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Meghan Bradway disputerer 12. mars

Master of Business Meghan Bradway disputerer for ph.d.-graden i helsevitenskap og vil offentlig forsvare avhandlingen: “mHealth: opportunities and challenges for health intervention research”


The health platform in Central Norway

You'll get an insight into how they're building the foundation for a shared patient record in Central Norway, for hospitals and municipalities.


WARIFA - artificial intelligence and prevention of chronic conditions

An EU financed international project will develop a general personalised early risk assessment tool in a mobile app. It can be used to support preventive measures and lifestyle changes in persons with non-communicable diseases, such as skin cancer and diabetes.


More thorough analyses of health data can boost patient care

Algorithms that analyse health conditions can be a new and better method of tailoring treatment.


In half of the cases, a video meeting with the doctor was as good as a meeting in person

When the pandemic hit Norway in the spring of 2020, GPs' use of medical appointments over video increased drastically. Doctors were asked to evaluate their video consultations.


Bodø vil være landets beste oppvekstkommune. De lytter til barn og unge som trenger velferdsteknologi

Hvordan kan apper og ulike former for velferdsteknologi gi best mulig gevinst for barn og unge med funksjonsnedsettelser? Forskere anbefaler å ta utgangspunkt i barnets behov.


Doctors learn about medication reconciliation

You will hear how training in medication reconciliation for new hospital doctors is systematised at Østfold Hospital.


Er du dyktig på video og web?

Nettmøter har blitt en viktig del av vår hverdag. Vi søker deg som vil bli vår nye nettverkskoordinator, så vi kan dele kunnskap om e-helse med så mange som mulig. Fast stilling. Søknadsfrist 21. februar.


From poster to panel presentation: Idea development through participating in HTAi conference

Gro, Anne and Omid presented a poster on RCTs in complex systems at the HTAi 2019 conference. The poster was well received, specially by one of HTAi's journal editors who offered to publish a commentary article written based on the poster. While working on the article, the idea was taken into new directions which secured a spot on a panel presentation at HTAi 2020.


Facilitated medicine information

You'll hear how NOK 200 million from the EU and the pharmaceutical industry will contribute to safer drug use.

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