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A learning health sector is built on a foundation of data

Will the new system work as intended? Where should Norway invest resources in health?

Data such as health information and patient feedback can answer these questions, but some criteria need to be met first.


19 municipalities now use Helseplattformen. How has this changed medication mangement?

Helseplattformen provides municipalities with an increased degree of standardisation and decision support. They also have a common medication list, for better or worse. How has medication management changed?


Going home early - digital remote care for premature babies

Now premature babies and their parents can go home from hospital earlier. At home, they find the peace and quiet they need to start breastfeeding more easily. The family is followed up by a nurse via video.


Systemised user experiences

How will a clearer user voice help to create patient healthcare services?

Sørlandet Hospital presented how users contribute to service development.


Knowledge exchange between Norway and Poland

This week, a large Polish delegation visited research partners in Tromsø. Together they are working to equalise access to and improve the quality of health services for impoverished groups and residents in remote areas in Poland.


Need more digital health training and targeted health advice

We need to understand what prevents some citizens from using digital healthcare services. Training in the use of digital technologies should be offered to at-risk individuals. Health advice should be particularly targeted at those who are at risk of developing poor health. The topic on our Open Day on 11 October was the digital divide.


How difficult is it to get ahold of information about medications?

Drug information is perceived as fragmented, especially for multidose and transition between health levels. This worries doctors and nurses.


Training body and mind - digitally

At the webinar on 20 October, we explored digital alternatives for physical and social activity. Digital alternatives allow more people to do what is important to them, even if they are at home.


Holistic mapping for holistic services

Parents of a seriously ill child spend an average of 19 hours a week coordinating the services their child needs. The services are perceived as uncoordinated and not very holistic. This is a complex problem, and there is a need to rethink how to map and offer services in a more holistic way.


Online event 11 October - Digital divide

Our next Open Day takes place on 11 October. Join us online, to hear about the consequences digitalisation in healthcare has for non-digital citizens.

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