
Elia Gabarron


Elia Gabarron fullførte sin grad i psykologi ved det autonome universitetet i Barcelona, og i 2012 flyttet hun til Tromsø for å ta doktorgrad ved Nasjonalt senter for e-helseforskning. Hun har vært involvert i e-helseforskning i over 10 år, og hennes faglige interesser og forskning fokuserer på bruken av sosiale medier i helseøyemed, spesielt hvordan Internett og sosiale nettverk kan brukes til å støtte og informere mennesker om forebygging og behandling av helsemessige forhold. Hun sitter også i styret i Imia Social Media Working Group (Imia-SMWG), har utgitt flere publikasjoner på dette området, og var redaktør for den første boken fra IMIA-SMWG "Participatory Health Through Social Media".

Elias prosjekter
Prosjekttittel År Tema Prosjektledelse
Forebygging av seksuelt overførbare sykdommer - et spillbasert avtalesystem for ungdom 2014 - 2016 Innbyggertjenester
Elia Gabarron
Diabetes på sosiale medier – helseintervensjoner og adferdsanalyse 2017 - 2020 Innbyggertjenester
Elia Gabarron
Diabetes Digital Guidelines 2018 - 2020 Innbyggertjenester
Eirik Årsand
FysBot - en chatbot på sosiale medier for å øke fysisk aktivitet 2022 - 2025 Innbyggertjenester
Dillys Larbi
Elias publikasjoner i Cristin
Tittel År Kategori
Human factors in AI-driven digital solutions for increasing physical activity: A scoping review 2024 Academic literature review
Kan sosiale medier brukes for å få flere til å ta vaksiner? 2024 Interview
Social media shaping autism perception and identity 2024 Academic article
What do adults living with obesity want from a chatbot for physical activity? – a qualitative study 2024 Academic article
Digital Interventions and Their Unexpected Outcomes - Time for Digitalovigilance? 2024 Academic article
Deler sykdommen på Tiktok: - Følte meg levende død. 2023 Interview
Current Trends and New Approaches in Participatory Health Informatics 2023 Editorial
How Participatory Health Informatics Catalyzes One Digital Health 2023 Academic article
Exploring the Evolution of Social Media in Mental Health Interventions: A Mapping Review 2023 Academic literature review
University campus as a smart technology-supported active learning arena 2023 Article in business/trade/industry journal
Social Media as an Effective Provider of Quality-Assured and Accurate Information to Increase Vaccine Rates: Systematic Review 2023 Academic article
Personalized Digital Solutions for Mental Health 2023 Academic lecture
Assessing the Potential Risks of Digital Therapeutics (DTX): The DTX Risk Assessment Canvas 2023 Academic article
Personalized Digital Solutions for Mental Health 2023 Academic article
Designing personalised mHealth solutions: An overview 2023 Academic article
Chatbots and Children with Special Educational Needs Interaction 2023 Academic literature review
Exploring Obese Adults' Preferences for a Physical Activity Chatbot: Qualitative Study 2023 Abstract
Why does ethics matter in participatory health? 2023 Academic lecture
Development of a taxonomy on participatory health informatics: Concepts and categories definition 2023 Academic lecture
What Do Autistic People Discuss on Twitter? An Approach Using BERTopic Modelling 2023 Academic article
Deler sykdommen på Tiktok: – Følte meg levende død 2023 Interview
Savant abilities and autism: A literature review 2023 Poster
Defining and Scoping Participatory Health Informatics - An eDelphi Study 2023 Academic article
Social media interventions for autistic individuals: Systematic review 2023 Academic article
BMC Digital Health publishes its first articles; lets celebrate with the Editorial Board 2023 Interview
Online attitudes and information-seeking behavior on autism and Asperger’s syndrome 2022 Academic lecture
Social media and physical activity in autism 2022 Academic lecture
Social media for health promotion in diabetes 2022 Academic lecture
Social media interventions for autism 2022 Academic lecture
User preferences for a physical activity chatbot connected to an activity tracker and integrated into a social media platform​ 2022 Academic lecture
Proceedings of the 18th Scandinavian Conference on Health Informatics 2022 Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Misinformation about Covid-19 Vaccines on Social Media: Rapid Review 2022 Academic article
User preferences for a physical activity chatbot connected to an activity tracker and integrated into a social media platform 2022 Academic article
A scoping review of diabetes telemedicine research in Norway 2022 Academic article
Social media, physical activity and autism: better or bitter together? A scoping review 2022 Academic lecture
Social media, physical activity and autism: better or bitter together? A scoping review 2022 Academic literature review
Telemedicine for Diabetes in Norway 2022 Abstract
Usability Testing of a Social Media Chatbot for Increasing Physical Activity Behavior 2022 Academic article
Telemedicine for diabetes in Norway 2022 Poster
Social Media, Digital Health Literacy, and Digital Ethics in the Light of Health Equity 2022 Academic article
Discussions of Asperger Syndrome on Social Media: Content and Sentiment Analysis on Twitter 2022 Academic article
Social media chatbots have a great potential for public health 2021 Briefs
Helse-chatbots kan få folk til å bli mer aktive 2021 Briefs
How to recommend diabetes self-management tools or services 2021 Briefs
What to look for when choosing tools to manage diabetes 2021 Briefs
Hvordan anbefale digitale diabetesverktøy og –tjenester? 2021 Briefs
Hvordan velge digitale diabetesverktøy og –tjenester? 2021 Briefs
Designing Depression Screening Chatbots 2021 Academic article
Social media chatbot for increasing physical activity: usability study 2021 Academic article
Greta Thunbergs diagnose gjør henne til både et forbilde og en hakkekylling 2021 Interview
Can we stop misinformation about Covid-19? 2021 Interview
Hvordan stoppe feilinformasjon om covid-19? 2021 Interview
Impact of COVID-19 on Multiple Sclerosis Topic Discussion on Twitter 2021 Academic article
How Artificial Intelligence for Healthcare Look Like in the Future? 2021 Academic article
Criteria for Assessing and Recommending Digital Diabetes Tools: A Delphi Study 2021 Academic article
Engaging Social Media Users with Health Education and Physical Activity Promotion 2021 Academic article
Evidence-Based Health Informatics as the Foundation for the COVID-19 Response: A Joint Call for Action 2021 Academic article
Online Attitudes and Information-Seeking Behavior on Autism, Asperger Syndrome, and Greta Thunberg. 2021 Academic article
Role of Participatory Health Informatics in Detecting and Managing Pandemics: Literature Review 2021 Academic article
Covid-19-related misinformation on social media: a systematic review 2021 Academic article
Defining participatory health informatics – a scoping review 2021 Academic literature review
People prefer stories about people with diabetes to facts about the disease 2020 Interview
Do smartphone applications and activity trackers increase physical activity in adults? Systematic review, meta-analysis and metaregression 2020 Academic literature review
Can chatbots motivate people to be more active? Chatbots used in social media with a public health purpose has great potential, new research shows. 2020 Interview
Folk vil heller ha historier om personer med diabetes enn fakta om sykdommen 2020 Interview
Kan chatbots på sosiale medier få folk til å bevege seg mer? 2020 Interview
Factors Engaging Users of Diabetes Social Media Channels on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram: Observational Study 2020 Academic article
Methods and evaluation criteria for apps and digital interventions for diabetes self-management: Systematic review 2020 Academic literature review
Analysing Sentiment and Topics Related to Multiple Sclerosis on Twitter 2020 Academic article
What Do We Know About the Use of Chatbots for Public Health? 2020 Academic literature review
Methods and measures used to evaluate patient-operated mobile health interventions: Scoping literature review 2020 Academic literature review
Ethical Considerations for Participatory Health through Social Media: Healthcare Workforce and Policy Maker Perspectives. 2020 Academic article
Special issue on e-health services 2020 Article in business/trade/industry journal
Social media for adults 2020 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Intervention studies need to adapt to address patient needs for diabetes self‐management 2020 Abstract
Do diabetes mHealth and online interventions evaluate what is important for users? 2019 Academic article
Do diabetes mHealth and online interventions evaluate what is important for users? 2019 Academic lecture
Panel: Artificial Intelligence in participatory health and social media: Current perspectives and opportunities 2019 Academic lecture
Artificial intelligence for participatory health: applications, impact, and future implications 2019 Academic literature review
The Delphi study. Creating a health promotion intervention on diabetes 2019 Academic lecture
Health promotion priorities for diabetes: Results of a Delphi study 2019 Abstract
Twitter revealed a more positive attitude towards type 1 diabetes 2019 Interview
Twitter avslørte en mer positiv holdning til diabetes type 1 enn type 2 2019 Interview
What are diabetes patients versus health care personnel discussing on social media? 2019 Academic article
Diabetes patients want more information about research 2018 Interview
Preferences and interests of diabetes social media users regarding a health-promotion intervention 2018 Academic article
2018 Interview
2018 Popular scientific lecture
Diabetes on Twitter: A sentiment analysis 2018 Academic article
Social media use in interventions for diabetes: Rapid evidence-based review 2018 Academic literature review
Participatory Health and Social Media in the age of fake news 2018 Academic lecture
Social media as enabler of health research 2018 Academic lecture
The use of gamification in empowerment 2018 Academic lecture
Social media for health promotion in diabetes: Study protocol for a participatory public health intervention design 2018 Academic article
Panel: Participatory health and the future of co-created eHealth 2018 Academic lecture
Diabetes social media users’ preferences for a health promotion intervention 2018 Poster
Round table: Drivers and Barriers for a Paradigm Shift in Health. 2018 Academic lecture
Mobile Phone Apps for Quality of Life and Well-Being Assessment in Breast and Prostate Cancer Patients: Systematic Review 2017 Academic literature review
Tweets are not always supportive of patients with mental disorders 2017 Abstract
When social media do not deliver as intended in health: Considerations and possible solutions for dealing with undesirable outcomes 2017 Academic lecture
Combining multivariate statistics and the think-aloud protocol to assess Human-Computer Interaction barriers in symptom checkers 2017 Academic article
Identifying patients' needs 2017 Academic lecture
Healthcare representatives tweeting about #diabetes: Follow the leaders! 2017 Poster
Social media and sexual health – New arenas for information on sexually transmitted infections and promotion of healthy sexual behavior 2017 Doctoral dissertation
Kunnskapsoppsummering: Sosial, digital kontakt for å motvirke ensomhet blant eldre 2017 Report
Blir facebook den nye legen? 2017 Interview
Impact of Facebook ads for sexual health promotion via an educational web app: A case study 2017 Academic article
An Introduction to Participatory Health Through Social Media 2016 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Participatory Health through Social Media 2016 Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Lessons learnt from a MOOC about social media for digital health literacy 2016 Academic article
Weekly pattern for online information-seeking on HIV – a multi-language study 2016 Academic lecture
What are diabetes patients discussing on social media? 2016 Academic lecture
Tweets are not always supportive of patients with mental disorders 2016 Poster
Should you be using Facebook for health information? 2016 Interview
Folk bruker Facebook til å lære om sykdommen sin 2016 Interview
What are diabetes patients discussing on social media? 2016 Abstract
Weekly pattern for online information seeking on HIV - A multi-language study 2016 Academic article
Use of social media for sexual health promotion: a scoping review 2016 Academic literature review
Lessons learnt from MOOCs about how social media can improve Digital Health Literacy 2016 Academic lecture
Evaluation of an educational programme with workshops for families of children with food allergies 2016 Academic article
mHealth technologies for chronic disease prevention and management: an Evidence Check review brokered by the Sax Institute (www.saxinstitute.org.au) for Healthdirect Australia, 2015 2015 Report
Is there a weekly pattern for health information searching and is the pattern unique to health topics? 2015 Academic article
Helsepersonell-tweets deles minst 2015 Programme participation
Type 1 diabetes in Twitter: who all listen to? 2015 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hansen M. Ethical Issues of Social Media Media Usage 2015 Academic article
Lecture on "Gamification and social media for health behavior change" 2015 Academic lecture
Type 1 diabetes in Twitter: who all listen to? 2015 Poster
The Online Big Blue Test for Promoting Exercise: Health, Self-Efficacy, and Social Support 2015 Academic article
Seminar on "Gamification and social media for health behaviour change" 2015 Academic lecture
The Ethical Challenges of Social Media in Healthcare 2015 Academic lecture
Randomized trial of a novel game-based appointment system for a university hospital venereology unit: Study protocol 2015 Academic article
Ebola, Twitter, and Misinformation: A dangerous combination? 2014 Letter to the editor
Tweet content related to sexually transmitted diseases: No joking matter 2014 Academic article
2014 Popular scientific chapter/article
Can a game-style web app prevent sexually transmitted diseases? 2014 Poster
Play as a prevention strategy: Using a web app to teach youth about STDs 2014 Poster
A randomized online health experiment for a safer youth sexual behaviour 2014 Poster
Apper og spill inntar helsesektoren 2013 Interview
Sjekkdeg.no: A game-style Web app for preventing sexually transmitted diseases 2013 Academic article
www.sjekkdeg.no 2013 Poster
2013 Interview
Gamification Strategy on Prevention of STDs for Youth 2013 Abstract
Gamification Strategy on Prevention of STDs for Youth 2013 Poster
Identifying Measures Used for Assessing Quality of YouTube Videos with Patient Health Information: A Review of Current Literature 2013 Academic article
Avatars using computer/smartphone mediated communication and social networking in prevention of sexually transmitted diseases 2012 Academic article
2012 Editorial
Social media in health - what are the safety concerns for health consumers? 2012 Academic article
Elias prosjektrapporter
Rapportnr. Tittel Forfatter(e)
2016 07 Kunnskapsoppsummering: Sosial, digital kontakt for å motvirke ensomhet blant eldre Elia Gabarron, Elin Johnsen, Hanne Hoaas
Elias faktaark
Faktaark nr Tittel Kontaktperson(er)
2021 04 Helse-chatbots kan få folk til å bli mer aktive Dillys Larbi Elia Gabarron
Elias postere
Posternr. Tittel Forfatter(e) Størrelse
2022 03 Telemedicine for diabetes in Norway Dillys Larbi, Henriette Lauvhaug Nybakke, Karianne Lind, Eirin Rødseth, Elia Gabarron 90x120 cm
2020 07 How to choose among the many diabetes apps and online resources? Dillys Larbi, Konstantinos Antypas, Meghan Bradway, Pietro Randine, Elia Gabarron, Eirik Årsand 90x120 cm
2020 06 Engagement in Diabetes Health Education Content on Facebook Elia Gabarron, Eirik Årsand 90x120 cm
2020 04 Intervention studies need to adapt to better address patient needs for diabetes self-management Meghan Bradway, Dillys Larbi, Pietro Randine, Konstantinos Antypas, Elia Gabarron, Eirik Årsand 90x120 cm
2018 11 Participatory approach and social media to promote healthy lifestyles on diabetes Elia Gabarron, Eirik Årsand 70x100 cm
2018 09 Diabetes social media users’ preferences for a health promotion intervention Elia Gabarron, Eirik Årsand 70x100 cm
2017 16 Healthcare representatives tweeting about #diabetes: Follow the leaders! Elia Gabarron, Eirik Årsand A1