
Digitally following up patients at home

Patients with chronic disorders can receive health services at home using tablets or mobile sensor technologies for distant monitoring.

Health personnel monitor the measurements via a response centre service. The technology allows the health personnel to guide the patient and take action when needed.

The service for digitally following up patients at home is often given and organized by the municipalities, and the target group is chronically ill patients. In order for the patient to receive digital at-home follow-up, they must have a medium to high risk of deterioration, or that there is a high chance of being admitted to a hospital again. Another inclusion criterion is a general need for health and care services.

Mobile health tools (“m-health”) also include technologies as apps and sensors. However, these technologies can be used by anyone, and are not distributed or organised by the health services. However, many of these technologies are not regulated or organised by the healthcare services. However, patients with chronic diseases can receive health services at home using mobile (e.g., tablet, smartphone) and/or sensor technologies for remote monitoring provided and organised by the municipalities. Patient are eligible to receive digital follow-up at home when they are at high risk of deterioration or of being admitted to hospital again. A general inclusion criterion is an overall personal need for health and care services. Health professionals monitor measurements from a Telehealth centre. The technology allows to guide patients and take action on demand. A patient may also receive specialist health services at home from a general practitioner or the hospital through video consultations and various forms of online treatment.

The patient can also receive specialist health services at home from a general practitioner or the hospital through video consultations and various forms of online treatment.

Digital hjemmeoppfølging

Digitally following up patients at home

Folk får flere digitale helsetjenester i Europa

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En fot i bakken om digital hjemmeoppfølging

Helsedirektoratets prosjekt for spredning av digital hjemmeoppfølging går nå inn i sitt siste halvår. Hva har vi lært hittil, og hvor vil vi være om fem år?

Velkommen til webinar 20. september!


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