
Going home early - digital remote care for premature babies

Now premature babies and their parents can go home from hospital earlier. At home, they find the peace and quiet they need to start breastfeeding more easily. The family is followed up by a nurse via video.

Webinar: Premature babies can go home early
Mai Linn Lunnay cares for premature babies and their families via video.
There are many advantages to travelling home early from the hospital, when your health condition allows it. It means a lot to be home in safe and familiar surroundings. We believe it promotes breastfeeding. It's also positive to have fewer people to deal with.

When a child hospitalised in the neonatal intensive care unit is medically stable and ready, the University Hospital of North Norway offers the child and its parents the opportunity to go home and complete the feeding training at home. "Early home" is an offer of follow-up with video consultation to these patients.

In the recording below, you'll find out what kind of training the family receives, what the nurse checks during the video consultations, and about the transition to community care when the child has stable weight gain.

Presentation by Mai Linn Lunnay, children's nurse at the University Hospital of North Norway and lecturer at UiT The Arctic University of Norway.


You can download the podcast to your mobile on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or Podbean. Search for ‘Norwegian Centre for E-health Research’.