Do we work smarter with digital remote care?
Over time, Vestre Viken Health Trust has developed a simple benefit model with four standard indicators for measuring the effects of digital home follow-up. Why have they done this, what does the model look like and how can you transfer the thinking behind it to measuring benefits in your own municipality or hospital?

Benefit mapping is a straightforward exercise. We struggle more with the next two phases: how do we measure the benefits and how do we systemise them? Management must take ownership and be interested. Our job is to organise it so that they can follow up the process.
Research suggests that patients experience a sense of security and an increased ability to care for themselves when using digital home monitoring, but how does the use of technology affect the use of resources in hospitals and municipalities? Increased knowledge about the use of resources in the health service when using digital home monitoring is essential, and we must be able to measure this as an integral part of service development. A lot of good and proven technology is now available. It's no longer a question of whether the technology works, but rather where we can get the most out of using it.
The speakers will take us through how they measure the effects of digital home monitoring. They can help you answer the question - how can I implement this in my own workplace?
Presentation by innovation advisors Hege Helseth Berge og Amund Leinaas, Vestre Viken HF.
Hege and Amund have played a key role in Vestre Viken HF's investment in digital home follow-up over several years and have gained a lot of practical experience and expertise in this area. They have a keen interest in evaluating the use of resources when using digital services and are both currently working on PhD projects related to this.
You can download the podcast to your mobile on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or Podbean. Search for ‘Norwegian Centre for E-health Research’.