
Konstantinos Antypas


Jeg er interessert i e-helse og telemedisin (jeg har jobbet innen e-helse siden 2005), og jeg forsker på utvikling og evaluering av effektive og brukersentrerte løsninger. Min største interesse ligger ved kardiologi og hjerterehabilitering, men jeg har også vært involvert i prosjekter om andre ikke-smittsomme sykdommer og forebygging, som for eksempel røykeslutt (slutta.no), hjerneslagtelerehabilitering, og sykelig fedme og telekognitiv atferdsterapi.

Andre faglige interesser er digitalisering av sykepleieutdanning, åpen data, og global e-helse.


12/2010–05/2014 Doktrogradsstipendiat, Universitetet i Tromsø, Tromsø (Norge)

11/2005–04/2008 Mastergrad med spesialisering i helseinformatikk, Universitetet i Athen, Athen (Hellas)

09/2000–03/2005 Bachelor i sykepleie, Universitetet i Athen, Athen (Hellas)


5/2019- i dag Forsker, SINTEF Digital

11/2015–3/2019 Postdoktor, Universitet i Oslo

08/2014–12/2015 Førsteamanuensis, Høgskolen i Oslo og Akershus, Oslo (Norge)

05/2014–08/2014 Ledende forsker om Norge, World Wide Web Foundation

12/2008–05/2014 Doktorgradsstipendiat, Nasjonalt senter for samhandling og telemedisin, Tromsø (Norge)

10/2007–11/2008 Sykepleier, forskningsassistent, 3. kardiologisk avdeling, Universitetet i Athen, Athen (Hellas)

06/2007–06/2007 Sykepleier (Medisinsk oppdrag i Uganda og Tanzania), International solidarity and cooperation center, (Hellas)

10/2004–11/2007 Forskningsassistent, lærer ved laboratoriet, Laboratoriet for helseinformatikk, Universitetet i Athen, Athen (Hellas)


  • Kasserer for NSFs faggruppe for e-helse
  • Leder for Telenursing Working Group, International Society for Telemedicine and e-Health
  • Medlem av det rådgivende utvalget av Telenursing Network ved International Council of Nurses.
  • Styremedlem ved stipendiatorganisasjonen i Tromsø - TODOS (2012-2013)
  • Styremedlem ved Stipendiatorganisasjonene i Norge - SiN (2012-2013)
Konstantinoss prosjekter
Prosjekttittel År Tema Prosjektledelse
Usecare - Utprøving av en elektronisk kommunikasjons- og egenmestrings løsning for kroniske pasienter og deres pårørende 2015 - 2016 Innbyggertjenester
Undine Knarvik
ONWARDS - Effekter av e-helseintervensjoner på fysisk aktivitet blant inaktive voksne: en Hybrid Type I effekt-implementering RCT 2018 - 2023 Innbyggertjenester
Paolo Zanaboni
A randomised controlled trial for an internet based smoking cessation intervention 2008 - 2016 Innbyggertjenester
Inger Torhild Gram
Diabetes Digital Guidelines 2018 - 2020 Innbyggertjenester
Eirik Årsand
Konstantinoss publikasjoner i Cristin
Tittel År Kategori
School climate during the COVID-19 pandemic in three European countries: A cross-sectional pre-post quasi experimental study 2024 Academic article
Adoption, acceptability and sustained use of digital interventions to promote physical activity among inactive adults: a mixed-method study 2024 Academic article
Best Practices and Lessons Learned in eHealth in Four Low and Lower Middle-Income Countries in Africa 2023 Academic article
Barriers for Accessing Assistive Products in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs) 2023 Academic article
Facilitators and Barriers to the Sustainability of eHealth Solutions in Low- And Middle-Income Countries: Descriptive Exploratory Study 2023 Academic article
eHealth policy framework in Low and Lower Middle-Income Countries; a PRISMA systematic review and analysis 2023 Academic literature review
Global report on assistive technology 2022 Report
Research Landscape and Research Priorities in eHealth in four African Countries - A survey 2022 Academic article
Emotional intelligence and school climate in primary school children in Spain, Norway, and Poland 2022 Academic article
Strategic Partnerships in e-Health in Low and Lower Middle-Income Countries in Africa 2022 Academic article
Assistive technology for older persons – analyses of data from WHO's rapid assistive technology assessment 2022 Academic article
Hvordan setter Direktoratet for e-helse sine mål? 2022 Feature article
Factors associated with predictors of smoking cessation from a Norwegian internet-based smoking cessation intervention study 2022 Academic article
Capacity development to leverage advances in health informatics for all 2022 Academic article
Hvordan setter Direktoratet for e-helse sine mål? 2022 Feature article
Assessing Strategic Priority Factors in eHealth Policies of Four African Countries 2022 Academic article
Assessing Strategic Priority Factors in eHealth Policies of Four African Countries 2022 Academic lecture
Digital interventions to promote physical activity among inactive adults: A study protocol for a hybrid type I effectiveness-implementation randomized controlled trial 2022 Academic article
Teleclinical Microbiology: An Innovative Approach to Providing Web-Enabled Diagnostic Laboratory Services in Syria 2022 Academic article
Early Childhood Professionals' Management of Young Children Who Stutter: A Cross-Sectional Study 2022 Academic article
How to recommend diabetes self-management tools or services 2021 Briefs
What to look for when choosing tools to manage diabetes 2021 Briefs
Hvordan anbefale digitale diabetesverktøy og –tjenester? 2021 Briefs
Hvordan velge digitale diabetesverktøy og –tjenester? 2021 Briefs
SINTEF leder viktig e-helse-prosjekt i Afrika 2021 Interview
Nytt, norskledet e-helseprosjekt i Afrika 2021 Interview
Tidlig identifisering av barn som stammer- en spørreundersøkelse av helsesykepleieres vurderinger 2021 Academic article
Criteria for Assessing and Recommending Digital Diabetes Tools: A Delphi Study 2021 Academic article
Structure evaluation of the implementation of geriatric models in primary care: A multiple-case study of models involving advanced geriatric nurses in five municipalities in Norway 2020 Academic article
Methods and evaluation criteria for apps and digital interventions for diabetes self-management: Systematic review 2020 Academic literature review
Perceptions of the scope of practice of nurse practitioners caring for older adults: level of agreement among different healthcare providers 2020 Academic article
Intervention studies need to adapt to address patient needs for diabetes self‐management 2020 Abstract
Masterutdanning i AKS kan styrke kommunal primærhelsetjeneste 2019 Feature article
Do diabetes mHealth and online interventions evaluate what is important for users? 2019 Academic article
Do diabetes mHealth and online interventions evaluate what is important for users? 2019 Academic lecture
The integration of new nurse practitioners into care of older adults: A survey study 2019 Academic article
Frameworks for evaluating mhealth technologies lack patient focus 2019 Poster
Frameworks for evaluating mhealth technologies lack patient focus 2019 Abstract
Evaluering av nye eldreomsorgsmodeller i kommunene der avansert geriatrisk sykepleier inngår 2018 Academic lecture
Multiple case study method for studying the municipal healthcare in Norway 2018 Poster
Success factors for advanced geriatric nurses service models in Norwegian primary health care 2018 Academic lecture
Strengthening geriatric competence in primary health care in Norway: the role of the Advanced Geriatric Nurses 2018 Poster
Evaluating eHealth interventions: Results and experiences from the pilot of an ICT-based self-management tool for Heart Failure patients in Norway 2018 Poster
The role of advanced geriatric nurses in Norway: A descriptive exploratory study 2018 Academic article
A Norwegian E-Health program: predictors for successful smoking cessation among more than 4,000 men and women 2016 Abstract
Associations of social networks with quality of life, health and physical functioning 2016 Academic article
e-Rehabilitation. Design and effectiveness of a tailored Internet- and mobile-based intervention to support maintenance of physical activity after cardiac rehabilitation 2014 Doctoral dissertation
Providing reassurance and psychological support from a distance 2014 Academic lecture
An internet- and mobile-based tailored intervention to enhance maintenance of physical activity after cardiac rehabilitation: Short-term results of a randomized controlled trial 2014 Academic article
Combining Users’ Needs With Health Behavior Models in Designing an Internet- and Mobile-Based Intervention for Physical Activity in Cardiac Rehabilitation 2014 Academic article
E-Rehabilitation – an Internet and Mobile Phone Based Tailored Intervention to Enhance Self-Management of Cardiovascular Disease: Preliminary Results 2013 Poster
User Involvement in the Design of an Internet- And Mobile-Based Cardiac Rehabilitation Intervention: Technology-Related Needs and Requirements 2013 Academic lecture
E-Rehabilitation an Internet and mobile phone based tailored intervention to enhance selfmanagement of Cardiovascular Disease: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial 2012 Academic article
Effect of Tailoring in an Internet-Based Intervention for Smoking Cessation: Randomized Controlled Trial 2011 Academic article
Konstantinoss postere
Posternr. Tittel Forfatter(e) Størrelse
2020 07 How to choose among the many diabetes apps and online resources? Dillys Larbi, Konstantinos Antypas, Meghan Bradway, Pietro Randine, Elia Gabarron, Eirik Årsand 90x120 cm
2020 04 Intervention studies need to adapt to better address patient needs for diabetes self-management Meghan Bradway, Dillys Larbi, Pietro Randine, Konstantinos Antypas, Elia Gabarron, Eirik Årsand 90x120 cm
2018 10 Evaluating eHealth interventions Konstantinos Antypas A2