
Unn Sollid Manskow


Unn Sollid Manskow has been a researcher at the Norwegian Centre for E-health Research since june 2018. She has a bachelor’s degree in nursing from 1997 and a master’s degree in Public Health from 2012.

Unn had many years of clinical experience from the Neurosurgical department at University Hospital of North Norway, Tromsø. She has worked as an assistant professor at the bachelor program in nursing at UiT The Arctic University of Norway, and has been Program Director of the master’s program in nursing at UiT from 2016-2018.

She defended her PhD at UiT The Arctic University of Norway in 2017, titled: «Caregivers to patients with severe traumatic brain injury: A national prospective study on caregiver burden, life satisfaction and health care experiences». Unn has research experience within neurological diseases, trauma, rehabilitation after brain injuries and caregivers. She has a special interest in research on the caregivers and family situations after severe illness or acute trauma. At our centre, Unn is a project manager for a national project about developing the patients’ medical lists in electronic health records (EHRs), and is also in the project Snakketøyet (Barns Beste).

Unn's projects
Project title Year Theme Project management
Evaluation of Snakketøyet 2018 - 2018 Tjenester for helsepersonell
Unn Manskow
ONWARDS - E-health interventions to promote physical activity among underserved populations: a Hybrid Type I effectiveness-implementation RCT 2018 - 2023 Innbyggertjenester
Paolo Zanaboni
The patients medication list and summary care record in nursing homes and home based care 2018 - 2025 Tjenester for helsepersonell
Unn Manskow
eMM - Electronic Medicines Management 2021 - 2025 Services for health professionals
Kari Dyb
Video-based therapy for youth who have parents with alcohol and/or substance abuse problems 2020 - 2023 Citizen services
Marianne Trondsen
Gravitate Health 2020 - 2025 Services for health professionals
Anne Moen Monika Johansen
Digital samhandling mellom fastlege og hjemmetjenesten 2022 - 2025 Innbyggertjenester
Tjenester for helsepersonell
Elin Breivik
Unn's publications in Cristin
Title Year Category
Correction to: Health professionals’ experience and perceived obstacles with managing patients’ medication information in Norway: cross-sectional survey (BMC Health Services Research, (2024), 24, 1, (68), 10.1186/s12913-023-10485-9) 2024 Errata
Slik kan du finne motivasjon til å trene 2024 Interview
Health professionals’ experience and perceived obstacles with managing patients’ medication information in Norway: cross-sectional survey 2024 Academic article
Adoption, acceptability and sustained use of digital interventions to promote physical activity among inactive adults: a mixed-method study 2024 Academic article
Videobasert samtaleterapi for unge som har foreldre med rusproblemer 2023 Academic lecture
DIgital terapi hjelper unge som har foreldre med rusproblemer 2023 Academic lecture
Hvordan holder legemiddelbrukere oversikt over sine faste legemidler? 2023 Poster
Hvor vanskelig er det å få tak i legemiddelinformasjon 2023 Academic lecture
Digital therapy helps young people who have parents with substance abuse problems 2023 Interview
Designing digital systems for rehabilitation practices 2023 Academic article
Norge, Sverige, Danmark og Finland innfører digitalt delte legemiddellister 2023 Interview
Tre år med digital kunnskapsdeling om legemiddelhåndtering 2023 Feature article
Digital terapi hjelper unge som har foreldre med rusproblemer 2023 Interview
Pasientens Legemiddelliste, førstudie: Presentasjon av spørreundersøkelse til leger og sykepleiere fra spesialist- og primærhelsetjenesten 2023 Lecture
Nationally shared medication lists – describing systems in the Nordic countries 2023 Academic lecture
Shared meciation lists in the Nordic countries 2023 Academic lecture
Nationally Shared Medication Lists - Describing Systems in the Nordic Countries 2023 Academic article
Unge som har foreldre med rusproblemer: En brukerundersøkelse om erfaringer med videobasert samtaleterapi 2023 Academic article
Internet Use for Obtaining Medicine Information: Cross-sectional Survey 2023 Academic article
Pasientens legemiddelliste i sykehus 2022 Poster
Videobasert samtaleterapi for unge som har foreldre med rusproblemer 2022 Academic lecture
Videobasert samtaleterapi for unge som har foreldre med rusproblemer 2022 Academic lecture
Videobasert samtaleterapi for unge som har foreldre med rusproblemer 2022 Academic lecture
Design av digitale systemer for rehabiliteringsfeltet 2022 Academic lecture
Forskning på pilotering av PLL i Bergen 2022 Academic lecture
Video-based therapy for youths who have a parent with alcohol/substance abuse 2022 Academic lecture
Challenges in Obtaining and Sharing Core Patient Information in Norwegian Nursing Homes and Home Care Services: A Qualitative Study of Nurses’ and Doctors’ Experiences 2022 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Digital interventions to promote physical activity among inactive adults: A study protocol for a hybrid type I effectiveness-implementation randomized controlled trial 2022 Academic article
Kunnskapsgrunnlag for digitalisering av legemiddelområdetKunnskapsnotat til Direktoratet for e-helses områdeplan for digitalisering av legemiddelområdet 2022 Report
Ingen skal dø av feilmedisinering 2021 Academic lecture
Videobasert terapi på nett for unge som har foreldre med rusproblemer. 2021 Academic lecture
Å være terapeut i en unntakstilstand: samtaleterapi på nett under koronapandemien til unge som har foreldre med rusproblemer 2021 Academic article
Terapeutene opplevde overgangen fra fysisk- til digital terapi som brå, men bra 2021 Interview
Helsepersonell sliter med å få tak i informasjon om hvilke legemidler pasientene deres bruker 2021 Interview
Folk i nord kan bli mer aktive med ONWARDS 2021 Interview
Challenges Faced by Health Professionals in Obtaining Correct Medication Information in the Absence of a Shared Digital Medication List 2021 Academic article
Innføring av Pasientens legemiddelliste i kommunehelsetjenesten. - Status, erfaringer og utfordringer 2020 Lecture
A shared national patient medication list will soon be tested in Norway 2020 Interview
Digital solutions for a shared medication list​ A narrative literature review​ 2019 Academic lecture
Familiemedlemmers omsorgsbelastning og livstilfredshet over tid 2019 Academic lecture
Family needs at one and two years after severe traumatic brain injury: a prospective study of changes and predictors 2019 Academic article
Pasientens legemiddelliste skal prøves ut fra 2020 2019 Interview
Digital solutions for a shared medication list. A narrative literature review 2019 Academic article
Evaluering av "Snakketøyet" 2019 Report
Family members’ experience with in-hospital health care after severe traumatic brain injury: a national multicentre study 2018 Academic article
Return to work after severe traumatic brain injury: a national study with a one-year follow-up of neurocognitive and behavioural outcomes. 2018 Academic article
Trauma outcome researh - More is needed 2017 Editorial
Patterns of change and stability in caregiver burden and life satisfaction from 1 to 2 years after severe traumatic brain injury: A Norwegian Longitudinal study. 2017 Academic article
Rehabilitation pathways, functional independence and satisfaction with rehabilitation services one year after severe traumatic brain injury 2016 Poster
The family experiences of in-hospital care questionnaire in severe traumatic brain injury (FECQ-TBI): a validation study 2016 Academic article
Rehabilitation pathways and functional independence one year after severe traumatic brain injury 2016 Academic article
Rehabilitation Pathways Following Severe Traumatic Brain Injury: Addressing Cognitive Functioning and Self-Awareness One Year After Injury 2015 Academic article
Mortality and one-year functional outcome in elderly and very old patients with severe traumatic brain injuries: observed and predicted 2015 Academic article
Functional Recovery and Life Satisfaction in the First Year after Severe Traumatic Brain Injury: A Prospective Multicenter Study of a Norwegian National Cohort 2015 Academic literature review
Factors affecting caregiver burden 1 year after severe traumatic brain injury: A prospective nationwide multicenter study 2015 Academic article
The effect of age on injury mechanisms, treatment and early outcome in patients with severe traumatic brain injury in Norway 2012 Abstract
Unn's project reports
Report no. Title Author(s)
2019 04 Evaluering av «Snakketøyet» Unn Manskow