
Collaborating about health technology and digital remote care

New year, new webinars. We start with the Norwegian Directorate of Health, and the topic is the start-up of the Health Technology Scheme and the status of the spread of digital home follow-up.

Webinar: Collaborating about health technology and digital remote care
Per Ludvig Skjerven and Siw H. Myhrer talked about collaborating about health technology and digital remote care.
As healthcare professionals, we must take an active part in development work. We need to be involved in changing work processes to become an effective and efficient part of how we provide healthcare and follow up patients based on their needs.

From 1 January 2024, the Health Technology Scheme has taken over the baton from the National Welfare Technology Programme. The projects in the dissemination of digital home follow-up that run until 2024 are therefore part of the Health Technology Programme from 1 January 2024.

Per Ludvig Skjerven, who is responsible for the Health Technology Scheme, and Siw H. Myhrer, who is the project manager for the spread of digital home follow-up, both employed by the Norwegian Directorate of Health, take us through the start-up of the Health Technology Scheme, the status of the spread of digital home follow-up and what significance this may have for municipalities and their partners.


You can download the podcast to your mobile on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or Podbean. Search for ‘Norwegian Centre for E-health Research’.