
Steering Committee

The steering committee for the Norwegian Centre for E-health Research represents all levels and every region in the health service.


The purpose of the steering committee is to ensure that:

  • the centre further develops its expertise and carries out its assignments in research and studies on e-health in line with needs and priorities in the sector. The centre should acquire and build up any required expertise that it does not already have access to. This may take the form of cooperation with other relevant expert groups. This is especially relevant in areas where health authorities have requested expertise and services from the centre through annual objectives documents, award letters or specific requests.
  • the centre continues to develop its national (and international) role in research and studies in the e-health area, and is seen as a useful, relevant and competent resource for the sector.
  • the centre continues to deliver high-quality academic output, support functions and administrative tasks.

Steering committee members

  • Erik M. Hansen, Director E-health, Western Norway Regional Health Authority (chair of the steering committee)
  • Nis Johannsen, Head of Digital Innovation, South-Eastern Norway Regional Health Authority
  • Siv Mørkved, Professor, Central Norway Regional Health Authority
  • Anja Lindman, Department Director, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
  • Roar Jakobsen, Senior Adviser, The Norwegian Directorate of eHealth
  • Bjørnar Alexander Andreassen, Programme leader National welfare technology programme, The Norwegian Directorate of Health
  • Tove Klæboe Nilsen, Research Director, Northern Norway Regional Health Authority
  • Terje Wistner, Department Director, KS
  • Grete Syrdal, Director Health and Welfare, Bærum municipality, KS
  • Margunn Aanestad, Director Centre for E-health, University of Agder
  • Markus Rumpsfeld, Director E-health, Collaboration and Innovation, University Hospital of North Norway
  • Jostein Jensen, Division Director Security, Norwegian Healthnet
  • Egil Rye Hytten, The Norwegian Federation of Organisations of Disabled People (user representative)
  • Kristian Skauli, Dept. Director, Ministry of Health and Care Services (observer)
Steering Committee February 2023
Meeting in the Steering Committee February 2023

This page was last updated:

20 June 2024