
How to manage change and achieve digital remote care?

How can a municipality go about changing work practices and successfully follow up people with chronic diseases in their own homes?

Webinar: Change management in digital home follow-up
Ulf Österstad speaks about good results with individual asthma treatment.
Don't give up! It should be fun. If you don't think it's fun, it's not going to be good.

Dare to delegate the power downwards in the organisation. It will give you results you never dreamed of.

Changes in working practices meant that Region Jönköping in Sweden was able to replace annual check-ups for its asthmatics with continuous self-monitoring. This gives residents greater responsibility for their chronic disease, as well as more self-management as they become better acquainted with their symptoms and how they respond to their medication.

Business Manager Ulf Österstad of "Bra liv nära" gives us an example of how good change management leads to success with digital home monitoring.


You can download the podcast to your mobile on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or Podbean. Search for ‘Norwegian Centre for E-health Research’.