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How do we see the entire patient?

The patient is going home after a stay in hospital. What concrete steps are staff taking to prevent readmissions?

Watch footage of the methodology behind patient-centred healthcare teams (PSHT).


The future is digital

After almost two years of using Metavision in the intensive care unit, health professionals at the University Hospital of North Norway can conclude that digital medication management is not perfect, but that there are clear advantages over paper.


Avoiding hospitalisation of frail elderly

Hospitalisation can be tough for the elderly, but sometimes it's absolutely necessary. How can we best utilise the hospital's expertise while allowing the patient to stay at home as much as possible? Collaboration in healthcare communities will be key.


Bruker du kondom? Norge er verdensmester i klamydia

Seniorforsker Elia Gabarron ved Nasjonalt senter for e-helseforskning undersøker hvordan sosiale medier kan bidra til å spre helseinformasjon om seksuelt overførbare sykdommer.


Verden trenger forskning, og forskningen trenger kvinner!

11. februar er den internasjonale dagen for kvinner i forskning. Målet med dagen er å anerkjenne den kritiske rollen kvinner spiller i vitenskap og teknologi.


Wakeup call! Environmentally friendly e-health

Is meeting your patients online really better for the planet than driving all over town?

How can we identify and measure the environmental impacts of digital healthcare services?


What are the costs of side effects when the medicine no longer suits the patient?

The medicine you needed at 50 may be wrong for you at 70 and lead to serious side effects. Side effects have a cost; both personally and financially.

We examined the connection between medication use in the elderly, side effects and health costs.


You do not become an adult the day you turn 18

Young people shouldn't have to face an entirely new system with completely new therapists just because they've turned 18. Good preparation is one of the principles of the Youth Council at Nordland Hospital.

Here you can learn about the seven principles for the transition from child to adult in the health service.


The patients who track and report their own data

“What do you want to be able to do?” This important question is how the remote care and monitoring service in Larvik municipality in Norway starts a conversation with a potential patient. How does remote care and monitoring work?


Helseforskere kan ikke bare lytte til de mest ressurssterke

En ny studie viser at endringer må til for å sikre at helsetjenesten er tilpasset alle – også de mest sårbare menneskene i Norge.

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