
Avoid playing telephone in medication management

Relevant, unambiguous and precise descriptions of medicines are essential for common understanding and traceability. It's time to put an end to playing telephone in medication management!

Avoid playing telephone in medication management
Kristine Aasen talks about her work with quality assurance of pharmaceutical data.

Accurate description of medicines requires many different data elements, such as the name of the medicine, ingredients, pharmaceutical form, strength and more. And the chain of actors in pharmaceutical management is long. It includes the pharmaceutical manufacturer, marketing authorisation holder, prescribing healthcare professionals and dispensing pharmacies. A game of playing telephone quickly arises when complicated information has to pass through many links.

The Norwegian Medicines Agency is responsible for the authorisation of new and modified medicines on the Norwegian market, as well as making available updated basic data about the medicines. They work to ensure that everyone involved understands and can use this basic data without having to play telephone How do they achieve this?

Presentation by enterprise architect and senior advisor Kristine Aasen from the Norwegian Medicines Agency.

You can download the podcast to your mobile on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or Podbean. Search for ‘Norwegian Centre for E-health Research’.