
What will it take to make digital health services accessible for everyone?

It's often the glamour of digital healthcare that's promoted, but what about all the people who are digitally excluded? This webinar focuses on research-based measures to enable more patients, carers and citizens to make use of digital health and welfare solutions.

Accessible digital health services
Margunn Aanestad and Kristin Skeide Fuglerud present research about digital exclusion.

Important point about digital inclusion

Kristin Skeide Fuglerud about universal design:

To realise the full benefits of sustainable digital health services, they must be universally designed. That way, we can also reach the groups that have extra needs for healthcare.

Kristin Kjæret about training:

Universal design is not enough. It also requires that those who use the technology receive the training they need to become digital citizens. You need to have technological expertise in addition to pedagogical expertise in order to provide that training. This needs to happen as quickly as possible because you need to have learnt the technology in order to use it. The municipalities have a particular responsibility here. At the same time, we must remember the non-digital citizens. We cannot demand that everyone is digitally literate.

Margunn Aanestad about responsibility:

Digital exclusion is not a natural phenomenon. It is a created problem. It is our choices that produce it, whether you are a politician, technology designer, private person or service provider. There is a responsibility on all of us.


You can download the podcast to your mobile on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or Podbean. Search for ‘Norwegian Centre for E-health Research’.

More information

More and more healthcare services are being provided using digital technology, both at the hospital and in the municipality. Those of us who offer such solutions have a statutory responsibility to facilitate and build digital skills among our users. Many pieces must be in place before you can log on to helsenorge.no or participate in a video consultation: physical access, training, universal design, etc.

In this webinar, you'll meet researchers who have worked with digital exclusion in the field in different ways. You will hear about how they understand and research exclusion and about possible measures to solve some of the challenges that arise. You will also hear about the experiences of visually impaired older people who have participated in digital inclusion projects.

Presentation by

  • Margunn Aanestad, professor at the University of Agder and academic manager at the Centre for eHealth
  • Kristin Skeide Fuglerud, head researcher and manager for the Digital inclusion group at Norsk Regnesentral, and Associate Professor II at the Centre for Health and Technology, University of Southeast Norway
  • Kristin Kjæret, advisor in the political department at the Norwegian Association of the Blind