
The patient's responsibility for their own medicine list

Doctors can write as many prescriptions as they want, but it's the patient who chooses which medicines to take. How do you empower the patient in a medication review?

The patient's responsibility for their own medicine list
The medication list is an interaction between healthcare professionals and the patient.


What is important to you? Which of your prescribed medicines are you taking?

Patients need to be involved in a medication review to ensure quality and gain ownership of their own medication. Open dialogue and trust lead to both reconciliation and truth-telling. One way to do this is to hold ‘plastic bag consultations’. Another option is to use digital dialogue via Helsenorge. We'll gather even more good tips in this webinar.

The webinar will start with input from several people in the healthcare sector about the patient's responsibility for their own medicine list. Afterwards, there will be a plenary discussion where everyone is invited to share their thoughts and reflections.

Pre-recorded reflections from:

  • Jan Morten Engzelius, special advisor in the South-Eastern Norway Regional Health Authority
  • Regin Hjertholm, specialist in general medicine at Eidsvåg medical centre
  • Hanne Andresen, Director of the Norwegian Pharmacy Association
  • Anita Sævild, project employee at E-health Vestland
  • Øystein Kydland, patient and carer activist at the user committee in the South-Eastern Norway Regional Health Authority


This webinar was not recorded, but previous recordings can be found here.