
Therapists who write

Asynchronous, mental health treatment was discussed during the webinar 19 November.

Therapists who write
Tine Nordgreen and Kjersti Skare tell about written forms for mental health treatment.

You remember a fraction of what's said in a therapy session, but text stays with you forever. How does a psychologist deal with this when doing text-based therapy? eMeistring offers asynchronous online therapy for panic disorder, social anxiety and depression. Is it suitable for more forms of mental illness? How should a therapist communicate in writing with the patient? What do patients themselves think? This and more will be answered during the webinar on eMeistring.

Presentation by Tine Nordgreen, specialist psychologist and researcher at Helse Bergen, and Kjersti Skare, psychiatric nurse and section head for eMeistring at Helse Bergen.


You can download the podcast to your mobile on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or Podbean. Search for ‘Norwegian Centre for E-health Research’.