
Latest news

Closed pharmaceutical loop

Fresh knowledge about how they work with closed pharmaceutical loops in Helse Sør-Øst.


18 years of collaboration with WHO

“We are pleased with renewing our cooperation agreement with the WHO. We are now in our 18th year as a WHO Collaborating Centre within e-health and telemedicine,” says director Stein Olav Skrøvseth at the Norwegian Centre for E-health Research.


Gravitate-Health - safer use of medication

Professor Anne Moen at the University of Oslo, who also has a part-time post at our centre, is coordinating the international project Gravitate-Health. The goal is to improve access to information about own health and medicines.


People prefer stories about people with diabetes to facts about the disease

Personal stories, often with video and emojis, were most liked and shared by the followers of the Norwegian Diabetes Association.


Can chatbots motivate people to be more active?

Chatbots used in social media with a public health purpose has great potential, new research shows.


Research on the patient's medication list

Want to get the latest research news for 2020 about the Patient Medication List?


Barcode-assisted medication administration

How do they administer medicines at Østfold Hospital?


Koronatiden kan tvinge kommunene til å bruke velferdsteknologi

Sjokkdigitaliseringen i koronatiden kan føre til at helsetjenestene i kommunene blir mer digitale. Her er en gjennomgang av hvordan virkemidlene til Nasjonalt velferdsteknologiprogram har virket.


Meghan om m-helse hos HealthTalk

- Vi bruker helseapper stadig mer. Når kronikeren blir ekspert på egen sykdom, snur dette den medisinske verden på hodet. Helseappene forandrer også måten vi gjør helseforskning på. Det er vår jobb som forskere å bidra til å finne ut hvilke apper som er bra og hvilke som ikke er det.


Patients' experiences with digital GP communication

58 per cent of people using GPs' digital health services believe that the quality of treatment improved with the possibility of e-consultation.

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