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Success factors and rules for using interpreters in video consultations

You've probably experienced communication problems in a video meeting when there is a delay between what is said and what you hear. The challenge is even greater when the patient and doctor don't speak the same language and an interpreter comes into play. Webinar recording about screen interpreting in healthcare.


Asynchronous digital therapy provides effective help

People who have mental disorders want to choose when to communicate digitally with the therapist. If we look at resource use and costs, this also works well for therapists. In this article, you will learn about the research of psychologist and researcher Tine Nordgreen, head of Centre for research-based innovation on Mobile Mental Health, at Haukeland University Hospital and the University of Bergen.


The smartphone can prevent premature death

Smartphones can easily help reduce mortality among adults in Norway and most other countries.


Elektronisk innsyn i journal hjelper den samiske befolkningen i møte med psykisk helsevern

Samiske pasienter i psykisk helsevern kan oppleve elektronisk innsyn i egen pasientjournal som et nyttig verktøy for å kontrollere terapeutenes kulturelle forståelse og oppfatning av hva som har blitt sagt og delt i en konsultasjon.


What will it take to make digital health services accessible for everyone?

It's often the glamour of digital healthcare that's promoted, but what about all the people who are digitally excluded? This webinar focuses on research-based measures to enable more patients, carers and citizens to make use of digital health and welfare solutions.


The new role of pharmacists

Astrid Johnsen and Thomas Bäckstrøm shed light on the future of pharmacists and their role in a new webinar on digital medication management on 1 April.


How secure is our health data?

The extent of cyberattacks on health institutions is increasing worldwide, including in Norway. How do we prepare for this when the collection of digital health data increases?


Doing social and digital inclusion

An aging population and the rapid development of digital citizen services mean that vulnerable people fall outside the digital community. In this article, professor Elin Thygesen from the University of Agder shares several important experiences. Counteracting loneliness and providing older people with basic technological skills are among the goals.


Increased safety and mastery with digital remote care

Chronically ill patients who receive digital home monitoring feel safer and more in control of their illness. These are some of the findings presented in the recent final report from the national welfare technology programme. At this webinar, the Norwegian Directorate of Health will talk about the national welfare technology programme, Oslo Economics will present the main findings from the evaluation, and Oslo Municipality will share some of its experiences.


The hospital takes care of corona patients at home

Everything was in place to establish digital home follow-up at Sørlandet Hospital when the coronavirus pandemic hit Norway. The Somatic Clinic shares their experiences of lessons learnt along the way and how they made digital home follow-up of corona patients part of normal operations in the department.

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