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– Legges PraksisNett på is blir ikke pasientene fulgt opp

Nasjonalt senter for e-helseforskning forsker på persontilpasset beslutningsstøtte for pasienter med kroniske smerter, et verktøy som er det eneste av sitt slag. Stopper finansiering av PraksisNett avsluttes prosjektet ved årsskiftet 2022.


Vi trenger en ny medarbeider!

Nasjonalt senter for e-helseforskning - avdeling for digitale helsetjenester søker etter en ny forsknings- og prosjektmedarbeider. Er det deg?


En myte at velferdsteknologi ikke krever teknologisk kompetanse

At velferdsteknologi handlet om 80 prosent mennesker og kun 20 prosent teknologi stemmer ikke med virkeligheten, ifølge forskere.


General specificity - Implementing technology in digital remote care

Getting started with digital home monitoring technologies can be very complex, but we want to make it happen. That's where a theoretical framework for implementation can help.


Online event 2 June - Adoption of technology in health

It is our pleasure to welcome you to Open Day on 2 June 2022, where you will get fresh perspectives from our experts on digitalisation in healthcare. Can we finally overcome the challenges? What are success factors that drive digital transformation?


Digital outpatient services - focusing on the person, not the diagnosis

Moving health services home to people can have several positive effects. Researchers are studying patients with different diagnoses, to investigate the usefulness of communicating via an app with healthcare professionals. In this article, researcher Heidi Holmen at Oslo University Hospital and project manager Anna Hurrød in Dignio are interviewed.


Digital remote care in real life - Larvik municipality shares their experiences

How does a municipality transition from a digital home follow-up project to regular operations? Larvik municipality describes how they are organised, interact with relevant stakeholders and provide services.


How to improve medication-related patient safety in emergency departments

Creating the correct medication list for a patient admitted to the emergency department is complex and time-consuming. In addition, medication-related admissions are a challenge that requires attention.


Kreftsykepleier Veronica (42) ble kreftpasient: – Tiden etter har vært lang, ensom og veldig smertefull

Mange deler sykdomshistorien sin i sosiale medier. Da kreftsykepleier Veronica Lindholm selv fikk kreft, fant hun støtte blant andre kreftrammede på Instagram.


The future of pharmaceutical management with farmasitun

‘Farmasitunet’ at the New Oslo University Hospital brings together specialised and future-oriented pharmaceutical management. How will this increase quality and safety? What lessons can you take back to your own workplace?

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