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The patient's responsibility for their own medicine list

Doctors can write as many prescriptions as they want, but it's the patient who chooses which medicines to take. How do you empower the patient in a medication review?


Medicines management of risk medicines in hospitals

Opioids and anticoagulants carry high risk and are overrepresented in medication incident reporting in hospitals. How can we improve vulnerable processes and thereby increase patient safety?


E-prescription for Multidose Dispensed Drugs offers many advantages

A new study shows that general practitioners (GPs) experience great benefits with the introduction of multidose in e-prescription, but also challenges.


Un-shoveled driveways at patients' houses reveal gaps in the care system

Research will examine how an interdisciplinary approach can provide patients with better support and quality of life.


Cancer patients and digital remote care

A cancer patient's treatment plan must be followed carefully. But if the patient experiences side effects, they may not be able to complete the next treatment. The solution at Østfold Hospital is digital home follow-up.


Videotrim for eldre er bra, både fysisk og sosialt

Kvænangen kommune er vakker, men det er lang vei til nærmeste nabo, butikk og helsetjenester. Derfor tester kommunen ut videokommunikasjon for eldre. Møt Tove og Ole, og se hvordan prosjektet bidrar til bedre trivsel og mestring i eget hjem.


Artificial intelligence in pharmacovigilance

Several studies show that published clinical trials have major weaknesses in their reporting of side effects. Clinical trials are often too small to detect anything other than the most common side effects. Spontaneous reporting of adverse reactions depends on events being reported by healthcare professionals and there is likely to be significant under-reporting. In this webinar, Tone Westergren discusses whether knowledge about side effects can be improved by using e-health data and artificial intelligence.


Health workers not told they needed tech skills

Health workers became frustrated when the authorities did not fully communicate the need for technical skills, in the introduction of digital home care.


Digital legemiddelhåndtering feirer 25 vellykkede webinarer

Digitaliseringen av legemiddelfeltet gir store muligheter og et enormt behov for kunnskap.


Knowledge-based health services - Experiences with mini Health Technology Assessments

Everyone wants safe healthcare. In addition, we need to know that the methods used work, how much they cost, that they are ethically justifiable and, not least, that they can be introduced. Mini-HTAs give us a better basis for making the right decisions when introducing new methods and healthcare services. How can mini HTAs be used in your healthcare organisation?

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