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Disputas - Master of Engineering Miguel Ángel Tejedor Hernandez

Master of Engineering Miguel Ángel Tejedor Hernandez is defending his doctoral dissertation in science and will publicly defend her dissertation:


Webinar: videokonsultasjoner i Norge

Videokonsultasjoner med fastlegen fikk en eksplosiv vekst i mars i fjor, etter at Norge stengte ned samfunnet i forbindelse med COVID-19 pandemien. I dette webinaret presenterer vi resultatene av studien: en oppsummering av hvilke problemstillinger fastlegene vurderte som egnet og ikke egnet å ta over video under pandemien.


Vil du bli stipendiat i samfunnsvitenskap?

Ved Nasjonalt senter for e-helseforskning er det ledig to stipendiatstillinger. En stilling som stipendiat i pedagogikk og en som stipendiat i sosiologi. Søknadsfrist: 9. juni.


Closed loop in cancer treatment

How do they work with closed drug loops in a regional cancer treatment system?


Unstructured data in health records can provide better health treatment

Most health data for patients are unstructured data such as doctor's notes, emails and medical images. New analysis methods will be good for both treatment and health.


The patient's medication list - first study

You will hear about the background to why there is a need to introduce the Patient Medication List.


E-basket digital medicine flow

You will hear about the experiences from Helse Vest. How do you succeed with digital medication flow and reconciliation?


Meghan Bradway now holds a Doctorate degree in Health Sciences

Meghan Bradway received her Doctorate PhD in Health Sciences on March 12, 2021. She defended her dissertation at UiT The Arctic University of Norway.


BETTEReHEALTH – e-health in Africa

The main objective of the BETTEReHEALTH project is to support the deployment of e-health in low- and lower-middle-income countries in Africa, to promote better health.


‘Everyone’ follows webinars on digital and safer medication management

‘We are pleasantly surprised at how many people are interested in our webinars on digital medication management. 1,500 people from various professional backgrounds have participated live since we started last autumn,’ say the organisers.

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