
Gunnar Ellingsen


Gunnar Ellingsen er professor i telemedisin og e-helse ved Institutt for klinisk medisin ved UiT Norges arktiske universitet. Han er også leder for forskningsruppen for telemedisin og e-helse. Han har mastergrad i informatikk fra UiT og ph.d. i datateknikk og informasjonsvitenskap fra Norsk teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet (NTNU). Gunnar har siden slutten av 1990-tallet studert implementering og bruk av elektroniske pasientjournaler ved norske sykehus.

Gunnars prosjekter
Prosjekttittel År Tema Prosjektledelse
Medikasjon, integrasjon og kvalitetskontroll 2015 - 2021 Helsedata
Gunnar Ellingsen
Å bruke strukturert elektronisk pasientjournal for å skalere effekten av Lean 2014 - 2017 Pasientforløp
Gro-Hilde Severinsen
DIPS-EPJ 2: Utfordringer ved design og implementering av neste-generasjons elektroniske pasientjournaler 2012 - 2017 Tjenester for helsepersonell
Line Silsand
Strukturert journal 2017 - 2018 Pasientforløp
Kristian Malm-Nicolaisen
Nasjonal EPJ-spørreundersøkelse 2017 - 2018 Pasientforløp
Tjenester for helsepersonell
Kristian Malm-Nicolaisen
Lukket legemiddelsløyfe 2017 - 2018 Pasientforløp
Tjenester for helsepersonell
Helseplattformen: implementering av Epic i Midt-Norge 2018 - 2019 Pasientforløp
Gunnar Ellingsen
Design, implementering og evaluering av helseinformasjonsteknologi i stor skala 2019 - 2023 Pasientforløp
Tjenester for helsepersonell
Kristian Malm-Nicolaisen
Bedre bruk av kunstig intelligens i norsk spesialisthelsetjeneste 2021 - 2025 Pasientforløp
Tjenester for helsepersonell
Patient pathways
Services for health professionals
Gro-Hilde Severinsen
Utvikling, implementering og evaluering av storskala e-helseløsninger 2021 - 2025 Helsedata
Kristian Malm-Nicolaisen
Gunnars publikasjoner i Cristin
Tittel År Kategori
Facing the future: The case of the Response Centre of Tromsø Municipality 2025 Academic article
The Role of Health Informatics Research: A Case of a Large-Scale Implementation in Norway 2024 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Implementing Electronic Health Records - Objectives, Obstacles, Outcomes 2024 Academic lecture
Evolution of Information Infrastructures in Healthcare as Convergence of Digital Trajectories 2024 Academic article
Insights from the Implementation of Open Notes in Sweden 2024 Academic article
Enabling AI in Radiology: Evaluation of an AI Deployment Process 2024 Academic article
The Tromsø Study: Lessons Learnt About Searching for Information About Health and Illness 2024 Academic article
Medication Reconciliation as Repair Work 2024 Academic article
Implementing Electronic Health Records – Cases, Concepts, Questions 2023 Abstract
Assembling the patient - medical secretaries' experiences from the implementation of a new electronic health record 2023 Academic lecture
Infrastructural Complexity: A Mapping of Medication Management in Norway 2023 Academic article
Designing digital systems for rehabilitation practices 2023 Academic article
Configuring Secretarial Workflows in the Epic EHR Suite 2023 Academic article
Clinical implications of covert recording: A rejoinder 2023 Article in business/trade/industry journal
Procurement of artificial intelligence for radiology practice 2023 Academic article
Design av digitale systemer for rehabiliteringsfeltet 2022 Academic lecture
Intended and Unintended Consequences of Implementing a Nursing App 2022 Academic lecture
Implementing Large-Scale Electronic Health Records: Experiences from implementations of Epic in Denmark and Finland 2022 Academic article
Introducing Lightweight IT – A Way to Build Flexibility for Healthcare Organizations? 2022 Academic article
Scaling AI Projects for Radiology– Causes and Consequences 2022 Academic article
Intended and Unintended Consequences of Implementing a Nursing App 2022 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Large-Scale EHR Suites and Path-Dependence 2022 Academic article
A Common Electronic Health Record for Norwegian Municipalities 2022 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
National Integration Components Challenge the Epic Implementation in Central Norway 2022 Academic article
The Rising Importance of e-Health in Norway 2022 Academic article
The Tension between National and Local Concerns in Preparing for Large-Scale Generic Systems in Healthcare 2022 Academic article
Suppliers of Existing Systems in Municipal Healthcare Facing the Arrival of Large-Scale EHR Suites 2021 Academic article
Persuasion Tactics in the Implementation of f Large-Scale EHR Suites in Public Healthcare 2021 Academic article
Drivers of expectations: Why are Norwegian general practitioners skeptical of a prospective electronic health record? 2021 Academic article
Socio-technical Requirements for Expert Users to Design Structured User-Interfaces for OpenEHR-based Electronic Health Records 2020 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
The Master Study in Telemedicine and E-health at the University of Tromsø, Norway, 2005-2018 2020 Article in business/trade/industry journal
User requirements meet large-scale EHR suites: Norwegian preparations for Epic 2020 Academic article
The role of clinical leadership in the implementation of large-scale Electronic Health Records in hospitals 2019 Academic article
Ambivalently awaiting: Norwegian general practitioners' expectations towards a cross-Institutional Electronic health record 2019 Academic article
Preconditions for enabling advanced patient-centered decision support on a national knowledge information infrastructure 2019 Short communication
User participation in the implementation of large-scale suite systems in healthcare 2019 Academic article
Data work in healthcare: An Introduction 2019 Academic article
The implementation of an electronic health record: Comparing preparations for Epic in Norway with experiences from the UK and Denmark 2019 Academic article
From Free-Text to Structure in Electronic Patient Records 2019 Academic article
Preconditions for Enabling Advanced Patient Centered Decision Support on a National Knowledge Information Infrastructure 2019 Poster
The role of clinical leadership in the implementation of large-scale Electronic Health Records in hospitals 2019 Academic lecture
Structuring Electronic Patient Record Data,a Smart Way to Extract Registry Information? 2019 Academic article
Data work: A condition for integrations in health care 2019 Academic article
Implementing a Health Information System at the Greater Accra Regional Hospital in Ghana 2018 Masters thesis
Socio-technical Challenges of Large-Scale EPR Standardization in Healthcare. 2018 Doctoral dissertation
Data Work in Healthcare: Challenges for Patients, Clinicians and Administrators 2018 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Repetita Iuvant: Exploring and Supporting Redundancy in Hospital Practices 2018 Academic article
Growing an information infrastructure for healthcare based on the development of largescale Electronic Patient Records 2018 Doctoral dissertation
Closed loop medication 2017 Poster
Complex integrations in health care 2017 Academic article
Medication, integrations and practice 2017 Academic article
Hvordan kan kliniske beslutningsstøttesystem støtte helhetlige pasientforløp? 2017 Poster
The decentralization and integration of Norwegian psychiatric services and possible implications for coercive practices 2017 Abstract
The Politics of Establishing ICT Governance for Large-Scale Healthcare Information Infrastructures 2017 Academic article
Book Review: Information Infrastructures within European Health Care: Working with the Installed Base (Health Informatics) 2017 Book review
Medication, integration and practice 2017 Academic lecture
Integration and medication in hospitals 2017 Academic article
Assessing an Electronic Health Record (EHR): How Do Basic Assumptions in Traditional Health Technology Assessment (HTA), and Empirical Features Fit? 2017 Academic article
Infrastructuring in healthcare through the OpenEHR architecture 2017 Academic article
International Workshop on Infrastructures for Health Care: Patient-Centered Care and Patient Generated Data 2016 Academic article
The Implication for Organisation and Governance Through User-Drivern Standardisation of Semantic Interoperable Electronic Patient Record Systems 2016 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Complex Decision-Making in Clinical Practice 2016 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Data-work in Healthcare: The New Work Ecologies of Healthcare Infrastructures 2016 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Exploring Data-Work in Healthcare: making Sense of Data across Boundaries 2016 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Assessing and Improving EHRs Data Quality through a Socio-technical Approach 2016 Academic article
Establishing ICT governance for regional information infrastructures in healthcare 2016 Academic article
Evaluating model-driven development for large-scale EHRs through the openEHR approach 2016 Academic article
How to organize for a large-scale openEHR-based Electronic Patient Record 2015 Academic lecture
Interoperable archetypes with a three folded terminology governance 2015 Short communication
The Contextualization of Archetypes: Clinical Template Governance 2015 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
ECSCW 2015: Proceedings of the 14th European Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work 2015 Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Interoperable Archetypes With a Three-Folded Terminology Governance 2015 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
How to evaluate telemedicine projects in clinical practice? 2015 Abstract
Opportunities and Challenges of a Rural-telemedicine Program in Nepal 2015 Academic article
Secretaries’ role in EHR Documentation and the Implications of Establishing a Structured EHR System 2015 Academic article
The role of medical transcriptionists in producing high-quality documentation 2015 Academic article
On the boundaries of telemedicine 2015 Academic article
How to organize for a large-scale openEHR-based Electronic Patient Record 2015 Academic article
Semantic Interoperable Electronic Patient Records: The Unfolding of Consensus based Archetypes 2015 Academic article
Information infrastructures in healthcare: Action research, interventions, and participatory design : special issue editorial 2014 Editorial
Designing national electronic services in the public healthcare sector 2014 Doctoral dissertation
Special Issue Editorial. Information Infrastructures in Healthcare. Action Research, Interventions, and Participatory Design 2014 Academic article
Developing Large-scale Electronic Patient Records Conforming to the openEHR Architecture 2014 Academic article
The nature of decision support in clinical practice 2014 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
The biography of participation 2014 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Towards a Structured Electronic Patient Record for Supporting Clinical Decision-Making 2014 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Nothing free about free market 2014 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
User-controlled standardisation of health care practices 2014 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Increasing semantic and technological interoperability in electronic patient records 2014 Abstract
Generification by Translation: Designing Generic Systems in Context of the Local 2014 Academic article
Integration as interdependent workaround 2013 Academic article
A review of 25 years of CSCW research in healthcare: contributions, challenges and future agendas 2013 Academic article
Readiness Assessment for Implementation of Electronic Patient Record in Ghana: A Case of University of Ghana Hospital 2013 Academic article
The interplay between global standards and local practice in nursing 2013 Academic article
Standardizing clinical pathways through ICT 2013 Academic article
ICT Standardization Strategies and Service Innovation in Health Care 2012 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ready for the challenge? Creating the future of medicine 2012 Multimedia product
Bli en ettertraktet rådgiver i helse-Norge 2012 Brochure
Become a sought-after adviser in health services 2012 Brochure
Lightweight methods, heavyweight organisations. Transforming a small tailored product to a large integrated healthcare information system 2012 Doctoral dissertation
Socio-technical integration in health care. A case study from a hospital-based laboratory context 2012 Doctoral dissertation
Towards an "empowered" user role in the design of large-scale electronic patient records 2012 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Nursing terminologies as evolving large-scale information infrastructures 2012 Academic article
Design a Core Health Record: a case study from Norwegian Healthcare 2012 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Users as designers of information infrastructures 2012 Academic article
Lightweight Design Methods in Integrated Practices 2012 Academic article
Electronic patient record development: the case for an evolutionary strategy 2012 Academic article
Document theory for the design of socio-technical systems A document model as ontology of human expression 2012 Academic article
The Pendulum of Standardization 2011 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
The Electronic Patient Record – sufficient quality for clinical research? 2011 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Users as Heterogeneous Engineers - The Challenge of Designing Sustainable Information Systems in Health Care 2011 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Lokal prosesstøtte gjennom IKT-systemet ”Go-Treat-IT” 2011 Academic article
'Sound of silence' - changing from an oral to a computer-mediated handover 2011 Academic article
The standardized Nurse: Mission Impossible? 2011 Academic article
Challenging expertise – a case study of how laparoscopy challenged established power relations 2010 Academic lecture
To use, or not to use, that is the question 2010 Masters thesis
Teledermatology between modern Indian hospital and less developed remote island: A case study from the the modern multi specialitiy hospital in India 2010 Masters thesis
Scope and challenges of telemedicine in Nepal: A look towards future - case study at Om hospital and research centre Kathmandu, Nepal 2010 Masters thesis
Achieving cross-organizational integration in the healthcare market 2010 Academic lecture
Standardized nursing work: works in practice but not in theory? 2010 Academic article
Standardization – the iron cage of nurses’ work? 2010 Academic article
The Role of Integration in Health-Based Information Infrastructures 2010 Academic article
Facing the Lernaean Hydra: The Nature of Large-Scale Integration Projects in Healthcare 2010 Academic article
Challenging expertise: On power relations within and across communities of practice in medical innovation 2010 Academic article
Transformations through laboratory work – When visions are facing complex work processes 2009 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Workshop on qualitative methods 2009 Academic lecture
Bridging the Gap between Patients’ Expectations and General Practitioners’ Knowledge through Disease Surveillance 2009 Academic article
Integration and Generification-Agile Software Development in the Healthcare Market 2009 Academic article
Clinical use of nursing classification: How is nursing classification integrated in the Hospital Information Infrastructure 2009 Academic lecture
Establishing seamless regional communication in complex infrastructures 2009 Academic lecture
Transformations trough laboratory work – When visions are facing complex work processes 2009 Academic lecture
Bridging the Gap between Patients' Expectations and General Practitioners' Knowledge through Disease Surveillance 2009 Academic lecture
Changing practice in a surgery department 2008 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Lightweight methods in heavyweight organisations 2008 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
"Garbage in, garbage out": extracting disease surveillance data from epr systems in primary care 2008 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
The organising vision of integrated health information systems 2008 Academic article
The organising vision of integrated health information systems 2008 Academic article
Between the Tacit and the Explicit: ICT as a Facilitator for Knowledge Creation and Learning in Physiotherapy Education 2008 Masters thesis
The challenges, problems and strategies of electronic medical record implementation: a case study of an eye hospital from India 2008 Masters thesis
Twenty years with teledermatology in North Norway 2008 Masters thesis
Lightweight methods in heavyweight organizations 2008 Academic lecture
The role of the Electronic Patient Record in clinical research 2008 Academic lecture
Changing practice in a surgery department 2008 Academic lecture
“Garbage In, Garbage Out”- Extracting Disease Surveillance Data from EPR Systems in Primary Care 2008 Academic lecture
The challenges, problems and strategies of electronic medical record implementation: a case study of an eye hospital from India 2008 Masters thesis
Standardization of work: Co-constructed practice 2007 Academic article
Documents in medicine: from paper documents to quality-healthcare? 2007 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Common Information Spaces along the illness trajectories of chronic patients 2007 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
From plans to planning – the case of nursing plans 2007 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
From Plans to Planning: the Case of Nursing Plans 2007 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Standardization of work: Co-constructed practice 2007 Academic article
Infrastructural arrangement for integrated care – implementing an electronic nursing plan in a psychogeriatric ward 2007 Academic article
Collective expectations – individual action: Implementing electronic booking systems in Norwegian health care 2007 Academic article
Infrastructural arrangements for integrated care - implementing an electronic nursing plan in a psychogeriatric ward 2007 Academic article
Writing Electronic Nursing Care Plans. An Approach to Facilitate Navigation the Standardized Nursing Vocabularies NANDA and NIC 2007 Masters thesis
Mobile blood donor registration system Dodoma Regional Blood Transfusion Centre National Blood Transfusion Service Dodoma/Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2007 Masters thesis
Simplifying Technology - Complex Work Practice 2007 Masters thesis
2007 Masters thesis
From Plans to Planning: the Case of Nursing Plans 2007 Academic lecture
Formalising work – reallocating redundancy 2006 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Seamless integration: standardisation across multiple settings 2006 Academic article
Seamless integration: Standardisation across Multiple Local Settings 2006 Academic article
Collective expectations – individual action: Implementing electronic booking systems in Norwegian health care 2006 Academic article
Insight and Experience Gained from Clinical Telemedicine Applications 2006 Academic lecture
Formalising work – reallocating redundancy 2006 Academic lecture
Interconnecting Practices in Health Care through Infrastructural Arrangements, International workshop on Infrastructures for Health Care: Connecting practices across institutional and professional boundaries 2006 Academic lecture
Controlling knowledge-based IS projects in the context of ambiguity and diversity 2005 Academic lecture
From plans to planning : the case of nurse care plans 2005 Academic lecture
The slight surprise of integration 2005 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
The slight surprise of integration 2005 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
The dysfunctional quest for integration 2005 Academic lecture
The slight surprise of integration 2005 Academic lecture
From plans to planning: the case of nurse care plans 2005 Academic lecture
Tightrope walking: Standardisation meets local work-practice in a hospital 2004 Academic article
The greatest barrier for innovation in health care is “the scared old men” – A study of actors’ interpretations of knowledge sharing and innovation 2004 Academic lecture
Research Protocols as a vehicle for the (re)production of knowledge 2004 Academic lecture
Conversation, Organisation and Identity 2004 Academic lecture
Enacting knowledge representations 2004 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Enacting knowledge representations 2004 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
The grip of the tiger: exercising control in heterogeneous contexts 2003 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Coordinating work in hospitals through a global tool: Implications for the implementation of electronic patient records in hospitals 2003 Academic article
Knowledge work and the role of trust: A case study of physicians at work at the University Hospital of Northern Norway 2003 Academic article
A patchwork planet. Integration and cooperation in hospitals 2003 Academic article
Mechanisms for producing working knowledge: enacting, orchesterating and organizing 2003 Academic article
Big is beatiful. Electronic patient records in Norway 1980 � 2000 2003 Academic article
A patchwork planet. Integration and cooperation in hospitals 2003 Academic article
Mechanisms for producing working knowledge: enacting, orchesterating and organizing 2003 Academic article
Big is beatiful. Electronic patient records in Norway 1980 � 2000 2003 Academic article
Big is beatiful: electronic patient records in Norway 1980-2000 2002 Academic article
A patchwork planet: integration and cooperation in hospitals 2002 Academic article
Elektronisk pasientjournal ved somatiske sykehus - utbredelse og klinisk bruk 2002 Academic article
Trust and cultivatio of knowledge 2002 Academic lecture
The role of trust in knowledge management 2001 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Doctors' use of electronic medical records systems in hospitals: cross sectional survey 2001 Academic article
Big is beatiful. Electronic patient records in Norway 1980 - 2000 2001 Academic lecture
Electronic patient records systems in somatic hospitals: Do the doctors really use them - and for what tasks? 2001 Academic lecture
A Patchwork Planet: The Heterogeneity of Electronic Patient Record Systems in Hospitals 2000 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
A patchwork planet: the heterogenity of patient record systems 2000 Academic lecture
Gunnars postere
Posternr. Tittel Forfatter(e) Størrelse
2019 04 Preconditions for Enabling Advanced Patient Centered Decision Support on a National Knowledge Information Infrastructure Line Silsand, Gro-Hilde Severinsen, Rune Pedersen, Gunnar Ellingsen A0
2017 06 Hvordan kan kliniske beslutningsstøttesystem støtte helhetlige pasientforløp Line Silsand, Gro-Hilde Severinsen, Rune Pedersen, Gunnar Ellingsen A0
Gunnars presentasjoner
Dato Tittel Arrangement Forfatter(e)
2018.11.12 Preparing for the implementation of the Epic EPR in Norway drawing on experiences from Denmark Forskning på Helseplattformen: Workshop 12. nov 2018 Gunnar Ellingsen