

The Norwegian Centre for E-health Research performs clinically relevant research on e-health. Through future-oriented research, the centre is a key player in the development of health and care services.

Development of new healthcare must be based on a broad, multidisciplinary foundation of knowledge. Our researchers have different backgrounds; doctors, nurses, sociologists, technologists, psychologists, lawyers, IT security experts and statisticians.

The centre does research on all levels of health care: disease prevention, self-management, primary and specialist healthcare and rehabilitation.

The Norwegian Centre for E-health Research is one of the world's leading centers of innovation and research in e-health.


Research: News

Health Research: Almost All Studies Around the World Are Delayed

Interdisciplinary, complex—and delayed: this characterizes many research studies in digital health. Collegial learning and new courses can improve collaboration.


Health data is difficult for users to access

Users of health apps and medical devices are often frustrated by strict privacy regulations. - Technology improves quality of life, but requirements inhibit data sharing and simplify everyday life, says a researcher.


How to find motivation to exercise

Researchers have investigated how digital tools can contribute to good and lasting exercise habits and lifestyle changes.


The teams that help people with mental health problems struggle with digital issues

FACT teams meet people with serious mental health problems where they are, so that more can avoid being admitted to psychiatric hospitals. But the digital systems are far from optimal.


A learning health sector is built on a foundation of data

Will the new system work as intended? Where should Norway invest resources in health?

Data such as health information and patient feedback can answer these questions, but some criteria need to be met first.


Three years of digital knowledge sharing on medication management

Do we want to go back to paper prescriptions and records on flipcharts? Hardly! But we need to talk together about how we can achieve the best solutions.


Sharing telemedicine stories from Troms in Portugal

The people from the Norwegian Centre for E-health Research are bringing good examples of use of telemedicine and AI in Kvænangen and Tromsø to the WHO digital health conference in Portugal.


Home exercise led to 40 per cent fewer hospitalisations for patients with COPD.

COPD patient received home training: “My fitness improved, I could manage more, lost weight, and felt cared for".


Will there be more use of artificial intelligence in the Norwegian healthcare system?

Researchers at the Norwegian Centre for E-health Research have investigated what is needed to introduce artificial intelligence in the Norwegian healthcare system. They recommend that there be more of it.


E-helse inn i fremtiden og forbi

Helse- og omsorgstjenesten står overfor store utfordringer i årene fremover med sykepleiermangel, økte krav til effektivitet og kvalitet, og ikke minst økt pasient- og brukerinvolvering. Mer forskning innen sykepleie og e-helse er avgjørende for kvaliteten i helsehjelpen til pasientene, helsetjenesten og for faglig kompetanse.

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