Presentasjon av eMM-prosjektet |
2024 |
Lecture |
Digitalisering og fellesskap i helsefeltet |
2024 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
A Temporal Perspective on Electronic Medicine Management work - presentation of paper |
2024 |
Academic lecture |
A Temporal Perspective on Electronic Medicine Management Work |
2024 |
Academic article |
A multinational study on artificial intelligence adoption: Clinical implementers' perspectives |
2024 |
Academic article |
Work package meeting 2023 - eMM: Digital tools, organization and work. Work package leaders workshop |
2023 |
Lecture |
Academic workshop 2023 - eMM: Work and organization |
2023 |
Lecture |
eMM- electronic medicines management : Lokale profesjonsfellesskap arena 1: hva gjør jeg - hva gjør andre? |
2023 |
Popular scientific lecture |
eMM- electronic medicines management : Lokale profesjonsfellesskap arena 2. Hvorfor er det ikke flere feil? |
2023 |
Popular scientific lecture |
Følgeforskning - debatt med KS |
2023 |
Academic lecture |
Presentation: Facilitating Interprofessional Collaboration on Electronic Medicines Management |
2023 |
Academic lecture |
Facilitating Interprofessional Collaboration on Electronic Medicines Management |
2023 |
Academic article |
Quality, Usability, and Effectiveness of mHealth Apps and the Role of Artificial Intelligence: Current Scenario and Challenges |
2023 |
Academic article |
Det generelle i det spesielle – Implementering av teknologier for digital hjemmeoppfølging
2022 |
Academic lecture |
Beyond the Point of No Return: A Discourse Analysis of Healthcare Professionals’ Perceptions of Digitally Supported Person-Centred, Integrated, and Proactive Care |
2022 |
Academic article |
Kunnskapsgrunnlag for digitalisering av
legemiddelområdetKunnskapsnotat til Direktoratet for e-helses områdeplan for digitalisering av legemiddelområdet |
2022 |
Report |
Who are the “Hard-to-Reach” groups in chronic-health and health technology research? – A scoping review |
2022 |
Academic article |
Variasjon i rekruttering er forskerens samfunnsansvar |
2022 |
Feature article |
Communities of Practice for Electronic Medicines Management - the establishment |
2022 |
Academic lecture |
Et samfunnsvitenskapelig blikk på håndtering av legemidler |
2022 |
Academic lecture |
The Establishment of Communities of Practice for Electronic Medicines Management |
2022 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Panelpresentasjon/-debatt: Implementation of Artificial Intelligence for imaging diagnostics in Norwegian hospitals - Challenges and Analytical perspectives in assessment research |
2022 |
Academic lecture |
Electronic Medicines Management (eMM) in Norway - A comparative case study |
2022 |
Poster |
Health workers not told they needed tech skills
2022 |
Interview |
Helsearbeidere vil bli tatt på alvor om teknologi
2022 |
Interview |
Gode pasientforløp - en midtveisevaluering |
2021 |
Report |
Det vanskelige ekteskapet mellom teknologi
og omsorg |
2021 |
Short communication |
Electronic medicines management - introduksjon |
2021 |
Lecture |
eMM- electronic medicines management : lokale profesjonsfellesskap 1 |
2021 |
Lecture |
Fremskritt for e-helse gir også digitalt utenforskap |
2021 |
Feature article |
Adopt, adapt, or abandon technologysupported person-centred care initiatives: healthcare providers’ beliefs matter |
2021 |
Academic article |
What brings women into ehealth?: Women's career trajectories in digital transformations in health care |
2020 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Teknologistøttet personsentrert behandling er kommet for å bli |
2020 |
Academic lecture |
Can Increased Patient Involvement Reduce the Number of Surgery Cancellations? Lessons learned from a research and development project in Norway
2020 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
E-helseforskerne finner mye feil, forblir likevel teknooptimister |
2020 |
Interview |
Patients Reported Reasons for Surgery Cancellation did not correspond with the hospitals' representation of the same problem |
2019 |
Academic lecture |
Kunnskapsgrunnlag knyttet til medisinsk avstandsoppfølging |
2019 |
Academic lecture |
Citizens and Health Data – a call for Digital health literacy too |
2019 |
Academic lecture |
E-resept og kjernejournal: Forskjell mellom innføring og praksis |
2019 |
Interview |
Electronic prescribing does not prevent medication errors |
2019 |
Interview |
E-resepter hindrer ikke feilmedisineringElectronic prescribing does not prevent medication errors
2019 |
Interview |
Meeting the Medicines Challenge with Digital Technologies |
2019 |
Academic lecture |
Implementing eHealth Technologies |
2019 |
Academic lecture |
eHealth initiatives; the relationship between project work and institutional practice |
2019 |
Academic article |
Implementing eHealth technologies: The need for changed work practices to reduce medication errors |
2019 |
Academic article |
Patient Reported Reasons for Surgery Cancellations Do Not Necessarily Correspond with Hospitals’ Representation of the Same Problem |
2019 |
Academic article |
"Ett skritt frem og to tilbake; helsepersonells erfaringer med personsentrert behandling" |
2018 |
Lecture |
Doctors are not using summary care records as intended
2018 |
Interview |
Leger bruker ikke kjernejournalen slik myndighetene hadde tenkt |
2018 |
Interview |
Digitized patient–provider interaction: How does it matter? A qualitative meta-synthesis |
2018 |
Academic article |
The Summary Care Record, a symbol of shared patient information A qualitative analysis of doctors' perceptions of shared information systems |
2018 |
Academic lecture |
The Norwegian National Summary Care Record: a qualitative analysis of doctors’use of and trust in shared patient information |
2018 |
Academic article |
The use of an acceptance test for accessing an electronic information system |
2017 |
Poster |
Bruk av kjernejournal: Faktorer som hemmer og fremmer bruk av e-helse |
2017 |
Lecture |
Legers erfaringer med kjernejournal |
2017 |
Lecture |
Implementering (og utbredelse) av visjonen om personsentrert behandling; Foreløpig analyse basert på Normalization Process Theory |
2017 |
Lecture |
Nasjonal kjernejournal: en selvstendig løsning, eller et første steg på veien til noe annet? |
2017 |
Academic lecture |
A qualitative study of the implementation and use of a national information system |
2017 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
A web- based acceptance test for accessing the use of an electronic information system |
2017 |
Poster |
A qualitative study of the implementation and use of a national information system |
2017 |
Academic lecture |
Health and technology in a Norwegian context |
2017 |
Academic lecture |
E-resept og kjernejournal som første steg på vei mot Helseplattformen |
2017 |
Poster |
Om teknologien som ikke fikk være teknologi - diskurser om velferdsteknologi |
2017 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Vanskelig å få leger til å bruke kjernejournal |
2017 |
Interview |
Telecare innovation, family configuration and citizenship |
2016 |
Academic lecture |
Designing User Interfaces for Personal Health Assessment Questionaires: A Report From a Pilot Study |
2016 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Digital Users in Pre-Digital Hospital Organisations? An Analysis on the Readiness for Electronic Communication Between a Hospital and Surgical Patients |
2016 |
Academic article |
Electronic communication as a tool to reduce elective surgery cancellations a case study from Norway |
2016 |
Academic article |
Promoting Patient Voices on the
Internet. Ethical considerations about web-based dissemination of research on patient narratives.
2016 |
Academic article |
Promoting Patient Voices on the
Internet. Ethical considerations about web-based dissemination of research on patient narratives.
2016 |
Academic lecture |
Concept Testing
Toward a Patient-Validated Information Architecture. Prototype Development of Healthtalk
2016 |
Academic article |
Concept Testing
Toward a Patient-Validated Information Architecture. Prototype Development of Healthtalk
2016 |
Academic lecture |
eTELEMED 2016, The Eighth International Conference on eHealth, Telemedicine and Social Medicine |
2016 |
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings |
On the Development of a Hospital-Patient Web-Based Communication Tool: A Case Study From Norway |
2015 |
Academic article |
On the Development of a Hospital-Patient Web-Based Communication Tool: A Case Study From Norway |
2015 |
Academic lecture |
On the Need for Interdisciplinary Teams in Health IT Design |
2015 |
Academic lecture |
Online Patients in an Offline Health Care Sector: Are Hospitals Ready for Electronic Communication With Patients? |
2015 |
Academic lecture |
The Role of Research Institutions in Health IT: Health IT Research Institutions vs. Health IT Companies |
2015 |
Academic lecture |
On the Development of a Hospital-Patient Web-Based Communication Tool: A Case Study From Norway |
2015 |
Academic article |
The Role of Research Institutions in Health IT: Health IT Research Institutions vs. Health IT Companies |
2015 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Study Protocol: Health Talk Norway |
2015 |
Academic lecture |
Study Protocol: Health Talk Norway |
2015 |
Academic article |
On the Need for Interdisciplinary Teams in Health IT Design |
2015 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Online Patients in Offline Health Care Systems: Are hospitals ready for electronic communication with patients? |
2015 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
eTELEMED 2015, The Seventh International Conference on eHealth, Telemedicine, and Social Medicine |
2015 |
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings |
Methodology for Care Processes Modelling: Bringing the Health Care Complexity into Health IT Development |
2014 |
Academic lecture |
Telemedisin: et maktperspektiv |
2014 |
Academic article |
A qualitative description of telemedicine for acute stroke care in Norway: technology is not the issue |
2014 |
Academic article |
Home-Based Health Monitoring for Pre-surgical Patients |
2014 |
Masters thesis |
Methodology for Care Processes Modelling: Bringing the Health Care Complexity into Health IT Development |
2014 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Reduced Elective Surgery Cancellations Through Patient Involvement In Pre-Operative Planning In Norway |
2014 |
Lecture |
Reduced Elective Surgery Cancellations Through Patient Involvement In Pre-Operative Planning In Norway |
2014 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Analysing the Use of a Telestroke Service |
2013 |
Academic article |
Improved treatment for cerebral stroke patients in small hospitals?Reporting from a telestroke service in North Norway |
2012 |
Academic lecture |
Improved Treatment of Cerebral Stroke Patients in Small Hospitals? Reporting from a Telestroke Service in North Norway |
2012 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Telemedisin - Nord-Norge som et framtidslaboratorium? |
2012 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
IKT-forbindelser i helsesektoren, Sammenvevinger av IKT, steder, yrker, kjønn og politikk |
2011 |
Doctoral dissertation |
Bruk/ikke bruk av telemedisin i svangerskaps- og fødselsomso[r]gen |
2011 |
Academic article |
Un/doing gender with ICT? |
2010 |
Academic article |
Differences and innequalities in health. Empirical reflections on telemediciene and politics |
2010 |
Academic article |
Getting the whole picture? New information and communication technologies in healthcare work and organisation |
2010 |
Academic article |
Placing Globalizing Technologies: Telemedicine and the Making of Difference |
2009 |
Academic article |
Jordmorskap og teknologi |
2009 |
Academic article |
Undoing Gender? New Information and communication Technologies in Healthcare work |
2008 |
Academic lecture |
Har kjønn betydning for implementering og bruk av EPJ? |
2007 |
Academic lecture |
Re/orderings of medical and nursing work; new technologies and the disruption of professional, organizational and spatial relations |
2006 |
Academic lecture |
Space, power, and communication: The dynamic of ICT in Health care |
2006 |
Academic lecture |
Re/Orderings of Medical and Nursing Work: new technologies and the disruption of professional, organisational and spatial relations |
2006 |
Academic lecture |