
Do video consultations improve wound care?

From research to new practice!

After conducting a study on videoconferencing in wound care, four healthcare organisations have adapted their digital service offering. What did they learn, and what benefit indicators are they using?

Webinar: Wound care and video consultations
Ingebjørg Irgens researches wound follow-up, patient satisfaction and the cost-benefit of digital home follow-up.
I firmly believe that video conferencing is a future way of following up patients. Perhaps in a hybrid solution with video and attendance.

Like some other patients, it can be challenging for a patient with a spinal injury to move around to go to hospital for follow-up. That's why they are good candidates for interaction with local home care via video conferencing, with a focus on prevention and self-treatment. In other words, they get the right treatment at the right time and place.

Sunnaas Hospital is collaborating with three other health trusts and 56 municipalities to facilitate digital home follow-up of wounds. Experience from several studies and projects on video conferencing in wound treatment has led to a change of course from the original project ideas. Going forward, there will be knowledge transfer, smoother implementation and a simpler model for benefit realisation. Get the details in this exciting webinar!

Presentation by Ingebjørg Irgens, who is a head doctor at Sunnaas hospital and completed her PhD in 2023 about Videoconferencing for Follow-Up of Pressure Injury. Period Prevalence, Risks, Treatment and Financial Consequences.


You can download the podcast to your mobile on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or Podbean. Search for ‘Norwegian Centre for E-health Research’.