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Folk får flere digitale helsetjenester i Europa

Digital kontakt og avstandsoppfølging har tatt et stort steg fremover i helsesektoren i Europa. Det viser en undersøkelse fra Verdens helseorganisasjon (WHO).


En fot i bakken om digital hjemmeoppfølging

Helsedirektoratets prosjekt for spredning av digital hjemmeoppfølging går nå inn i sitt siste halvår. Hva har vi lært hittil, og hvor vil vi være om fem år?

Velkommen til webinar 20. september!


The First Norwegian Clinical Language Model Developed

Norway has taken a significant step forward in the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the healthcare sector. Researchers at the Norwegian Centre for E-health Research have successfully developed the first Norwegian clinical language model, called NorDeClin-BERT.


When KI checks your breasts for cancer

The Mammography Programme has been working hard for several years to develop an algorithm to check for breast cancer. But problems arise when they want to use artificial intelligence in the clinic. Here, they share their experiences so that others can avoid pitfalls.


Trenger leger til å teste dataverktøy som kan spare tid, penger og pasientens helse

Forskningsprosjektet Dignity Care vil forenkle samhandlingen rundt pasienter med langvarige og komplekse sykdomsutfordringer, ved å gi legene mer digital støtte. Nå trenger de leger som kan teste løsningen de har utviklet.


The patient's medication list in Denmark - how's it going?

Denmark has had their own version of the patient's medication list, "fælles medicin kort," since 2011. They still have problems with a lack of coordination and complicated processes for sharing information. What can we learn from their experience now that we are implementing a similar system in Norway?


One step closer to a new framework for evaluating digital health technology in Europe

Researchers from the Norwegian Centre for E-health Research and Det Norske Veritas (DNV) met in Tromsø to lay the foundation for a new European framework for safe digital health technology.


New European network for better data and digital health innovation

Reliable health information is essential for delivering high-quality healthcare and promoting digital health. World Health Organisation (WHO) has now launched a strategic partner network for data and digital health. The aim is to close critical security gaps in health systems. The Norwegian Centre for E-health Research contributes with our research in the network.


Health data is difficult for users to access

Users of health apps and medical devices are often frustrated by strict privacy regulations. - Technology improves quality of life, but requirements inhibit data sharing and simplify everyday life, says a researcher.


Patient safety and collaboration - Experiences with patient's medication list (PLL)

PLL has been piloted in Bergen for the past few years. How have GPs and hospital staff experienced the changes PLL has brought?

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