
Gro-Hilde Severinsen


Gro-Hilde er forsker ved avdeling for helhetlige pasientforløp. Hun har jobbet ved senteret siden 2014. Fra 2014-2018 gjorde hun en kvalitativ PhD knyttet til utviklingen av et openEHR basert elektronisk pasientjournal system (EPJ) i Norge og kliniske standarder (arketyper) til dette systemet. Hennes forskningsinteresser er interoperabilitet og samspill for å utveksle data, digitalisering av helsetjenesten og evaluering av teknologistøttet helsetjenesteinnovasjon. Gro-Hilde er utdannet Bioingeniør (2001) og har en mastergrad i E-helse og telemedisin (2010).

Gro-Hildes prosjekter
Prosjekttittel År Tema Prosjektledelse
Å bruke strukturert elektronisk pasientjournal for å skalere effekten av Lean 2014 - 2017 Pasientforløp
Gro-Hilde Severinsen
Lukket legemiddelsløyfe 2017 - 2018 Pasientforløp
Tjenester for helsepersonell
Kunnskapsstøtte NIKT 2018 - 2018 Pasientforløp
Tjenester for helsepersonell
Helseplattformen: Fastleger samhandling 2018 - 2018 Pasientforløp
Fra fritekst til strukturert journal – en forutsetning for klinisk beslutningsstøtte? 2018 - 2022 Pasientforløp
Tjenester for helsepersonell
Line Silsand Gro-Hilde Severinsen
Bedre bruk av kunstig intelligens i norsk spesialisthelsetjeneste 2021 - 2025 Pasientforløp
Tjenester for helsepersonell
Patient pathways
Services for health professionals
Gro-Hilde Severinsen
Lightweight&Heavyweight - Hvordan kombinere en åpen tungvekts plattform basert EPJ løsning med lettvekts IT løsninger som apper 2021 - 2022 Helsedata
Tjenester for helsepersonell
Gro-Hilde Severinsen
Gro-Hildes publikasjoner i Cristin
Tittel År Kategori
Bærekraftig KI-implementering på norske sykehus 2024 Feature article
Medication Reconciliation as Repair Work 2024 Academic article
We must ‘hear’ the patient's voice in health records 2023 Interview
Vi må «høre» pasientens stemme i journalen 2023 Interview
How to Represent the Patient Voice in the Electronic Health Record? 2023 Academic lecture
Preparing for Implementing Commercial Algorithms in Radiology: A Formative Evaluation Study 2023 Academic lecture
Preparing for Implementing Commercial Algorithms in Radiology: A Formative Evaluation Study 2023 Academic article
The Knowledge of Implementation Strategies: Impact of the Installed Base 2023 Academic article
Preconditions for Implementing a Nursing App to Improve Digital Maturity 2023 Academic article
How to Represent the Patient Voice in the Electronic Health Record? 2023 Academic article
Procurement of artificial intelligence for radiology practice 2023 Academic article
Innovating the future healthcare sector (panel) 2022 Academic lecture
Lightweight and heavyweight – how to combine a open heavyweight platform based EHR with a lightweight IT solution like an app 2022 Academic lecture
Har byttet ut «post-it»-lapper med app: – Ga umiddelbar effekt for brukeren 2022 Interview Journal
Pasientforløp og bedre informasjonsflyt 2022 Academic lecture
Intended and Unintended Consequences of Implementing a Nursing App 2022 Academic lecture
Implementation of a mobile app in clinical practice - how to assess and evaluate ICT implementations in complex health organizations 2022 Academic lecture
Panelpresentasjon/-debatt: Implementation of Artificial Intelligence for imaging diagnostics in Norwegian hospitals - Challenges and Analytical perspectives in assessment research 2022 Academic lecture
Introducing Lightweight IT – A Way to Build Flexibility for Healthcare Organizations? 2022 Academic article
Scaling AI Projects for Radiology– Causes and Consequences 2022 Academic article
Intended and Unintended Consequences of Implementing a Nursing App 2022 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Interoperability and Governance; Important Preconditions for Establishing Large-Scale Healthcare Infrastructures like the Akson Program in Norway 2022 Academic article
Interoperability and Governance; Important Preconditions for Establishing Large-Scale Healthcare Infrastructures like the Akson Program in Norway 2021 Academic lecture
Structuring the Electronic Patient Record; an Easy Way to Improve Data Usability? 2021 Academic article
User-centred Design of a Digital Care Plan for Patients and Professionals in Cross-organisational Teams 2021 Academic lecture
User-centred Design of a Digital Care Plan for Patients and Professionals in Cross-organisational Teams 2021 Academic article
Preservation of person-centered care through videoconferencing for patient follow-up during the covid-19 pandemic:case study of a multidisciplinary care team 2021 Academic article
Socio technical requirements for expert users to design structured user interfaces 2020 Academic lecture
Reaching for the Quadruple Aim – How to design effective whole system health service improvement? (Workshop) 2020 Academic lecture
Socio-technical Requirements for Expert Users to Design Structured User-Interfaces for OpenEHR-based Electronic Health Records 2020 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Health workers got the hang of video during corona situation 2020 Interview
Helsepersonell ønsker å fortsette med digital pasientbehandling 2020 Interview
Ambivalently awaiting: Norwegian general practitioners' expectations towards a cross-Institutional Electronic health record 2019 Academic article
Tar første steg mot strukturert journal 2019 Interview
Preconditions for enabling advanced patient-centered decision support on a national knowledge information infrastructure 2019 Short communication
From Free-Text to Structure in Electronic Patient Records 2019 Academic article
From free-text to structure in Electronic Patient Records 2019 Academic lecture
Preconditions for Enabling Advanced Patient Centered Decision Support on a National Knowledge Information Infrastructure 2019 Poster
Assessing HTA on Large-scale E-health Processes –Introducing the Need for Action Research 2019 Poster
Structuring Electronic Patient Record Data,a Smart Way to Extract Registry Information? 2019 Academic article
Socio-technical Challenges of Large-Scale EPR Standardization in Healthcare. 2018 Doctoral dissertation
Samhandling og informasjonsutveksling - Beskrivelse av tidsbruk og arbeidsoppgaver blant fastleger 2018 Report
Establishing an Evidence Based Knowledge Platform for Norwegian Healthcare 2018 Poster
The complexity of governing a regional EPR system 2017 Academic lecture
The Complexity of Governing a Regional EPR System 2017 Academic article
Hvordan kan kliniske beslutningsstøttesystem støtte helhetlige pasientforløp? 2017 Poster
The Politics of Establishing ICT Governance for Large-Scale Healthcare Information Infrastructures 2017 Academic article
How to involve the users in the large scale work with openEHR archetypes in Norway? 2017 Academic article
Infrastructuring in healthcare through the OpenEHR architecture 2017 Academic article
Structuring the EPRs; The National development of Archetypes for Core Functionallity 2016 Academic article
Establishing ICT Governance for Regional Information Infrastructures in Healthcare 2016 Academic lecture
Core archetypes the means to build confidence around the power of structured EPR systems 2016 Academic lecture
Core Archetypes The Means to Build Confidence Around the Power of Structured EPR Systems? 2016 Academic article
Establishing ICT governance for regional information infrastructures in healthcare 2016 Academic article
Consensus on Norwegian archetypes 2016 Short communication
Barriers to the Success of Health ICT Implementations – A Report from Norway 2016 Poster
Barriers to the Success of Health ICT Implementations – A Report from Norway 2016 Academic article
How to organize for a large-scale openEHR-based Electronic Patient Record 2015 Academic lecture
The Contextualization of Archetypes: Clinical Template Governance 2015 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
How to organize for a large-scale openEHR-based Electronic Patient Record 2015 Academic article
Gro-Hildes prosjektrapporter
Rapportnr. Tittel Forfatter(e)
2018 05 Samhandling og informasjonsutveksling Kristian Malm-Nicolaisen, Line Silsand, Gunn Hilde Rotvold, Gro-Hilde Severinsen, Eli Kristiansen, Trine Strand Bergmo, Rune Pedersen, Inger Marie Holm, Halgeir Holthe
Gro-Hildes faktaark
Faktaark nr Tittel Kontaktperson(er)
2021 07 Helsepersonell ønsker å fortsette med digital pasientbehandling Gro-Hilde Severinsen Line Silsand
Gro-Hildes postere
Posternr. Tittel Forfatter(e) Størrelse
2019 02 Assessing HTA on Large-scale E-health Processes –Introducing the Need for Action Research Gro-Hilde Severinsen, Line Silsand 67,5x120 cm (16:9)
2018 12 Establishing an Evidence Based Knowledge Platform for Norwegian Healthcare Line Silsand, Rune Pedersen, Gro-Hilde Severinsen A0
2019 04 Preconditions for Enabling Advanced Patient Centered Decision Support on a National Knowledge Information Infrastructure Line Silsand, Gro-Hilde Severinsen, Rune Pedersen, Gunnar Ellingsen A0
2017 06 Hvordan kan kliniske beslutningsstøttesystem støtte helhetlige pasientforløp Line Silsand, Gro-Hilde Severinsen, Rune Pedersen, Gunnar Ellingsen A0
Gro-Hildes presentasjoner
Dato Tittel Arrangement Forfatter(e)
2022.08.05 Dignity Care - Digitally supported Person Centred Care Systems Gro Berntsen, Aslak Steinsbekk, Gro-Hilde Severinsen, Line Silsand, Espen Nordheim, Torbjørn Torsvik, Rune Pedersen, Omid Saadatfard, Anders Grimsmo, Line Melbye, PSHT
2018.09.12 Nasjonal kunnskapsplattform Helseplattformen Line Silsand, Gro-Hilde Severinsen