
Latest news

No one should die from medication errors

How do we achieve the vision that no one should die from medication errors? We review the measures in the field.


How to choose digital tools to deal with diabetes?

Researchers at The Norwegian Centre for E-health Research have created some straightforward info sheets that provide answers on how to choose the right digital tool for dealing with diabetes.


Patient centred health services

For the sickest of us, uncoordinated health and care services are, at worst, life-threatening.


Want to be our new Software developer?

The Norwegian Centre for E-health Research is looking for a software developer with an ambition to support our research activities. Don’t miss this opportunity and apply before 6. January 2022.


Therapists who write

Asynchronous, mental health treatment was discussed during the webinar 19 November.


Personalised use of medication in psychiatry with machine learning

How can we ensure better drug treatment in psychiatry from the first consultation? Tore Haslemo believes that machine learning is the answer.


EHIN 2021: Can errors occur in PLL?

Panel discussion on the patient's medication list.


EHiN 2021: Patients' own efforts when using their own health data

Patients' own efforts when using their own health data


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Innovative rehabilitation

This webinar discussed technology that can be applied to rehabilitiation. Watch the recording

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