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Home exercise led to 40 per cent fewer hospitalisations for patients with COPD.

COPD patient received home training: “My fitness improved, I could manage more, lost weight, and felt cared for".


BHF360: Achieving a person-centric health ecosystem

The key advantages of a person-centred healthcare model include improved patient outcomes, better patient engagement and increased patient satisfaction.


The Health Personnel Commission and the future of health services in municipal Norway

This spring, the Health Personnel Commission has thoroughly documented that there are not enough people to provide equally good healthcare services in the future. What does the lack of workers mean for a municipality in the far north of the world?

In the webinar on 16 June, we looked at the future of healthcare services from the municipalities' perspective.


The nurse's role in the holistic patient pathway of the future: Technology and transformation

The demographics of the future will place greater demands on healthcare services and the organisation of scarce resources. We need technology that supports interdisciplinary teams in the health service and treatment across levels of the health service.


Had "luck" as part of the treatment.

Anders Aavik (55) knows he was lucky. He avoided the gap in the treatment chain that people with substance use disorders often experience between treatment and aftercare. By the time he was discharged from hospital, he had found and joined a self-help group. Without it, Anders doesn't think he would have made it.


Patient safety is never wrong

Medicines are an important part of patient care at a hospital, but they are also the most common factor in patient injuries and adverse events. How does the Western Norway Regional Health Authority work to reduce the risks associated with pharmaceutical treatment?


Equal partners in the health communities

Municipalities and hospitals must move in the same direction for the best interests of the patient. How can the healthcare communities help?


Veien videre for å nytte våre helsedata

- Hvordan får vi faktisk nytte av de helsedataene vi har i en verden der kunstig intelligens går framover i rakettfart? spør senterleder Stein Olav Skrøvseth under Helsedatadagen 2023.


Årsrapport for 2022


How to teach health personnel about good patient pathways?

The patient's journey through the healthcare system should be as smooth as possible. But how do we get there, and how do we train healthcare professionals in good patient pathways? You can find the answer here.

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