2022 06 |
ClinCode - Computer-Assisted Clinical ICD-10 Coding for improving efficiency and quality in healthcare |
Hercules Dalianis, Taridzo Chomutare, Andrius Budrionis, Therese Svenning
A1 |
2022 05 |
Kan velferdsteknologi bidra til selvstendighet og sosial deltakelse for barn og unge med kognitive funksjonsnedsettelser i overgangsfasen fra barn til ungdom? |
Undine Knarvik
A3 |
2022 04 |
Diverse recruitment strategies are needed to reduce digital divide: results from a workshop addressing digital divide and effects of pandemic restrictions |
Meghan Bradway, Eirik Årsand
90x120 cm |
2022 03 |
Telemedicine for diabetes in Norway |
Dillys Larbi, Henriette Lauvhaug Nybakke, Karianne Lind, Eirin Rødseth
90x120 cm |
2022 02 |
Electronic Medicines Management (eMM) in Norway - A comparative case study |
Kari Dyb
67,5x120 cm (16:9) |
2022 01 |
Lifestyle changes from online information among people with diabetes – the human factor still counts |
Eirik Årsand
67,5x120 cm (16:9) |
2020 07 |
How to choose among the many diabetes apps and online resources? |
Dillys Larbi, Konstantinos Antypas, Meghan Bradway, Eirik Årsand
90x120 cm |
2020 06 |
Engagement in Diabetes Health Education Content on Facebook |
Eirik Årsand
90x120 cm |
2020 05 |
Lessons learned from using a remote study-management platform: use in an mHealth diabetes study |
Meghan Bradway, Eirik Årsand
90x120 cm |
2020 04 |
Intervention studies need to adapt to better address patient needs for diabetes self-management |
Meghan Bradway, Dillys Larbi, Konstantinos Antypas, Eirik Årsand
90x120 cm |
2020 03 |
Healthcare Personnell’s Expectations of a System for Sharing and Using Patient-Gathered Data |
Eirik Årsand, Meghan Bradway
90x120 cm |
2020 02 |
Toward a Personalized Decision Support System for Blood Glucose Management During and After Physical Activities in Patients with Type 1 Diabetes |
Phuong Dinh Ngo, Eirik Årsand, Fred Godtliebsen
90x120 cm |
2020 01 |
Transforming a Furby toy into a multi-modal companion for children with type 1 diabetes |
Miroslav Muzny, Eirik Årsand
90x120 cm |
2019 06 |
The Relationship between Anxiety/Depression, Electronic Health, and Doctor Visiting Decisions among People with Diabetes |
Eirik Årsand
70x100 cm |
2019 05 |
Development of an ICT solution to obtain annual, national, representative health indicator data for non-communicable diseases – a pilot study |
Inger Torhild Gram, Eirik Årsand
70x100 cm |
2019 03 |
Do Positivist Assumptions Hold True In Complex Interventions? |
67,5x120 cm (16:9) |
2019 02 |
Assessing HTA on Large-scale E-health Processes –Introducing the Need for Action Research |
Gro-Hilde Severinsen, Line Silsand
67,5x120 cm (16:9) |
2019 01 |
Forutsetninger for avansert klinisk beslutningsstøtte i norsk helsevesen |
Line Silsand
90x120 cm |
2018 15 |
Nevus doctor - Clinical decision support for primary care physicians |
Thomas Roger Schopf
A0 |
2018 14 |
Negation detection in Norwegian medical text: Porting a Swedish NegEx to Norwegian Work in progress |
Andrius Budrionis, Hercules Dalianis, Kassaye Yitbarek Yigzaw, Alexandra Makhlysheva, Taridzo Chomutare
A0 |
2018 13 |
Improving Study Management Services for Mhealth Interventions – a Dynamic Concept for More Efficient Trials |
Meghan Bradway, Eirik Årsand
A0 |
2018 12 |
Establishing an Evidence Based Knowledge Platform for Norwegian Healthcare |
Line Silsand, Rune Pedersen, Gro-Hilde Severinsen
A0 |
2018 11 |
Participatory approach and social media to promote healthy lifestyles on diabetes |
Eirik Årsand
70x100 cm |
2018 10 |
Evaluating eHealth interventions |
Konstantinos Antypas
A2 |
2018 09 |
Diabetes social media users’ preferences for a health promotion intervention |
Eirik Årsand
70x100 cm |
2018 08 |
Governance and Leadership in Electronic Health Record Implementation: A Knowledge Summary |
Line Helen Linstad
70x100 cm |
2018 07 |
Patient Centered Healthcare Teams |
Elin Breivik, Trine Strand Bergmo
A2 |
2018 06 |
Stepwise Treatment Concept Proposed for an mHealth Enabled Diabetes Intervention |
Meghan Bradway, Eirik Årsand
67,5x120 cm (16:9) |
2018 05 |
Utilizing the New Generation of Wearable Devices in a Combined Diabetes Diary Application |
Eirik Årsand
67,5x120 cm (16:9) |
2018 04 |
The Necessity Of Using Mixed Methods For Assessment Of mHealth Interventions: Application In The “Full Flow Of Data-sharing” Project |
Meghan Bradway, Eirik Årsand
67,5x120 cm (16:9) |
2018 03 |
Experience From Using a Dynamic Study Management Service for an M-health Diabetes Type 2 RCT |
Eirik Årsand, Meghan Bradway
67,5x120 cm (16:9) |
2018 02 |
A FHIR-Based Data Flow Enabling Patients with Diabetes to Share Self-collected Data with the Norwegian National Healthcare Systems and Electronic Health Records Systems |
Meghan Bradway, Eirik Årsand
67,5x120 cm (16:9) |
2018 01 |
Design Better Together: Co-design Workshop Protocol To Develop An M-Diabetes Data Sharing System Between Patients And Clinicians |
Meghan Bradway, Eirik Årsand
67,5x120 cm (16:9) |
2017 19 |
2nd Arctic Conference on OpenEHR and Archetype-based clinical Information Systems |
Luis Marco Ruiz
A4 |
2017 18 |
Value-based Governance of E-health In National and Regional Contexts |
Line Helen Linstad
70x100 cm |
2017 17 |
OPTimized eHealth for Individuals with Multi-morbidity And Long-term needs – OPTIMAL |
Gro Berntsen
A0 |
2017 16 |
Healthcare representatives tweeting about #diabetes: Follow the leaders! |
Eirik Årsand
A1 |
2017 15 |
The Use of an Acceptance Test for Accessing an Electronic Information System |
Kari Dyb
A1 |
2017 14 |
Challenges in archetypes terminology binding using SNOMED-CT compositional grammar: the Norwegian patient summary case |
Luis Marco Ruiz, Rune Pedersen
A0 |
2019 04 |
Preconditions for Enabling Advanced Patient Centered Decision Support on a National Knowledge Information Infrastructure |
Line Silsand, Gro-Hilde Severinsen, Rune Pedersen, Gunnar Ellingsen
A0 |
2017 13 |
Developing HTA designs for e-health: a systematic review of reviews |
70x100 cm |
2017 12 |
Patient Centered Healthcare Teams |
Trine Strand Bergmo
A2 |
2017 01 |
A Review of Mobile Applications in General Practice: Forming a Questionnaire to Explore Clinician Needs |
Meghan Bradway, Eirik Årsand
67,5x120 cm (16:9) |
2017 02 |
Need for Differentiating Presentation of Patient-gathered Data Between Type 1 and 2 Diabetes During Consultations |
Meghan Bradway, Eirik Årsand
67,5x120 cm (16:9) |
2017 03 |
The need for updated evaluation approaches for e-health and m-health interventions - a dynamic concept for more efficient trials |
Eirik Årsand, Meghan Bradway
67,5x120 cm (16:9) |
2017 04 |
Evaluating the role of m-health interventions in patient empowerment |
Meghan Bradway, Eirik Årsand
67,5x120 cm (16:9) |
2017 05 |
eHealth services for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry |
A3 |
2017 11 |
E-resept og kjernejournal som første steg på vei mot Helseplattformen |
Kari Dyb
A0 |
2017 10 |
Mulighetsvindu for bruk av ontologibaserte terminologier i EIEJ og Helseplattformen |
Kristian Malm-Nicolaisen, Rune Pedersen, Johan Gustav Bellika, Luis Marco Ruiz, Per Atle Bakkevoll
A0 |
2017 09 |
Effektmål for implementeringen av Helseplattformen, en pre-post studie |
Rune Pedersen, Kristian Malm-Nicolaisen, Gunn Hilde Rotvold, Eli Kristiansen, Johan Gustav Bellika
A0 |
2017 08 |
Styring av nasjonale e-helseprosjekt – betingelser, beslutninger og prioriteringer av tiltak |
Line Helen Linstad
A0 |
2017 07 |
Etablering av teknologisk plattform for benchmarking av effektmål |
Anne Torill Nordsletta, Johan Gustav Bellika, Rune Pedersen
A0 |
2017 06 |
Hvordan kan kliniske beslutningsstøttesystem støtte helhetlige pasientforløp |
Line Silsand, Gro-Hilde Severinsen, Rune Pedersen, Gunnar Ellingsen
A0 |