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Presented prototype of DigiTeam

The Dignity Care research project aims to find out what kind of standard content and functionality should be in place in collaboration tools for the health service. To achieve this, they are in the process of developing a prototype they call DigiTeam.


The invisible helpers

Norway's healthcare system would grind to a halt without relatives. They provide half of all help and assistance to the country's patients and users. As a healthcare worker or municipal employee, what can you do to safeguard this effort?


Online event 22 November – Social media and health

Welcome to our Open Day on 22 November 2022, where the topic is how the use of social media can benefit our health.


Kronikk: Hvor går veien videre for e-helse nå?

Statsbudsjettets stopp for finansiering av Felles Kommunal Journal (FKJ) er svakt begrunnet - og utgjør et skudd for baugen for mulig løsning av ett av de viktigste problemene i helsesektoren. Helseanalyseplattformen er satt på pause, og veien videre synes å være usikker.


Kunstig intelligens i helsetjenesten anbefales!

Hva må være på plass for at vi skal kunne implementere og drifte AI? Hva skal prioriteres? Hvem skal være ansvarlig? Hvilke mulige gevinster og dilemmaer ser vi for oss?


Tech-shopping: How to succeed in public-private collaborations

Don't be anxious when you need to acquire technology for digital home monitoring! As a public sector organisation, there's a lot to be gained from collaborating with private players. Norway Health Tech gives you the tips you need to simplify your innovation or procurement processes.



Forrige uke var det klart for første episode i vår nye webinarserie «Helhetlige pasientforløp». Serien skal ta et dypdykk inn i aktuelle temaer og belyse problemstillinger som kan være med på å forbedre helsetjenesten.


What pills should I take today?

Citizens and patients should be in no doubt about which medicines they should use and when. The number of sources of error must be reduced. The potential lies in the digitalisation of medication management.


From fragmented to holistic

Patients do not receive the follow-up they need throughout the patient pathway. The goal must be a healthcare service that is patient-centred, coordinated, proactive and planned. What does that really mean?


Are we allowed to do anything?

The regulations for processing health data may seem rigid. But how can a municipality or hospital move forward with digitalisation in health?

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