
Anne Moen


Anne Moen er professor, Institutt for helse og samfunn ved det medisinske fakultet, Universitet i Oslo og Professor II ved Nasjonalt senter for e-helseforskning i Tromsø.

Hun forsker i helseinformatikk, og spesielt utvikling og testing av digitale løsninger som skal styrke innbyggeren (pasienter og pårørende), aktive bruk av helseinformasjon, med et fokus på helseinformasjonsfortåelse, egeninnsats og mulighet for tidlig intervensjon.

Hun leder UiO:eColab, ved Institutt for helse og samfunn, med infrastruktur for å utforske teknologi-medierte komplekse, pasientsentrerte intervensjoner, og tverrfaglig teamarbeid med helsepersonell, pasienter og familier.

Hun har vært President i EFMI (European Federation for Medical Informatics) (2014 – 2016), og IMIA-EFMI Vice President (2016-2018). Anne var EFMI representant i EU eHealth stakeholder group (2015 – 2019), og ledet arbeidet med tematikken “Citizens – health data”. Hun er valgt inn i ACMI (American College of Medical Informatics) 2015, er «founding fellow» av IAHSI (International Academy for Health Sciences Informatics) 2017, og er valgt som Honorary Fellow, EFMI from 2019.

Anne Moen er off. godkjent sykepleier (1985), har hovedfag i sykepleievitenskap (1996) og Dr. polit med spesialisering i helseinformatikk (2002). Hun har vært Fulbright fellow (2002) og postdoc ved University of Wisconsin-Madison og UiO (2002 – 2005)

Anne kan enklest nås på sin UiO-adresse: email hidden; JavaScript is required

Annes prosjekter
Prosjekttittel År Tema Prosjektledelse
Styring av eller i e-helse: Nasjonale styringsmodeller for realisering av helsepolitiske mål 2019 - 2023 Helsedata
Line Helen Linstad
Kunnskapsoppsummering for implementering av KI i helsetjenesten 2021 - 2022 Helsedata
Maryam Tayefi Nasrabadi
Gravitate Health 2020 - 2025 Tjenester for helsepersonell
Anne Moen Monika Johansen
Annes publikasjoner i Cristin
Tittel År Kategori
Exploring the foundations of a digital health information service for patients with inflammatory bowel disease: a mixed method study in Gravitate-Health 2024 Academic article
A systematic review on experimental studies about patient adherence to treatment 2024 Academic article
Malnutrition and Polypharmacy in Older Adult Patients Receiving Home Care Nursing Services: A Cross-sectional Study 2024 Academic article
Mapping Patients' Online Record Access Worldwide: Preliminary Results from an International Survey of Healthcare Experts 2024 Academic article
Implementation of remote home care: assessment guided by the RE-AIM framework 2024 Academic article
Gravitate-Health; ePI in the context of ePrescription/eDispensation, Vision – Next Steps 2023 Academic lecture
Empowering and Equipping Europeans with Health Information for Active, Personal Health Management and Adherence to Treatment 2023 Academic lecture
Gravitate-Health - Addressing systemic / institutional justice personal and public health perspectives. theme “Empowering Patients Through Digital Health Information for Public Health in Africa” 2023 Academic lecture
Gravitate-Health and Epistemic Injustice, ACMI Collen Award Panel Presentation: Informatics Approaches to Address Epistemic Injustice for Healthcare Consumers, Honoring Suzanne Bakken, 2023 Academic lecture
CAPABLE/Gravitate-Health 2023 Academic lecture
Digital4Quality-S.M.A.R.T. Patients and quality digital services, Porto 06.09.23 2023 Academic lecture
Gravitate-Health and Nordic Medicinal Product Information compendia, 2023 Lecture
HL7 FHIR for Medicinal Product Information -- aims to increase treatment understanding and adherence globally, Workshop, , 11.07.2023 2023 Academic lecture
Gravitate-Health and Quality Care – Patient Safety 2023 Academic lecture
Nursing Informatics. European perspectives, Keynote 2023 Academic lecture
OneAquaHealth – One Digital Health – Citizen Participation and engagement, Workhop, MIE’2023, Gøteborg 23.05.2023 2023 Academic lecture
Tackling Interoperability to Support Clinical Research; the Vulcan Approach, 2023 Academic lecture
Patients Online Record Access in the Context of the European Health Data Space. 2023 Academic lecture
Informatics Tools and Strategies to Promote Inclusive Design and Patient Engagement. 2023 Academic lecture
Digital citizen services, digital health literacy and more relevant health information to drive patient engagement. 2023 Academic lecture
Gravitate-Health: Unlocking the Value of The Electronic Product Information (ePI) and more for Patients in EU and Beyond 2023 Academic lecture
Gravitate-Health, Empowering and Equipping Europeans with Health Information for Active, Personal Health Management and Adherence to Treatment, specific focus on Interoperability Resources, 2023 Lecture
In-equality in Health informatics 2023 Academic lecture
Innbyggerinvolvering og Etikk 2023 Lecture
Research Integrity and Public-Private Partnership: Experiences in Gravitate-Health 2023 Academic lecture
Gravitate-Health, Empowering and Equipping Europeans with Health Information for Active, Personal Health Management and Adherence to Treatment 2023 Academic lecture
CAPABLE: empower citizens by facilitating active use of personal health information, 2023 Academic lecture
Experience with the use of a digital sleep diary in symptom management by individuals with insomnia -a pilot mixed method study 2023 Academic article
Assessing decisional conflict and challenges in decision-making among perinatal women using or considering using antidepressants during pregnancy—a mixed-methods study 2023 Academic article
Health Equity in Clinical Research Informatics 2023 Academic literature review
Acceptability and Initial Adoption of the Heart Observation App for Infants With Congenital Heart Disease: Qualitative Study 2023 Academic article
Development of the key performance indicators for digital health interventions: A scoping review 2023 Academic literature review
Newly graduated nurses use and further development of assessment skills—An in-depth qualitative study 2023 Academic article
Factors associated with changes in students' self-reported nursing competence after clinical rotations: A quantitative cohort study 2023 Academic article
Gravitate – Health: ePI on FHIR in EU and beyond 2023 Academic lecture
Change in nursing students'confidence & competence with the use of a Suite of mLearning Tools 2022 Poster
Change in nursing students' confidence and competence with the use of a Suite of mLearning Tools 2022 Academic lecture
Citizens’ eHealth tools for safer use of medicines, better health outcomes & quality of life. Sustainability and resilience; Securing the future of health systems, 2022 Academic lecture
Personal Health Data Space 2022 Academic lecture
People Centric Model to Harness User Value. Reflection on Personal Data Spaces in Transformation of Health and Care 2022 Popular scientific article
Gravitate-Health: putting ePI (electronic Product Information) to work in the patient journey to drive better use of medicines 2022 Academic lecture
A mobile application to support parents of infants with severe cardiac disease 2022 Academic lecture
Heart OBServation app: development of a decision support tool for parents of infants with severe cardiac disease 2022 Academic article
Artificial Intelligence Implementation in Healthcare: A Theory-Based Scoping Review of Barriers and Facilitators 2022 Academic literature review
Capacity development to leverage advances in health informatics for all 2022 Academic article
Newly graduated nurses use and development of assessment skills: an in-depth qualitative study 2022 Poster
Patients' experiences with a welfare technology application for remote home care: A longitudinal study 2022 Academic article
Human-centered integrated care pathways for co-creating a digital, user-centric health information solution 2022 Academic article
A preliminary simulation‑based qualitative study of healthcare students’ experiences of interprofessional primary care scenarios 2022 Academic article
Pedagogical Approaches and Learning Activities, Content, and Resources Used in the Design of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) in the Health Sciences: Protocol for a Scoping Review 2022 Academic article
The value of a redesigned clinical course during COVID-19 pandemic: an explorative convergent mixed-methods study 2022 Academic article
Nursing students’ development of using physical assessment in clinical rotation—a stimulated recall study 2022 Academic article
Gender and ethnicity's influence on first-year nursing students' educational motivation and career expectations: A cross-sectional study. 2022 Academic article
Engage the people - health informatics and personal health management 2022 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
The experiences, needs and barriers of people with impairments related to usability and accessibility of digital health solutions, levels of involvement in the design process and strategies for participatory and universal design: a scoping review 2022 Academic literature review
Sykepleierstudenters bruk av systematisk klinisk undersøkelse og vurdering i praksis- en "Stimulated Recall" studie 2021 Poster
INNSIKT - nettverkserfaringer og oppsummering 2021 Academic lecture
Effect of locally-contextualized nurse-led diabetes self-management education on psychosocial health and quality of life: A controlled before-after study 2021 Academic article
Pasientenes egeninnsats ved bruk av egne helsedata 2021 Academic lecture
Gravitate-Health: Empowering and Equipping Europeans with health information for Active Personal Health Management and Adherence to Treatment. 2021 Academic lecture
Citizen Engagement in Digital Health 2021 Academic lecture
Defining One Digital Health - how training the future generations of One Health professionals 2021 Academic lecture
Diversity in Health Informatics: Mentoring and Leadership 2021 Academic article
MOOC, strengthen systematic clinical assessment. KlinPrim as an example 2021 Academic lecture
One Digital Health: Raising Global Priority for Health Informativs in Post-COVID ERA 2021 Academic lecture
Maria travels - Maria explains her mediation considerations and preparation for travelling 2021 Multimedia product
#PolyPod: Gravitate Health and the digital health information journey 2021 Interview
Gravitate-Health. ePI - Medicinal Product Information - for the People. Panel Innovative e-labeling Initiatives in the World and Discussion on Next Steps for e-labeling in Japan, 2021 Academic lecture
On Gravitate-Health. Closing keynote 2021 Academic lecture
Gravitate-Health. Empowering and Equipping Europeans with health information for Active Personal Health Management and Adherence to Treatment. Slik arbeider vi med elektroniske pakningsvedlegg. 2021 Academic lecture
Pasientens Helsedata. Gravitate-Health: Empowering and Equipping Europeans with health information for Active Personal Health Management and Adherence to Treatment 2021 Lecture
CAPABLE and Gravitate-Health 2021 Lecture
CAPABLE og Gravitate-Health 2021 Lecture
Gravitate-Health: Empowering and Equipping Europeans with health information for Active Personal Health Management and Adherence to Treatment. 2021 Lecture
Gravitate-Health: Empowering and Equipping Europeans with health information for Active Personal Health Management and Adherence to Treatment. Presentation, 2021 Lecture
Gravitate-Health: Empowering and Equipping Europeans with health information for Active Personal Health Management and Adherence to Treatment. 2021 Lecture
Tilrettelagt medisininformasjon - Gravitate-Health prosjektet. 2021 Academic lecture
PharmaLedger-Gravitate-Health - ePI to support digital transformation of healthcare. 2021 Lecture
Gravitate-Health 2021 Poster
G-Lens: Using HL7 FHIR International Patient Summary to highlight key information in Medication Leaflets. 2021 Academic lecture
G-Lens to focus medication information - opportunities with structured ePI standard. 2021 Academic lecture
Open Data – Trust, Transparency, Transformation 2021 Academic lecture
Gravitate-Health: Empowering and Equipping Europeans with health information for Active Personal Health Management and Adherence to Treatment. 2021 Popular scientific article
Delta i COST Action - tips og erfaringer 2021 Lecture
INNSIKT - and COST Action NET4AgeFriendly 2021 Lecture
Therapists’ experiences with mentalization-based treatment for avoidant personality disorder 2021 Academic article
Helsepersonells forventninger til e-konsultasjon - en kvalitativ studie 2021 Academic article
Implementing welfare technology in palliative homecare for patients with cancer: A qualitative study of health-care professionals’ experiences 2021 Poster
Erfaringer fra digital sykepleiepraksis under COVID-19 pandemien: Convergent Mixed-methode studie 2021 Poster
Palliative cancer patients` experiences of telehealth in home-based care: Challenges in the recruitment of vulnerable patients 2021 Academic lecture
Implementing welfare technology in palliative homecare for patients with cancer: a qualitative study of health-care professionals’ experiences 2021 Academic article
Sykepleieres erfaringer og utfordringer med perifer venekanylering 2021 Academic article
Exploring healthcare students' interprofessional teamwork in primary care simulation scenarios: collaboration to create a shared treatment plan 2021 Academic article
Innbyggerne må få helsedataene sine 2021 Feature article
Older Adults’ Engagement in Technology-Mediated Self-Monitoring of Diet: A Mixed-Method Study 2021 Academic article
One Digital Health: A Unified Framework for Future Health Ecosystems 2021 Academic literature review
Configuration of Mobile Learning Tools to Support Basic Physical Assessment in Nursing Education: Longitudinal Participatory Design Approach 2021 Academic article
Discover your own G-lens! Patients’ and Healthcare professionals’ Digital Journey with Gravitate-Health 2020 Academic lecture
Digital Health information– opportunities and challenges for active engagement for personal health and well-being 2020 Academic lecture
Maria and her medicines 2020 Multimedia product
Introduction to Gravitate-Health 2020 Multimedia product
Vil hindre medisinfeil med ny digital løsning 2020 Interview
Gravitate- Health; Empowering and Equipping Europeans with health information for Active Personal Health Management and Adherence to Treatment 2020 Lecture
Simulering styrker tverrfaglig samarbeid i helsefaglig utdanning 2020 Poster
Simulation strengthens interprofessional collaboration for healthcare students in primary care 2020 Academic lecture
Co-creating persona scenarios with diverse users enriching inclusive design 2020 Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Reflection on actions: Identifying facilitators of and barriers to using physical assessment in clinical practice 2020 Academic article
Språkbruk og mønstre i sykepleiernes journalføring. En diskursanalytisk tilnærming 2020 Academic article
Aktivisering av eldre i ernæringsarbeid 2020 Poster
Promoting dietary awareness: Home‐dwelling older adults’ perspectives on using a nutrition application 2020 Academic article
Co-creating persona scenarios with diverse users enriching inclusive design 2020 Academic article
Introducing a nutritional app in supervised residences for independent living: Experiences of individuals with intellectual disabilities and their caregivers 2020 Academic article
Design of the capable health empowerment tool: Citizens' needs and expectations 2020 Academic article
Implementing welfare technology in palliative home care for patients with cancer: Exploring the experiences of patients and health care professionals 2020 Poster
En avatar som brobygger: fra forskningsfunn til pårørendestøtte 2020 Poster
Harnessing Digital Opportunities in PhD training 2019 Academic lecture
Gravitate – Health, Public partners introduction, 2019 Academic lecture
CAPABLE: empower citizens to active use of their health information 2019 Academic lecture
Citizens and Health Data – Interoperability – Digital health literacy. New Horizons in Digital Health – international perspectives 2019 Academic lecture
The Patients’ Voice: Standards at work for Patient Reported Outcomes, - focus on Citizens and Health Data, 2019 Academic lecture
FHIR for FAIR: Advancing interoperability for health data – CAPABLE as case 2019 Academic lecture
Hvorfor og hvordan styrke innbyggeren til gode helsevalg i hverdagen? 2019 Lecture
Citizens and Health Data - health literacy aspects 2019 Academic lecture
Changing roles, new professions and workforce skills needs 2019 Academic lecture
CAPABLE – Empowering Citizens to active use of their Health Information 2019 Lecture
CAPABLE – Empowering Citizens to active use of their Health Information, use of FHIR protocols 2019 Lecture
CAPABLE and the International Patient Summary - Trillium II prize 2019 Academic lecture
Eldre og risiko for underernæring 2019 Academic lecture
APPetitus - verktøy i ernæringsarbeidet 2019 Lecture
CAPABLE – Empowering Citizens to active use of their Health Information – bidrag til pasientløsninger, Fürst Laboratorier? 2019 Lecture
Digital Nutritional Support - APPetitus experience 2019 Academic lecture
Forskningsprotokoll - kvaliteter i kvalitative forskningsdesign 2019 Academic lecture
Promises of future health care - eHealth and PEOPLE 2019 Academic lecture
CAPABLE – Empowering Citizens to active use of their Health Information - samarbeid med Microsoft Norge? 2019 Lecture
Cultivating a Digitally Capable Health Workforce 2019 Academic lecture
Brukermedvirkning – hva betyr det i et digitalt nettverksperspektiv 2019 Academic lecture
Å utvikle et nytt produkt - fra forskning til tilgjengelig verktøy 2019 Lecture
CAPABLE – Empowering Citizens to active use of their Health Information 2019 Lecture
“Ernæring og appen APPetitus”, 2019 Lecture
CAPABLE: empower citizens to active use of their health information. Tema: Det nære e-sundhedsvæsen 2019 Academic lecture
The Patients’ Voice: Standards at work for Patient Reported Outcomes 2019 Academic lecture
FHIR for FAIR: Advancing interoperability for health data. 2019 Academic lecture
Women in Health Informatics: perspectives, leadership and mentoring for diversity. 2019 Academic lecture
Citizens and Health Data – a call for Digital health literacy too 2019 Academic lecture
Pasientens digitale helsevesen 2019 Short communication
Preserved in translation 2019 Popular scientific article
Citizens and Health Data 2019 Popular scientific article
Diabetes Self-Management Education (DSME) – Effect on Knowledge, Self-Care Behavior, and Self-Efficacy Among Type 2 Diabetes Patients in Ethiopia: A Controlled Clinical Trial 2019 Academic article
Using simulation to train interprofessional collaboration for healthcare students in primary care 2019 Poster
Eldre og ernæring 2019 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Design of the CAPABLE Prototype: Preliminary Results of Citizen Expectations 2019 Abstract
CAPABLE: Empowering Citizens to Active Use of their Health Information 2019 Academic lecture
Design of the CAPABLE Prototype: Preliminary Results of Citizen Expectations 2019 Poster
Education in biomedical and health informatics: A European perspective 2019 Academic article
Revitalizing physical assessment in undergraduate nursing education - what skills are important to learn, and how are these skills applied during clinical rotation? A Cohort Study 2019 Academic article
Smart services: The move to customer orientation 2019 Editorial
Clinical assessment and interdisciplinary collaboration in primary care. Use of a massive, open, online course (MOOC) to train students and health personnel 2018 Academic lecture
Collaboration & Engagement - Citizens and Health Providers in new partnerships 2018 Academic lecture
Citizens & Health Data - eHealth Stakeholder Group Vision 2018 Academic lecture
CAPABLE - hvordan innbyggerne kan nyttiggjøre seg egne helseopplysninger til å fremme egen helse og mestre egen sykdom. 2018 Academic lecture
Citizen and Health Data – untapped potentials for Telehealth 2018 Academic lecture
Team Collaboration - eliciting and balancing stakeholders’ perspectives to design a tool – APPETITus. 2018 Academic lecture
Innbyggere og e-helsekompetanse - potensialer for samarbeid og behov for verktøy 2018 Academic lecture
Technology for THRIVE. Citizens and Health Data. 2018 Academic lecture
Velferdsteknologi som verktøy for aktivitet og hverdagsmestring 2018 Feature article
Using a tablet application about nutrition in home care - Experiences and perspectives of healthcare professionals 2018 Academic article
Erfaringer med utvikling av en MOOC (massivt, åpent onlinekurs) for studenter og ansatte i primærhelsetjenesten 2018 Lecture
KlinPrim – MOOC for systematisk klinisk vurdering og tverrfaglig samarbeid i primærhelsetjenesten 2018 Poster
MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) to improve clinical assessment skills and interdisciplinary collaboration in primary care 2018 Poster
Nurse-Led diabetes self-management education improves clinical parameters in Ethiopia 2018 Academic article
MOOC -Styrke veiledningskompetanse i primærhelsetjenesten- 2018 Poster
Citizens and Health Data – Untapped Resource for Telehealth? 2018 Academic article
Learning clinical assessment and interdisciplinary team collaboration in primary care. MOOC for healthcare practitioners and students 2018 Short communication
Inspiring older people to eat healthily 2018 Academic article
Preface building continents of knowledge in oceans of data: The future of Co-created ehealth 2018 Editorial
"But Perhaps they could Reduce the Suffering?" Parents’ Ambivalence toward Participating in Forced Peripheral Vein Cannulation Performed on Their Preschool-Aged Children 2018 Academic article
Grunnleggende systematisk klinisk undersøkelse og vurdering (G-SKUV) Hva lærer studentene og hva gjør de i praksis. 2017 Poster
E-resepter for alle ? 2017 Feature article
Ny app skal hindre underernæring hos eldre 2017 Interview
Ny app skal forebygge underernæring hos eldre 2017 Interview Journal
International Initiatives to Support Healthy Aging 2017 Academic lecture
Integrating Science of Data with Science of Care for Interpreting Patient Need: Opportunities and Challenges in the New Era of Cognitive Healthcare Solutions 2017 Academic lecture
Exploring healthcare inefficiencies: the case of medical appointments. 2017 Academic lecture
Patient-Centered Apps to Promote Engagement and Activation: Challenges and Opportunities 2017 Academic lecture
In search of a digital health compass to navigate the health system 2017 Academic article
Appreciating Diversity in Health Informatics 2017 Academic article
MOOC – rettet mot livslang læring i arbeidslivet og helsevesenet 2017 Academic lecture
Utvikling av artikkel - skriveseminar 2017 Lecture
MOOC – utvikling av nye e-læringsressurser 2017 Lecture
CarerSupport–Usability and usefulness of an integrated ICT-platform supporting informal caregivers of people with dementia. P01.41 2017 Abstract
MOOC – Ny e-læringsressurs til studenter og ansatte i primærhelsetjenesten 2017 Poster
CarerSupport–Usability and usefulness of an integrated ICT-platform supporting informal caregivers of people with dementia 2017 Poster
Research strategies for biomedical and health informatics: Some thought-provoking and critical proposals to encourage scientific debate on the nature of good research in medical informatics 2017 Academic article
Hverdagen etter nyre-pankreas-transplantasjon : en vellykket nyre-pankreas-transplantasjon gir en tryggere og bedre hverdag - den fører også med seg nye usikkerhetsmomenter som det er viktig å informere om 2017 Academic article
"Do you see what I mean?" staff collaboration in eating disorder units during mealtimes 2017 Academic article
Exploring the Use of Technology for Active Aging and Thriving 2017 Academic article
Exploring perspectives on restraint during medical procedures in paediatric care: a qualitative interview study with nurses and physicians 2017 Academic article
Nursing Leadership and Informatics Competencies: Shaping Transformation of Professional Practice 2017 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
To bend or not to bend? Rule adherence among staff at an eating disorder unit 2017 Academic article
Introducing Technology for Thriving in Residential Long-Term Care 2017 Academic article
Systematisk klinisk undersøkelse av eldre. MOOC for ansatte og studenter i primærhelsetjenesten 2016 Academic lecture
Enduring Challenges in Biomedical and Health Informatics: SCAMC at 40. - Active Citizens 2016 Academic lecture
EFMI at 40: Anticipating the Future – Appreciating the Past 2016 Academic lecture
Digital health literacy – tools for navigation. 2016 Academic lecture
It is a man’s, man’s, man’s world 2016 Interview
CarerSupport - Internettbasert plattform for pårørende til personer med demens. 2016 Poster
Designvurderinger i APPETITT - app for eldre om ernæring. 2016 Poster
APPETITT - Nytte av nettbrettsapplikasjon om ernæring for eldre hjemmeboende 2016 Poster
CarerSupport -an innovative approach to informal carers’ training and collaboration. 2016 Poster
Participation in video recall session during individual interviews on restraint. 2016 Poster
My data, My decision, Our ePower 2016 Academic lecture
eHealth Consumers at the age of hyper-personalization. 2016 Academic lecture
Extracting oneself from the citation-stacking bear trap 2016 Editorial
Nursing and eHealth: Are we preparing our future nurses as automatons or informaticians? 2016 Academic article
Er tvang mot barn et nødvendig onde? 2016 Feature article
Ernæringsstøtte til hjemmeboende eldre, – potensialer i nettbrettapplikasjonen APPETITT 2016 Academic article
Fra vevstol til nettbrett. Helsepersonells vurderinger av teknologi som et hjelpemiddel i forebygging av funksjonssvikt hos hjemmeboende eldre 2016 Academic article
Parent–healthcare provider interaction during peripheral vein cannulation with resistive preschool children 2016 Academic article
Interacting orientations and instrumentalities to adapt a learning tool for health professionals 2015 Academic article
Hvordan skrive gode søknader? Erfaringer og tips ved søknadsskriving 2015 Academic lecture
Tiden er ute 2015 Poster
Utvikling og bruk av ernæringsapp på nettbrett; APPETITT (APPlikasjon om Ernæring – TIlTak for helse og Trivsel)”, 2015 Academic lecture
Technology for THRIVE - Technology-mediated Health Resources for Inclusion and Vitality of the Elderly 2015 Academic lecture
Future of Public health informatics - data to support public health in 2025? 2015 Academic lecture
Technology for Thrive - active and well when aging 2015 Academic lecture
The Future of Medical Informatics. 2015 Interview
Tar i bruk app for å hindre underernæring 2015 Interview
Bedre Helse et Tastetrykk Unna 2015 Interview
Utvikler app som skal sørge for at eldre spiser bedre 2015 Interview
Uten mat og drikke 2015 Poster
Information to the point of action – opportunities for medication management? 2015 Academic lecture
Patient Summaries: An International Perspective 2015 Academic lecture
Are We Doing the Right Research in Biomedical and Health Informatics and Are We Doing it Right? 2015 Academic lecture
New Frontier of Health Informatics: Aged Care Informatics. 2015 Academic lecture
Kliniske praksisstudier - verdsatt aktivitet av spesialisthelsetjenesten? 2015 Academic lecture
Kunnskap om multiresistente bakterier gir sykepleiere trygghet 2015 Academic lecture
Ernæringsstøtte til hjemmeboende eldre – potensialer i nettbrettapplikasjonen APPETITT 2015 Academic lecture
Nettbrett for eldre – deltakelse og sosial kontakt på tvers av generasjoner 2015 Academic lecture
Human aspects of eHealth Interoperability in the Transatlantic Setting 2015 Academic lecture
Are we doing the right research in biomedical and informatics, and are we doing it right. Some thought-provoking and critical proposals to encourage scientific debate on the nature of good research in medical informatics. 2015 Academic lecture
Interacting orientations and instrumentalities to adapt a learning tool for health professionals 2015 Academic article
Resistive expressions in preschool children during peripheral vein cannulation in hospitals: a qualitative explorative observational study 2015 Academic article
" Time's up" - Staff's management of mealtimes on inpatient eating disorder units 2015 Academic article
Providing the child with venous access; exploring parent-health care providers’ unfolding interaction 2015 Academic lecture
Practical planning to maintain premature infants' safety during magnetic resonance imaging: A systematic review 2015 Academic article
Discussion of “evidence-based health informatics: How do we know what we know?” 2015 Academic article
Considerations for design of an e-Learning program augmenting advanced geriatric nurse practitioners' clinical skills training. 2014 Academic lecture
Kommunikasjon om mat på nye måter – Oppskriftskort og APPETITT 2014 Academic lecture
Small Eaters and Assistive, Welfare Technologies for Independent Living 2014 Poster
2014 Academic lecture
Vision for period as EFMI president 2014 Lecture
The population approach: considerations for monitoring medical apps 2014 Academic lecture
Apps to support active aging 2014 Academic lecture
APPETITT - APPlikasjon om Ernæring – TIlTak for helse og Trivsel 2014 Academic lecture
APPETITT – appen som forlenger livet? 2014 Academic lecture
Blending in e-learning resources to augment clinical skills training for Advanced Nurse Practitioner. 2014 Academic lecture
Framtidens pasientreise – med app i bagasjen. 2014 Academic lecture
Kosthold og ernæring – kommunikasjon på nye måter. 2014 Lecture
ACTIVE – prosjektet med tro på menneskets iboende muligheter. 2014 Popular scientific article
Teknologi for Aktiv Aldring 2014 Popular scientific lecture
eHealth literacy – a competence challenge for the nursing workforce. 2014 Academic lecture
Considerations for design of an e-learning program augmenting advanced geriatric nurse practitioner's clinical skills training 2014 Academic article
Evaluation of Ambient Assisted Living interventions – which tool to choose? 2014 Academic article
Toward a typology of technology users: How older people experience technology's potential for active aging 2014 Academic article
Sykepleie til pasienter med multiresistente bakterier : 2014 Academic article
Smertefulle prosedyrer på motvillige barn 2014 Academic lecture
The structure of parent-health care provider interaction during peripheral vein cannulation with resistive children 2014 Academic lecture
Toward a typology of technology users: How older people experience technology's potential for active aging 2014 Academic lecture
Home care nurses’ perspectives of factors of importance for their ability to care for patients requiring palliative care at home 2013 Academic article
Nursing Informatics – decades of contributions to health informatics 2013 Academic article
Adapting a learning tool for specialized nursing 2013 Academic article
Exploring technologies to foster wellbeing and vitality among older people 2013 Academic lecture
Consolidating work descriptions: Creating shared knowledge objects 2012 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Collaborative knowledge creation: Practices, tools, concepts 2012 Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
RareICT: A web-based resource to augment self-care and independence with a rare medical condition 2012 Academic article
Computer-based 3D simulation: a study of communication practices in a trauma team performing patient examination and diagnostic work 2012 Academic article
Informatics support for Healthy Eating – implications for Quality of Life 2012 Poster
Kunnskap om ernæring i hjemmesykepleien 2012 Poster
Design of assistive, welfare technologies for healthy eating and active aging. 2012 Academic lecture
Uten mat og drikke i eldre år – kan velferdsteknologi hjelpe 2012 Poster
Smart Home technology; opportunities and community health 2012 Popular scientific article
A new data deployment. 2012 Popular scientific article
Informatics support for Healthy Eating – implications for Quality of Life 2012 Poster
Quality of Life through Quality of Information 2012 Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
eHealth in Europe - Status and Challenges 2012 Academic article
Knowledge development in nursing: pragmatic randomized controlled trials as a methodological approach to support evidence based practice 2012 Academic article
User Centred Networked Health Care - CD proceedings of MIE 2011 2011 Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
.. uten mat og drikke 2011 Academic lecture
Job Satisfaction amongst Nursing Staff on Eating Disorder Units 2011 Poster
Healthcare Information Standards for Active Aging: State of Play for Patient Summaries 2011 Popular scientific article
Info-critical 2011 Popular scientific article
Pasientdeltakelse og samhandling – nye muligheter i webbaserte omgivelser 2011 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Work-integrated technology-enhanced learning - flexible means to reduce medication errors in hospitals? 2011 Academic lecture
Ucer-Centered Networked Health Care. CD MIE2011 2011 Website (informational material)
User Centred Networked Health Care 2011 Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
User Centred Networked Health Care - Proceedings of MIE 2011 2011 Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Intersecting trajectories of Participation: temporality and learning 2011 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Informatics Competencies - necessary conditions for sustainable eHealth 2010 Other
Sharing Sensitive Health Matters Online - Design Challenges for Participation and Polyvocality 2010 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Therapeutic Strategies. A Challenge for User Involvement in Design 2010 Report
Unmet information and communication needs in the intermediate recovery from coronary artery bypass surgery 2010 Academic article
Multiple Activity—Multiple Mediation: Conceptualizing and Furthering the Use of Wikis 2010 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Review “Integrating healthcare with information and communication technology”. Wendy Currie and David Finnegan; Abingdon: Radcliffe Publishing Ltd, 2009 2010 Book review
Informatics Competencies - necessary conditions for sustainable eHealth 2010 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
2010 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Constructing standards - A study of nurses negotiating with multiple modes of knowledge 2010 Academic article
DIV4.6 Report on Empirical Research 2010 Report
Meaningful Use of Health IT in Nursing 2010 Academic lecture
eHelsekompetanse – nødvendig forutsetning for elektronisk samhandling 2010 Academic lecture
Social Media – New Tools for Personal Health and Wellbeing 2010 Academic lecture
Documentation of Care. Transition form Paper to Digital Documentation in Clinical Workflow 2010 Academic lecture
Samhandling og pasientdeltakelse – erfaringer fra RareICT pilot 2010 Academic lecture
Informatics Competencies - necessary conditions for sustainable eHealth 2010 Academic lecture
Customizing learning software for health care Analyzing intra-institutional project work in design for learning 2010 Academic lecture
Sharing Sensitive Health Matters Online – Design Challenges for Participation and Polyvocality 2010 Academic lecture
Anbefalt eHelsekompetanse ver 1.0 2010 Report
Personal Health Information Management Systems & Education: Preparing Nurses to practice in a Wired World 2009 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Personal Health Information Management around the World – National Examples, Norway 2009 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Web-based learning resources - New opportunities for competency development 2009 Academic article
Web-based resources for peer support- opportunities and challenges 2009 Academic article
A comprehensive research strategy (D 3.2; revised version for year 4) 2009 Report
Report on outcomes of empirical studies (D10.4) 2009 Report
A report on educational technologies and emerging web technologies in relation to trialogical approach to learning (D3.3) 2009 Report
Å leve med. Wiki for helsepersonell, pårørende og pasienter med skjeldne diagnoser 2009 Multimedia product
Henter helse-Europa til Oslo 2009 Interview
Europeisk helse konferanse til Norge 2009 Interview
eHealth - research opportunities 2009 Academic lecture
2009 Academic lecture
2009 Academic lecture
Samhandlingsarenaer og kollektiv kunnskapsbygging for pasienter, familie og helsepersonell 2009 Academic lecture
Informatics Competencies for Digital Immigrants 2009 Academic lecture
RareICT - digital resources for collaborative knowledge construction supporting self-care 2009 Poster
Interactive eLearning – a safe place to practice 2009 Poster
MIE2011 User Centered in a Networked Clinical Reality 2009 Popular scientific lecture
Teleconsultation - collaborative work and opportunities for learning across organizational boundaries 2008 Academic article
Synthetic report of knowledge management approaches in workplaces using insights from case studies and literature review 2008 Report
KP-Lab report 27490. Report on case study: Interdisciplinary Knowledge Practices in Nanotechnology 2008 Report
D3.3: A report on educational technologies and emerging web technologies in relation to trialogical approach to learning 2008 Report
D3.2: A comprehensive research strategy 2008 Report
Sykepleieres journalføring, Dokumentasjon og Informasjonshåndtering 2008 Textbook
Brukere er de beste innovatørene 2008 Interview
KP-Lab pedagogical research - overview and challenges for integration 2008 Academic lecture
Design and piloting of a web-based learning environment 2008 Academic lecture
Design and piloting of a web-based learning site for scop watch 2008 Academic lecture
School leadership in changing institutional practices. Creating shared spaced for collective assessment of classroom 2008 Academic lecture
Interdisciplinary Knowledge Practice in Nanotechnology 2008 Academic lecture
Standardiserte prosedyrebeskrivelser - et virkemiddel for kunnskapsbasert praksis 2008 Academic lecture
Knowledge Practice - Making Nanoreactors 2008 Academic lecture
2008 Academic lecture
The Many faces of Standardization in Quality Management 2008 Academic lecture
Standardized work descriptions – contribution to evidence-based practice? 2008 Academic lecture
Transforming Knowledge Practice in Cardiology 2008 Academic lecture
Teleconsultation; collaborative work and opportunities for learning across organizational boundaries 2008 Academic lecture
Ullern School Development. Mediating tools in teachers' professional development and institutional change 2008 Academic lecture
Standardized work descriptions 2008 Academic lecture
From Knowledge Management to Technology-Enhanced Workplace Learning: Issues and Examples 2008 Academic lecture
Teleconsultation- collaborative work and opportunities for learning across organizational boundaries 2008 Academic lecture
School leadership and institutional change. Creating shared spaces for design of collective practices and knowledge advancement 2008 Academic lecture
Dokumentasjon av sykepleie og bruk av kunnskapsbaserte prosedyrer 2008 Poster
Evolving Knowledge Management Infrastructure 2008 Poster
Net-based Learning - a learning artefact's pedagogical function - 2008 Poster
Customer-initiated Product Development: A case study of Adaptation and Co-Configuration 2008 Poster
Standardized Work Descriptions – Facilitator for Best Practice 2008 Poster
Personal Health Information Management 2007 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Review “Implementing an electonic medical record system: successes, failures, lessons”. Tim Scott, Thomas G. Rundall, Thomas m. Vogt and John Hsu. Oxford, Seattle; Radcliffe Publishing, 2007 2007 Book review
Cross-cultural Factors necessary to enable Design of flexible Consumer Health Informatics Systems (CHIS) 2007 Academic article
Synthetic report of knowledge practices in piloting professional organizations. KP-Lab report, D10.2 2007 Report
Design-based research in the workplace: Tools for creating and analyzing sustainable intervention 2007 Academic lecture
Work Descriptions – negotiations for consolidation of knowledge repositories 2007 Academic lecture
Standardized work descriptions – transformation tools in nursing work? 2007 Academic lecture
Smart Patients 2007 Academic lecture
Quality Improvement, Nursing Leadership, Learning at work 2007 Academic lecture
Operative Leadership 2007 Academic lecture
“Design for Knowledge Practices, Transforming knowledge practices in professional networks – examples form education and workplaces” 2007 Academic lecture
2007 Academic lecture
“Exploring knowledge practices in professional networks: Case studies” 2007 Academic lecture
“Trialogical Glossary (TG)” 2007 Academic lecture
“Standardized, Clinical Nursing Procedures Quality Improvement - Evidence Based Practice - Changing practice?” 2007 Academic lecture
“ChronICT. Presentasjon av prototype” 2007 Academic lecture
Standardiserte prosedyrebeskrivelser – et virkemiddel for kunnskapsbasert praksis. PPS-prosjektet 2007 Academic lecture
Transforming Objects of technology-intensive knowledge practices 2007 Academic lecture
Exploring Negotiations of Best Practice 2007 Academic lecture
Knowledge Practices in Professional Networks 2007 Academic lecture
Part of the symposium: Learning across sites; new tools, infrastructures and practices. Title of paper: Multiplicity and intersecting trajectories of participation; temporality and learning 2007 Academic lecture
Standardized Work Descriptions – negotiations as trading zone activity 2007 Poster
Knowledge Practices Laboratory 2007 Poster
ChronICT – learning resources for patient, relatives and health providers dealing with chronic condition 2007 Poster
Implementing communication systems in the community health services : the health workers experience 2006 Other
Implementing communication systems in the community health services : the health care workers experiences 2006 Academic lecture
Electronic Patient Record in Community Health Services-Paradoxes and Adjustments in Clinical work 2006 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Informatics-based Learning Resources for Patients and their Relatives in Recovery 2006 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Photographic data - an untapped resource to explore complex phenomena such as health information management in the household (HIMH) 2006 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Electronic Patient Record in Community Health Services – paradoxes and adjustments in clinical work 2006 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Information Technology and Nursing; emancipation versus control? 2006 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Transition to Integrated Electronic Health Record (EHR) – Impact on Nursing Documentation in Norway 2006 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Leadership and Nursing Informatics 2006 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
2006 Popular scientific article
REPARERE; web-based resource to support patients and families in CABG recovery 2006 Academic article
Synthetic report of research and development of professional knowledge practices. KP-Lab deliverable 10.1 2006 Report
Recommendations for Design Principles of Trialogical Technology, KP-Lab report D3.1, 2006 Report
Ledelse og Elektronisk PasientJournal – behov og betydning av systematisk gjennomgang av sykepleiernes dokumentasjon av helsehjelp 2006 Academic lecture
Leadership and Nursing Informatics 2006 Academic lecture
Information Technology and Nursing; emancipation versus control? 2006 Academic lecture
Electronic Patient Record in Community Health Services – paradoxes and adjustments in clinical work 2006 Academic lecture
Photographic data - an untapped resource to explore complex phenomena such as health information management in the household (HIMH) 2006 Academic lecture
REPARERE; web-based resource to support patients and families in CABG recovery 2006 Academic lecture
Informatics-based Learning Resources for Patients and their Relatives in Recovery 2006 Academic lecture
2006 Poster
REPARERE – e-learning resource for patients and relatives during recovery 2005 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Health@Home: the work of Health Information Management in the Household (HIMH) - implications for Consumer Health Informatics (CHI) innovations 2005 Academic article
Nurse Leaders Influencing Design and Implementation Strategies of Information Technology? 2005 Academic lecture
Sykepleieledelse ved utvikling og innføring av IKT i klinisk praksis 2005 Academic lecture
Nurse Leaders Influencing Information Technology Strategies 2005 Academic lecture
Informatics support for Personal Health Management 2005 Academic lecture
Learning and construction in trajectories of recovery – new opportunities for multiple actors 2005 Academic lecture
2005 Academic lecture
Systematisk kartlegging av sykepleiedokumentasjon i EPJ 2004 Popular scientific lecture
Erfaringer fra integrering av standardisert tekst i sykepleiedokumentasjonen 2004 Popular scientific lecture
Participatory Design and Infrastructures for Coordination and Communication in Interdisiplinary Mobile Health Teams 2004 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Information Sharing in Interdisciplinary Mobile Health Teams 2004 Academic lecture
Participatory design and infrastructures for coordination and communication in interdisciplinary mobile health teams 2004 Academic lecture
Cross-cultural Factors necessary to enable Design of flexible Consumer Health Informatics Systems 2004 Academic lecture
2004 Academic lecture
Tailored e-health resource� an aid for personal recovery management 2004 Academic lecture
First experience from Integration of Standardized Text in Nursing Documentation 2004 Academic lecture
Videreutvikling av elektronisk sykepleiedokumentasjon 2004 Academic lecture
Information Sharing in Interdisciplinary Mobile Health Teams 2004 Academic lecture
Consideration leading to Design of Learning Resources for Patients and Relatives during Recovery (REPARERE) 2004 Academic lecture
Designing learning resources for patients and relatives during recovery 2004 Academic lecture
What do consumers do with health information at home? 2004 Poster
Erfaringer fra integrering av standardisert tekst i sykepleiedokumentasjonen 2004 Poster
Participatory Design 2003 Popular scientific lecture
2003 Popular scientific lecture
2003 Popular scientific lecture
2003 Popular scientific lecture
Sjukepleiedokumentasjon 2003 Popular scientific lecture
A nursing perspective to design and implementation of electronic patient record systems 2003 Academic literature review
2003 Popular scientific article
2003 Popular scientific article
A nursing perspective to design and implementation of Electronic Patient Record (EPR) systems 2003 Academic article
Hospital Organization & Nursing Practice in the context of EPR 2003 Academic lecture
Qualitative Approaches for Nursing Informatics Research 2003 Academic lecture
Explore introduction of an EPR - nursing leadership challenges 2003 Academic lecture
Nursing Leadership and Informatics � how to develop and harness the bridges? 2003 Academic lecture
Nursing Leadership and the Electronic Patient Record (EPR) � the odd couple ? 2003 Academic lecture
Audit and Quality Improvement of Nursing Documentation as the Documentation is integrated in the Electronic Patient Record (EPR) 2003 Academic lecture
A Hospital-wide approach to Integration of Nursing Documentation in the Electronic Patient Record (EPR) 2003 Academic lecture
Nursing Leadership - a facilitator for EPR implementation? 2003 Academic lecture
2003 Academic lecture
2002 Popular scientific lecture
2002 Popular scientific lecture
EPR in Nursing and Patient Centered Quality of Care; Implications for research and practice from nursing leadership and construtivist perspectives 2002 Popular scientific lecture
Nursing leadership and Technology assessment 2002 Popular scientific lecture
Issues for Nursing Leadership When Introducing an Electronic Patient Record System 2002 Popular scientific lecture
Dokumentasjon og Informasjonshåndtering. Faglige og juridiske utfordringer og krav til journalføring for sykepleiere 2002 Textbook
Nursing Leadership when and Electronic Patient Record System is introduced in Norwegian Hospitals 2002 Doctoral dissertation
Leadership perspectives and ICT 2002 Academic lecture
Nursing Informatics Management (NIM) 2002 Academic lecture
Interpretive Analysis 2002 Academic lecture
Sykepleiedokumentasjone, hvorfor, hva og hvordag 2002 Academic lecture
Sykepleiedokumentasjon, hvorfor, hva og hvordan 2001 Popular scientific lecture
2001 Popular scientific lecture
Sykepleiedokumentasjon 2001 Popular scientific lecture
Nursing Leadership in introduction EPR systems 2001 Academic lecture
Informasjonsteknologi i sykepleietjenesten 2000 Reader opinion piece
Graduate Education in Nursing Leadership Through Distance Technologies: The Canada-Norway Nursing Connection 2000 Academic article
IKT og internasjonalt samarbeid: erfaringer med bruk av Internett konferansesystem som del av studiet i sykepleievitenskap 2000 Academic article
Improving Nursing Documentation - Issues of Structure and Content 2000 Academic lecture
Nursing Leadership when Introducing an Electronic Patient Record 2000 Academic lecture
Klassifikasjonssystemer i sykepleie 1999 Academic article
Representing Nursing Judgements in the Electronic Health Record 1999 Academic article
Informasjonsteknologi i sykepleietjenesten, utfordringer og muligheter 1999 Textbook
Informasjonsteknologi i sykepleie 1999 Academic lecture
Issues for Nurse Executives when introducing the Electronic Health Record (EHR 1999 Academic lecture
Ledelse og sykepleiedokumentasjon 1999 Academic lecture
Hva menes med informasjonsteknologi i sykepleie 1999 Academic lecture
Nursing Management issues to facilitate implementation of an Electronic Patient Record System 1999 Poster
Innføring og bruk av informasjonsteknologi i sykepleietjenesten - fra sykepleieledernes perspektiv 1998 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
1998 Academic article
Introducing an electronic health care record system: an evaluation of nurses' use of selected modules 1998 Academic article
Nursing Documentation - beyond the question of structure 1998 Academic article
Canada-Norway Nursing Connection: International computer conference in graduate nursing education 1998 Report
Introducing IT-tools to healthcare professionals - Norwegian experience from introduction of moduls of an electronic patient record system 1998 Academic lecture
Beyond Coding and Classification: Ontological Structures and Formal Models for Representation of Nursing Concepts 1998 Academic lecture
Klassifikasjonssystemer i sykepleie - utfordringer framover 1998 Academic lecture
Klassifikasjonssystemer i sykepleie - ny utfordring for norsk sykepleietjeneste? 1998 Academic lecture
Introduction and evaluation of an electronic healt care record - a Norwegian experience 1998 Academic lecture
Implementation and Evaluation of an Electronic Patient Record in Norway 1998 Academic lecture
Klassifikasjonsystemer i sykepleie - ny utfordring for norsk sykepleietjeneste? 1998 Academic lecture
Canada-Norway colloborative education in nursing leadership 1998 Academic lecture
An international on-line partnership in graduate nursing education between Canada and Norway 1998 Academic lecture
1997 Reader opinion piece
Omtale av «Fra økonomisk styring til klinisk praksis .... Om økonomisk styring i helsesektoren» av Inger Johanne Pettersen og Trond Bjørnerak, 172 sider inkl. vedlegg, Cappelen Akademisk Forlag, 1997 1997 Reader opinion piece
Introducing a Module for Laboratory Test Order Entry and Reporting of Results at a Hospital Ward: An Evaluation Study Using a Multimethod Approach 1997 Academic article
1997 Academic lecture
Electronic Patient Records from a SYNAPSES Point of View 1996 Academic lecture
Dokumentasjon av sykepleie - utfordringer ved innføring av informasjonsteknologi i sykepleietjenesten 1996 Academic lecture
Electronic Patient Records from a SYNAPSES Point of View 1996 Academic lecture