nasjonal kompetansetjeneste - psykisk helse og rus 2018 Lecture
Fra forskning til gode og helhetlige tjenester for barn som pårørende 2018 Academic lecture
Hva forteller ungdommene? En kvalitativ studie av en nettbasert selvhjelpsgruppe for ungdom med psykisk syke foreldre. 2018 Academic lecture
Sosial digital kontakt - Mobilisering mot ensomhet blant eldre 2018 Report
Riktigere legemiddellister med multidose i e-resept 2018 Academic article
E-multidose er bedre for pasientsikkerheten enn dosett og faks 2018 Academic article
Studerer digital diabetes-selvhjelp 2018 Interview
Undervisning høyskole Sør-Øst Norge 2018 Lecture
Sosial digital kontakt - mobilisering mot ensomhet blant eldre 2018 Lecture
Nye muligheter for helsesektoren 2018 Lecture
Vår oppskrift på et vellykket samarbeid med helsesektoren på e-helseområdet 2018 Lecture
Velferdsteknologi for barn og unge med funksjonsnedsettelser 2018 Lecture
Velferdsteknologi for barn og unge med funksjonsnedsettelser 2018 Lecture
Innføring av velferdsteknologi for barn og unge med funksjonsnedsettelser 2018 Report
Multidose i e-resept 2018 Report
Sikker bruk av helseopplysninger 2017 Interview
Multidose i e-reseptEn sammenligning av avvik i legemiddellistene (LIB) mellom fastleger og apotek før og etter innføringav multidose i e-resept 2017 Report
Presentasjon av Fremtidens journal 2017 Lecture
Enifiseringsforsøk i helsetjenesten: bruk av delte dokumenter 2017 Lecture
Lukket legemiddelsløyfe i hele pasientforløpet. 2017 Lecture
VerDig II – Verdiskapende Digitale samhandlingsløsninger i Pasientens helsetjeneste. Den planlagte og proaktive helsetjenesten. 2017 Lecture
VerDig I – Verdiskapende Digital samhandling i pasientens helsetjeneste. Aksjonsforskning for helhetlige pasientforløp 2017 Poster
Ontologibasert terminologi og standardisert informasjonsmodell for semantisk interoperabilitet og beslutningsstøtte 2017 Poster
Diabetes 2017 Lecture
Multidose i e-resept 2017 Academic lecture
Presentasjon sluttrapport: Velferdsteknologi for barn og unge med funksjonsnedsettelser 2017 Lecture
Prosjektrapport: Velferdsteknologi for barn og unge med funksjonsnedsettelser 2017 Lecture
Velferdsteknologi for barn og unge med funksjonsnedsettelser 2017 Lecture
Bruk av kjernejournal: Faktorer som hemmer og fremmer bruk av e-helse 2017 Lecture
Mulighetsvindu for bruk av ontologibaserte terminologier i EIEJ og Helseplattformen 2017 Poster
Effektmål for implementeringen av Helseplattformen, en pre-post studie 2017 Poster
Styring av nasjonale e-helseprosjekt - betingelser, beslutninger og prioriteringer av tiltak 2017 Poster
Etablering av teknologisk plattform for benchmarking av effektmål 2017 Poster
Hvordan kan kliniske beslutningsstøttesystem støtte helhetlige pasientforløp? 2017 Poster
Vårt felles ansvar - UiTs akademiske dugnad for integrering av migranter og flyktninger. 2017 Report
MOOC-en "Nursing Traditions and History in Europe" blir til 2017 Chapter
Bruk av videokonferanse og nettbasert terapi - MasterMind Norge 2017 Report
Presentasjon av Nasjonalt senter for e-helseforskning 2017 Lecture
E-helse i nye bygg 2017 Lecture
Presentasjon av Nasjonalt senter for e-helseforskning 2017 Lecture
Digitalisering, hva vet vi om den verden som ligger foran og hvordan forberede organisasjonen? 2017 Lecture
Presentasjon av Nasjonalt senter for e-helseforskning 2017 Lecture
Teknologi var til stor hjelp for barn med funksjonsnedsettelser 2017 Interview
Kunnskapsoppsummering: Velferdsteknologi 2017 Report
Internasjonale eksempler på bruk av helseanalyse 2017 Report
Samfunnsnvitenskapelig følgeforskning på e-helsefeltet 2017 Lecture
Klinisk beslutningsstøtte - Vurdering av standard og arkitektur 2017 Report
Hva enhver robot bør vite om helsesektoren 2017 Academic lecture
Om E-helse 2017 Lecture
Kan e-helse skape nordisk næringsutvikling? 2017 Lecture
Teknologiens betydning for fremtidens pasientbehandling 2017 Lecture
CallMeSmart for klinisk kommunikasjon 2017 Briefs
Sterk økning i risiko for eksponering av helsedata i USA 2017 Briefs
Telerehabilitering 2017 Briefs
Drivere og trender i e-helsefeltet - Analyse og kunnskapsformidling 2017 Report
E-resept og kjernejournal som første steg på vei mot Helseplattformen 2017 Poster
Effekter av digitale innbyggertjenester 2017 Report
Bruk av videokommunikasjon i hverdagsrehabilitering – utprøving og erfaring 2017 Academic article
Om teknologien som ikke fikk være teknologi - diskurser om velferdsteknologi 2017 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Barn som pårørende - fra forskning til praksis 2017 Academic lecture
UiT-forskning i Narvik trenger din hjelp 2017 Interview
Diabetesdagboka - forskningsapp med funksjoner for medisin, blodsukker, fysisk aktivitet, m.m. 2017 Popular scientific article
Først og fremst barn og unge – også når foreldre er psykisk syke 2017 Chapter
Søknad på professorat og dosentur 2017 Lecture
Karriereplan for ansatte i vitenskapelige stillinger 2017 Lecture
Hvordan bygge sterke forskningsgrupper? 2017 Lecture
Får tilgang til pasientjournaler uten å eksponere sensitiv informasjon 2017 Interview
Vanskelig å få leger til å bruke kjernejournal 2017 Interview
Fjernveiledning i operasjonsstuen 2016 Interview
Hudkreftdiagnose gjennom bilder 2016 Briefs
Vil pasienter bruke e-helseverktøy når de er syke? 2016 Briefs
Seriøse spill i helsevesenet 2016 Briefs
Deling av pasientgenererte data fra m-helseverktøy 2016 Briefs
M-helse og diabetesbehandling 2016 Briefs
M-helse og pasienters egenmestring av kronisk sykdom 2016 Briefs
Kan sosiale medier styrke «gjør det selv»- bevegelsen og pasienters egenmestring? 2016 Briefs
Et verdibasert, digitalt støttet, personsentrert omsorgssystem - Nasjonale og internasjonale trender 2016 Briefs
Universell utforming og tilgjengelighet 2016 Briefs
Bærbar teknologi og sensorer 2016 Briefs
Tall og fakta om helseapper 2016 Briefs
Digitale tjenester for min psykiske helse 2016 Briefs
Muligheter og utfordringer ved bruk av videokonsultasjoner i primærhelsetjenesten 2016 Briefs
Sykdomsekspertene sitter hjemme 2016 Interview
Slik blir unge med funksjonsnedsettelser mer selvstendige 2016 Interview
App med funksjoner for fysisk aktivitet, mat, medisin, blodsukker, vekt og personlige mål – Diabetesdagboka 2016 Article in business/trade/industry journal
Kvalitetssikring av mobil selvhjelpsteknologi – ta pasienten med på laget 2016 Lecture
"Så mye som mulig, så raskt som mulig, til så mange som mulig": Erfaringer med Min pasientjournal i Helse Nord 2016 Lecture
Min pasientjournal; er det trygt? Innsynsprosjektet i Helse Nord 2016 Lecture
Elektronisk tilgang til pasientjournal: Enklere tilgang for pasienten,mer jobb for legen? 2016 Article in business/trade/industry journal
Kunnskapsoppsummering: Eksisterende velferdsteknologiutprøvinger i Norden for barn og unge med funksjonsnedsettelser 2016 Report
Den elektroniske pasientjournalen er i praksis papir på strøm 2016 Interview
Folk bruker Facebook til å lære om sykdommen sin 2016 Interview
Ny pasientjournal skal gjøre det lettere å være lege 2016 Interview
Kunnskapsoppsummering - Erfaring med multidose med fokus på de skandinaviske landene 2016 Report
Selvhjelpssystemer for behandling av diabetes i utviklingsland 2015 Lecture
Re: Telemedisin bringer spesialisthelsetjenesten hjem til pasienten 2015 Reader opinion piece
Ny teknologi gir ny pasientrolle 2015 Editorial
Spørsmål- og Svartjeneste (SoS) - Sikker e-post for pasienter og helsepersonell 2015 Academic lecture
FAMILIER I MOTBAKKE. På vei mot bedre støtte barn til barn som pårørende 2015 Lecture
PS-portalen: Forebygging av psykisk helse blant studenter ved hjelp av et lavterskeltilbud på Internett 2007 Popular scientific article
Har kjønn betydning for implementering og bruk av EPJ? 2007 Academic lecture
Lotherington AT 2006 (red) Telemedisin I pleie- og omsorgssektoren: Et nødvendig redskap for utvikling av primærhelsetjenesten? Sluttrapport for prosjektet Ses@m: Nilsen L.L : ”Opplæringen”, s. 49-60. Norut Samfunn, rapport nr 13 2006 Report
Space, power, and communication: The dynamic of ICT in Health care 2006 Academic lecture
Lotherington AT 2005 (red) Telemedisin i pleie- og omsorgssektoren: Om å takle det uforutsette. Midtveisrapport for prosjektet Ses@m: Nilsen L.L: ”Opplæringen” s. 34- 49. Norut Samfunn, rapport nr SF 11 2005 2005 Report
Nettbasert høreapparatjustering. Evaluering og kartlegging av sosiale og organisatoriske betingelser for tilfredsstillende bruk av tjenesten i Sluttrapport HØYKOM, prosjekt nummer 1297/240:4 2004 Report
Nettbasert høreapparatjustering 2004 Report
Øyenett - Et elektronisk samhandlingsnettverk for landets Oftalmologer 2004 Report
”Ortopol@r- desentralisert, universitetsledet spesialistutdanning i kjeveortopedi ved kompetansesenteret i Tromsø. Evaluering av organisering og gjennomføring av prosjektet OrtoPol@r, fase 2”. 23 mai 2005. Den offentlige tannhelsetjenesten i Troms 2005 Report
OrtoPol@r- desentralisert universitetsledet spesialistutdanning i kjeveortopedi ved kompetansesenteret i Tromsø. Evaluering av gjennomføring og organisering av prosjektet, fase 1, 30. mars 2004. Den offentlige tannhelsetjenesten i Troms 2004 Report
Erfaringer med lege-pasient-kontakt over Internett 2004 Academic article
Brukertilfredshet. Brukernes oppfatning av dagens tjenestetilbud i en behandlingskjede, s: 81- 87, i Telemedisin som virkemiddel for økt samhandling. Et samarbeidsprosjekt mellom UNN HF, Helse Finnmark HF og kommunehelsetjenesten i Vadsø, Alta, Båtsfjord 2003 Report
Implementering av telemedisinske tjenester: hemmende og fremmende faktorer 2003 Report
Til alles tilfredshet? 2002 Academic article
Brukerperspektivet: Mulighet og myte 2002 Academic article
Unøyaktig om telepatologi fra Radiumhospitalet. (Korrespondanse) 2000 Feature article
Vill bruk av stillbildehenvisninger være kostnadsbesparende? 2000 Academic article
Det spesialpedagogiske møtet 2000 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Scenario 2002 1999 Academic lecture
Fremtidens rehabiliteringstjeneste, hvordan kan IKT bidra? 2014 Lecture
Mail meg, doktor! 2014 Feature article
Telemedisin: et maktperspektiv 2014 Academic article
Vår digitale pasientjournal 2014 Feature article
Fremtidens legesjekk er en regneoperasjon 2013 Interview
Har vi e-helse nå? 2013 Feature article
Mest om et uvanlig eksempel kalt Rex 2013 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Innledning Klientens stemme - hjelperens blikk 2013 Introduction
Klientens stemme - hjelperens blikk 2013 Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Økende bruk av selvhjelpsverktøy og apper gir muligheter - betydning for framtidas diabetesbehandling 2013 Popular scientific article
Medisinsk kunnskap gjennom medierte samtaler 2013 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mobil egenmestring 2013 Popular scientific lecture
Virtuell kriseledelse – ikke felles nødnummer 2013 Editorial
Videobasert akuttmedisinsk konferanse 2013 Editorial
Føflekk eller malignt melanom? 2012 Feature article
Diabetesdagbok på mobiltelefon, Mobile selvhjelpsverktøy utviklet av og for mennesker med diabetes 2012 Popular scientific lecture
Risikofokus på barn med psykisk syke foreldre 2012 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Smittemeteorologene vet hvor influensaen sprer seg 2012 Interview
IKT-forbindelser i helsesektoren, Sammenvevinger av IKT, steder, yrker, kjønn og politikk 2011 Doctoral dissertation
Blir smartere med snakking 2011 Interview
Regelmessig bruk av videokonferanse mellom allmennleger og spesialister bidrar til å oppfylle ambisjonene om bedre samhandling 2011 Interview
Læring og utvikling av kunnskap i medisinske samtaler. Bruk av videokonferanse mellom allmennleger og spesialister 2011 Doctoral dissertation
Hva er effekten av bruk av videokonferanse i pasientbehandling? 2009 Poster
Pasient på e-post 2008 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
An economic analysis of screening for diabetic retinopathy 2002 Academic article
A cost-minimization analysis of a realtime teledermatology service in northern Norway 2000 Academic article
A framework for web-based professional networks for health care providers 2000 Poster
Psychotherapy supervision face-to-face and byvideoconferencing: A comparative study 1999 Academic article
Psychotherapy supervision conductedvia videoconferencing. A qualitative study of user experiences 1998 Academic article
Still image consultations via e-mail in surgical pathology. A study of diagnostic accuracy 1998 Academic article
An economic analysis of teleconsultation in otorhinolaryngology 1997 Academic article
Research that may advance users' participation 1997 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
User Participation in the workings of Education 1997 Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
ROC-study of a teleradiology workstation versus film readings 1997 Academic article
Videoconferencing in psychiatry. A survey of use in northern Norway 1996 Academic article
An economic analysis of teleradiology versus a visiting radiologist service 1996 Academic article
User interface and patient involvement. Presentation 2013 Academic lecture
Videoconferencing in Acute and Non-acute Medical Work. Presentation Andreassen, H.K 2013 Academic lecture
User interface and patient involvement 2013 Academic article
Videoconferencing in Acute and Non-acute Medical Work 2013 Academic article
Implementing transnational telemedicine solutions: A connected health project in rural and remote areas of six Northern Periphery countries 2013 Academic article
Characterizing Development Patterns of Healthcare Social Networks 2013 Academic article
Utilization of self-gathered patient data in a mobile-phone-based feedback system for patients with type 1 diabetes 2013 Abstract
Cost-Utility Analysis of the EVOLVO Study on Remote Monitoring for Heart Failure Patients With Implantable Defibrillators: Randomized Controlled Trial 2013 Academic article
Model-driven diabetes care: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial 2013 Academic article
Multimedia Communication in Emergency Medical Dispatch Centers: Current Status and Future Research 2013 Academic article
The increased risk of colon cancer due to cigarette smoking may be greater in women than men 2013 Academic article
Smoking duration before first childbirth: an emerging risk factor for breast cancer? Results from 302,865 Norwegian women 2013 Academic article
Inferring community structure in healthcare forums. An empirical study 2013 Academic article
Design of an advanced mobile diabetes diary based on a prospective 6-month study involving people with type 1 diabetes 2013 Abstract
A review of serious games for diabetic patients 2013 Abstract
Telehealth at UC Davis—A 20-Year Experience 2013 Academic article
VIDEOCARE: Decentralised psychiatric emergency care through videoconferencing 2013 Academic lecture
Long-Term Engagement With a Mobile Self-Management System for People With Type 2 Diabetes 2013 Academic article
Functionalities and input methods for recording food intake: A systematic review 2013 Academic article
Is a high level of general practitioner consultations associated with low outpatients specialist clinic use? A cross-sectional study 2013 Academic article
Cost-effectiveness and quality of life in surgeon versus general practitioner-organised colon cancer surveillance: a randomised controlled trial 2013 Academic article
Integration of Healthcare Information Systems: Improving Data Quality in a Diagnostic Imaging Department 2013 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Physicians Interrupted by Mobile Devices in Hospitals: Understanding the Interaction Between Devices, Roles, and Duties 2013 Academic article
Identifying Measures Used for Assessing Quality of YouTube Videos with Patient Health Information: A Review of Current Literature 2013 Academic article
Telestration in Mobile Telementoring 2013 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
CallMeSmart: A VoIP Softphone on Android Based Mobile Devices Using SIP 2013 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Electronic Messaging in Primary Care – Reporting from an Implementation and Evaluation Project in Northern Norway 2013 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
The Work Practice of Videoconferencing in Acute Stroke Treatment 2013 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
The work practice of Videoconferencing in Acute Stroke Treatment 2013 Academic lecture
Mobile Communication in Hospitals: What is the problem? 2013 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Effectiveness of SMS as an adjunct to an Internet based smoking cessation intervention: A randomised controlled trial 2012 Academic lecture
Assessing physical activity in the daily life of cystic fibrosis patients 2012 Academic article
Remote monitoring in heart failure patients with implantable defibrillator: reduces healthcare utilization and improves quality of care 2012 Abstract
VIDEOCARE: Decentralised psychiatric emergency care through videoconferencing 2012 Academic article
Miniaturised Activity Sensor 2012 Poster
What answers can pattern recognition give in patient pathways research? 2012 Popular scientific lecture
Non-inferiority studies: How, and why? 2012 Academic lecture
Mathematics and Statistics in TTL 2012 Popular scientific lecture
Computer aided diagnosis of malignant melanoma using dermatoscopic images 2012 Popular scientific lecture
Impact of interactive web-based education with mobile and email-based support of general practitioners on treatment and referral patterns of patients with atopic dermatitis: randomized controlled trial 2012 Academic article
Modeling the spread of infectious diseases by Gaussian Markov Random Fields as a tool for medical decision making 2012 Academic lecture
Causality in Scale Space as an Approach to Change Detection 2012 Academic article
Self-Management, Few Touch Application (FTA), Mobile Diabetes Solutions 2012 Popular scientific lecture
The Norwegian Type 2 Diabetes study in RENEWING HEALTH: Development, implementation and evaluation of an intervention with a mobile diabetes diary - the Few Touch Application - with and without health counseling 2012 Academic lecture
Temporal Community Structure Patterns in Diabetes Social Networks 2012 Academic lecture
Scale-Space Methods for Live Processing of Sensor Data 2012 Academic lecture
Exploring the community structure of a diabetes forum 2012 Academic lecture
Exploring the community structure of a diabetes forum 2012 Academic article
Towards Requirements for Telementoring Software 2012 Academic article
Clinical and Educational Benefits of Surgical Telementoring 2012 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Diabetes Self-Management, User-Involved Design of Mobile Self-Help Tools for People with Diabetes 2012 Academic lecture
Designing a Mobile Diabetes Diary, Blood Glucose on SMS and using Pictures in Improving Diabetes Care for Young People 2012 Popular scientific lecture
Avatars using computer/smartphone mediated communication and social networking in prevention of sexually transmitted diseases 2012 Academic article
Electronic Symptom Reporting Between Patient and Provider for Improved Health Care Service Quality: A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials. Part 2: Methodological Quality and Effects 2012 Academic literature review
Electronic Symptom Reporting Between Patient and Provider for Improved Health Care Service Quality: A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials. Part 1: State of the Art 2012 Academic literature review
Model driven mobile care for patients with type 1 diabetes 2012 Academic article
Scale-Space Methods for Live Processing of Sensor Data 2012 Academic article
Mobile Phone-Based Pattern Recognition and Data Analysis for Patients with Type 1 Diabetes 2012 Academic article
Remote Monitoring Reduces Healthcare Utilization and Improves Quality of Care in Heart Failure Patients with Implantable Defibrillators: The EVOLVO (Evolution of Management Strategies of Heart Failure Patients with Implantable Defibrillators) Study 2012 Academic article
Interaction through a web-based patient record in ulcer treatment: A qualitative study of patients’ experiences 2012 Academic lecture
Using Noninferiority Tests to Evaluate Telemedicine and E-Health Services: Systematic Review 2012 Academic literature review
Towards an "empowered" user role in the design of large-scale electronic patient records 2012 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mobile Health Applications to Assist Patients with Diabetes: Lessons Learned and Design Implications 2012 Academic article
ICT and patient roles; contradictions in e-health policy 2012 Academic article
Collaborative medical work: The acute treatment of patients with stroke 2012 Poster
The obstacles to knowledge sharing between professionals in acute situations 2012 Academic lecture
Users as designers of information infrastructures 2012 Academic article
Long-running telemedicine networks delivering humanitarian services: experience, performance and scientific output 2012 Academic article
Comparative performance of seven long-running telemedicine networks delivering humanitarian services 2012 Academic article
Traditional Practice vs. New Tools and Routines in Stroke Treatment 2012 Academic article
Improving Diabetes Care for Young People With Type 1 Diabetes Through Visual Learning on Mobile Phones: Mixed-Methods Study 2012 Academic article
Approaches to economic evaluation in telemedicine 2012 Academic article
Implementing an online patient-provider communication service into routine clinical practice: unexpected consequences 2012 Abstract
Barriers related to the implementation of an informatics intervention into regular clinical practice: a leadership perspective 2012 Abstract
Social media in health - what are the safety concerns for health consumers? 2012 Academic article
Spatio-temporal modeling of communicable diseases: A case study of North Norway 2012 Poster
Could mobile diabetes management systems revolutionize patient care? 2012 Academic article
Effects and Feedback from 30 Individuals with Type 1 Diabetes, Using a Mobile Diabetes Diary: The Few Touch Application 2012 Academic lecture
Social Media and Games as Self-Management Tools for Children and Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus 2012 Poster
E-Rehabilitation an Internet and mobile phone based tailored intervention to enhance selfmanagement of Cardiovascular Disease: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial 2012 Academic article
Social Media and Games as Self-Management Tools for Children and Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus 2012 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Cigarette smoking and risk of histological subtypes of epithelial ovarian cancer in the EPIC cohort study 2012 Academic article
Maintaining awareness using policies; Enabling agents to identify relevance of information 2012 Academic article
Collaboration between Professionals: The Use of Videoconferencing for Delivering E-Health 2012 Academic article
Healthcare Continuity From Hospital to Territory in Lombardy: TELEMACO Project 2012 Academic article
Living With a Mentally Ill Parent: Exploring Adolescents' Experiences and Perspectives 2012 Academic article
Improved treatment for cerebral stroke patients in small hospitals?Reporting from a telestroke service in North Norway 2012 Academic lecture
Methodologies for assessing telemedicine - a systematic review of reviews 2012 Academic literature review
Adoption of telemedicine: from pilot stage to routine delivery 2012 Academic article
Bayesian multiscale analysis of images modeled as Gaussian Markov random fields 2012 Academic article
Standards for reporting randomized controlled trials in medical informatics: a systematic review of CONSORT adherence in RCTs on clinical decision support 2012 Academic literature review
Interdisciplinary Principles of Field-Like Coordination in the Case of Self-Organized Social Systems 2012 Academic lecture
Evaluation of telemonitoring for heart failure patients with implantable defibrillators: The EVOLVO (Evolution of Management Strategies of Heart Failure Patients with Implantable Defibrillators) Study 2012 Lecture
The EVOLVO Study: Remote Monitoring in Heart Failure Patients with Implantable Defibrillator 2012 Lecture
Improved Treatment of Cerebral Stroke Patients in Small Hospitals? Reporting from a Telestroke Service in North Norway 2012 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Temporal Community Structure Patterns in Diabetes Social Networks 2012 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ehealth systems and information needs of physicians 2012 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
CV4 Evaluation of Telemonitoring for Heart Failure Patients With Implantable Defibrillators: The Evolvo (Evolution of Management Strategies of Heart Failure Patients With Implantable Defibrillators) Study 2012 Academic article
What capital is telemedicine? 2012 Academic lecture
The Few Touch Digital Diabetes Diary for type 2 Diabetes 2011 Documentary
The Few Touch Application (FTA) in Social Media 2011 Academic lecture
The Diabetes Motivation Projects, User-Involved Design of Mobile Self-Help Tools for People with Diabetes 2011 Popular scientific lecture
Diabetes care on Mobile Phones 2011 Popular scientific lecture
Going for a PhD: Problems and Pitfalls 2011 Popular scientific lecture
Redesigning user interfaces of wireless IP-DECT phones to support context-sensitive communication in hospitals 2011 Academic lecture
The Norwegian study in Renewing Health: Stimulating self-management in patients with Type 2 diabetes mellitus through telecare with the Few Touch application (FTA) and health counselling - a randomized controlled trial 2011 Academic lecture
The telemedicine and eHealth equation - proposal for an updated view on the Teorem of Medical Informatics 2011 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Global telemedicine services – what can be learned from telemedicine in Norway? 2011 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Spatial Tasks on a Large, High-Resolution, Tiled Display: A Male Inferiority in Performance with a Mental Rotation Task 2011 Academic article
Telemedicine: measuring effects and patient preferences 2011 Doctoral dissertation
A prototype system for Context Sensitive Communication in hospitals based on an Ascom/trixbox experimental platform 2011 Masters thesis
SMART CARB - A mobile nutrition self-management application for people with diabetes 2011 Masters thesis
Electronic Symptom Reporting by Patients: A Literature Review 2011 Academic literature review
Innovation in Practice: Development of Mobile Phone Applications, Involving Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes. A Pilot Study 2011 Poster
Making a web based ulcer record work by aligning architecture, legislation and users - a formative evaluation study 2011 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Exploring the use of Educational Video Games as Self-Management Tools for Children and Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus 2011 Academic lecture
Review of Mobile Terminal-Based Tools for Diabetes Diet Management 2011 Academic lecture
Extracting Gait Parameters from Raw Electronic Walkway Data 2011 Academic lecture
Mobile Peer Support in Diabetes 2011 Academic lecture
Towards a mobile solution for predicting illness in Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus: Development of a prediction model for detecting risk of illness in Type 1 Diabetes prior to symptom onset 2011 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Towards a mobile solution for predicting illness in Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus: Development of a prediction model for detecting risk of illness in Type 1 Diabetes prior to symptom onset 2011 Academic lecture
Context-sensitive Communication in Hospitals: A User Interface Evaluation and Redesign of Ascom Wireless IP-DECT Phones 2011 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Review of iPhone Applications for Diabetes Self-Management 2011 Academic lecture
Exploring the use of Educational Video Games as Self-Management Tools for Children and Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus 2011 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Personalized Mobile Phone-based Tools for Type 1 Diabetes 2011 Poster
Distributed knowledge in collaborative medical diagnosis 2011 Poster
Workplace Learning Among General Practitioners and Specialists: the Use of Videoconferencing as a Tool 2011 Academic article
Supporting lay bystanders during out-of-hospital cardiac arrest -- Comparison of video calls and audio calls for instructions and supervision 2011 Doctoral dissertation
Real-time local epidemiological data through the internet as a management tool for infections in the community 2011 Poster
Patient oriented ICT: Policy and Practice 2011 Doctoral dissertation
Use of telephone and SMS reminders to improve attendance at hospital appointments: a systematic review 2011 Academic literature review
Features of Mobile Diabetes Applications: Review of the Literature and Analysis of Current Applications Compared Against Evidence-Based Guidelines 2011 Academic literature review
Doctors and nurses benefit from interprofessional online education in dermatology 2011 Academic article
Effect of Tailoring in an Internet-Based Intervention for Smoking Cessation: Randomized Controlled Trial 2011 Academic article
An Exploratory Study of Patient Attitudes towards Symptom Reporting in a Primary Care Setting Benefits for Medical Consultation and Syndromic Surveillance? 2011 Academic article
Video calls for dispatcher-assisted cardiopulmonary resuscitation can improve the confidence of lay rescuers - surveys after simulated cardiac arrest 2011 Academic article
Policy-based Awareness Management (PAM): Case study of a wireless communication system at a hospital 2011 Academic article
Flexibility in interaction: Sociotechnical design of an operating room scheduler 2011 Academic article
Disrupted rhythms and mobile ICT in a surgical department 2011 Academic article
Spatial Tasks on a Large, High-Resolution, Tiled Display: A Male Inferiority in Performance with a Mental Rotation Task 2011 Academic lecture
Does long-term care use within primary health care reduce hospital use among older people in Norway? A national five-year population-based observational study 2011 Academic article
Video calls from lay bystanders to dispatch centers - risk assessment of information security 2011 Academic article
Mobile Peer Support in Diabetes 2011 Academic article
Review of Mobile Terminal-Based Tools for Diabetes Diet Management 2011 Academic article
Institutionalizing Telemedicine Applications: The Challenge of Legitimizing Decision-Making 2011 Academic article
Extracting Gait Parameters from Raw Electronic Walkway Data 2011 Academic article
Automatic Segmentation of Dermoscopic Images by Iterative Classification 2011 Academic article
Spatio-temporal modeling and outbreak detection of infectious diseases in northern Norway 2011 Academic lecture
Spatio-temporal Modelling and Outbreak Detection of Infectious Diseases in Northern Norway 2011 Poster
Collaboration and learning in medical teams by using video conference 2011 Academic article
Collaborative Work by Using Videoconferencing: Opportunities for Learning in Daily Medical Practice 2011 Academic article
Scale Space Methods for Analysis of Type 2 Diabetes Patients' Blood Glucose Values 2011 Academic article
What does an e-mail address add? - Doing health and technology at home 2011 Academic article
Mobile Diabetes Self-Management Tools –What’s the Role of Clinicians? 2011 Poster
Exploring illness prediction in Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus pre-symptom onset 2011 Academic article
Wireless and Mobile Technologies Improving Diabetes Self-Management 2011 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Telemaco Project: Telemedicine for the Small Town Halls in Lombardy Region 2011 Lecture
Extracting Gait Parameters from Raw Electronic Walkway Data 2011 Academic article
Being there for them – a telepresence device to support remote social and clinical care to elderly persons 2011 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Norwegian University Develops Self Help System To Monitor Diabetes Patients 2010 Interview
Telemedicine for Diabetes Patients 2010 Interview
Research on mobile self-help tools for patients with Type 2 diabetes 2010 Popular scientific lecture
Diabetes research at NST 2010 Popular scientific lecture
M-Health: Mobile self-help tools for patients with diabetes 2010 Popular scientific lecture
Use of Various Methods in User-Involved Design of Mobile Self-Help Tools for People with Diabetes 2010 Academic lecture
User-Involved Design of Mobile Self-Help Tools for People with Diabetes 2010 Academic lecture
Mobile self-help system to monitor diabetics health conditions 2010 Documentary
Automatic learning of spatial patterns for diagnosis of skin lesions 2010 Academic article
Economic evaluation in telemedicine - still room for improvement 2010 Academic article
Collaborative work and medical talk. Opportunities for learning through knowledge sharing 2010 Academic article
A computer aided diagnostic system for malignant melanomas 2010 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Digital Monitoring of Changes in Skin Lesions 2010 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Digital Monitoring of Changes in Skin Lesions 2010 Academic lecture
Un/doing gender with ICT? 2010 Academic article
The role of statistics in shape analysis 2010 Academic lecture
The empowered patient and the sociologist 2010 Academic article
Designing Mobile Diabetes Applications – Challenges and Opportunities 2010 Academic lecture
My research and NST 2010 Academic lecture
Patient-user involvement for designing a self-help tool for Type 2 diabetes 2010 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Symptoms from patients as the primary information source for real-time surveillance 2010 Academic lecture
Patient-user involvement for designing a self-help tool for Type 2 diabetes 2010 Academic lecture
Exploring illness prediction in Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus pre-symptom onset 2010 Academic lecture
Secondary Use of EHR: Data Quality Issues and Informatics Opportunities 2010 Academic article
Status for the Norwegian study 2010 Academic lecture
Project administration Norway. Status for the Norwegian Study 2010 Academic lecture
The Norwegian study in Renewing Health 2010 Academic lecture
Stimulating self-management in patients with type 2 diabetes 2010 Academic lecture
Effectiveness of telemedicine: A systematic review of reviews 2010 Academic literature review
Unsupervised segmentation for digital dermoscopic images 2010 Academic article
Standardized nursing work: works in practice but not in theory? 2010 Academic article
Bone loss and the risk of non-vertebral fractures in women and men: the Tromsø study 2010 Academic article
Symptoms from patients as the primary information source for real-time surveillance 2010 Academic article
Differences and innequalities in health. Empirical reflections on telemediciene and politics 2010 Academic article
Evaluation of an Ascom/trixbox system for context sensitive communication in hospitals 2010 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mobile-Phone-based Self-Management Tools for Type 2 Diabetes – The Few Touch Application 2010 Academic article
Leaving twentieth-century understanding of documents - From book to eBook to digital ecosystem 2010 Academic article
Exploring new directions in disease surveillance for people with diabetes: Lessons learned and future plans 2010 Academic article
Physicians interrupted by mobile devices in hospitals – understanding the interaction between devices, roles and duties 2010 Academic article
Getting the whole picture? New information and communication technologies in healthcare work and organisation 2010 Academic article
Sixteen years of ICPC use in Norwegian primary care: looking through the facts 2010 Academic article
Online Communication Between Doctors and Patients in Europe: Status and Perspectives 2010 Academic article
Exploring new directions in disease surveillance for people with diabetes: Lessons learned and future plans 2010 Academic lecture
User-Involved Design of Mobile Self-Help Tools for People with Diabetes 2010 Academic lecture
Leaving twentieth-century understanding of documents - From book to eBook to digital ecosystem 2010 Academic lecture
Secondary Use of EHR: Data Quality Issues and Informatics Opportunities 2010 Academic lecture
Evaluation of an Ascom/trixbox system for context sensitive communication in hospitals 2010 Academic lecture
Physicians interrupted by mobile devices in hospitals – understanding the interaction between devices, roles and duties 2010 Poster
I-care: stimulating self-management in patients with type 2 diabetes. A pilot study 2010 Poster
User-Involved Design of Mobile Self-Help tools for People with Diabetes – The Few Touch Application 2010 Poster
User-Involved Design of Mobile Self-Help Tools for People with Diabetes 2010 Poster
The workload of web-based consultations with atopic eczema patients at home 2010 Academic article
Statistical modeling of aggregated lifestyle and blood glucose data in type 1 diabetes patients 2010 Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Better assistance from 113 with video-calls during medical emergencies? A qualitative study 2009 Poster
Web-based consultations for parents of children with atopic dermatitis: results of a randomized controlled trial 2009 Academic article
Point-of-care devices for healthy consumers - a feasibility study 2009 Editorial
A Review of Mobile Terminal-Based Applications for Self-Management of Patients with Diabetes 2009 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
New Directions in Electronic Disease Surveillance: Detection of Infectious Diseases during the Incubation Period 2009 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Exploring morally relevant issues facing families in their decisions to monitor the health-related behaviours of loved ones 2009 Academic article
Measuring Physical Activity with Sensors: A Qualitative Study 2009 Academic article
Bridging the Gap between Patients’ Expectations and General Practitioners’ Knowledge through Disease Surveillance 2009 Academic article
Threats to Information Security of Real-Time Disease Surveillance Systems 2009 Academic article
Authentication and Encryption in the Snow Disease Surveillance Network 2009 Academic article
Can video mobile phones improve CPR quality when used for dispatcher assistance during simulated cardiac arrest? 2009 Academic article
Video conferencing versus telephone calls for team work across hospitals: a qualitative study on simulated emergencies 2009 Academic article
Placing Globalizing Technologies: Telemedicine and the Making of Difference 2009 Academic article
Use of the internet for health purposes: trends in Norway 2000-2010 2009 Academic article
Reusing Patient Data to Enhance Patient Empowerment and Electronic Disease Surveillance 2009 Academic article
"The dual role of the action researcher" 2009 Academic article
The Few Touch Digital Diabetes Diary, User-Involved Design of Mobile Self-Help Tools for People with Diabetes 2009 Doctoral dissertation
Experiences from using a diabetes diary based on a mobile phone - the few touch application 2009 Academic lecture
Authentication and encryption in the Snow Disease Surveillance Network 2009 Academic lecture
Threats to Information Security of Real-Time Disease Surveillance Systems 2009 Academic lecture
Measuring Physical activity with Sensors: A Qualitative Study 2009 Academic lecture
Bridging the Gap between Patients' Expectations and General Practitioners' Knowledge through Disease Surveillance 2009 Academic lecture
Self-help tools: advantages and limitations of PC-based versus mobile approaches 2009 Academic lecture
New Directions in Electronic Disease Surveillance: Detection of Infectious Diseases during the Incubation Period 2009 Academic lecture
A Review of Mobile Terminal-Based Applications for Self-Management of Patients with Diabetes 2009 Academic lecture
Designing mobile patient-centric self-help terminals for people with diabetes 2009 Poster
Diabetes diary based on a mobile phone – Users´experiences and iterative design process 2009 Poster
Experiences from using a diabetes diary based on a mobile phone - the few touch application 2009 Poster
Introduction of a telemonitoring service for patients affected by Chronic Heart Failure 2009 Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Assessment and analysis of territorial experiences in digital tele-echocardiography 2009 Academic article
Systematic Review of Telemedicine Services for Patients Affected by COPD 2009 Academic article
Assessment of a telemedicine innovation in cardiology 2009 Academic article
Teleconsultation service to improve healthcare in rural areas: acceptance, organizational impact and appropriateness 2009 Academic article
Can economic evaluation in telemedicine be trusted? A systematic review of the literature 2009 Academic article
Two-way video communication during out-of-hospital cardiac arrest can improve rescuers' confidence 2009 Abstract
Presentation of the Few Touch Application based on the Windows Mobile platform 2008 Popular scientific lecture
Self-help through a mobile ICT tool - Type 2 diabetes 2008 Popular scientific lecture
Disease Surveillance –The Patient’s Point of View, Self-Help Tools 2008 Academic lecture
Mobile Self-Help Tool for People with Type 2 Diabetes 2008 Academic lecture
Bluetooth Technology @ Work - The Future of Telemetry 2008 Interview
"Garbage in, garbage out": extracting disease surveillance data from epr systems in primary care 2008 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Relations between Internet use, socio-economic status (SES), social support and subjective health 2008 Academic article
Adherence in Internet-based interventions 2008 Academic article
An overview and analysis of theories employed in telemedicine studies - A field in search of an identity 2008 Academic literature review
Electronic health surveillance: from John Snow to a network health information system 2008 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Current status and future perspectives in telecare for elderly people suffering from chronic diseases 2008 Academic article
Designing mobile dietary management support technologies for people with diabetes 2008 Academic article
The potential of digital monochrome images versus colour slides in telescreening for diabetic retinopathy 2008 Academic article
User-Centered Methods for Designing Patient-Centric Self-Help Tools 2008 Academic article
To see or not to see -- Better dispatcher-assisted CPR with video-calls? A qualitative study based on simulated trials 2008 Academic article
A System for Monitoring Physical Activity Data Among People with Type 2 Diabetes 2008 Academic article
A Large, High Resolution Tiled Display for Medical Use: Experiences from Prototyping of a Radiology Scenario 2008 Academic article
Eight Challenges for Developing Telemedicine Applications 2008 Academic article
An exploratory study of disease surveillance systems in Norway 2008 Academic article
Home telecare technologies for the elderly 2008 Academic article
Telehomecare Technologies for the Elderly: Milestones and challenges 2008 Report
A Context-Sensitive Framework for Mobile Terminals for Assisting Type 2 Diabetes Patients 2008 Report
An Exploratory Study of Disease Surveillance System in Norway 2008 Report
Designing Mobile Dietary Management Support Tecnologies for People with Diabetes 2008 Report
A Context-Sensitive Framework for Mobile Terminals for Assisting Type 2 Diabetes Patients 2008 Masters thesis
Meta-perspectives on telemedicine: theory, method and a case 2008 Doctoral dissertation
Eight Challenges for Developing Telemedicine Applications 2008 Academic lecture
Teleconsultation; collaborative work and opportunities for learning across organizational boundaries 2008 Academic lecture
An Exploratory Study of Disease Surveillance Systems in Norway 2008 Academic lecture
Telehomecare Technologies for the Elderly: Milestones and challenges 2008 Academic lecture
“Garbage In, Garbage Out”- Extracting Disease Surveillance Data from EPR Systems in Primary Care 2008 Academic lecture
Context-Sensitive Framework for Mobile Terminals for Assisting Type 2 Diabetes Patients 2008 Academic lecture
A System for Monitoring Physical Activity Data Among People with Type 2 Diabetes 2008 Academic lecture
Teleconsultation- collaborative work and opportunities for learning across organizational boundaries 2008 Academic lecture
A Large, High Resolution Tiled Display for Medical Use: Experiences from Prototyping of a Radiology Scenario 2008 Academic lecture
A Qualitative Study of Current and Future Systems for Disease Surveillance 2008 Poster
Assessment models for telemedicine services in National Health Systems 2008 Lecture
A cognitive map to design a performance-oriented RIS-PACS 2008 Academic article
Assessment models for telemedicine services in National Health Systems 2008 Academic article
Assessment of a remote monitoring system for implantable cardioverter defibrillators 2008 Academic article
Communicating textual health information to the mobile phones of visually-impaired users 2008 Academic article
Self-help through a mobile ICT tool 2007 Popular scientific lecture
Lessons learned from interacting with users 40-70 years old in designing an eHealth self-help tool 2007 Academic lecture
Self-help through a mobile ICT tool - type 2 diabetes 2007 Academic lecture
Self-help through a mobile ICT tool 2007 Academic lecture
Risk analysis of information security in a mobile instant messaging and presence system for healthcare 2007 Academic article
Challenges in Telemedicine and eHealth: Lessons Learned from 20 Years with Telemedicine in Tromsø 2007 Academic article
Automatic Infection Detection System 2007 Academic article
A Framework for Mobile Services Supporting Mobile Non-office Workers 2007 Academic article
Patients' willingness to pay for electronic communication with their general practitioner 2007 Academic article
Use of videoconferencing in Norwegian psychiatry 2007 Academic article
Documents in medicine: from paper documents to quality-healthcare? 2007 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Challenges in Telemedicine and eHealth: Lessons Learned from 20 Years with Telemedicine in Tromsø 2007 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Automatic Infection Detection System 2007 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Context-aware systems for mobile communication in healthcare - A user oriented approach 2007 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
The Mobile solution for blood donor, registration and identification for the National Blood Transfusion Service, Tanzania 2007 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Usability of a Mobile Self-Help Tool for People with Diabetes: the Easy Health Diary 2007 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
No-touch wireless transfer of blood glucose data from patient-operatedblood glucose monitors 2007 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Properties of a fedarated epidemiology query system 2007 Academic article
Propagation of program control: A tool for distributed disease surveillance 2007 Academic article
European citizens' use of E-Health services: A study of seven countries 2007 Academic article
A systematic review of research methodology in Telemedicine: Standards gone astray? 2007 Academic article
In the eyes of the beholder. Exploring psychologists’ attitudes towards and use of eTherapy in Norway 2007 Academic article
Use of videoconferencing within Norwegian psychiatry 2007 Academic article
The Snow Agent System: A peer-to-peer system for disease surveillance and diagnostic assistance 2007 Report
What do GPs want in return from a Syndromic Surveillance system? 2007 Report
Mobile blood donor registration system Dodoma Regional Blood Transfusion Centre National Blood Transfusion Service Dodoma/Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2007 Masters thesis
The Snow Agent System: A peer-to-peer system for disease surveillance and diagnostic assistance 2007 Academic lecture
Usability of a Mobile Self-Help Tool for People with Diabetes: the Easy Health Diary 2007 Academic lecture
No-touch wireless transfer of blood glucose data from patient-operatedblood glucose monitors 2007 Academic lecture
The Mobile solution for blood donor, registration and identification fot the National Blood Transfusion Service, Tanzania 2007 Academic lecture
Context-aware systems for mobile communication in healthcare - A user oriented approach 2007 Academic lecture
Automatic Infection Detection System 2007 Academic lecture
Challenges in Telemedicine and eHealth: Lessons Learned from 20 Years with Telemedicine in Tromsø 2007 Academic lecture
What do GPs want in return from a Syndromic Surveillance system? 2007 Poster
Construction of a Self-help System for Automatic Capture of Physical Activity Data Among People With Type 2 Diabetes 2007 Poster
Usability of a Mobile Self-Help Tool for People with Diabetes 2007 Poster
Entrepreneurial opportunities in telemedicine 2007 Lecture
Assessment of a telemedicine innovation in cardiology 2007 Lecture
A tele-obstetric broadband service including ultrasound, videoconferencing and cardiotocogram. A high cost and a low volume of patients 2007 Academic article
Patient-centric health diary; research and innovation within Sensor Based Systems 2006 Academic lecture
Reprogrammable hardware used in future patient-centric eHealth tools 2006 Academic lecture
Exploring different electronic media to support diabetes self-management 2006 Academic lecture
The Bluetooth SIG exhibited the NST's blood glucose sensor system as a Business Case Study on their web page: Business Case Studies - Norwegian Centre for Telemedicine, 2006 2006 Documentary
Benefits from telemedicine in Norway – An examination of available documentation 2006 Report
Benefits From Telemedicine In Norway; Lessons To Learn? 2006 Academic lecture
Open Source Software - The future of medical imaging? 2006 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Challenges in Telemedicine and eHealth: Lessons learned from 20 years with Telemedicine in Tromsø 2006 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
New Trends in Electronic Health Records 2006 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Patients who use e-mediated communication with their doctor -new constructions of trust in the patient - doctor relationship 2006 Academic article
A Decentralised Model for EHR Data Integration 2006 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Considerations on a Documentation Approach to Analysis of Health Care Information Needs within a Computer Supported Cooperative Work Framework 2006 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
E-averting the medical gaze for health’s sake 2006 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Diabetes education via mobile text messaging 2006 Academic article
Doing action-research on online self-help groups – advantages and challenges 2006 Academic lecture
Capturing and presenting patient-data through a smartphone: Designing a self-help tool 2006 Academic lecture
Insight and Experience Gained from Clinical Telemedicine Applications 2006 Academic lecture
Re/orderings of medical and nursing work; new technologies and the disruption of professional, organizational and spatial relations 2006 Academic lecture
Re/Orderings of Medical and Nursing Work: new technologies and the disruption of professional, organisational and spatial relations 2006 Academic lecture
A cognitive map to design a performance-oriented RIS-PACS 2006 Lecture
Capturing and presenting patient-data through a smartphone: Designing a self-help tool 2006 Poster
BLOOD GLUCOSE BY SMS Do parents find it reassuring to receive automatic updates about their child’s blood-glucose level - and is the child safer? 2005 Brochure
eHealth tools to Empower Diabetes Self-Management 2005 Popular scientific lecture
A wearable eHealth system for people with Type 2 diabetes 2005 Academic lecture
Wireless Transfer of Sensor Data into Electronic Health Records 2005 Academic article
A mobile messaging and monitoring system to aid in diabetes self management 2005 Academic lecture
EDDG systembeskrivelse - Using blood glucose data as an indicator for epidemic disease outbreaks 2005 Academic lecture
NST's blood glucose sensor system as a reference eHealth application for Bluetooth SIG 2005 Documentary
A Wearable eHealth System for People With Type 2 Diabetes 2005 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Telemedicine in radiotherapy: A study exploring remote treatment planning, supervision and economics 2005 Academic article
Electronic patient-provider communication: Will it offset office visits and telephone consultations in primary care? 2005 Academic article
Parent-child interaction using a mobile and wireless system for blood glucose monitoring 2005 Academic article
Success and failure in web-based medical collaboration 2005 Academic article
Success and failure in web-based medical collaboration 2005 Academic lecture
A Wearable eHealth System for People With Type 2 Diabetes 2005 Academic lecture
Using blood glucose data as an indicator for epidemic disease outbreaks 2005 Academic lecture
The Grid as an Enabler for Home Based Healthcare Services 2005 Academic lecture
Empowering patients by introducing mobile data terminals in home care services at north calote 2005 Academic lecture
Difficulities in moving routine medical checks from the specialist level to the general practitioner level 2005 Academic article
Automatic transfer of blood glucose values 2004 Academic lecture
Automatic transfer of blood glucose values 2004 Popular scientific lecture
Blood glucose data into Electronic Health Care Records for diabetes management 2004 Academic article
Reference Application, Bluetooth supervision of children with diabetes 2004 Documentary
Mobile work - mobile ICT supporting secondary work [paper] 2004 Academic lecture
Diagnostic Accuracy of second-opinion dianoses based on still images 2004 Academic article
A feasability study: E-Burns support: E-Mail Connection between the Patient's Family and the Specialist Burns-Team 2004 Academic article
Case: Automatic transfer of blood glucose data from children with type 1 diabetes 2003 Popular scientific lecture
Transfer of sensordata into electronic health records 2003 Academic lecture
Designing a project portfolio for future management of diabetes and other chronic diseases 2003 Academic lecture
The Internet, Social Isolation and Mental Health - Future Perspectives 2003 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Implementing telemedicine services in Northern Norway: barriers and facilitators 2003 Academic article
Health-care professionals’ participation in an online discussion forum: The impact on structure, content and interaction 2003 Academic article
Implementing telemedicine services in Northern Norway: Barriers and facilitators 2003 Academic article
Implementing telemedicine services in Northern Norway: Barriers and facilitators 2003 Academic lecture
A web-based collaboration system for geographically distributed medical professionals 2003 Academic lecture
Automatic Monitoring and Control of Medication 2003 Poster
A web- based collaboration system for geographically distributed medical professionals 2003 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
A web-based infrastructure for medical professionals 2003 Academic lecture
My home is my hospital: Patient adopted telehomecare and telemedicine in homes 2003 Report
Telemedicine screening of diabetic retinopathy - staff and patient satisfaction 2003 Academic article
Automatic delivery of blood glucose data 2002 Popular scientific lecture
The Patient in the Health Care Data Net 2002 Report
Automatic delivery of blood glucose data 2002 Academic lecture
Smart home technology in Norwegian homebased health and social services 2002 Academic lecture
The patient in the health care data net - A disease management system in diabetes treatment 2002 Academic lecture
PaSent - the Patient's Personal Health Advisor 2002 Academic article
Online group interaction and mental health: An analysis of three online discussion forums 2002 Academic article
Social support in a wired world: Use of mental health discussion forums in Norway 2002 Academic article
Information and communication technology (ICT) in oncology. Patients and relatives experiences and suggestions 2002 Academic article
Using the data we have - what could possibly go wrong? 2015 Lecture
Improved Skin Lesion Diagnostics for General Practice by Computer-Aided Diagnostics 2015 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Internet-based remote consultations-general practitioner experience and attitudes in Norway and Germany 2015 Academic article
Review of Serious Games for People with Diabetes 2015 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Assessing the Potential Use of Eye-Tracking Triangulation for Evaluating the Usability of an Online Diabetes Exercise System 2015 Academic lecture
CallMeSmart Becoming Ubiquitous and Self-learning 2015 Academic lecture
Online Patients in an Offline Health Care Sector: Are Hospitals Ready for Electronic Communication With Patients? 2015 Academic lecture
Three new coordinator roles in Norwegian specialized health care – a policy-document analysis 2015 Academic lecture
Mining Symptoms of Severe Mood Disorders in Large Internet Communities 2015 Academic lecture
Mining Symptoms of Severe Mood Disorders in Large Internet Communities 2015 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Telemedicine Services in Arctic Environments – Challenges for Successful Implementation 2015 Academic lecture
Diabetes Group Education versus Individual Counselling: Review of Conflicting Evidence 2015 Academic lecture
The Role of Research Institutions in Health IT: Health IT Research Institutions vs. Health IT Companies 2015 Academic lecture
CallMeSmart: Location tracking using BLE beacons 2015 Academic lecture
Meeting Sickle Cell patients’ unmet needs with eHealth tools: a preliminary study 2015 Academic lecture
Do mobile medical apps need to follow European and US regulations or not: decisions exemplified by diabetes management app 2015 Academic lecture
Diabetes Automata: Software Engine for Blood Glucose Level Simulation 2015 Academic lecture
Development and trial of ePoint. telemed-An open web-based platform for home monitoring of chronic heart failure patients 2015 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Communication Pattern Regarding Alarms and Patient Signals Between Nurses, Other Health Care Actors, Patients and Devices 2015 Academic article
Assessing the potential use of eye-tracking triangulation for evaluating the usability of an online diabetes exercise system 2015 Academic article
Video Conferencing Services in Healthcare: One Communication Platform to Support All 2015 Academic article
On the Development of a Hospital-Patient Web-Based Communication Tool: A Case Study From Norway 2015 Academic article
Camera Movement during Telementoring and Laparoscopic Surgery: Challenges and Innovative Solutions 2015 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Type 1 diabetes in Twitter: who all listen to? 2015 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Type 1 diabetes in Twitter: who all listen to? 2015 Poster
Using the Internet to Support Exercise and Diet: A Stratified Norwegian Survey 2015 Academic article
Telemedicine Services in Arctic Environments – Challenges for Successful Implementation 2015 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Diabetes Group Education versus Individual Counselling: Review of Conflicting Evidence 2015 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
The Role of Research Institutions in Health IT: Health IT Research Institutions vs. Health IT Companies 2015 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
CallMeSmart: Location tracking using BLE beacons 2015 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Meeting Sickle Cell patients’ unmet needs with eHealth tools: a preliminary study 2015 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Do mobile medical apps need to follow European and US regulations or not: decisions exemplified by diabetes management app 2015 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Diabetes Automata: Software Engine for Blood Glucose Level Simulation 2015 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Data-driven approach for assessing utility of medical tests using electronic medical records 2015 Academic article
Data-driven personalized feedback to patients with Type 1 Diabetes: A randomized trial 2015 Academic article
SHI 2015 - Proceedings of the 13th Scandinavian Conference on Health Informatics, June 15-17, Tromsø, Norway 2015 Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
The Chronic Care Model and technological research and innovation: A scoping review at the crossroad 2015 Academic article
The Online Big Blue Test for Promoting Exercise: Health, Self-Efficacy, and Social Support 2015 Academic article
Study Protocol: Health Talk Norway 2015 Academic lecture
Study Protocol: Health Talk Norway 2015 Academic article
Person-centered coordination in hospitals: A review at the crossroads of research and policy 2015 Academic lecture
What device should be used for telementoring? Randomized controlled trial 2015 Academic article
Assessing the impact of telestration on surgical telementoring: A Randomized Controlled Trial 2015 Academic article
Nordic eHealth Benchmarking: Status 2014 2015 Report
Quantitative home-based assessment of Parkinson's symptoms: The SENSE-PARK feasibility and usability study 2015 Academic article
How to organize for a large-scale openEHR-based Electronic Patient Record 2015 Academic article
Semantic Interoperable Electronic Patient Records: The Unfolding of Consensus based Archetypes 2015 Academic article
Visions of the Future - Knowledge and Education 10 Years from Now 2015 Lecture
Unintended Consequences of Telemedicine Implementation 2015 Academic article
How to use qualitative interviews in e-health research 2015 Academic article
Citizen opinion of electronic health services - an overview of Norway 2015 Academic lecture
Document-Driven Care Pathways Using HL7 CDA 2015 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
On the Need for Interdisciplinary Teams in Health IT Design 2015 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
CallMeSmart becoming ubiquious and self-learning 2015 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Online Patients in Offline Health Care Systems: Are hospitals ready for electronic communication with patients? 2015 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ambient light as an information mediator for parents to children with diabetes 2015 Abstract
Performance of the first Combined Smartwatch to Smartphone Diabetes Diary Application Study 2015 Academic article
FUNNKe – A Norwegian Large Scale Implementation Project: Experiences From the Implementing Process in the Light of the Normalization Process Theory 2015 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Assembling Agency for Viability: Videoconference in Orthopaedic Consultations 2015 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
The UN Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities in practice 2015 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Use of a low-cost telementoring solution for the introduction of a new surgical procedure: Prelimary results. 2015 Academic lecture
Survival of the project: A case study of ICT innovation in health care 2015 Academic article
Randomized trial of a novel game-based appointment system for a university hospital venereology unit: Study protocol 2015 Academic article
eTELEMED 2015, The Seventh International Conference on eHealth, Telemedicine, and Social Medicine 2015 Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Collaboration in Surgical Training: A Qualitative Study of Mentoring Laparoscopic Surgeons by Using Videoconference in Northern Norway 2015 Academic lecture
Synchronous and Asynchrounous Medical Problem Solving 2015 Academic article
Synchronous and Asynchrounous Medical Problem Solving 2015 Academic lecture
Development and trial of ePoint.telemed – An open web-based platform for home monitoring of chronic heart faillure patients 2015 Academic lecture
Collaboration in Surgical Training: A Qualitative Study of Mentoring Laparoscopic Surgeons by Using Videoconference in Northern Norway 2015 Academic article
The Significance of Emotions and Professional Relations for Accommodating a Web-Based Ulcer Record and Improving Home-Based Care 2015 Academic article
Participatory design in Parkinson's research with focus on the symptomatic domains to be measured 2015 Academic article
The SNOW Project. A Distributed Infectious Disease Surveillance System 2014 Academic lecture
The Role of a Smartwatch in Mobile Chronic Disease Self-Management 2014 Academic article
Clinical trials for elderly patients with multiple diseases (CHROMED): a pilot study 2014 Poster
Patients Judgment of Their Trajectories 2014 Abstract
Adoption of Routine Telemedicine in Norway. An overview of activities from 2009 to 2011. 2014 Report
Are Mobile Devices Ready for Telementoring? A Protocol Design for Randomized Controlled Trials 2014 Academic lecture
Utilizing Physical Activity Trackers in Mobile Diabetes Self-management 2014 Academic lecture
Prototyping a Diet Self-management System for People with Diabetes with Cultural Adaptable User Interface Design 2014 Academic lecture
Methodology for Care Processes Modelling: Bringing the Health Care Complexity into Health IT Development 2014 Academic lecture
Interruption Management for Hospital Communications Systems: A user requirements study 2014 Academic lecture
Quantifying the Utility of Medical Tests using Longitudinal EHR data 2014 Academic article
Lessons Learned and Future Vision in Health Information Technology 2014 Lecture
Patient similarity using network structure properties in online communities 2014 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Social network analysis to delineate interaction patterns that predict weight loss performance 2014 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Online Patients - The policy and practice of patient oriented ICT 2014 Academic monograph
Between Project Enthusiasm and Routine Demands: Conflicting Logics and Unintended Consequences of e-Health Innovation and Diffusion 2014 Academic lecture
A qualitative description of telemedicine for acute stroke care in Norway: technology is not the issue 2014 Academic article
Text Classification to Automatically Identify Online Patients Vulnerable to Depression 2014 Academic article
Systematic review of behavioral obesity interventions and their persuasive qualities 2014 Academic literature review
Utilizing data gathered through mobile apps for self-management of type 1 diabetes 2014 Poster
RENEWING HEALTH Final Pilot Evaluation Norway. Version 1.2 Deliverable D11.7 2014 Report
Managing Everyday Life: A Qualitative Study of Patients’ Experiences of a Web-Based Ulcer Record for Home-Based Treatment 2014 Academic article
A Mobile Health Intervention for Self-Management and Lifestyle Change for Persons With Type 2 Diabetes, Part 2: One-Year Results From the Norwegian Randomized Controlled Trial RENEWING HEALTH 2014 Academic article
A Low-Intensity Mobile Health Intervention With and Without Health Counseling for Persons With Type 2 Diabetes, Part 1: Baseline and Short-Term Results From a Randomized Controlled Trial in the Norwegian Part of RENEWING HEALTH 2014 Academic article
Helping patients in performing online video search: evaluating the importance of medical terminology extracted from MeSH and ICD-10 in health video title and description 2014 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Home-Based Health Monitoring for Pre-surgical Patients 2014 Masters thesis
“Diabetes Care”: Providing Advanced Representation of Mobile Diabetes Diary Data to General Practitioner 2014 Masters thesis
Synchronous online learning in the Arctic through Google Hangout and Twitter 2014 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Prototyping a Diet Self-management System for People with Diabetes with Cultural Adaptable User Interface Design 2014 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Utilizing Physical Activity Trackers in Mobile Diabetes Self-management 2014 Abstract
Data-driven medical test utility and visualization 2014 Lecture
Meta-architecture for the interoperability and knowledge management of archetype-based clinical decision support systems 2014 Academic lecture
Meta-architecture for the interoperability and knowledge management of archetype-based clinical decision support systems 2014 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
A communicable disease prediction benchmarking platform 2014 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Evaluation of Secure Multi-Party Computation for Reuse of Distributed Electronic Health Data 2014 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
How are Norwegians Using the Internet to Support Exercise or Diet? 2014 Poster
Smoking increases rectal cancer risk to the same extent in women as in men: Results from a Norwegian cohort study 2014 Academic article
Use of patient- recorded data in smartphone- based game for children with diabetes 2014 Abstract
The biography of participation 2014 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Feature selection using Kernel Component Analysis For Early Detection Of Anastomosis Leakage 2014 Academic lecture
Data-driven analytics for decision support 2014 Lecture
Quantifying the Utility of Medical Tests using Longitudinal EHR data 2014 Academic lecture
Detecting Novel Associations for Surgical Hospital Readmissions in Large Datasets by Interactive Visual Analytics 2014 Academic lecture
Video-confidence: a qualitative exploration of videoconferencing for psychiatric emergencies 2014 Academic article
Bootstrap resampling feature selection and Support Vector Machine for early detection of Anastomosis Leakage 2014 Lecture
The Snow System - a Decentralized Medical Data Processing System 2014 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Meta-architecture for the interoperability and knowledge management of archetype-based clinical decision support systems 2014 Report
The Evolution of Personal Health Records and their Role for Self-Management: A Literature Review 2014 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ebola, Twitter, and Misinformation: A dangerous combination? 2014 Letter to the editor
An optimization based on simulation approach to the patient admission scheduling problem using a linear programing algorithm 2014 Academic article
Methodology for Care Processes Modelling: Bringing the Health Care Complexity into Health IT Development 2014 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Using QALYs in telehealth evaluations: a systematic review of methodology and transparency 2014 Academic article
Implementation of an electronic surgical referral service. Collaboration, consensus and cost of the surgeon – general practitioner Delphi approach 2014 Academic article
Tweet content related to sexually transmitted diseases: No joking matter 2014 Academic article
Managing everyday life: Exploring an online self-help group for adolescents with a mentally ill parent 2014 Academic lecture
Communal normalization in an online self-help group for adolescents with a mentally ill parent 2014 Academic article
The Association between Lifetime Smoking Exposure and Breast Cancer Mortality – Results from a Norwegian Cohort 2014 Academic article
Consistency and Standardization of Color in Medical Imaging: a Consensus Report 2014 Academic article
Reduced Elective Surgery Cancellations Through Patient Involvement In Pre-Operative Planning In Norway 2014 Lecture
Moving telementoring to the web 2014 Academic article
Mobile videoconferencing for enhanced emergency medical communication - a shot in the dark or a walk in the park? ‐‐ A simulation study 2014 Academic article
Patients initiated timeline marking of events in Parkinson's disease: Visualization of time correlation between patients marked events and acquired data from sensors 2014 Academic article
e-Rehabilitation. Design and effectiveness of a tailored Internet- and mobile-based intervention to support maintenance of physical activity after cardiac rehabilitation 2014 Doctoral dissertation
Complex Network Structure Patterns in Open Internet Communities for People with Diabetes 2014 Doctoral dissertation
Effectiveness and Cost-Effectiveness of eHealth Interventions in Somatic Diseases: A Systematic Review of Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses 2014 Academic literature review
Providing reassurance and psychological support from a distance 2014 Academic lecture
A methodology to develop awareness in computer supported collaborative work using policies 2014 Academic article
Associations between primary healthcare and unplanned medical admissions in Norway: A multilevel analysis of the entire elderly population 2014 Academic article
Cigarette smoking and colorectal cancer mortality among 602,242 Norwegian males and females 2014 Academic article
Can a game-style web app prevent sexually transmitted diseases? 2014 Poster
Play as a prevention strategy: Using a web app to teach youth about STDs 2014 Poster
A randomized online health experiment for a safer youth sexual behaviour 2014 Poster
Are Mobile Devices Ready for Telementoring? A Protocol Design for Randomized Controlled Trials 2014 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Interruption Management for Hospital Communications Systems 2014 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Economic Impact of Remote Specialist Consultations Using Videoconferencing: an Economic Model Based on Data From Randomised Controlled Trials 2014 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Organising Videoconferencing for Collaborative Medical Diagnosis: Pre-Planned and Acute Practice 2014 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Reduced Elective Surgery Cancellations Through Patient Involvement In Pre-Operative Planning In Norway 2014 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Assembling Goal Attainment and Collaboration - Videoconference in Clinical Practice 2014 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Active and passive cigarette smoking and breast cancer risk: Results from the EPIC cohort 2014 Academic article
An internet- and mobile-based tailored intervention to enhance maintenance of physical activity after cardiac rehabilitation: Short-term results of a randomized controlled trial 2014 Academic article
A semiautomatic tool for prostate segmentation in radiotherapy treatment planning 2014 Academic article
Service users’ perspectives in the design of an online tool for assisted self-help in mental health: a case study of implications 2014 Academic article
Adoption of routine telemedicine in Norway: The current picture 2014 Academic article
Combining Users’ Needs With Health Behavior Models in Designing an Internet- and Mobile-Based Intervention for Physical Activity in Cardiac Rehabilitation 2014 Academic article
Performance of a dermoscopy-based computer vision system for the diagnosis of pigmented skin lesions compared with visual evaluation by experienced dermatologists 2014 Academic article
Power law approximations of movement network data for modeling infectious disease spread 2014 Academic article
Surgical Telementoring in Knowledge Translation--Clinical Outcomes and Educational Benefits: A Comprehensive Review 2013 Academic literature review
An Evaluation Framework for Defining the Contributions of Telestration in Surgical Telementoring 2013 Academic lecture
Electronically available symptom data: Usefulness and feasibility of syndromic surveillance and health care service improvements 2013 Doctoral dissertation
Patients’ reported reasons for non-use of an Internet-based Patient–Provider Communication service (IPPC) 2013 Poster
Long-term telerehabilitation of COPD patients in their homes: interim results from a pilot study in Northern Norway 2013 Lecture
CallMeSmart: A system for context controlled mobile communication in hospitals 2013 Academic lecture
CallMeSmart: An Ascom/trixbox based prototype for context controlled mobile communication in hospitals 2013 Academic lecture
CallMeSmart: A VoIP Softphone on Android Based Mobile Devices using SIP 2013 Academic lecture
Ten lessons you should know when implementing telemedicine services in rural areas 2013 Academic lecture
Designing a diabetes mobile application with social network support 2013 Academic lecture
Sjekkdeg.no: A game-style Web app for preventing sexually transmitted diseases 2013 Academic article
www.sjekkdeg.no 2013 Poster
The Snow Communicable Disease Outbreak Detection Approach 2013 Academic lecture
Towards Privacy Preserving Comparative Effectiveness Research 2013 Academic lecture
The Snow Infectious Disease Forecast Service 2013 Academic lecture
Educational Social Games Embedded in a Telemonitoring Tool for Children with Type 1 Diabetes: A Preliminary Paper 2013 Abstract
A review of serious games for diabetic patients 2013 Poster
Mobile Patient Applications within Diabetes - from Few and Easy to Advanced Functionalities 2013 Poster
User requirements for interruption management in mobile communications in hospitals 2013 Poster
Developing methods to capture the patient pathways experienc 2013 Poster
Giving patients a voice - Patient evaluation of PAtients TrAjectories – The PasTAs protocol 2013 Poster
Analysing the Use of a Telestroke Service 2013 Academic article
Patients’ Reported Reasons for Non-Use of an Internet-Based Patient-Provider Communication Service: Qualitative Interview Study 2013 Academic article
The hazards of death by smoking in middle-aged women 2013 Academic article
Towards privacy preserving comparative effectiveness research 2013 Academic lecture
The Snow system – a distributed medical data processing system 2013 Academic lecture
Mobile Medical Mentor (M3) 2013 Academic lecture
The Snow communicable disease outbreak detection approach 2013 Academic lecture
The Snow infectious disease forecast service 2013 Academic lecture
Towards Privacy-Preserving Computing on Distributed Electronic Health Record Data 2013 Academic lecture
Towards Privacy-Preserving Computing on Distributed Electronic Health Record Data 2013 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Overview and Multi-Criteria Analysis of Glucometers for Telemonitoring of Patient with Diabetes Mellitus 2013 Academic literature review
Scandinavian Conference on Health Informatics 2013 - Proceedings 2013 Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Long-term telerehabilitation of COPD patients in their homes: interim results from a pilot study in Northern Norway 2013 Academic article
Short term findings from the Norwegian (RCT) study in Renewing Health: A low-intensity and low cost mobile health intervention with health counseling 2013 Poster
From being interrupted by mobile devices to CallMeSmart - a context-sensitive communication system for mobile communication in hospitals 2013 Doctoral dissertation
Using the Internet to Manage Atopc Eczema 2013 Doctoral dissertation
Working solutions for telehealth in low resource areas 2013 Abstract
Gamification Strategy on Prevention of STDs for Youth 2013 Abstract
Readiness for Diet Change Among Persons with Type 2 Diabetes: the Norwegian Study in Renewing Health 2013 Poster
Managing Everyday Life: Exploring an Online Self-help Group for Adolescents with a Mentally Ill Parent 2013 Academic lecture
Patients’ acceptability with the intervention in the Norwegian study of Renewing Health, the SUTAQ questionnaire 2013 Academic lecture
Design of an Advanced Mobile Diabetes Diary Based on a Prospective 6-month Study Involving People with Type 1 Diabetes 2013 Poster
E-Rehabilitation – an Internet and Mobile Phone Based Tailored Intervention to Enhance Self-Management of Cardiovascular Disease: Preliminary Results 2013 Poster
User Involvement in the Design of an Internet- And Mobile-Based Cardiac Rehabilitation Intervention: Technology-Related Needs and Requirements 2013 Academic lecture
CallMeSmart: A system for context controlled mobile communication in hospitals 2013 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ten lessons you should know when implementing telemedicine services in rural areas 2013 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
CallMeSmart: An Ascom/trixbox based prototype for context controlled mobile communication in hospitals 2013 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Designing a diabetes mobile application with social network support 2013 Academic article
Mobile Patient Applications within Diabetes - from Few and Easy to Advanced Functionalities 2013 Abstract
User requirements for interruption management in mobile communications in hospitals 2013 Abstract
“Working solutions for telehealth in low resource areas” (Panel Discussion) 2013 Academic lecture
Implementation of telemedicine services in rural areas - lessons learned and future perspectives 2013 Academic lecture
Interprofessional Participation and Reflection in a Digital Network 2013 Academic literature review
Low-Intensity Self-Management Intervention for Persons With Type 2 Diabetes Using a Mobile Phone-Based Diabetes Diary, With and Without Health Counseling and Motivational Interviewing: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial 2013 Academic article
Ten Lessons for Successful Implementation of Telemedicine Services in North Norway 2013 Academic article
Telementoring as a Service 2013 Academic article
Scandinavian Conference on Health Informatics 2013 2013 Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
An Evaluation Framework for Defining the Contributions of Telestration in Surgical Telementoring 2013 Academic article
Confronting challenges of contingency: using a web-based patient record for ulcer care 2013 Academic article
Usage and Perceptions of a Mobile Self-Management Application for People with Type 2 Diabetes: Qualitative Study of 5-month Trial 2013 Academic lecture
Usage and perceptions of a mobile self-management application for people with type 2 diabetes: qualitative study of a five-month trial 2013 Academic article
Gamification Strategy on Prevention of STDs for Youth 2013 Poster
Organizing Videoconferenzing for Collaborative Medical Diagnosis 2013 Poster
Etablering av forskernettverk & Publiseringstradisjoner 2015 Lecture
-Lederne må implementere IKT-prosjektene 2015 Interview
På vei mot bedre støtte til barn som pårørende 2015 Chapter
Familier i motbakke 2015 Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Selvhjelpsverktøy for barn og ungdom med diabetes i lav- og mellominntektsland 2015 Academic lecture
Tromsø-forsker mottok pris for arbeidet med denne revolusjonerende helse-appen 2015 Interview
Final Report,Tromsø Telemedicine Laboratory 2007 - 2014 2014 Brochure
Hva er ”Big Data” innen medisin, og kan det bidra til bedre pasientsikkerhet? 2014 Lecture
Appen gjør hverdagen lettere 2013 Interview
Blodsukker på mobilen 2013 Interview
Vil at du skal gå mindre til legen 2013 Interview
Viser smittefare nær deg 2013 Interview
Gjør legene utilgjengelige 2013 Interview
Aldri for seint å stumpe røyken 2012 Interview
Tar opp den globale kreftkampen 2012 Interview
Debatt om Helsedirektoratets røykesluttkampanje 2012 med innringere 2012 Programme participation
Egenmestring-forebygging, Eksempel på forskning og utvikling NST har gjort innen Diabetes 2012 Popular scientific lecture
Mobil Diabetesdagbok i Hjemmemiljø, i Møte med Helsetjenesten og Hos Helsetjenesten 2012 Popular scientific lecture
NST/UNN/UiT: Det enkleste er ofte det beste 2012 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Telemedisin - Nord-Norge som et framtidslaboratorium? 2012 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mobilapp forenkler diabetesovervåking 2011 Interview
Diabetes og telemedisin, alt på mobilen? 2011 Academic lecture
Bruk/ikke bruk av telemedisin i svangerskaps- og fødselsomso[r]gen 2011 Academic article
Telemedisin i rutinedrift - Forutsetninger og tiltak 2011 Report
Bedre selvhjelp med mobil 2010 Interview
Gjennombrudd for diabetes-selvhjelp 2010 Interview
Bedre selvhjelp med mobil 2010 Interview
Behandler diabetes på mobiltelefonen 2010 Interview
Behandler diabetes på mobiltelefonen 2010 Interview
Håper dagbok på mobiltelefon blir et nyttig redskap for alle med diabetes 2010 Interview
Med diabetes på telefonen 2010 Interview
Sluttrapport 2010 - Collocated Personal Diabetes Data (CPDD) 2010 Report
Idemøte om mobil diabetesdagbok 2010 Article in business/trade/industry journal
Tromsøpasienter i stort EU-prosjekt 2010 Article in business/trade/industry journal
Rapport for prosjektet Økt nytte av blodsukkermåling 2010 Report
Forskning på mobile selvhjelpsverktøy for pasienter med type 2 diabetes 2010 Popular scientific lecture
Diabetesdagbok på mobiltelefonen – utprøving på tolv pasienter med type 2-diabetes 2010 Popular scientific article
The TTL and the Few Touch application was nominated by The Norwegian Computer Society to the Rosing prize in the category Green IT 2010 Documentary
eHelse fornyer helsearbeidet 2010 Popular scientific article
Mobil tilgjengelighet - men hva med unødvendige forstyrrelser? 2010 Popular scientific article
Trådløse og mobile teknologier til hjælp ved selvstyret diabetesbehandling 2010 Academic lecture
Sykehus på boks 2009 Interview
Brukermedvirkning i Diabetes / Lifestyle prosjektene 2009 Academic lecture
Diabetesdagboka - Bruker-involvert design av mobile selvhjelpsverktøy for mennesker med Diabetes 2009 Popular scientific lecture
Fremtiden heter e-helse 2009 Documentary
Selvhjelp på nett for ungdom med psykisk syke foreldre 2009 Academic lecture
Jordmorskap og teknologi 2009 Academic article
Prosjekter og Resultater - Diabetesteamet 2008 Popular scientific lecture
Selvhjelp, mobile verktøy, diabetes 2008 Popular scientific lecture
As part of the common research study: “Using Interoperable Mobile Phone Applications for Managing Daily Events in Diabetes Care” with former colleagues at the University of Washington, USA, the video-presentation of the Few Touch application was created 2008 Documentary
Ny internasjonal læringsarena 2008 Popular scientific article
Diabetesdagbok på mobiltelefonen 2008 Popular scientific article
Supporting diabetes self-management through information and communication technology (ICT) 2007 Academic lecture
Vi nærmer oss et system for selvhjelp på mobiltelefonen 2007 Academic article
Medisinsk kunnskapsutveksling ved bruk av videokonferanse. Bruk av videokonferanse til samtaler om pasientbehandling mellom allmennleger og spesialister 2007 Popular scientific lecture
Sluttrapport for prosjektet Forebygging 2002/1/0352 ”Digital diabetesopplæring” 2006 Report
Selvhjelp ved bruk av mobilt IKT-verktøy 2006 Academic article
Gevinster av norsk telemedisin? 2006 Feature article
Kronikk: Gevinster av norsk telemedisin? 2006 Feature article
Gevinster av norsk telemedisin En gjennomgang av tilgjengelig dokumentasjon (utvidet versjon av Høykom-rapport nr. 1 2006) 2006 Report
Gevinster av norsk telemedisin? En gjennomgang av tilgjengelig dokumentasjon 2006 Poster
Helserelatert bruk av Internett i den norske befolkningen 2006 Academic article
Digital-TV og pasientinformasjon 2005 Report
Enklere diabetes med mobil og internett 2005 Article in business/trade/industry journal
Fysikk + design = Rock 'n' roll 2005 Popular scientific lecture
Psykisk helse på m@il 2005 Popular scientific article
Prosjektet “Automatisert måling av blodsukker” 2004 Popular scientific lecture
PRESENTASJON: UTVALGTE PROSJEKTER / PROTOTYPER Konseptet for forskningsbaserte kommersialiseringer fra FoU-miljøet i landsdelen og resultater til nå 2004 Popular scientific lecture
Prosjekt: ”Automatisk overføring av blodsukkerverdier” 2004 Popular scientific lecture
Interaktiv digital diabetesdagbok 2004 Popular scientific lecture
Automatisert overføring av blodsukkerdata 2004 Academic lecture
Automatisert måling av blodsukker 2004 Popular scientific lecture
Sluttrapport for prosjektet ”Automatisert måling av blodsukker” 2004 Report
Alternative brukergrensesnitt for helserelaterte tjenester på mobile terminaler 2004 Report
Er overføring av hjertebilyder via e-post kostnadsbesparende? 2004 Academic article
Patient-physician interaction over the Internet 2004 Academic article
Telemedk@rt2003 - en kartlegging av telemedisinsk aktivitet i Norge 2004 Report
Blodsukker på SMS 2003 Interview
Mangler vi fantasi eller vilje til å utnytte personlige helsesensorer? Eksempel: blodsukker-sensor 2003 Popular scientific lecture
Full kontroll på blodsukkernivået 2003 Interview
Sikkert stikk på SMS 2003 Interview
Blodsukker-måling på SMS 2003 Interview
Måler blodsukkernivå på SMS 2003 Interview
Blodsukker på SMS 2003 Interview
Prosjekt om automatisert måling av blodsukker 2002 Interview
Måler blodsukker via data 2002 Interview
Studie av status i bruken av og erfaringer med smarthus i pleie- og omsorgstjenesten 2002 Report
Health services on the Internet 2002 Short communication
Internet. In Berge T (ed). Coping with depression. Guideline for understanding and treating affective disorders 2002 Short communication
The practice of psychology on the Internet 2002 Academic article
Nordmenns bruk av helsetilbud på Internett 2002 Academic article
Nettbasert pasientinformasjonssystem. Hovedrapport fra Elviraprosjektet 2001 Report
Can Internet aid persons with serious mental disorders? 2000 Academic article
Internett som hjelpemiddel i rehabilitering av personer med schizofreni. Rapport fra forprosjekt 1999 Report
Psykoterapeutiske samtaler via telenettet 1995 Academic article