
National Health and Care Coordination Plan - new framework for digital home follow-up

What does the new National Health and Care Coordination Plan have to say about digitalisation in health and care services and digital home follow-up?

Webinar: New framework for digital home follow-up
Juliane Mekki and Fredrik A. S. R. Hanssen present the new National Health and Care Coordination Plan and its relevance for digitalisation in health and care services and digital home follow-up.
This is a health and collaboration plan, not a health and hospital plan. The government believes that collaboration is part of the solution to the challenges facing the health services.

On 1 March, Minister of Health and Care Services Ingvild Kjerkol launched the road to access to enough healthcare professionals and a common health service, as described in the National Health and Care Coordination Plan 2024-2027. What will the next three years bring in e-health, and especially for digital home follow-up?

In short, digitisation continues and funding schemes are facilitating better collaboration. The health technology programme, about which we have previously held a webinar, combines these focus areas.

The goals include good patient pathways, good health and coping in the population, regardless of where you live and your social background. The government believes that digital home follow-up is one of several factors with a direct impact on users.

Presentation by senior advisors Kjersti Metliaas and Juliane Mekki, Ministry of Health and Care Services.


You can download the podcast to your mobile on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or Podbean. Search for ‘Norwegian Centre for E-health Research’.