
The new role of pharmacists

Astrid Johnsen and Thomas Bäckstrøm shed light on the future of pharmacists and their role in a new webinar on digital medication management on 1 April.

The new role of pharmacists
Astrid Johnsen and Thomas Bäckstrøm at the European Association of Hospital Pharmacists conference in Vienna, March 2022.

‘Changing roles in a changing world’ is the slogan of the European Association of Hospital Pharmacists conference held this March. Astrid Johnsen and Thomas Bäckstrøm report from the conference and reflect on the role of pharmacists in the years ahead.

What effect will remote monitoring have on the daily work of a hospital pharmacist? What are the opportunities and challenges in terms of automated medication management and electronic product information?

Presentation by hospital pharmacist Thomas Bäckstrøm at Østfold Hospital Pharmacy, Kalnes and professional developer Astrid Johansen at Sykehusapotekene HF.


You can download the podcast to your mobile on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or Podbean. Search for ‘Norwegian Centre for E-health Research’.