

The Norwegian Centre for E-health Research performs clinically relevant research on e-health. Through future-oriented research, the centre is a key player in the development of health and care services.

Development of new healthcare must be based on a broad, multidisciplinary foundation of knowledge. Our researchers have different backgrounds; doctors, nurses, sociologists, technologists, psychologists, lawyers, IT security experts and statisticians.

The centre does research on all levels of health care: disease prevention, self-management, primary and specialist healthcare and rehabilitation.

The Norwegian Centre for E-health Research is one of the world's leading centers of innovation and research in e-health.


Research: News

Un-shoveled driveways at patients' houses reveal gaps in the care system

Research will examine how an interdisciplinary approach can provide patients with better support and quality of life.


Health workers not told they needed tech skills

Health workers became frustrated when the authorities did not fully communicate the need for technical skills, in the introduction of digital home care.


Vi søker to e-helseforskere

Vi er på jakt etter to nysgjerrige og engasjerte forskere i 100 prosent stilling som ønsker å finne ut mer om hva som skjer når helse- og velferdstjenester kan tilbys hjemme eller der personen befinner seg.


Digital meetings sped up app development

The pandemic stopped the in-person meetings in the design of a health app. It turned out to be a surprise success.


18 years of collaboration with WHO

“We are pleased with renewing our cooperation agreement with the WHO. We are now in our 18th year as a WHO Collaborating Centre within e-health and telemedicine,” says director Stein Olav Skrøvseth at the Norwegian Centre for E-health Research.


Can chatbots motivate people to be more active?

Chatbots used in social media with a public health purpose has great potential, new research shows.


Multidose gjer det mogleg med betre samarbeid om medisinar


Health workers got the hang of video during corona situation

Health workers in Norway experienced that video meetings worked well in communication with both patients and partners. But there were some bumps in the road.


Digital kommunikasjon i helsetjenesten – noen studier

Det finnes mye kunnskap om bruk av kommunikasjonsteknologi i oppfølging og behandling av pasienter. Nasjonalt senter for e-helseforskning har forsket på bruk av video og annen digital kommunikasjon i helsetjenesten i over tjue år.


Forsker til pasientens beste

To av våre forskere har bidratt til den nasjonale rapporten om forskning og innovasjon i spesialisthelsetjenesten. Rapporten ble overlevert statssekretær Anne Grethe Erlandsen i Helse- og omsorgsdepartementet.

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