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10 millioner til Praksisnett: – Vi er svært glade

Det nasjonale nettverket PraksisNett skal styrke forskning i primærhelsetjenesten og får i 2023 støtte over statsbudsjettet med 10 millioner kroner.


Avoid playing telephone in medication management

Relevant, unambiguous and precise descriptions of medicines are essential for common understanding and traceability. It's time to put an end to playing telephone in medication management!


Digital remote care - does it work?

How do we know if digital home monitoring works? What if the benefits arise in places other than where we increase our efforts? What is good enough, and for whom?


Online event 27 October - Digital mental health services

We are delighted to invite you to attend our second Open Day on 27 October 2022. This online event will offer you new insights about digital mental health support and treatment, presented by Norwegian and Polish researchers and users.


E-multidose provides better overview, but also increased workload

With the transition from fax to e-prescription for multidose, reconciliation increases from 77% to 94%. This probably improves patient safety, but at the same time, new research shows an increased workload at the pharmacy.


Variasjon i rekruttering er forskerens samfunnsansvar

For å redusere sosial ulikhet i helse, må forskningsverdenen ta ansvar. Hvis fastlegene skal lære hvordan de kan begrense ulikheter i møte med pasienter - og myndighetene skal iverksette gode og effektive tiltak - må vi forskere tilby kunnskap de kan basere dette på.


Hospital at home - a healthy idea

Away is good, but home is best. Oslo University Hospital offers hospital follow-up to patients in their own homes. The OUS Neuro Clinic shares their experiences in this webinar.


Smartphone reminders can save mothers and children from dying

Sometimes a notification and some good advice can be enough to save the life of a mother or infant.


Nurses get their time back with automated drug preparation

Work on standardising the closed pharmaceutical loop continues in the South-Eastern Norway Regional Health Authority. The next step is an automated preparation process. The results show a better everyday life for nurses. Experiences from trials? Find out more in this webinar.


Bli med på workshop!

Tirsdag 20. september arrangerer forskningsprosjektet ClinCode workshop om bruk av tekstprosessering og maskinlæring.

    16 17 18 19 

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