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When artificial intelligence protects privacy, it can be the path to better healthcare

Insight into health data can change the rules of the game for research and patient care, but the road ahead is not without obstacles. The desire to leverage health data to provide better treatment and use of resources often clashes with strict rules on the use of health data. Fortunately, privacy-enhancing technologies open the door to secure and efficient analysis of health data.


Collaborating about health technology and digital remote care

New year, new webinars. We start with the Norwegian Directorate of Health, and the topic is the start-up of the Health Technology Scheme and the status of the spread of digital home follow-up.


God jul og godt nyttår!

En julehilsen til alle våre kollegaer, følgere og samarbeidspartnere. Fra alle oss til alle dere 🎅


Step up your leadership with Step Up

Shaping the future of healthcare requires leadership. The responsibility can feel tough and lonely, but with Step Up you get help to lead yourself and others in innovation.


Create better healthcare services with Step Up

The future of healthcare requires effective solutions that truly work. Step Up is a way of working that increases the likelihood of success for innovation projects.


Vestre Viken improves the patient pathway for approximately 39,000 patients annually with the support of artificial intelligence

Radiographers are now supported by an artificial intelligence application to find skeletal injuries. Patients without broken bones are sent home faster, saving time for other healthcare professionals.


Norway - best in the world at digital remote care?

To maintain good services in the future, we need to do things in new ways and work smarter. We need to make better use of society's collective resources and think cross-sectorally.


Clinical decision support in Felleskatalogen

Last year, Felleskatalogen introduced side effect search, and is now taking it a step further with the integration of interaction analysis and clinical decision support. This will provide safer drug treatment.

Join us for a webinar where director Bente Jansen shares insights on classification as a medical device and shows how our decision support works in the doctor's medical record system.


Care is changing - new rolls and tasks

To succeed with the introduction of welfare technology, municipalities need to focus on the new tasks and roles that arise. Easier said than done. How do you do it in practice?


We must ‘hear’ the patient's voice in health records

Older patients with complex needs usually need help from different actors in the primary and specialist healthcare services. It is important to coordinate the efforts, but where is the patient's voice in the health record?

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