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WHO report highlights innovation in Norwegian primary health care

The Norwegian Centre for E-health Research has produced a status report for the World Health Organization (WHO) on the use of digital tools in Norwegian primary health care during the Covid-19 pandemic.


Extra work - a prerequisite for healthcare integrations

Poor integration between the technical systems at the hospital creates additional work for staff in the form of data registration and maintenance.


The First ClinCode Conference in Tromsø

Participants from all over Scandinavia took part in the first ClinCode Conference in Tromsø, September 21, 2021.


Decision support in MetaVision

Correct medication management has been given a support tool in the form of MetaVision. Find out how it works.


Digitalization of medication management

Utilization of technology to ensure safe use of medications in hospitals is quite different in the USA than in Norway. Dr. Sally Rafie talks about digital technology and the medication use process in this webinar on September 17th.


General practitioners used video during the pandemic

GPs say that about half of the video consultations they did at the start of the corona pandemic were considered better or equally suitable as meeting in the office.


Psychological help for adolescents

Video consultations for children and young people in mental health care - for whom and when? Experiences from a pandemic year.


Behandling på skjerm i koronatid – erfaringer innen psykisk helsevern

Hvordan er det å få psykisk helsebehandling via en videosamtale? Professor Monika Knudsen Gullslett ved Nasjonalt senter for e-helseforskning og Thea Maria Rytterager fra Mental Helse Ungdom forteller om resultatene fra en nylig publisert forskningsstudie.


Are you our new PhD fellow in e-health?

The Norwegian Centre for E-health Research is applying for a PhD fellow in E-health for a period of three years.


Two papers accepted at International Conference

The papers from The ClinCode Project study how to automatically assign ICD-10 diagnosis codes to a discharge summary, and will be presented at the International RANLP Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing.

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